blob: b805f4bbd65685c9166431661135b7c68b0332cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cocoon.util.log;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.log.LogEvent;
import org.apache.log.Priority;
import org.apache.log.format.Formatter;
import org.apache.log.util.DefaultErrorHandler;
* A refactoring of <code>org.apache.log.format.PatternFormatter</code> that
* can be extended.
* This formater formats the LogEntries according to a input pattern
* string.
* The format of each pattern element can be %[+|-]#.#{field:subformat}
* The +|- indicates left or right justify.
* The #.# indicates the minimum and maximum size of output.
* 'field' indicates which field is to be output and must be one of
* properties of LogEvent
* 'subformat' indicates a particular subformat and is currently unused.
* @author <a href="">Peter Donald</a>
* @author <a href="">Sylvain Wallez</a>
* @version CVS $Id:,v 1.4 2004/03/05 13:03:01 bdelacretaz Exp $
public class ExtensiblePatternFormatter
implements Formatter
protected final static int TYPE_TEXT = 1;
protected final static int TYPE_CATEGORY = 2;
protected final static int TYPE_MESSAGE = 4;
protected final static int TYPE_TIME = 5;
protected final static int TYPE_RELATIVE_TIME = 6;
protected final static int TYPE_THROWABLE = 7;
protected final static int TYPE_PRIORITY = 8;
* The maximum value used for TYPEs. Subclasses can define their own TYPEs
* starting at <code>MAX_TYPE + 1</code>.
protected final static int MAX_TYPE = 8;
protected final static String TYPE_CATEGORY_STR = "category";
protected final static String TYPE_MESSAGE_STR = "message";
protected final static String TYPE_TIME_STR = "time";
protected final static String TYPE_RELATIVE_TIME_STR = "rtime";
protected final static String TYPE_THROWABLE_STR = "throwable";
protected final static String TYPE_PRIORITY_STR = "priority";
protected final static String SPACE_16 = " ";
protected final static String SPACE_8 = " ";
protected final static String SPACE_4 = " ";
protected final static String SPACE_2 = " ";
protected final static String SPACE_1 = " ";
protected final static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
protected static class PatternRun
public String m_data;
public boolean m_rightJustify;
public int m_minSize;
public int m_maxSize;
public int m_type;
public String m_format;
protected PatternRun m_formatSpecification[];
* Extract and build a pattern from input string.
* @param stack the stack on which to place patterns
* @param pattern the input string
* @param index the start of pattern run
* @return the number of characters in pattern run
protected int addPatternRun( final Stack stack,
final char pattern[],
int index )
final PatternRun run = new PatternRun();
final int start = index++;
//first check for a +|- sign
if( '+' == pattern[ index ] ) index++;
else if( '-' == pattern[ index ] )
run.m_rightJustify = true;
if( Character.isDigit( pattern[ index ] ))
int total = 0;
while( Character.isDigit( pattern[ index ] ) )
total = total * 10 + (pattern[ index ] - '0');
run.m_minSize = total;
//check for . sign indicating a maximum is to follow
if( index < pattern.length && '.' == pattern[ index ] )
if( Character.isDigit( pattern[ index ] ))
int total = 0;
while( Character.isDigit( pattern[ index ] ) )
total = total * 10 + (pattern[ index ] - '0');
run.m_maxSize = total;
if( index >= pattern.length || '{' != pattern[ index ] )
new IllegalArgumentException( "Badly formed pattern at character " +
index );
int typeStart = index;
while( index < pattern.length &&
pattern[ index ]!= ':' && pattern[ index ] != '}' )
int typeEnd = index - 1;
final String type =
new String( pattern, typeStart + 1, typeEnd - typeStart );
run.m_type = getTypeIdFor( type );
if( index < pattern.length && pattern[ index ] == ':' )
while( index < pattern.length && pattern[ index ] != '}' ) index++;
final int length = index - typeEnd - 2;
if( 0 != length )
run.m_format = new String( pattern, typeEnd + 2, length );
if( index >= pattern.length || '}' != pattern[ index ] )
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Unterminated type in pattern at character "
+ index );
stack.push( run );
return index - start;
* Extract and build a text run from input string.
* It does special handling of '\n' and '\t' replaceing
* them with newline and tab.
* @param stack the stack on which to place runs
* @param pattern the input string
* @param index the start of the text run
* @return the number of characters in run
protected int addTextRun( final Stack stack,
final char pattern[],
int index )
final PatternRun run = new PatternRun();
final int start = index;
boolean escapeMode = false;
if( '%' == pattern[ index ] ) index++;
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while( index < pattern.length && pattern[ index ] != '%' )
if( escapeMode )
if( 'n' == pattern[ index ] ) sb.append( EOL );
else if( 't' == pattern[ index ] ) sb.append( '\t' );
else sb.append( pattern[ index ] );
escapeMode = false;
else if( '\\' == pattern[ index ] ) escapeMode = true;
else sb.append( pattern[ index ] );
run.m_data = sb.toString();
run.m_type = TYPE_TEXT;
stack.push( run );
return index - start;
* Utility to append a string to buffer given certain constraints.
* @param sb the StringBuffer
* @param minSize the minimum size of output (0 to ignore)
* @param maxSize the maximum size of output (0 to ignore)
* @param rightJustify true if the string is to be right justified in it's box.
* @param output the input string
protected void append( final StringBuffer sb,
final int minSize,
final int maxSize,
final boolean rightJustify,
final String output )
final int size = output.length();
if( size < minSize )
//assert( minSize > 0 );
if( rightJustify )
appendWhiteSpace( sb, minSize - size );
sb.append( output );
sb.append( output );
appendWhiteSpace( sb, minSize - size );
else if( maxSize > 0 && maxSize < size )
if( rightJustify )
sb.append( output.substring( size - maxSize ) );
sb.append( output.substring( 0, maxSize ) );
sb.append( output );
* Append a certain number of whitespace characters to a StringBuffer.
* @param sb the StringBuffer
* @param length the number of spaces to append
protected void appendWhiteSpace( final StringBuffer sb, int length )
while( length >= 16 )
sb.append( SPACE_16 );
length -= 16;
if( length >= 8 )
sb.append( SPACE_8 );
length -= 8;
if( length >= 4 )
sb.append( SPACE_4 );
length -= 4;
if( length >= 2 )
sb.append( SPACE_2 );
length -= 2;
if( length >= 1 )
sb.append( SPACE_1 );
length -= 1;
* Format the event according to the pattern.
* @param event the event
* @return the formatted output
public String format( final LogEvent event )
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for( int i = 0; i < m_formatSpecification.length; i++ )
final PatternRun run = m_formatSpecification[ i ];
//treat text differently as it doesn't need min/max padding
if ( run.m_type == TYPE_TEXT )
sb.append( run.m_data );
final String data = formatPatternRun( event, run );
if( null != data )
append( sb, run.m_minSize, run.m_maxSize, run.m_rightJustify, data );
return sb.toString();
* Formats a single pattern run (can be extended in subclasses).
* @param run the pattern run to format.
* @return the formatted result.
protected String formatPatternRun( final LogEvent event, final PatternRun run )
String str = null;
switch( run.m_type )
str = getTime( event.getRelativeTime(), run.m_format );
str = getTime( event.getTime(), run.m_format );
str = getStackTrace( event.getThrowable(), run.m_format );
str = getMessage( event.getMessage(), run.m_format );
str = getCategory( event.getCategory(), run.m_format );
str = getPriority( event.getPriority(), run.m_format );
new DefaultErrorHandler().error("Unknown Pattern specification." + run.m_type, null, null);
return str;
* Utility method to format category.
* @param category the category string
* @param format ancilliary format parameter - allowed to be null
* @return the formatted string
protected String getCategory( final String category, final String format )
return category;
* Get formatted priority string.
protected String getPriority( final Priority priority, final String format )
return priority.getName();
* Correct a context string by replacing '.''s with a '_'.
* @param context the un-fixed context
* @return the fixed context
protected final String fix( final String context )
return context.replace( '.', '_' );
* Utility method to format message.
* @param message the message string
* @param format ancilliary format parameter - allowed to be null
* @return the formatted string
protected String getMessage( final String message, final String format )
return message;
* Utility method to format stack trace.
* @param throwable the throwable instance
* @param format ancilliary format parameter - allowed to be null
* @return the formatted string
protected String getStackTrace( final Throwable throwable, final String format )
if( null == throwable ) return "";
final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
throwable.printStackTrace( new sw ) );
return sw.toString();
* Utility method to format time.
* @param time the time
* @param format ancilliary format parameter - allowed to be null
* @return the formatted string
protected String getTime( final long time, final String format )
return Long.toString( time );
* Retrieve the type-id for a particular string.
* @param type the string
* @return the type-id
protected int getTypeIdFor( final String type )
if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( TYPE_CATEGORY_STR ) ) return TYPE_CATEGORY;
else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( TYPE_MESSAGE_STR ) ) return TYPE_MESSAGE;
else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( TYPE_PRIORITY_STR ) ) return TYPE_PRIORITY;
else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( TYPE_TIME_STR ) ) return TYPE_TIME;
else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( TYPE_RELATIVE_TIME_STR ) ) return TYPE_RELATIVE_TIME;
else if( type.equalsIgnoreCase( TYPE_THROWABLE_STR ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown Type in pattern - " +
type );
* Parse the input pattern and build internal data structures.
* @param patternString the pattern
protected void parse( final String patternString )
final Stack stack = new Stack();
final int size = patternString.length();
final char pattern[] = new char[ size ];
int index = 0;
patternString.getChars( 0, size, pattern, 0 );
while( index < size )
if( pattern[ index ] == '%' &&
!( index != size - 1 && pattern[ index + 1 ] == '%' ) )
index += addPatternRun( stack, pattern, index );
index += addTextRun( stack, pattern, index );
final int elementCount = stack.size();
m_formatSpecification = new PatternRun[ elementCount ];
for( int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++ )
m_formatSpecification[ i ] = (PatternRun) stack.elementAt( i );
* Set the string description that the format is extracted from.
* @param format the string format
public void setFormat( final String format )
parse( format );