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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN" "../../dtd/document-v10.dtd">
<title>XInclude Transformer</title>
<subtitle>in @doctitle@</subtitle>
<type>Technical document</type>
<person name="Carsten Ziegeler" email=""/>
<abstract>This document describes the XInclude transformer.</abstract>
<s1 title="XInclude Transformer">
This transformer works according to the XInclude specification.
For more information refer to the
<link href="">XInclude specification</link>.
<li>Name : xinclude</li>
<li>Class: org.apache.cocoon.transformation.XIncludeTransformer</li>
<li>Cacheable: no.</li>
You can include either simple text, or xml content.
Including xml content -- which is the default --
gives you the option to define an xpointer in the href attribute. Some
quick xinclude examples should reveal the possibilities of xinclude.
Include an xml content as-is:
<code><![CDATA[<xi:include href="include.xml"/>]]></code>
Include an xml content but pick the strong element only:
<code><![CDATA[<xi:include href="include.xml#xpointer(/p/strong)"/>]]></code>
Include text content:
<code><![CDATA[<xi:include parse="text" href="include.txt"/>]]></code>
A simple example using xinclude might help to use this transfomer
Add the XIncludetransfomer to the components in your sitemap.xmap
<map:transformers default="xslt">
<map:transformer name="xinclude"
Next define in your pipeline to use the XIncludeTransformer
<map:match pattern="xinc/simple-xinc">
<map:generate src="xinc/simple-xinc.xml"/>
<map:transform type="xinclude"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/page/simple-page2html.xsl"/>
In this example pipeline it assumed that simple-xinc.xml contains
the include element. As well as defining the include element,
it defines the namespace URI "".
This helps the XIncludeTransformer to find the include element to
get replaced by the included content.
The simple-xinc.xml may look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<para>This is my first Cocoon page!</para>
<xi:include href="include.xml"/>
Next you should define the include.xml file which is included.
A simple include.xml might look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
I am <strong>included</strong> by XIncludeTransformer.
I come from "include.xml".
Now finally we have everything put together the xml content after the
XIncludeTransformer processing will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<para>This is my first Cocoon page!</para>
I am <strong>included</strong> by XIncludeTransformer.
I come from "include.xml".