blob: 7861f38f52931e8a0456181cda038160dbb5ae6e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE changes PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Changes V1.0//EN" "../dtd/changes-v10.dtd">
History of Cocoon Documentation changes
$Id: changes-doc.xml,v 1.5 2003/10/12 13:31:55 cziegeler Exp $
<changes title="Documentation History of Changes">
<!-- in strict alphabetical order -->
<person name="Nicola Ken Barozzi" email="" id="NKB"/>
<person name="David Crossley" email="" id="DC"/>
<person name="Bernhard Huber" email="" id="BH"/>
<person name="Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov" email="" id="IAI"/>
<person name="Diana Shannon" email="" id="DS"/>
<release version="2.1" date="August 12 2003">
<action dev="DS" type="add" due-to="Mohamed El-Refaey" due-to-email="">
New How-To:
<link href="../howto/howto-i18n-xmlform.html">i18n within the XMLForm Framework</link>
<action dev="DC" type="add" due-to="Geoff Howard" due-to-email="">
New tutorial:
<link href="../tutorial/tutorial-generator.html">Write a Custom Generator</link>
<action dev="IAI" type="add" due-to="Ivelin Ivanov" due-to-email="">
Added documentation for the WebServiceProxyGenerator component.
Explains how to implement Web Syndication.
<action dev="IAI" type="add" due-to="Ivelin Ivanov" due-to-email="">
Added WSDL descriptor and a REST style resource version
of the XMLForm demo.
<release version="2.0.3" date="July 15 2002">
<action dev="DC" type="add">
Encourage people to help with the mending broken links.
Added a
<link href="linkstatus.html">linkstatus</link> document describing some
<action dev="DC" type="add">
Added section to the
<link href="">Mailing Lists</link> document to describe
the new <code>cocoon-docs</code> mailing list.
<action dev="NKB" type="add">
Established the new <code>cocoon-docs</code> mailing list.
<action dev="DS" type="update">
Updated and refactored some planning docs.
<action dev="DS" type="add" due-to="Betrand Delacretaz" due-to-email="">
Added new How-To for HTML-PDF Publishing.
<action dev="DS" type="add">
Added new How-To for Authoring Core Docs.
<action dev="DS" type="add">
Added new How-To for PaginatorTransformer.
<action dev="BH" type="add">
Added simple user documentation of LinkStatus Generator.
<action dev="DC" type="add">
Encourage people to help with the refactoring of Cocoon samples.
Provide a <link href="samples.html">refactoring guidelines</link> document.
<action dev="DC" type="add" due-to="Andrew Savory" due-to-email="">
Added overview documentation for
<link href="../userdocs/concepts/xmlform.html">XMLForm Handling</link>.
<action dev="DS" type="add">
New <link href="../snippet/index.html">Snippet</link> section added, along
with first <link href="../snippet/snippet-internal-pipeline.html">Snippet</link>
and <link href="../howto/howto-author-snippet.html">Snippet How-To</link>.
<action dev="DS" type="add">
Added additional FAQs pages: <link href="../faq/faq-actions.html">Actions</link>,
<link href="../faq/faq-aggregators.html">Aggregators</link>, and
<link href="../faq/faq-xsp.html">XSP</link>.
<action dev="DS" type="update">
Edited <link href="../userdocs/matchers/matchers.html">Matchers</link>,
<link href="../userdocs/selectors/selectors.html">Selectors</link>, and a number of other
user guide doc files to address grammar, typos, and general Global English issues.
<action dev="DS" type="update">
Added stylesheet, src/documentation/stylesheets/faqcommon.xsl, which places two
FAQs at the bottom of every FAQs topic page. FAQs added include
&quot;How can I add my FAQ to this document&quot; and &quot;How can I suggest
improvements to existing FAQs&quot;.
<action dev="DS" type="update">
Added five additional <link href="../faq/index.html">FAQ categories</link> and pages.
Pulled useful FAQ content from various locations within existing docs and sitemap files.
Provided &quot;gateway links&quot; to additional site documentation.
<action dev="IAI" type="add" due-to="Heidi Brannan" due-to-email="">
Added Heidi Brannan's new
<link href="../howto/xmlform-wizard/howto-xmlform-wizard.html">XMLForm's How-To</link>.
<action dev="DC" type="add">
Added new draft <link href="../howto/howto-patch.html">How to Prepare a Patch</link>.
<action dev="DC" type="add">
Added new draft <link href="../howto/howto-bugzilla.html">How to
Contribute a Patch via Bugzilla</link>.
<action dev="DS" type="add">
Added Tutorial section. Moved existing tutorial to new location. Added
draft tutorial contribution.
<action dev="DS" type="add">
Added <link href="../howto/index.html">How-To section</link>.
Added new How to author How-To and FAQ articles.
<action dev="DS" type="update">
Added new <link href="../faq/index.html">FAQ categories</link>.
Restructured FAQ content to facilitate user contributions via patches.
<action dev="DC" type="update">
Reviewed the <link href="linkalarm-readme.txt">LinkAlarm report</link>
and fixed some broken links.
<action dev="DC" type="add" fixes-bug="8989" due-to="Andreas Hochsteger" due-to-email="">
Added new <link href="">Cocoon Links</link> section
with a collection of links to various external sources.
<action dev="DS" type="update">
Added many entries to the new To Do List.
<action dev="DC" type="add">
Started new documents for <link href="todo-doc.html">Documentation To Do List</link> and
<link href="changes-doc.html">Documentation History of Changes</link>.
<release version="2.0.2" date="March 26 2002">
<action dev="DS" type="add">
Commenced discussion and planning for a Documentation Project.