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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE faqs PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ V1.0//EN" "../dtd/faq-v10.dtd">
<faqs title="XSP FAQs">
How can I turn my XSPs into Generators to get better performance?
<p>Cocoon will compile your XSP files into Java classes the first time they are requested. You can find them in your work directory, for example in
tomcat/work/.../org/apache/cocoon/www/my_xsp.class. Once your XSP file is compiled, you can declare a new generator in your sitemap, for example:</p>
<map:generator type="myXSP" src="org.apache.cocoon.www.my_xsp"/>
<p>And then use it in a pipeline, for example: </p>
<map:generate type="myXSP"/>