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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE faqs PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ V1.0//EN" "../dtd/faq-v10.dtd">
<faqs title="Action FAQs">
What is an Action?
An Action is a sitemap component that manipulates runtime parameters based on request and application state. An Action's result is available in the sitemap as map of name/value pairs. Detailed information on actions may be found in <link href="../userdocs/concepts/actions.html">Creating and Using Actions</link>.
<question>Why does Cocoon return an error when I add an action to a pipeline?</question>
<p>The pipeline was working fine before the action was added. After
the change, Cocoon seems unable to find the file specified in the
variable that is returned by the matcher.</p>
<map:match pattern="*">
<map:act type="validate-session">
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="{../1}.xsp"/>
<p>Please note in the above example the "<em><code>../1</code></em>".</p>
<p>Map objects returned from matchers and actions are organised
<em>hierarchically</em>. Therefore, old map objects are not replaced by new ones,
such as the map objects returned by the validate-session action above.
Because older map objects are still accessible through a path expression, new ones are
accessed differently. Here "<code>../1</code>" references key ( or "variable") "1"
in the next to last Map. </p>