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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN" "../dtd/document-v10.dtd">
<title>Parent Component Manager</title>
<type>Technical document</type>
<person name="Leo Sutic" email=""/>
<abstract>This document describes how to use a parent component manager in Cocoon.</abstract>
<s1 title="Parent Component Manager">
<p>When using Apache Cocoon it is sometimes neccessary to obtain
components from other sources than the <code>user.roles</code> file,
or preferable to have a common component manager for several web applications.</p>
<p>The pattern chosen for Cocoon is the dynamic loading of a component manager class.
The initialization parameter parent-component-manager in web.xml specifies a class
that will be loaded, instantiated and used as a parent component manager for
Cocoon's component manager.</p>
<p>The recommended procedure is for the class, when it is initialized, to create a
delegate in the form of an <code>ExcaliburComponentManager</code>, configure it
by looking up a <code>Configuration</code> object via JNDI, and delegate any requests to it.</p>
<p>In order to provide a way to pass parameters to the parent component manager class
(the class specified in parent-component-manager), Cocoon will instantiate the class
via the constructor that takes a single <code>String</code> argument, passing
anything to the right of the first <code>'/'</code> in the parameter value to the
constructor. Subsequently Cocoon examines whether the class implements
<code>org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.LogEnabled</code> and/or
<code>org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Initializable</code> and calls
<code>setLogger</code> and/or <code>initialize</code>, as appropriate.
The instance is then used as a parent component manager.
<p>Since that didn't make much sense in itself, let's look at the sample.</p>
<p>The goal is to define a component that can give us the time of day and
let it be managed by a parent component manager.</p>
<p>So, first we need to put a Configuration object into JNDI, and then
grab that object, use it to configure an ExcaliburComponentManager,
and pass on any requests to that manager.</p>
<s2 title="Step 1: Creating a configuration object">
<p>We'll do this the quick and dirty way. The static initializer of a class
will create a Configuration instance with a single role and bind it
to <code>org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/ParentCMConfigration</code>.
<p>The following code was taken from org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/</p>
public class Configurator {
static {
try {
// Create a new role.
DefaultConfiguration config = new DefaultConfiguration("roles", "");
DefaultConfiguration timeComponent = new DefaultConfiguration("role", "roles");
timeComponent.addAttribute("name", Time.ROLE);
timeComponent.addAttribute("default-class", TimeComponent.class.getName());
timeComponent.addAttribute("shorthand", "samples-parentcm-time");
// Bind it - get an initial context.
Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
initialContext = new InitialContext(environment);
// Create subcontexts and bind the configuration.
Context ctx = initialContext.createSubcontext("org");
ctx = ctx.createSubcontext("apache");
ctx = ctx.createSubcontext("cocoon");
ctx = ctx.createSubcontext("samples");
ctx = ctx.createSubcontext("parentcm");
ctx.rebind("ParentCMConfiguration", config);
} catch (Exception e) {
<p>To make sure the static initializer runs we make Cocoon force-load the class
by making a change to the web.xml file:</p>
&lt;!-- For IBM WebSphere: --&gt;
&lt;!-- For Database Driver: --&gt;
&lt;!-- For parent ComponentManager sample:
This will cause the static initializer to run,
and thus the Configuration object to be created
and bound. --&gt;
<s2 title="Step 2: Write the component manager">
<p>Now that the configuration object is sitting there waiting for us, let's craft
the component manager. Please see the file org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/
for an example. It is too much to paste in here.</p>
<s2 title="Step 3: Tell Cocoon to use the component manager">
<p>Change the web.xml file to:</p>
&lt;param-value&gt;org.apache.cocoon.samples.parentcm.ParentComponentManager/(remove this line break)
<p>Cocoon will now do the following: First, it will split the parameter value at the first slash,
in this case ending up with the strings <code>"org.apache.cocoon.samples.parentcm.ParentComponentManager"</code>
and <code>"org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/ParentCMConfiguration"</code>. The first string is the
class to instantiate. The second is the parameter that will be passed to the constructor.</p>
<p>Next, Cocoon loads the component manager class and uses reflection to find a constructor that
will accept a single <code>String</code> argument. Upon finding one, it instantiates the
class in a manner similar to:</p>
ComponentManager cm = new
After this Cocoon checks whether the parent component manager class implements <code>Initializable</code> and/or
<code>LogEnabled</code>. Since the <code>ParentComponentManager</code> class implements both, Cocoon
does the following (with simplification):
((LogEnabled) cm).enableLogging(logger);
((Initializable) cm).initialize();</source>
<p>Finally, the instance is used as parent component manager of Cocoon's own component manager.</p>
<s2 title="Step 4: Use the component">
<p>Cocoon components can now use the ComponentManager given to them by Cocoon to look up the
component managed by the parent component manager:</p>
<p>The following code was taken from org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/</p>
public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters par)
throws ProcessingException, SAXException, IOException {
Time timeGiver = null;
try {
timeGiver = (Time) manager.lookup(Time.ROLE);
this.time = timeGiver.getTime ();
} catch (ComponentException ce) {
throw new ProcessingException ("Could not obtain current time.", ce);
} finally {
<p>And that concludes the tour. A parent component manager was initialized with a configuration
obtained via JNDI and its components used by a Cocoon generator.</p>