blob: 29578ef43125783f913b9bc4075ffd920bac2d68 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xconf xpath="/cocoon" unless="deli">
<!-- ================================ Deli ================================ -->
| Deli CC/PP Database
| Deli matches the requesting user agent with a database of CC/PP
| profiles and augments the set of variables available to any XSLT
| stylesheet with stuff like user agent screen size, or color depth
| that can be useful for tuning your output to the various devices.
| Note: this is mostly useful for mobile agents such as cell phones
| or PDA where it's possible to associate the user-agent with the
| device that runs on.
<deli class="org.apache.cocoon.components.deli.DeliImpl">
<parameter name="deli-config-file" value="WEB-INF/deli/config/deliConfig.xml"/>