blob: 542915cce07ca40d9ec63deb6133b924915ad61f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- CVS $Id: samples.xml,v 1.5 2003/09/07 06:13:39 vgritsenko Exp $ -->
<samples name="Batik Samples" xmlns:xlink="">
<group name="Main examples page.">
<sample name="Back" href="..">to Cocoon examples main page</sample>
<group name="Hello World!">
<sample name="SVG" href="../hello-world/hello.svg">
SVG from the main samples
<sample name="JPG" href="hello.jpeg">
Same hello in JPG format
<sample name="PNG" href="hello.png">
Hello in PNG format
<group name="Batik Logo">
<sample name="Batik Logo in SVG" href="batikLogo.svg">
Batik logo as it is in SVG (SVG browser, plugin, viewer needed).
<sample name="Batik Logo in JPEG" href="batikLogo.jpeg">
Batik logo rasterized with Batik to JPEG.
<sample name="Batik Logo in PNG" href="batikLogo.png">
Batik logo rasterized with Batik to PNG.
<group name="Henry V">
<sample name="Henry V in SVG" href="henryV.svg">
Henry V as it is in SVG (SVG browser, plugin, viewer needed).
<sample name="Henry V in JPEG" href="henryV.jpeg">
Henry V rasterized with Batik to JPEG.
<sample name="Henry V in PNG" href="henryV.png">
Henry V rasterized with Batik to PNG.
<group name="Anne's Portrait">
<note>Note: You can refer to other SVG files. anne.svg refers to
batikLogo.svg to draw batik 'stamp' in the lower right corner.</note>
<sample name="Anne in SVG" href="anne.svg">
Portrait as it is in SVG (SVG browser, plugin, viewer needed).
<sample name="Anne in JPEG" href="anne.jpeg">
Portrait rasterized with Batik to JPEG.
<sample name="Anne in PNG" href="anne.png">
Portrait rasterized with Batik to PNG.
<group name="Resources">
<sample name="SVG Specification" href="">
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification
<sample name="Batik web site" href="">
Links and reference information, SVG browser
<sample name="Adobe SVG Viewer" href="">
SVG browser plugin
<sample name="Mozilla SVG Project" href="">
Mozilla with native SVG support