blob: a0619acb0d26d81287eb1657b62d66e1749474e1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
| CVS $Id: jars.xml,v 1.182 2004/03/04 07:01:56 antonio Exp $
| Add an entry for each jar file used by Cocoon, following the other entries.
| Please ensure that you use a version number or datestamp in the jar filename.
<title>Doug Lea's Concurrent Utilities</title>
The concurrency management primitives that will be the
foundation of JDK 1.5 concurrency management.
<title>Avalon Excalibur DataSource</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Jakarta Commons CLI</title>
Part of jakarta-commons, it's a package that
is used to manage commandline options.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Component</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Testcase</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Event</title>
This is the Excalibur Event package which includes event queues,
asynchronous command processing, and the interfaces to support
event based programming.
<used-by>Cocoon Flow</used-by>
<title>Avalon Excalibur Event</title>
This is the Excalibur Event package which includes event queues,
asynchronous command processing, and the interfaces to support
event based programming.
<used-by>Cocoon Flow</used-by>
<title>Avalon Excalibur I18n</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument Manager</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Instrument Manager Interfaces</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur IO</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Logger</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Monitor</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Naming</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Pool</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur SourceResolve</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur Store</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Excalibur XMLUtil</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Framework</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
<title>Avalon Framework - Implementation</title>
Part of avalon, it is a set of classes and patterns that
support high level server development.
| If you update the AltRMI server libraries, make sure
| you also update the AltRMI client libraries in
| tools/instrumentation/lib !!
<title>Avalon AltRMI Common</title>
Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
<title>Avalon AltRMI Server implementation</title>
Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
<title>Avalon AltRMI Server interfaces</title>
Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
<title>Avalon AltRMI Registry</title>
Part of avalon for communicating with a remote server.
<title>Jakarta Commons Collections</title>
<description>Common implementations of collection classes.</description>
<used-by>Cocoon, OJB</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Regexp</title>
Regexp is a Java Regular Expression package that was graciously
donated to the Apache Software Foundation by Jonathan Locke.
<used-by>sitemap matchers</used-by>
<title>Avalon Logkit</title>
avalon-logkit is a logging toolkit designed for secure
performance oriented logging in applications.
<used-by>Cocoon logging</used-by>
<title>The XSLT processor</title>
Xalan is an XSLT processor that fully supports the W3C specs.
Includes XSLTC.
<title>The XML parser</title>
<description>Xerces is an XML parser.</description>
<title>The XML APIs</title>
JAXP, DOM and SAX interfaces.
These are the common interfaces for XML processing.
Batik is a Java based toolkit for applications which handle images in
the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as
viewing, generation or manipulation.</description>
<used-by>SVG serializer (batik block)</used-by>
<title>BSF scripting framework</title>
The Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is an architecture for
incorporating scripting into, and enabling scripting against, Java
applications and applets. Using BSF, an application can use scripting,
and become scriptable, against any BSF-supported language. When BSF
supports additional languages, the application will automatically
support the additional languages.
<used-by>Script generator, script action (bsf block)</used-by>
<title>Device capabilities</title>
Open Source Delivery Context Java Library supporting CC/PP and UAProf.
Different web-enabled devices have different input, output, hardware,
software, network and browser capabilities. In order for a web server or
web-based application to provide optimized content to different clients
it requires a description of the capabilities of the client known as the
delivery context.
<used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Commons HttpClient</title>
Although the package provides basic support for accessing
resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility or
functionality needed by many applications. The Jakarta Commons HttpClient
component seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date,
and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent
HTTP standards and recommendations.
<used-by>SOAP logicsheet, WebServiceProxyGenerator, HttpProxyGenerator</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Commons Logging</title>
The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging libraries.
<used-by>Jakarta Commons HttpClient, Chaperon</used-by>
<title>iText XML to PDF/HTML/RTF converter (Renderer)</title>
<description>iText reads XML documents and turns them into PDFs</description>
<used-by>iText serializer</used-by>
<title>iText XML to PDF/HTML/RTF converter (XML APIs)</title>
<description>iText reads XML documents and turns them into PDFs</description>
<used-by>iText serializer</used-by>
<title>XML FO processor</title>
FOP is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree conforming to
the XSL recommendation and then turns it into a PDF document.
<used-by>FOP serializer (fop block)</used-by>
<title>XSL-FO to RTF converter</title>
jfor is a Java application that reads XSL-FO documents
and converts them to RTF format, allowing them to be loaded in
common wordprocessors.
<used-by>RTF serializer (jfor block)</used-by>
<title>Simple SQL database</title>
hsqldb is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC
driver, supporting a subset of ANSI-92 SQL. It offers a small, fast
database engine which offers both in memory and disk based tables.
<used-by>Cocoon samples webapp</used-by>
<title>Create proprietary file formats</title>
The POI project consists of APIs for manipulating various file formats
based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format using pure Java.
<used-by>MS Excel serializer (poi block)</used-by>
<title>Jena RDF framework</title>
<description>Jena is a java API for manipulating RDF models.</description>
<used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
<title>ICU4J International Components for Unicode framework</title>
<description>The International Components for Unicode (ICU) library
provides robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety
of platforms. </description>
<used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
<description>Java Indexed Serialization Package</description>
<used-by>JISP file storage</used-by>
<description>Java Caching System</description>
<used-by>JCS Store</used-by>
<title>Java Formatter</title>
This program formats Java code with consistent indentation and so
forth, to make it easier to read and maintain.
<title>Transform HTML to XML</title>
<description>Tidy is a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer.</description>
<used-by>HTML generator (html block), RSSTransformer (Portal block)</used-by>
<title>Search engine</title>
jakarta-lucene is a search engine toolkit designed for indexing and
searching of documents.
<used-by>Lucene block</used-by>
<title>Pizza Java Compiler</title>
<description>Java Compiler</description>
<description>Logging for java</description>
<used-by>DELI (deli block)</used-by>
<title>XML Catalog Entity Resolver</title>
Maps URIs to other URIs using the mechanisms defined by
OASIS Catalog or XML Catalog. Mainly used for DTDs and character
entity sets, but can be used for other resources too.
<used-by>Cocoon Role entity-resolver</used-by>
<title>Servlet API</title>
<description>Servlet API Version 2.2</description>
<title>Servlet API</title>
<description>Servlet API Version 2.3</description>
<title>Velocity engine</title>
<description>Velocity is a general purpose template engine written in Java.</description>
<used-by>Velocity Generator (velocity block)</used-by>
<title>XML DB APIs</title>
<description>Database tailored for the storage of XML data.</description>
<used-by>XML:DB source (xmldb block)</used-by>
<title>XML DB APIs</title>
<description>Database tailored for the storage of XML data.</description>
<used-by>XML:DB source (xmldb block)</used-by>
<title>XML DB APIs</title>
<description>Database tailored for the storage of XML data.</description>
<used-by>XML:DB source (xmldb block)</used-by>
<title>XML Xindice</title>
<description>Native XML Database by Apache XML project</description>
<used-by>xmldb block</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Commons JXPath</title>
<description>XPath interpreter. Work with JavaBeans and DOM nodes</description>
<used-by>Flow, JXPath logicsheet, and XMLForm</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Commons Jexl</title>
<description>JSTL Expression Language</description>
<title>Eclipse Java Development Tools Core</title>
<description>Eclipse Java Compiler</description>
<title>Continuations-based JavaScript engine</title>
<description>Rhino is an implementation of JavaScript in Java.</description>
<used-by>Control flow</used-by>
<description>Embedded Java Compiler API</description>
<used-by>Control flow</used-by>
<title>JavacAPI Eclipse Implementation</title>
<description>Embedded Java Compiler API implemented with Eclipse JDT Core</description>
<used-by>Control flow</used-by>
Spark is a Java library that converts data in Macromedias SWF ("Flash")
data format to XML conforming to a specialized DTD and vice versa
<used-by>SWF Serializer (swf block)</used-by>
<title>Chaperon Text Parser</title>
The chaperon project is parser which could parse text files, and convert
those to XML files.
<used-by>Chaperon block</used-by>
<used-by>CastorTransformer and precept</used-by>
<!-- Currently only used by the build
<description>RELAX NG validator</description>
<title>Slide kernel</title>
<description>The Jakarta Slide kernel API.</description>
<used-by>Slide block</used-by>
<title>Slide stores</title>
<description>The Jakarta Slide stores implementation.</description>
<used-by>Slide block</used-by>
<title>Slide WebDAV Servlet</title>
<description>The Jakarta Slide WebDAV servlet.</description>
<used-by>Slide block</used-by>
<title>Slide WebDAV Client library</title>
<description>The Jakarta Slide WebDAV client library.</description>
<used-by>WebDAV block</used-by>
<used-by>Slide block</used-by>
<title>JTA spec</title>
J2EE Java Transaction API.
Implementation taken from the Apache Geronimo project for license compatibility.
<used-by>Slide block</used-by>
The Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit (WSDL4J) allows
the creation, representation, and manipulation of WSDL documents
describing services
<used-by>Axis block</used-by>
<title>SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)</title>
SAAJ enables developers to produce and consume messages conforming to the
SOAP 1.1 specification and SOAP with Attachments note.
<used-by>Axis block</used-by>
<title>Avalon Excalibur Util</title>
<used-by>Axis block</used-by>
<title>Commons Discovery</title>
The Discovery Component is about discovering, or finding, implementations
for pluggable interfaces. It provides facilities intantiating classes in
general, and for lifecycle management of singleton (factory) classes.
<used-by>Axis block</used-by>
<title>Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC)</title>
<description>The JAX-RPC enables Java technology developers to build Web
applications and Web services incorporating XML based RPC functionality
according to the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 1.1 specification.
JAX-RPC provides the core API for developing and deploying web services
on the Java platform.
<used-by>Axis block</used-by>
<title>Apache Axis</title>
Apache Axis is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access
<used-by>Axis block</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Commons lang</title>
Part of jakarta-commons, it's a package that provides extended services
on base classes of the JDK, such as unrolling exceptions.
<used-by>Cocoon, OJB</used-by>
<title>xReporter expression language interpreter</title>
An expression language interpreter.
<used-by>Woody block</used-by>
<description>Perl5 compatible regular expression engine</description>
<used-by>Woody block</used-by>
<description>Streaming Transformation for XML (STX) library</description>
<used-by>STX block</used-by>
<title>QDox - Quick JavaDoc Scanner</title>
QDox is a high speed, small footprint parser for extracting class/interface/method
definitions from source files complete with JavaDoc @tags.
<used-by>QDoxSource (qdox block)</used-by>
<description>Quartz Scheduler</description>
<used-by>Cron block</used-by>
<used-by>Scratchpad block</used-by>
<title>Jakarta Commons Betwixt</title>
The Betwixt library provides an XML introspection mechanism for
mapping beans to XML in a flexible way. It is implemented using
an XMLIntrospector and XMLBeanInfo classes which are similar to
the standard Introspector and BeanInfo from the Java Beans
<title>Jakarta Commons Beantuils</title>
The Java language provides Reflection and Introspection APIs
(see the java.lang.reflect and java.beans packages in the JDK Javadocs).
However, these APIs can be quite complex to understand and utilize.
The BeanUtils component provides easy-to-use wrappers around these capabilities.
<title>Jakarta Commons Digester</title>
Allow configure an XML -> Java object mapping module, which triggers
certain actions called rules whenever a particular pattern of nested
XML elements is recognized. A rich set of predefined rules is
available for your use, or you can also create your own.
<!-- OJB interface (6-Aug-2003) -->
<title>Antlr - ANother Tool for Language Recognition</title>
language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and
translators from grammatical descriptions containing Java, C#, or C++ actions
<title>Jakarta Commons DBCP</title>
Database Connection Pool API
<title>Jakarta Commons Pool</title>
defines a handful of pooling interfaces and some base classes that
may be useful when creating new pool implementations.
<title>Apache ObJectRelationalBridge</title>
OJB is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence
for Java Objects against relational databases.
<!-- OJB block end (6-Aug-2003) -->
<!-- JMS block begin -->
<title>JMS Spec</title>
J2EE Java Message Service Specification. This implentation
developed by the (currently incubating) Apache Geronimo project is an
open source implementation from the original spec. As such it is licensed
under the Apache license and therefore freely distributable.
<description>OpenJMS core libraries. OpenJMS is a OpenSource JMS, Java Messaging
Service, implementation.</description>
<description>OpenJMS client libraries. OpenJMS is a OpenSource JMS, Java Messaging
Service, implementation.</description>
<title>Sun JMS API</title>
<description>Sun's Java Messaging Service APIs. From the website:
Enterprise messaging provides a reliable,
flexible service for the asynchronous
exchange of critical business data and events
throughout an enterprise. The JMS API adds to
this a common API and provider framework that
enables the development of portable, message
based applications in the Java programming
<title>Sun JNDI</title>
<description>Sun's Java Naming and Directory Interface. From the website:
The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a standard extension to
the Java platform, providing Java technology-enabled applications with a
unified interface to multiple naming and directory services in the
enterprise. As part of the Java Enterprise API set, JNDI enables seamless
connectivity to heterogeneous enterprise naming and directory services.
Developers can now build powerful and portable directory-enabled
applications using this industry standard.</description>
JMS block end -->
<title>JSR-168 Portlet Spec</title>
JSR-168 Portlet Specification. This implentation developed by the
Jakarta Pluto project is an open source implementation from the
original spec.
<title>JSR-168 Container Implementation</title>
JSR-168 Portlet Specification. This implentation developed by the
Jakarta Pluto project is an open source implementation from the
original spec.