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--><document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><properties><title>Cocoon Main Site - Live Sites - 2.1.7</title><author email="">Apache Cocoon Documentation Team</author></properties><body>
<div id="contentBody"><div id="bodyText"><h1 class="docTitle">Live Sites - 2.1.7</h1><p>This is a list of live sites proudly powered by Apache Cocoon.</p><h1>Cocoon 2.1.7</h1><section name="MW-Import Werkzeuge" style="background:none;padding:0;"/><p><em>Date added: 2006-06-29</em></p><p>A German Web shop selling measurement tools imported from Asia.</p><p><strong>URL:</strong>
<a href=""></a><br/>
<strong>Contact</strong>: wang [AT] mw-import [DOT] de</p><h4>Additional information</h4><h5>How much time did it take to build the site from design to publication?</h5><p>6 months.</p><h5>How many people were involved in the project?</h5><p>one Java Developer and one Designer.</p><h5>How much traffic does this site handle?</h5><p>100 User a day / 1500 Pages</p><h5>What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?</h5><p>The main reason to that Cocoon let us follow the MVC pattern and separate
concerns. The Web designer was able to develop the style sheet totally
independent of the application logic. All business logic could be encapsulated
in services and tested with Junit outside the web container. At least the flow
provide as facility to bind the web application together. As a bonus we easily
can create Order documents in pdf. <br/>
Beside the fact that Cocoon is cool framework one of our partners used Cocoon in
former project.</p><h5>What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how does it work, how
did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?</h5><p>Main Parts used: Cocoon Form, Flow with Continuation, and FOP</p><section name="Polarbear's family site" style="background:none;padding:0;"/><p><em>Date added: 2005-10-25</em></p><p>Offline generated, multilingual site. MySql blogs, automatic menu generation
from file system. Administration of users, blogs and comments.</p><p><strong>URL:</strong>
<a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Contact</strong>: milan.andrejevic AT</p><h4>Additional information</h4><h5>How much time did it take to build the site from design to publication?</h5><p>Several months. Cocoon user 3 years now.</p><h5>What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?</h5><p>I tried asp, php, plone, but I found Cocoon most appropriate for the job.</p><h5>What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how does it work, how
did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?</h5><p>I use file, status, search, jx, forms, directory, xsp, calendar generators;
xslt (saxon with xslt 2.0 support), i18n, linkrewriter, paginator, cinclude,
write-source transformers; preemptive action; html, links, fo2pdf serializers.
Site implements authentication framework, cforms and server-side javascript
control flow. Database connection through flow.</p><section name="Origami Society Netherlands" style="background:none;padding:0;"/><p><em>Date added: 2005-10-05</em></p><p>A bilingual (NL and EN) website on origami and the Origami Society
Netherlands. It holds information for both members and non-members.</p><p><strong>URL:</strong>
<a href=""></a><br/>
<strong>Contact</strong>: osnbeheer AT</p><h4>Additional information</h4><h5>How much time did it take to build the site from design to publication?</h5><p>3 months, 1 person in spare time.</p><h5>How many people were involved in the project?</h5><p>1</p><h5>How much traffic does this site handle?</h5><p>+/- 6000 hits/day</p><h5>What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?</h5><p>Several reasons:</p><ul>
<li>I already knew how to use Cocoon from a different project</li>
<li>I didn't manage to tweak a preinstalled PHP-based CMS to do what I wanted in
a short amount of time</li>
<li>I have complete control over all aspects of the website</li>
</ul><h5>What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how does it work, how
did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?</h5>The site contains a search engine for folding models that were published in
the OSN's magazines Orison and Minori. This search engine uses an XMLRPC query
call to an externally running eXist database.<br/>
Currently the pages are almost all XML files (i.e. for each page an XML file
with content in both languages exists), there are plans to move to a
(Cocoon-based) CMS to allow others to update the site.<br/>
It uses CForms + flowscript for all forms.<section name="Other sites" style="background:none;padding:0;"/><ul>
<li><a href=""></a> - health care
institution portal (in 4 languages)</li>
<li><a href=""></a>, Swiss multimedia magazine (in
French), also at for mobile phones.</li>
<li><a href="">TSR archives </a>- Video archives of the
Swiss french-speaking television network.
<a href="">TSR découverte</a> and
<a href="">Histoire de la TSR</a> are from the same
TV network and use the same Cocoon application.</li>
<li><a href="">GoPubMed</a> - Ontology-based literature
<li><a href="">Information Hyperlinked over
Proteins</a> - By employing genes and proteins as hyperlinks between sentences
and abstracts, the information in PubMed can be converted into one navigable
resource. iHOP is an online service that provides this gene guided network as a
natural way of accessing the more than twelve million abstracts in PubMed and
brings all the advantages of the internet to scientific literature research. The
actual network provided in iHOP contains two million sentences and 30000
different genes from human, mouse, Drosophila, C. elegans, zebrafish,
Arabidopsis, yeast and E. coli.</li>
<li><a href="">TanakhML Project</a> - Hebrew text of the
Bible and online related tools: Hebrew/English text browser, verse accentual
structure analyser, form concordancer.</li>
<li><a href="">Plaudit Design</a> - Minneapolis web
site design company</li>
<li><a href="">Arabische und ägyptische Kochrezepte auf - Der Geschmack des Orients</a> - German website providing Egyptian and
Arab recipes and Information about Egyptian culture.</li>
<li><a href="">Warsztat</a> - Polish site in early stage
of development that aims at keeping polish game programming community together
and provide some useful resources.</li>