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--><document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><properties><title>Cocoon Main Site - Live Site Template</title><author email="">Apache Cocoon Documentation Team</author></properties><body>
<div id="contentBody"><div id="bodyText"><h1 class="docTitle">Live Site Template</h1><section name="TitleOfTheSite" style="background:none;padding:0;"/><p><em>Date added: &lt;yyyy-mm-dd to avoid any misunderstandings in date
format&gt;</em></p><p>Short summary comes here</p><p><strong>URL:</strong> http://urlOfSite &lt;clickable link&gt;<br/>
<strong>Contact</strong>: &lt;spam-prone email here&gt;</p><h4>Additional information</h4><div class="note"><div><strong>Note: </strong>Note to committer: please remove any unanswered questions. And
this note of course. ;-)</div></div><h5>How much time did it take to build the site from design to publication?</h5><p>&lt;answer here&gt;</p><h5>How many people were involved in the project?</h5><p>&lt;answer here&gt;</p><h5>How much traffic does this site handle?</h5><p>&lt;answer here&gt;</p><h5>What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?</h5><p>&lt;answer here&gt;</p><h5>What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how does it work, how
did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?</h5><p>&lt;answer here&gt;</p></div></div>