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--><document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><properties><title>Cocoon Main Site - Apache Cocoon Tests</title><author email="">Apache Cocoon Documentation Team</author></properties><body>
<div id="contentBody"><div id="bodyText"><h1 class="docTitle">Apache Cocoon Tests</h1><h1>Overview of testing procedures</h1><p>Since Apache Cocoon <a href="2.2/1159_1_1.html">uses Apache Maven</a> automatic unit
testing is very tighly integrated with build process. We also
<a href="">use Continuum</a> to ensure that
Apache Cocoon can run properly on your particular computing platform and that
the components do function properly.</p><p>You can build upon this infrastructure to add your own tests, and to ensure
that development work proceeds smoothly. The tests for each module (block) are
located in the <tt>src/test/</tt> directory.</p><h1>JUnit Tests</h1><p>If you run <tt>mvn install</tt> JUnit test cases are executed automatically
and build procedure will fail if any test fails.  JUnit test cases cover:</p><ul>
<li>testing various pipeline/sitemap components (including trasformers, matcher,
generators, sources, etc.)</li>
<li>testing the methods for getting platform-dependent filesystem pathnames;
</ul><div class="note"><div><strong>Note: </strong>It is important to pay attention to class'es package and name
because test's configuration setup seekes for files that follow convention. In
order to set up all needed components and execute test as expected you need to
follow proper directory structure that is shown in an example below.</div></div><section name="How to add more JUnit tests for Avalon-managed class" style="background:none;padding:0;"/>As there is already a nice junit framework available, it is not that
difficult to add junit tests for any class. The process will be explained
step-by-step getting as an example
<tt>org.apache.cocoon.template.JXTemplateGenerator</tt> class from
<tt>cocoon-template-impl</tt> module.<h3>Component configuration</h3>You must create <tt>JXTemplateGeneratorTestCase.xtest</tt> file and put it at
<tt>src/test/resources/og/apache/cocoon/template</tt>. The file will contain
configuration for components that tested generator needs to work with. Example
file may look like this:<pre>&lt;testcase&gt;
&lt;role name="org.apache.cocoon.generation.GeneratorSelector" shorthand="generators"
&lt;role name="" shorthand="store" default-class=""/&gt;
&lt;role name="org.apache.cocoon.template.expression.StringTemplateParserSelector" shorthand="string-template-parsers"
&lt;generators logger="test"&gt;
&lt;component-instance class="org.apache.cocoon.template.JXTemplateGenerator" name="jx"/&gt;
&lt;component role="org.apache.cocoon.template.script.ScriptManager" class="org.apache.cocoon.template.script.DefaultScriptManager"/&gt;
&lt;component role="org.apache.cocoon.template.script.InstructionFactory" class="org.apache.cocoon.template.script.DefaultInstructionFactory"/&gt;
&lt;component-instance class="org.apache.cocoon.template.expression.JXTGStringTemplateParser" name="jxtg"/&gt;
&lt;component-instance class="org.apache.cocoon.template.expression.DefaultStringTemplateParser" name="default"/&gt;
&lt;/testcase&gt;</pre><p>As you can see, several components and generator itself are set up.</p><h3>Java test-case</h3><p>Now you must create <tt></tt> file and put it
at <tt>src/test/java/org/apache/cocoon/template</tt>. The class should extend
<tt>org.apache.cocoon.SitemapComponentTestCase</tt> from <tt>cocoon-core</tt>
module so the Avalon's ServiceManager is set up properly and you can use lots of
helper methods. Next step is writing actual testing methods, example method
would look like:</p><pre>public void testGenerate() throws Exception {
String inputURI = docBase + "generate.xml";
assertEqual(load(inputURI), generate(JX, inputURI, EMPTY_PARAMS));
</pre><p>This simple method tests if generator reads simple input file (generate.xml)
and emits all SAX events properly.</p><div class="note"><div><strong>Note: </strong>It useful to check <tt>S</tt><tt>itemapComponentTestCase</tt>
and <tt>CocoonTestCase</tt> source code (or Javadocs) to find out what methods
are already provided for your convenience.<br/>
For example, very convient method for use is <tt>lookup()</tt> that enables you
to look up for a new instance of Avalon component properly initialized according
to Avalon's lifecycle management.</div></div><h3 id="execute-test-avalon">Execute the test</h3><p>As stated earlier Maven will execute all tests every time the build is
performed so if you want to check if everything is working you can go to root
directory of <tt>cocoon-template-impl</tt> and execute:</p><pre>mvn clean install
</pre><p>As the output you should get something like this:</p><pre>-------------------------------------------------------
Running org.apache.cocoon.template.jxtg.JXTemplateGeneratorTestCase
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 'org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax.SAXParser'.
[DEBUG] Resolved to systemID : resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml
[DEBUG] Creating source object for resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml
[DEBUG] JaxpParser: validating: false, namespace-prefixes: false, reuse parser: true, stop on warning: true, stop on recoverable-error: true, saxParserFactory: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory, documentBuilderFactory: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory, resolver hint: null
[DEBUG] Releasing source object for resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml
[DEBUG] Resolving 'resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml' with base 'null' in context 'file:/home/grek/asf/cocoon-trunk/blocks/cocoon-template/cocoon-template-impl/'
[DEBUG] Resolved to systemID : resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml
[DEBUG] Creating source object for resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml
[DEBUG] Releasing source object for resource://org/apache/cocoon/template/jxtg/generate.xml
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.524 sec
</pre><p>Which indicates that everything went just fine.</p><section name="How to add more JUnit tests for Spring-managed class" style="background:none;padding:0;"/><p>I suggest to read a section above describing how to write tests for Avalon
components because I will show only focus on differences in particular steps.
This time, we will examine how to write test for classes handling expression
evaluation from <tt>cocoon-expression-language-impl</tt>. Let's assume we create
test named "Expression".</p><h3>Components configuration</h3><p>Instead of creating <tt>*.xtest</tt> file you must create
<tt>*.spring.xml</tt> file to configure Spring beans. First we create
<tt>ExpressionTestCase.spring.xml</tt> file with contents like this:</p><pre>&lt;beans xmlns=""
&lt;import resource="classpath:META-INF/cocoon/spring/DefaultExpressionFactory.xml"/&gt;
&lt;import resource="classpath:META-INF/cocoon/spring/JavaScriptCompiler.xml"/&gt;
&lt;import resource="classpath:META-INF/cocoon/spring/JexlCompiler.xml"/&gt;
&lt;import resource="classpath:META-INF/cocoon/spring/JXPathCompiler.xml"/&gt;
</pre><p>As you can see we only import other configuration files that are, in a fact,
ordinar configuration files used in development. This approach is much cleaner
than one used for Avalon class testing because you have to configure particular
bean only one time and reuse this configuration while testing.</p><h3>Java test-case</h3><p>As writing test-case class for Spring bean is not much different from writing
corresponding class for Avalon component I'm not going to describe it in detail.
</p><p>The only difference that I would like to point out is how you should get an
instance of Spring bean. Instead of using lookup method you should use
<tt>getFactoryBean().getBean()</tt> method.</p><p>Take a look at this method as an example:</p><pre>public void testFactoryJexl() throws ExpressionException {
ExpressionFactory factory = (ExpressionFactory) this.getBeanFactory().getBean(ExpressionFactory.ROLE);
assertNotNull("Test lookup of expression factory", factory);
Expression expression = factory.getExpression("jexl", "1+2");
assertNotNull("Test expression compilation", expression);
assertEquals(new Long(3), expression.evaluate(new ExpressionContext()));
</pre><h3>Execute the test</h3><p>Tests for Spring beans should be executed exactly the same way that tests for
Avalon components are executed so I point you to instructions
<a href="#execute-test-avalon">above</a>.</p><h1>htmlunit Tests</h1><div class="fixme"><div><strong>Fixme: </strong>I do not know what is the status of htmlunit tests in trunk,
JIRA issue
<a href="">COCOON-1488</a>
contains more information</div></div><h1>Other tests</h1><p>Samples web application can be used to perform manual testing. Of course,
<strong>contributions to automate these tests are welcome!</strong></p></div></div>