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#/* Copyright 2004-2005 Apache Software Foundation
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# * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# * limitations under the License.
# */
Apache OJB - ObJectRelationalBridge
Bridging Java objects and relational dabatases
This DTD describes the grammar of the Descriptor repository
Initial author: Thomas Mahler
The descriptor-repository is the root element of a
repository.xml file.
It consists of one jdbc-connection-descriptor and at least one
class-descriptor element.
The attribute element allows to add custom attributes.
The jdbc-connection-descriptor element specifies the default jdbc
connection for the repository.
class-descriptor elements specify o/r mapping information for
persistent classes.
<!ELEMENT descriptor-repository (documentation?, attribute*,
jdbc-connection-descriptor*, class-descriptor*)>
The version attribute is used to bind a repository.xml
file to a given version of this dtd. This will help to
avoid versions conflicts.
The isolation-level attribute defines the default locking isolation level used
by OJB's pessimistic locking api. All jdbc-connection-descriptor or class-descriptor
that do not define a specific isolation level will use this.
Note: This does NOT touch the jdbc-level of the connection.
<!ATTLIST descriptor-repository
version (1.0) #REQUIRED
isolation-level (read-uncommitted | read-committed | repeatable-read |
serializable | optimistic | none) "read-uncommitted"
proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA "50"
The documentation element can be used to store arbitrary
information on all repository entries.
<!ELEMENT documentation (#PCDATA)>
The attribute element allows to add custom attributes.
The jdbc-connection-descriptor element specifies the a jdbc
connection for the repository.
The object-cache element specifies the object-cache implementation
class associated with this class.
A connection-pool element may be used to define connection pool
properties for the specified JDBC connection.
A sequence-manager element may be used to
define which sequence manager implementation should be used within
the defined connection.
<!ELEMENT jdbc-connection-descriptor (documentation?, attribute*,
object-cache?, connection-pool?, sequence-manager?)>
The jcdAlias attribute is a shortcut name for the defined connection
descriptor. OJB use jcdAlias as key for the defined connections.
The default-connection attribute used to define if this connection
should used as default connection with OJB. You could define only
one connection as default connection. It is also possible to set
the default connection at runtime using
PersistenceBrokerFactory#setDefaultKey(...) method.
If set 'true' you could use on PB-api a shortcut-method of the
PersistenceBrokerFactory to lookup PersistenceBroker instances.
The platform attribute is used to define the specific RDBMS
Platform. This attribute corresponds to a class.
The jdbc-level attribute is used to specify the Jdbc compliance
level of the used Jdbc driver.
DEPRECATED! The eager-release attribute was adopt to solve a problem occured when
using OJB within JBoss (3.0 <= version < 3.2.2, seems to be fixed in jboss 3.2.2).
Only use within JBoss.
The batch-mode attribute allow to enable JDBC connection batch support
(if supported by used database), 'true' value allows to enable per-session
batch mode, whereas 'false' prohibits it.
PB.serviceConnectionManager.setBatchMode(...) method can be used
to switch on/off batch modus, if batch-mode was enabled. On PB.close()
OJB switch off batch modus, thus you have to do '...setBatchMode(true)' on each
obtained PB instance.
The useAutoCommit attribute allow to set how OJB uses
the autoCommit state of the used connections. The default mode
was 1.
0 - OJB ignores the autoCommit setting of the connection and do not
try to change it. This mode could be helpfully if the
connection don't let you set the autoCommit state
(e.g. using datasources from application server).
1 - [default mode] set the connection's autoCommit state temporary to 'false' if needed
(when using transaction) and restore the old state after use. In
versions before OJB 1.0.4 the autoCommit state was explicit set 'true'
when connection was created, now OJB expect that this was done by
the jdbc-driver configuration. To enable old behavior set a custom attribute
'initializationCheck' to 'true'.
2 - this setting set autoCommit explicit 'false' when connection was created.
If the ignoreAutoCommitExceptions attribute is set 'true', all
exceptions caused by setting autocommit state, will be ignored.
Default mode 'false'.
If a jndi-datasource-name for JNDI based lookup of Jdbc
connections is specified, the four attributes driver, protocol,
subprotocol, dbalias used for Jdbc DriverManager based construction
of Jdbc Connections must not be declared.
The username and password attributes are used as credentials
for obtaining a jdbc connections.
If users don't want to keep this information the
repository.xml file, they could pass user/password
using to obtain a PersistenceBroker
<!ATTLIST jdbc-connection-descriptor
default-connection (true | false) "false"
platform ( Db2 | Hsqldb | Informix | MsAccess | MsSQLServer |
MySQL | Oracle | PostgreSQL | Sybase | SybaseASE |
SybaseASA | Sapdb | Firebird | Axion | NonstopSql |
Oracle9i | MaxDB ) "Hsqldb"
jdbc-level (1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0) "1.0"
eager-release (true | false) "false"
batch-mode (true | false) "false"
useAutoCommit (0 | 1 | 2) "1"
ignoreAutoCommitExceptions (true | false) "false"
jndi-datasource-name CDATA #IMPLIED
subprotocol CDATA #IMPLIED
The object-cache element can be used to specify the ObjectCache
implementation used by OJB. There are three levels of
1. in file, to declare the standard (default)
ObjectCache implementation.
2. on jdbc-connection-descriptor level, to declare ObjectCache implementation
on a per connection/user level
3. on class-descriptor level, to declare ObjectCache implementation
on a per class level
The priority of the declared object-cache elements are:
per class > per jdbc descriptor > standard
E.g. if you declare ObjectCache 'cacheDef' as standard, set
ObjectCache 'cacheA' in class-descriptor for class A and class B
does not declare an object-cache element. Then OJB use cacheA as ObjectCache
for class A and cacheDef for class B
<!ELEMENT object-cache (documentation?, attribute*)>
Attribute 'class' specifies the full qualified class name of
the used ObjectCache implementation.
<!ATTLIST object-cache
The connection-pool element specifies the connection pooling
and low-level JDBC driver parameters.
<!ELEMENT connection-pool (documentation?, attribute*)>
maxActive (default=21)
The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this
pool at the same time, or zero for no limit.
maxIdle (default=-1)
The maximum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool,
without extra ones being released, or zero for no limit.
minIdle (default=0)
The minimum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool,
without extra ones being created, or zero to create none.
Since: 1.0.4
maxWait (default=5000)
The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there
are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before
throwing an exception, or -1 to wait indefinitely.
Must be > 0 for timeout to actually happen in DBCP PoolingDataSource.
whenExhaustedAction (default=0/WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL)
0 - fail when pool is exhausted
1 - block when pool is exhausted
2 - grow when pool is exhausted
validationQuery (default=not specified)
The SQL query that will be used to validate connections from this pool
before returning them to the caller. If specified, this query MUST be
an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row.
testOnBorrow (default=true)
The indication of whether connections will be validated before being
borrowed from the pool. If the connection fails to validate, it will
be dropped from the pool, and OJB will attempt to borrow another.
testOnReturn (default=false)
The indication of whether connections will be validated before being
returned to the pool.
testWhileIdle (default=false)
The indication of whether connections will be validated by the idle object
evictor (if any). If a connection fails to validate, it will be dropped
from the pool.
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis (default=-1)
The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle
object evictor thread. When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread
will be run.
numTestsPerEvictionRun (default=10)
The number of objects to examine during each run of the idle object
evictor thread (if any).
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis (default=1800000)
The minimum amount of time a connection may sit idle in the pool before
it is eligable for eviction by the idle object evictor (if any).
removeAbandoned [only for ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl] (default=false)
Flag to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the
If set to true a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for
removal if it has been idle longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout.
Setting this to true can recover db connections from poorly written
applications which fail to close a connection.
If you have enabled "removeAbandoned" then it is possible that a
connection is reclaimed by the pool because it is considered to be
abandoned. This mechanism is triggered on borrowObject (ie in OJB when
a PersistenceBroker gets a Connection) and:
(numIdle < 2) and (numActive > maxActive - 3).
The abandoned object eviction takes place before normal borrowObject
logic (there is no asynch evictor thread like for testWhileIdle).
For example maxActive=20 and 18 active connections and 1 idle connection
would trigger the "removeAbandoned". But only the active connections that
aren't used for more then "removeAbandonedTimeout" seconds are removed.
Traversing a resultset doesn't count as being used.
removeAbandonedTimeout [only for ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl] (default=300)
Timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed.
logAbandoned [only for ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl] (default=false)
Flag to log stack traces for application code which abandoned a
Statement or Connection.
Logging of abandoned Statements and Connections adds overhead for every
Connection open or new Statement because a stack trace has to be
Custom attributes:
<attribute attribute-name="fetchSize" attribute-value="(int)"/>
Sets a hint in the JDBC driver not to fetch more than
specified number of rows per server round trip for
any ResultSet.
Setttings different than the default (0) are especially
useful to reduce memory footprint when using drivers
that defaults to not using server-side cursors and
retrieves all rows to the JDBC client-side driver buffer.
PostgreSQL JDBC driver is a well-known example of this.
Many JDBC drivers will ignore this hint.
<attribute attribute-name="jdbc.(driver-specific attribute)"
All attributes with names starting with "jdbc." will be
passed (without jdbc. prefix) to the JDBC DriverManager
when creating new Connection objects.
(Ignored when acquiring Connection objects through
JNDI DataSource lookup or in managed environments.)
<attribute attribute-name="dbcp.(Commons DBCP-options)"
If using the ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl (set in,
all parameters starting with "dbcp." will be made available
(without dbcp. prefix) to the ConnectionFactory for
configuring Commons DBCP accordingly.
Currently the following DBCP attributes are used:
dbcp.poolPreparedStatements (default=false)
Enable prepared statement pooling for this pool.
dbcp.maxOpenPreparedStatements (default=0/unlimited)
The maximum number of open statements that can be
allocated from the statement pool at the same time,
or zero for no limit.
dbcp.accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed (default=false)
Controls if the DBCP PoolGuard allows access to the underlying
connection from the JDBC-driver.
Only use when you need direct access to driver specific
NOTE: Do not close the underlying connection, only the
original one.
<!ATTLIST connection-pool
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis CDATA #IMPLIED
numTestsPerEvictionRun CDATA #IMPLIED
testOnBorrow ( true | false ) #IMPLIED
testOnReturn ( true | false ) #IMPLIED
testWhileIdle ( true | false ) #IMPLIED
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis CDATA #IMPLIED
whenExhaustedAction ( 0 | 1 | 2 ) #IMPLIED
validationQuery CDATA #IMPLIED
removeAbandoned ( true | false ) #IMPLIED
removeAbandonedTimeout CDATA #IMPLIED
logAbandoned ( true | false ) #IMPLIED
The sequence-manager element specifies the sequence
manager implementation used for key generation. All
sequence manager implementations shipped with OJB
you will find under
If no sequence-manager is defined, OJB use a default one.
For configuration examples please consult documentation.
Use the attribute element to pass implementation specific
properties. This depends on the used implementation class.
<!ELEMENT sequence-manager (documentation?, attribute*)>
The className attribute represents the full qualified class name
of the desired sequence manager implementation - it is mandatory
when using the sequence-manager element.
All sequence manager implementations you find will under package named as SequenceManagerXXXImpl.
For configuration examples please consult documentation.
<!ATTLIST sequence-manager
For interfaces or abstract classes a class-descriptor holds a sequence of
extent-class elements.
For concrete classes it must have field-descriptors that describe primitive
typed instance variables.
References to other persistent entity classes are specified by
reference-descriptor elements.
Collections or arrays attributes that contain other persistent entity
classes are specified by collection-descriptor elements
Concrete base classes, may specify a sequence of extent-class elements,
naming the derived classes.
A class-descriptor may contain user defined custom attribute elements.
The insert-procedure, update-procedure and delete-procedure elements
identify the procedure/function that is defined in the database which
will handle the insertion, update or deletion of an instance of this
class. These elements are all optional. If they are absent then basic
sql statements (INSERT INTO xxx..., UPDATE xxx, DELETE FROM xxx) will
be utilized.
<!ELEMENT class-descriptor
((documentation?, object-cache?, extent-class+, attribute*) |
(documentation?, object-cache?, extent-class*, field-descriptor+,
reference-descriptor*, collection-descriptor*,
index-descriptor*, attribute*,
insert-procedure?, update-procedure?, delete-procedure?))>
The class attribute contains the full qualified name of the specified class.
As this attribute is of type ID there can only be one class-descriptor per
The isolation-level attribute defines the locking isolation level of the
specified class (used by OJB's pessimistic locking api). Default is "empty String"
to use isolation-level defined on "descriptor-repository" level.
Note: This does NOT touch the jdbc-level of the connection.
If the proxy attribute is set, proxies are used for all loading operations
of instances of this class. If set to "dynamic", dynamic proxies are used.
If set to another value this value is interpreted as the full-qualified
name of the proxy class to use.
If the proxy-prefetching-limit attribute (used with the proxy attribute)
is set to the value > 0, the collections of objects of this class are materialized
by groups of the specified size, say when user tries to access the first
object of the collection, next proxy-prefetching-limit objects are loaded
by one database query.
Set this parameter to 0 if you want to turn this feature off.
The schema attribute may contain the database schema owning the table
mapped to this class.
The table attribute specifies the table name this class is mapped to.
The row-reader attribute may contain a full qualified class name.
This class will be used as the RowReader implementation used to
materialize instances of the persistent class.
The extends attribute is deprecated and will be removed or reintroduced
with changed funcitonality in future. DON'T USE IT!
DEPRECATED. The accept-locks attribute specifies whether implicit locking should
propagate to this class. Currently relevant for the ODMG layer only.
The optional initialization-method specifies a no-argument instance
method that is invoked after reading an instance from a database row.
It can be used to do initialization and validations.
The optional factory-class specifies a factory-class that
that is to be used instead of a no argument constructor.
If the factory-class is specified the factory-method
also must be defined.
factory-method refers to a static no-argument method
of the factory-class class.
The refresh attribute can be set to true to force OJB to refresh
instances when loaded from cache. It's set to false by default.
<!ATTLIST class-descriptor
isolation-level (read-uncommitted | read-committed | repeatable-read |
serializable | optimistic | none) #IMPLIED
proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA #IMPLIED
row-reader CDATA #IMPLIED
accept-locks (true | false) "true"
initialization-method CDATA #IMPLIED
factory-class CDATA #IMPLIED
factory-method CDATA #IMPLIED
refresh (true | false) "false"
An extent-class element is used to specify an implementing class or a
derived class that belongs to the extent of all instances of the interface
or base class.
<!ELEMENT extent-class (documentation?)>
The class-ref attribute must contain a fully qualified classname.
The repository file must contain a class-descriptor for this class.
<!ATTLIST extent-class
A field descriptor contains mapping info for a primitive typed
attribute of a persistent class.
A field descriptor may contain custom attribute elements.
<!ELEMENT field-descriptor (documentation?, attribute*)>
<b>The id attribute is optional.</b> If not specified, OJB internally
sorts field-descriptors according to their order of appearance in the
repository file.
If a different sort order is intended the id attribute may be used to
hold a unique number identifying the decriptors position in the sequence of
The order of the numbers for the field-descriptors must correspond to
the order of columns in the mapped table.
The name attribute holds the name of the persistent classes attribute.
If the PersistentFieldDefaultImpl is used there must be an attribute
in the persistent class with this name.
If the PersistentFieldPropertyImpl is used there must be a JavaBeans
compliant property of this name.
The table attribute may specify a table different from the mapped
table for the persistent class. (currently not implemented).
The column attribute specifies the column the persistent classes field
is mapped to.
The optional jdbc-type attribute specifies the JDBC type of the column.
If not specified OJB tries to identify the JDBC type by inspecting the
Java attribute by reflection.
The primarykey specifies if the column is a primary key column.
The nullable attribute specifies if the column may contain null values.
The indexed attribute specifies if there is an index on this column
The autoincrement attribute specifies if the values for the persistent
attribute are automatically generated by OJB.
The sequence-name attribute can be used to state explicitly a sequence
name used by the sequence manager implementations. Check the docs/javadocs
of the used sequence manager implementation to get information if this
is a mandatory attribute. OJB standard sequence manager implementations
build a sequence name by its own, if the attribute was not set.
The locking attribute is set to true if the persistent attribute is
used for optimistic locking. can only be set for TIMESTAMP and INTEGER
The updatelock attribute is set to false if the persistent attribute is
used for optimistic locking AND the dbms should update the lock column
itself. The default is true which means that when locking is true then
OJB will update the locking fields. Can only be set for TIMESTAMP and INTEGER
The default-fetch attribute specifies whether the persistent attribute
belongs to the JDO default fetch group.
The conversion attribute contains a fully qualified class name.
This class must implement the interface
A FieldConversion can be used to implement conversions between Java-
attributes and database columns.
The length attribute can be used to specify a length setting, if
required by the jdbc-type of the underlying database column.
The precision attribute can be used to specify a precision setting, if
required by the jdbc-type of the underlying database column.
The scale attribute can be used to specify a scale setting, if
required by the jdbc-type of the underlying database column.
The access attribute specifies the accessibility of the field.
"readonly" marks fields that are not to modified. "readwrite" marks
fields that may be read and written to. "anonymous" marks anonymous fields.
An anonymous field has a database representation (column) but no
corresponding Java attribute. Hence the name of such a field does not
refer to a Java attribute of the class, but is used as a unique
identifier only.
<!ATTLIST field-descriptor
primarykey (true | false) "false"
nullable (true | false) "true"
indexed (true | false) "false"
autoincrement (true | false) "false"
sequence-name CDATA #IMPLIED
locking (true | false) "false"
update-lock (true | false) "true"
default-fetch (true | false) "false"
conversion CDATA #IMPLIED
precision CDATA #IMPLIED
access (readonly | readwrite | anonymous) "readwrite"
An attribute element allows arbitrary name/value pairs to
be represented in the repository.
<!ELEMENT attribute (documentation?)>
The attribute-name identifies the name of the attribute.
The attribute-value identifies the value of the attribute.
<!ATTLIST attribute
attribute-name CDATA #REQUIRED
attribute-value CDATA #REQUIRED
A reference-descriptor contains mapping info for an attribute of a
persistent class that is not primitive but references another
persistent entity Object.
A foreignkey element contains information on foreign key columns that
implement the association on the database level.
A reference-decriptor may contain user defined attribute elements.
<!ELEMENT reference-descriptor (documentation?, foreignkey+, attribute*)>
The name attribute holds the name of the persistent classes attribute.
If the PersistentFieldDefaultImpl is used there must be an attribute
in the persistent class with this name.
If the PersistentFieldPropertyImpl is used there must be a JavaBeans
compliant property of this name.
The class-ref attribute contains a fully qualified class name.
This class is the Object type of the persistent reference attribute.
As this is an IDREF there must be a class-descriptor for this class
in the repository too.
The proxy attribute can be set to true to specify that proxy based
lazy loading should be used for this attribute.
If the proxy-prefetching-limit attribute (used with the proxy attribute)
is set to the value > 0, then loading of the reference for the first
object of some collection causes loading of the references for
the next proxy-prefetching-limit objects.
Set this parameter to 0 if you want to turn this feature off.
The refresh attribute can be set to true to force OJB to refresh
object references on instance loading.
The auto-retrieve attribute specifies whether OJB automatically retrieves
this reference attribute on loading the persistent object.
If set to false the reference attribute is set to null. In this case the
user is responsible to fill the reference attribute.
The auto-update attribute specifies whether OJB automatically stores
this reference attribute on storing the persistent object or not or only
link the reference.
This attribute must be set to 'false' if using the OTM or JDO layer.
For ODMG it must be 'none' (since OJB 1.0.2). More info see OJB documentation.
The auto-delete attribute specifies whether OJB automatically deletes
this reference attribute on deleting the persistent object or not.
This attribute must be set to 'false' if using the OTM or JDO layer.
For ODMG it must be 'none' (since OJB 1.0.2). More info see OJB documentation.
The otm-dependent attribute specifies whether the OTM layer automatically
creates the referred object or deletes it if the reference field is set to null.
Also otm-dependent references behave as if auto-update and auto-delete
were set to true, but the auto-update and auto-delete attributes themself
must be always set to false for use with OTM layer.
<!ATTLIST reference-descriptor
proxy (true | false) "false"
proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA #IMPLIED
refresh (true | false) "false"
auto-retrieve (true | false) "true"
auto-update (none | link | object | true | false) "false"
auto-delete (none | link | object | true | false) "false"
otm-dependent (true | false) "false"
A foreignkey element contains information on a foreign-key persistent
attribute that implement the association on the database level.
<!ELEMENT foreignkey (documentation?)>
The field-id-ref contains the id attribute of the field-descriptor
used as a foreign key.
<!ATTLIST foreignkey
field-id-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
A collection-descriptor contains mapping info for a Collection- or
Array-attribute of a persistent class that contains persistent
entity Objects.
The inverse-foreignkey elements contains information on foreign-key
attributes that implement the association on the database level.
The fk-pointing-to-this-class and fk-pointing-to-element-class elements
are only needed if the Collection or array implements a m:n association.
In this case they contain information on the foreign-key columns of
the intermediary table.
A collection-descriptor may contain user defined attribute elements.
<!ELEMENT collection-descriptor (
The name attribute holds the name of the persistent classes attribute.
If the PersistentFieldDefaultImpl is used there must be an attribute
in the persistent class with this name.
If the PersistentFieldPropertyImpl is used there must be a JavaBeans
compliant property of this name.
The collection-class may hold a fully qualified class name.
This class must be the Java type of the Collection attribute.
This attribute must only specified if the attribute type is not
a java.util.Collection (or subclass) or Array type. The declared
(none java.util.Collection or non Array) class must implement
ManageableCollection to let OJB handle this type of collection.
The element-class-ref attribute contains a fully qualified class name.
This class is the Object type of the elements of persistent collection
or Array attribute.
As this is an IDREF there must be a class-descriptor for this class
in the repository too.
DEPRECATED, please use the 'orderby'-element. The orderby attribute may
specify a field of the element class.
The Collection or Array will be sorted according to the specified attribute.
The sort attribute may be used to specify ascending or descending order for
this operation.
The indirection-table must specify the name of an intermediary table,
if the persistent collection attribute implements a m:n association.
The proxy attribute can be set to true to specify that proxy based
lazy loading should be used for this attribute.
If the proxy-prefetching-limit attribute (used with the proxy attribute)
is set to the value > 0, then loading of the collection for the first
object of some other collection causes loading of the collections for
the next proxy-prefetching-limit objects.
Set this parameter to 0 if you want to turn this feature off.
The refresh attribute can be set to true to force OJB to refresh
object and collection references on instance loading.
The auto-retrieve attribute specifies whether OJB automatically retrieves
this attribute on loading the persistent object.
If set to false the persistent attribute is set to null. In this case the
user is responsible to fill the persistent attribute.
The auto-update attribute specifies whether OJB automatically stores
the referenced objects on storing the persistent object or not or only link.
This attribute must be set to 'false' if using the OTM or JDO layer.
Allowed ODMG settings please see OJB documentation.
The auto-delete attribute specifies whether OJB automatically deletes
the referenced objects on deleting the persistent object or not.
This attribute must be set to 'false' if using the OTM or JDO layer.
Allowed ODMG settings please see OJB documentation.
The otm-dependent attribute specifies whether the OTM layer automatically
creates collection elements that were included into the collectionelements
and deletes collection elements that were excluded from the collection.
Also otm-dependent references behave as if auto-update and auto-delete
were set to true, but the auto-update and auto-delete attributes themself
must be always set to false for use with OTM layer.
<!ATTLIST collection-descriptor
collection-class CDATA #IMPLIED
element-class-ref IDREF #REQUIRED
sort (ASC | DESC) "ASC"
indirection-table CDATA #IMPLIED
proxy (true | false) "false"
proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA #IMPLIED
refresh (true | false) "false"
auto-retrieve (true | false) "true"
auto-update (none | link | object | true | false) "false"
auto-delete (none | link | object | true | false) "false"
otm-dependent (true | false) "false"
an OrderBy elemnent contains an attribute name and a sort order
<!ELEMENT orderby (documentation?)>
<!ATTLIST orderby
sort (ASC | DESC) "ASC"
A inverse-foreignkey element contains information on a foreign-key
persistent attribute that implement the association on the database level.
<!ELEMENT inverse-foreignkey (documentation?)>
The field-id-ref contains the id attribute of the field-descriptor
in the class of the collection elements that is used as a foreign key.
<!ATTLIST inverse-foreignkey
field-id-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
A fk-pointing-to-this-class element contains information on a foreign-key
column of an intermediary table in a m:n scenario.
<!ELEMENT fk-pointing-to-this-class (documentation?)>
The column attribute specifies the foreign-key column in the intermediary
table that points to the class holding the collection.
<!ATTLIST fk-pointing-to-this-class
A fk-pointing-to-element-class element contains information on a foreign-key
column of an intermediary table in a m:n scenario.
<!ELEMENT fk-pointing-to-element-class (documentation?)>
The column attribute specifies the foreign-key column in the intermediary
table that points to the class of the collection elements.
<!ATTLIST fk-pointing-to-element-class
a queryEnhancer element to enhance the 1:n query
<!ELEMENT query-customizer (
<!ATTLIST query-customizer
An index-descriptor describes an index by listing its columns. It may be
unique or not.
<!ELEMENT index-descriptor (documentation?, index-column+)>
<!ATTLIST index-descriptor
unique (true | false) "false">
An index-column is just the name of a column in an index.
<!ELEMENT index-column (documentation?)>
<!ATTLIST index-column
Identifies the procedure/function that should be used to handle
insertions for a specific class-descriptor.
The nested 'argument' elements define the argument list for the
procedure/function as well as the source for each argument.
The name attribute identifies the name of the procedure/function to use
The return-field-ref identifies the field-descriptor that will receive
the value that is returned by the procedure/function. If the procedure/
function does not include a return value, then do not specify a value
for this attribute.
The include-all-fields attribute indicates if all field-descriptors in
the corresponding class-descriptor are to be passed to the procedure/
function. If include-all-fields is 'true', any nested 'argument'
elements will be ignored. In this case, values for all field-descriptors
will be passed to the procedure/function. The order of values that are
passed to the procedure/function will match the order of field-descriptors
on the corresponding class-descriptor. If include-all-fields is false,
then values will be passed to the procedure/function based on the
information in the nested 'argument' elements.
<!ELEMENT insert-procedure
(documentation?, (runtime-argument | constant-argument)*, attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST insert-procedure
return-field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
include-all-fields (true | false) "false"
Identifies the procedure/function that should be used to handle
updates for a specific class-descriptor.
The nested 'argument' elements define the argument list for the
procedure/function as well as the source for each argument.
The name attribute identifies the name of the procedure/function to use
The return-field-ref identifies the field-descriptor that will receive
the value that is returned by the procedure/function. If the procedure/
function does not include a return value, then do not specify a value
for this attribute.
The include-all-fields attribute indicates if all field-descriptors in
the corresponding class-descriptor are to be passed to the procedure/
function. If include-all-fields is 'true', any nested 'argument'
elements will be ignored. In this case, values for all field-descriptors
will be passed to the procedure/function. The order of values that are
passed to the procedure/function will match the order of field-descriptors
on the corresponding class-descriptor. If include-all-fields is false,
then values will be passed to the procedure/function based on the
information in the nested 'argument' elements.
<!ELEMENT update-procedure
(documentation?, (runtime-argument | constant-argument)*, attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST update-procedure
return-field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
include-all-fields (true | false) "false"
Identifies the procedure/function that should be used to handle
deletions for a specific class-descriptor.
The nested 'runtime-argument' and 'constant-argument' elements define
the argument list for the procedure/function as well as the source
for each argument.
The name attribute identifies the name of the procedure/function to use
The return-field-ref identifies the field-descriptor that will receive
the value that is returned by the procedure/function. If the procedure/
function does not include a return value, then do not specify a value
for this attribute.
The include-pk-only attribute indicates if all field-descriptors in
the corresponding class-descriptor that are identified as being part of
the primary key are to be passed to the procedure/function. If
include-pk-only is 'true', any nested 'argument' elements will be
ignored. In this case, values for all field-descriptors that are identified
as being part of the primary key will be passed to the procedure/function.
The order of values that are passed to the procedure/function will match
the order of field-descriptors on the corresponding class-descriptor.
If include-pk-only is false, then values will be passed to the procedure/
function based on the information in the nested 'argument' elements.
<!ELEMENT delete-procedure
(documentation?, (runtime-argument | constant-argument)*, attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST delete-procedure
return-field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
include-pk-only (true | false) "false"
Defines an argument that is passed to a procedure/function. Each argument
will be set to a value from a field-descriptor or null.
The field-ref attribute identifies the field-descriptor in the corresponding
class-descriptor that provides the value for this argument. If this attribute
is unspecified, then this argument will be set to null.
<!ELEMENT runtime-argument
(documentation?, attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST runtime-argument
field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
return (true | false) "false"
Defines a constant value that is passed to a procedure/function.
The value attribute identifies the value that is passed to the procedure/
<!ELEMENT constant-argument
(documentation?, attribute*)>
<!ATTLIST constant-argument