blob: b7b10d3efd6ca7ca715eebf2638679025aec4a14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cocoon.core.container.handler;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.Logger;
import org.apache.cocoon.components.ComponentInfo;
import org.apache.cocoon.core.container.ComponentFactory;
* The PoolableComponentHandler to make sure that poolable components are initialized
* destroyed and pooled correctly.
* <p>
* Components which implement Poolable may be configured to be pooled using the following
* example configuration. This example assumes that the user component class MyComp
* implements Poolable.
* <p>
* Configuration Example:
* <pre>
* &lt;my-comp pool-max="8"/&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>
* Roles Example:
* <pre>
* &lt;role name="com.mypkg.MyComponent"
* shorthand="my-comp"
* default-class="com.mypkg.DefaultMyComponent"/&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>
* Configuration Attributes:
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>pool-max</code> attribute is used to set the maximum number of components which
* will be pooled. (Defaults to "8") If additional instances are required, they're created,
* but not pooled.</li>
* </ul>
* @version $Id$
* @since 2.2
public class NonThreadSafePoolableComponentHandler
extends AbstractFactoryHandler {
/** The default max size of the pool */
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 8;
* Object used to synchronize access to the get and put methods
protected final Object semaphore = new Object();
* The maximum size of the pool.
private final int max;
* List of the Poolable instances which are available for use.
private LinkedList ready;
* Store the size of the ready list to optimize operations which require this value.
private int readySize;
* Total number of Poolable instances in the pool
private int size;
* Total number of Poolable instances created
private int highWaterMark;
* Create a PoolableComponentHandler which manages a pool of Components
* created by the specified factory object.
* @param factory The factory object which is responsible for creating the components
* managed by the ComponentHandler.
* @param config The configuration to use to configure the pool.
public NonThreadSafePoolableComponentHandler( final ComponentInfo info,
final Logger logger,
final ComponentFactory factory,
final Configuration config )
throws Exception {
super(info, logger, factory);
final int poolMax = config.getAttributeAsInteger( "pool-max", DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE );
this.max = ( poolMax <= 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : poolMax );
// Create the pool lists.
this.ready = new LinkedList();
* Dispose of the ComponentHandler and any associated Pools and Factories.
public void dispose() {
// Any Poolables in the m_ready list need to be disposed of
synchronized( this.semaphore ) {
// Remove objects in the ready list.
for( Iterator iter = this.ready.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Object poolable =;
this.permanentlyRemovePoolable( poolable );
if( this.size > 0 && this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
this.logger.debug( "There were " + this.size
+ " outstanding objects when the pool was disposed." );
* Permanently removes a poolable from the pool's active list and
* destroys it so that it will not ever be reused.
* <p>
* This method is only called by threads that have m_semaphore locked.
protected void permanentlyRemovePoolable( Object poolable ) {
this.decommission( poolable );
* Gets a Poolable from the pool. If there is room in the pool, a new Poolable will be
* created. Depending on the parameters to the constructor, the method may block or throw
* an exception if a Poolable is not available on the pool.
* @return Always returns a Poolable. Contract requires that put must always be called with
* the Poolable returned.
* @throws Exception An exception may be thrown as described above or if there is an exception
* thrown by the ObjectFactory's newInstance() method.
protected Object getFromPool() throws Exception {
Object poolable;
synchronized( this.semaphore ) {
// Look for a Poolable at the end of the m_ready list
if ( this.readySize > 0 ){
// A poolable is ready and waiting in the pool
poolable = this.ready.removeLast();
} else {
// Create a new poolable. May throw an exception if the poolable can not be
// instantiated.
poolable = this.factory.newInstance();
this.highWaterMark = (this.highWaterMark < this.size ? this.size : this.highWaterMark);
if ( this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
this.logger.debug( "Created a new " + poolable.getClass().getName()
+ " from the object factory." );
if( this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
this.logger.debug( "Got a " + poolable.getClass().getName() + " from the pool." );
return poolable;
* Returns a poolable to the pool
* @param poolable Poolable to return to the pool.
protected void putIntoPool( final Object poolable ) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
this.logger.warn("Exception during putting component back into the pool.", ignore);
synchronized( this.semaphore ) {
if( this.size <= this.max ) {
if( this.disposed ) {
// The pool has already been disposed.
if( this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
this.logger.debug( "Put called for a " + poolable.getClass().getName()
+ " after the pool was disposed." );
this.permanentlyRemovePoolable( poolable );
} else {
// There is room in the pool to keep this poolable.
if( this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
this.logger.debug( "Put a " + poolable.getClass().getName()
+ " back into the pool." );
this.ready.addLast( poolable );
} else {
// More Poolables were created than can be held in the pool, so remove.
if( this.logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
this.logger.debug( "No room to put a " + poolable.getClass().getName()
+ " back into the pool, so remove it." );
this.permanentlyRemovePoolable( poolable );
protected void doInitialize() {
// nothing to do here
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.cocoon.core.container.handler.AbstractComponentHandler#doGet()
protected Object doGet() throws Exception {
return this.getFromPool();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.cocoon.core.container.handler.AbstractComponentHandler#doPut(java.lang.Object)
protected void doPut(Object component) throws Exception {
* @return Returns the max.
protected int getMax()
return max;
* @return Returns the readySize.
protected int getReadySize()
return readySize;
* @return Returns the size.
protected int getSize()
return size;
* @return Returns the highWaterMark.
protected int getHighWaterMark()
return highWaterMark;