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<title>Configuring the Cocoon Portal</title>
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This document describes the use and configuration
of the (new) cocoon portal block.
" name="DC.Description">
<h1>Introducing the Cocoon Portal</h1>
This document describes the use and configuration
of the (new) cocoon portal that you can find in the "portal" block.
(Don't mix this with the older portal version that you can
find in the "portal-fw" block.)
<h2>Important parts of the Cocoon Portal</h2>
<h2>How is a portal page created by Cocoon?</h2>
<h2>I want to build my own portal! An approach</h2>
<h1>Configuring the Portal contents</h1>
The configuration of a coplet is done in several steps that are outlined
in the next chapters.
<h2>Configuring Coplets</h2>
Configuring coplets is like defining a class and creating their instances.
So in fact, you define the available coplets (= classes) and each portal
view gets some instances of these coplets.
<h3>Available Coplet Types</h3>
Before you can define your available coplets, you have to define the
available coplet types, or the so called coplet base data. The current
sample contains an XML document for this:
<pre class="code">
&lt;coplet-base-data id="URICoplet"&gt;
<p>In the example above, we define one coplet type, the <em>URICoplet</em>,
that uses the <em>uri coplet adapter</em>. By this we define a type,
that uses URIs to get the content of a coplet.</p>
<p>You can add different coplet types with additional configuration here,
but rarely have to touch this file.</p>
<h3>Available Coplets</h3>
Based on the coplet types, you can define the available coplets in your
portal application (= classes). In the example portal an own configuration
file contains these so called coplet datas. Here is an excerpt:
<pre class="code">
&lt;coplet-data id="CZ Weblog" name="standard"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;CZ's Weblog&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String" xmlns:xsi=""&gt;cocoon:/news/liverss?feed=;/value&gt;
&lt;value xsi:type="java:java.lang.Boolean" xmlns:xsi=""&gt;true&lt;/value&gt;
&lt;value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String" xmlns:xsi=""&gt;cocoon:/news/CZ_weblog.rss&lt;/value&gt;
<p>Each coplet data contains a unique id and additional configuration. A required
configuration is the underlying coplet base data. In the example above,
the <em>URICoplet</em> is used here.
<p>The above configured coplet data requires some configuration, like the
URI to invoke to fetch the content for this coplet. This configuration is
passed in the different attributes you see above. Each attribute has
a name and value.
<p>The set of coplet datas defines the set of available coplets a user can
choose from. If a user chooses to view a coplet, an instance of this coplet
data is created. If, e.g. the user chooses the same coplet twice,
two instances are created. This is useful for configurable coplets where
the user can choose the same coplet with different configurations.
<h3>Selected Coplets</h3>
The selected coplets are described by the set of coplet instance datas.
<pre class="code">
&lt;coplet-instance-data id="CZ Weblog-1" name="standard"&gt;
&lt;coplet-data&gt;CZ Weblog&lt;/coplet-data&gt;
The coplet instance data refers to its coplet data by specifying the
unique ID. The instance itself has a unique ID as well that is referenced
from the portal view.
In addition, a coplet instance data could have own configuration information.
<h2>Configuring the arrangement of the defined Coplets</h2>
The portal view defines the ordering and arrangement of the coplets. This
view is defined in a hierarchical manner by nesting layout objects. At
each place, a coplet is located, a reference to a coplet instance data
is included.
The Cocoon portal provides several predefined layout elements you can use
for your portal view to create a nice layout:
<li>row - a row of items</li>
<li>column - a column of items</li>
<li>tab - a tab</li>
These are the "high-level" objects, you can use to define your
structure. You can nest them in any order to create a complex
layout. The layout is defined in an XML document as well, so let's
have a look at an example:
<pre class="code">
&lt;composite-layout name="row"&gt;
&lt;coplet-layout name="coplet"&gt;
&lt;coplet-layout name="coplet"&gt;
In the example above, we define a row containing two coplets. This is done
by selecting the row layout and defining the childs (or items) of this
layout. In this case the items are two new layout objects, the coplet
layouts that can contain a coplet. The coplet layout has a reference
to the coplet instance data.
<h2>The Rendering Process</h2>
Each layout object has a defined renderer that is used to render this
layout object. You can find the renderers in the cocoon.xconf. Each renderer
has a unique name that is used to identify this renderer.
A central component, the layout factory (configured in the cocoon.xconf as
well), contains a list of all available layout objects, like the row,
the column etc. The configuration for each layout object contains also
the corresponding renderer information. So, here is the configuration
which renderer will be used to render the layout object.
A renderer itself can be configured in various ways. The portal engine uses
so called aspects (don't mess them with AOP), that are used to enhance
to features of renderer, allowing - simplifying - a multiple inheritance
which is not possible in Java. Have a look at the cocoon.xconf for
the different renderer configurations.
<h1>Create a new skin for your portal</h1>
<p>This section will explain the concepts of the portal layout,
considering the <span class="codefrag">skins/basic/</span> skin provided with cocoon,
and will describe how to create a new skin by extending the
existing stylesheets.</p>
<div class="note">The skin path can be changed in the portal's sitemap. There is
a <span class="codefrag">global-variable</span> specifying the path to the skin folder.</div>
<p>The basic cocoon portal skin is a nice and simple example how to visualize a portal.
There are several elements that allow to customize the look and feel of the portal.
A portal with the basic skin consists of </p>
<li>a <em>header</em>
<li>a <em>tab row</em>
<li>a <em>content section</em> containing the coplet windows</li>
<li>and a <em>footer </em>
<div align="center">
<img class="figure" alt="Parts of the portal" src="images/portal-parts.gif" height="300" width="400"></div>
<p>The tab row is actually a part of the content section. As well, a tab row can
be provided to any coplet window.</p>
<h2>The skin's stylesheets</h2>
<p>If we take a look at the <span class="codefrag">skins/basic/styles</span> directory, we
find a number of stylesheets:
<span class="codefrag">portal-page.xsl</span>: Creates final HTML page</li>
<span class="codefrag">tab.xsl</span>: layout of the tab row.</li>
<span class="codefrag">window.xsl</span>: coplet window layout</li>
<span class="codefrag">column.xsl</span>: layout of a column</li>
<span class="codefrag">row.xsl</span>: layout of a row</li>
<span class="codefrag">login-page.xsl</span>: layout of the login page</li>
<p>The <span class="codefrag">window.xsl</span> stylesheet determines the layout of a
coplet window. Normally, a coplet window will contain a header row with a
title and buttons like minimize, close, etc.</p>
<p>These coplet windows are arranged in rows and columns to create
the arrangement typical for portals. There can be several rows per column
and several columns in the content section. So the thinking is a little
different than in usual HTML tables.</p>
<p>The content section or content row usually has a tab row located at the top
and the coplet windows are arranged below. The layout of the tabs is
specified in the <span class="codefrag">tab.xsl</span> stylesheet.</p>
<p>The <span class="codefrag">portal-page.xsl</span> stylesheet encapsulates the content section
with the tab row and allows to define a page header and a footer.
This is probably the first stylesheet we want to take a closer look at.
<div class="note">The <span class="codefrag">tab.xsl</span>, <span class="codefrag">column.xsl</span>,
<span class="codefrag">row.xsl</span> and <span class="codefrag">window.xsl</span> stylesheets
are used by the portal components directly and won't be found
anywhere in the sitemap. The <span class="codefrag">cocoon.xconf</span>
defines which stylesheets will be used by the portal.</div>
<h2>The portal-page.xsl</h2>
Here is the place to change the design of the header and footer row.
This stylesheet is used to construct the final HTML page, which displays
the portal. The code sample here displays the main template match node of the
<pre class="code">
&lt;xsl:template match="/"&gt;
&lt;link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="page.css"/&gt;
&lt;table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0"
cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;!-- header row --&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2"&gt;
&lt;table border="2" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2" noWrap="" height="10" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"&gt;
&lt;td bgcolor="#CCCCCC" height="100" align="center"
valign="middle" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;font size="80pt"&gt;Cocoon Portal&lt;/font&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2" noWrap="" height="10" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"&gt;
&lt;!-- content/tab row --&gt;
&lt;!-- footer row --&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2"&gt;
&lt;table border="2" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2" noWrap="" height="10" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"&gt;
&lt;img height="1" src="sunspotdemoimg-space.gif" width="1"/&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2" noWrap="" height="30" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"&gt;
&lt;img height="1" src="sunspotdemoimg-space.gif" width="1"/&gt;
<h2>The tab.xsl</h2>
<p>From the <span class="codefrag">portal-page.xsl</span> stylesheet, we will now
move upwards in the XSL transformation steps and take a look at the
stylesheet that was processed before, the <span class="codefrag">tab.xsl</span>.</p>
<p>Again, this source snippet shows the main template match node of the stylesheet:</p>
<pre class="code">...
&lt;!-- Process a tab --&gt;
&lt;xsl:template match="tab-layout"&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ Begin body table ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ Begin tab row ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;table summary="tab bar" border="2" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="0" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;tr vAlign="top"&gt;
&lt;xsl:for-each select="named-item"&gt;
&lt;xsl:when test="@selected"&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ begin selected tab ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;td valign="middle" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"&gt;
&lt;a href="{@parameter}"&gt;
&lt;font color="#000000"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@name"/&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ end selected tab ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ begin non selected tab ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;td valign="middle" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" &gt;
&lt;div class="tab"&gt;
&lt;a href="{@parameter}"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@name"/&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ end non selected tab ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ last "blank" tab ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;td width="99%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="right"&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ End tab row ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ Begin content row ~~~~~ --&gt;
&lt;td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"&gt;
&lt;!-- ~~~~~ End content row ~~~~~ --&gt;
<p>The first row that is created here contains the definition of the tabs.
The <span class="codefrag">&lt;xsl:choose&gt;</span> element differentiates between the
currently selected tab and all other tabs. The <span class="codefrag">@selected</span>
attribute is generated by the portal and can be accessed as shown
above. As well, the portal provides the tab's <span class="codefrag">@parameter</span>
(usually the tab's link) and <span class="codefrag">@name</span> attributes. </p>
<div class="note">Depending on the configuration of the portal, it is possible
that tabbed areas are nested inside each other. So be careful how a tab
row might look in the middle of another content section.</div>
<p>Nice looking tabs can become pretty complex, take a look at the
<span class="codefrag">tab.xml</span> stylesheet in the <span class="codefrag">skins/common/</span>
skin to see another example.</p>
<p>Below the tabs, another table cell is defined that will be filled
with the contents of the tabbed area. This content will have been processed
by the <span class="codefrag">columns.xsl</span> stylesheet before - and before that by the
<span class="codefrag">row.xsl</span> stylesheet.</p>
<h2>The column.xsl and row.xsl</h2>
<p>The <span class="codefrag">column.xsl</span> and <span class="codefrag">row.xsl</span> stylesheets
define the look of the tables in which the coplet windows will be placed.
Usually, nothing exciting happens in these stylesheets. Here is a listing of the
important parts, just to give a complete overview.
<p>The main template match node of the <span class="codefrag">column.xsl</span> stylesheet:</p>
<pre class="code">...
&lt;!-- Process a Column --&gt;
&lt;xsl:template match="column-layout"&gt;
&lt;table border="{$border}" cellSpacing="0" cellpadding="0"
&lt;xsl:if test="@bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@bgcolor" /&gt;
&lt;tr vAlign="top"&gt;
&lt;xsl:for-each select="item"&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="@bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@bgcolor" /&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="@width"&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="width"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@width" /&gt;
&lt;xsl:apply-templates /&gt;
<p>The main template match node of the <span class="codefrag">row.xsl</span> stylesheet:</p>
<pre class="code">...
&lt;!-- Process a row --&gt;
&lt;xsl:template match="row-layout"&gt;
&lt;table border="{$border}" cellSpacing="10" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="@bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@bgcolor" /&gt;
&lt;xsl:for-each select="item"&gt;
&lt;tr vAlign="top"&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="@bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="bgcolor"&gt;
&lt;xsl:value-of select="@bgcolor" /&gt;
&lt;xsl:apply-templates /&gt;
<h2>The window.xsl</h2>
<p>The <span class="codefrag">window.xsl</span> stylesheet determines the design of the coplet
windows and probably takes the most design effort compared to the other stylesheets.
A coplet window consists of a table header with the window title and a number
of buttons like close, minimize, maximize etc. The basic skin provides some
images in the <span class="codefrag">images/</span> subfolder. The rest of the window will
be filled with the coplet content, depending on the configuration of
the coplet.</p>
<p>A slightly more complex example can be found in the
<span class="codefrag">skins/common/</span> skin.</p>
<p>The listing below shows the main template match node:</p>
<pre class="code">...
&lt;xsl:template match="window"&gt;
&lt;table border="2" cellSpacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"&gt;
&lt;tr vAlign="top"&gt;
&lt;td bgColor="{$bgColor}" valign="middle"&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="color"&gt;#ffffff&lt;/xsl:attribute&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="face"&gt;Arial&lt;/xsl:attribute&gt;
&lt;xsl:attribute name="size"&gt;2&lt;/xsl:attribute&gt;
&lt;xsl:when test="@title"&gt;
&lt;b&gt;&lt;xsl:value-of select="@title"/&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;b&gt;&lt;xsl:value-of select="title"/&gt;&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;td align="right" bgColor="{$bgColor}"&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="fullscreen-uri"&gt;
&lt;a href="{fullscreen-uri}"&gt;
&lt;img src="customize.gif" border="0" alt="Full Screen"/&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="maxpage-uri"&gt;
&lt;a href="{maxpage-uri}"&gt;
&lt;img src="show.gif" border="0" alt="Max Page"/&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="maximize-uri"&gt;
&lt;a href="{maximize-uri}"&gt;
&lt;img src="maximize.gif" border="0" alt="Maximize"/&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="minimize-uri"&gt;
&lt;a href="{minimize-uri}"&gt;
&lt;img src="minimize.gif" border="0" alt="Minimize"/&gt;
&lt;xsl:if test="remove-uri"&gt;
&lt;a href="{remove-uri}"&gt;
&lt;img src="delete.gif" border="0" alt="Delete"/&gt;
&lt;td colSpan="2"&gt;
&lt;xsl:apply-templates select="content"/&gt;
<h1>Further topics</h1>