blob: f9cf921f7bdbad44b1a51dfbd016e6f20745807e [file] [log] [blame]
from dataset import Dataset
from group import Group
from field import Field
import numpy
class Dimension(object):
A Dimension is used to define the array shape of a Variable. It may be shared among Variables, which
provides a simple yet powerful way of associating Variables. When a Dimension is shared, it has a
unique name within the Group. If unlimited, a Dimension's length may increase. If variableLength, then
the actual length is data dependent, and can only be found by reading the data. A variableLength
Dimension cannot be shared or unlimited.
def __init__(self, name, length, unlimited=False, shared=True, variableLength=False):
Create a dimenion instance with a given name and length
>>> d1 = Dimension('latitude', 90)
>>> print d1
<CDM Dimension: latitude (90)>
>>> print d1.isUnlimited
>>> print d1.isShared
>>> print d1.isVariableLength
""" = name
self.length = length
self._unlimited = unlimited
self._shared = shared
self._variableLength = variableLength
def isUnlimited(self):
return self._unlimited
def isShared(self):
return self._shared
def isVariableLength(self):
return self._variableLength
def __repr__(self):
return "<CDM %s: %s (%d)>" % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.length)
class Variable(object):
A Variable is a container for data. It has a DataType, a set of Dimensions that define its array
shape, and optionally a set of Attributes. Any shared Dimension it uses must be in the same Group
or a parent Group.
def __init__(self, name, group, dimensions=[], attributes={}, dtype=numpy.float32, data=None):
Create a variable instance with given name and group and optional ordered list of dimensions,
attributes dictionary and alternative data type (dtype). dtype defaults to numpy.float32.
If a dimension is a dimension instance then if it is shared it will be added to the groups dimension list
and the local reference will be replace by the dimension name. If it is not shared the local reference will
remain the dimension instance.
If a dimension is a string then a dimension by that name will be searched for in the groups dimension list. Failure
to find a match will throw an exception.
>>> ds = Dataset()
>>> group = Group('', ds)
>>> lat = Dimension('latitude', 90)
>>> lon = Dimension('longitude', 180)
>>> var = Variable('tmax', group, dimensions=[lat, lon], attributes={'units': 'degrees K'})
>>> print var
<CDM Variable: tmax>
>>> print var.attributes
{'units': 'degrees K'}
>>> print var.dimensions
[<CDM Dimension: latitude (90)>, <CDM Dimension: longitude (180)>]
>>> var2 = Variable('tmax', group, dimensions=['latitude', 'longitude'], attributes={'units': 'degrees K'})
Dimensions can also be specified by name if they already exist in the group
>>> print var2.dimensions
[<CDM Dimension: latitude (90)>, <CDM Dimension: longitude (180)>]
>>> print var.shape
(90, 180)
""" = name = group
self.attributes = attributes
self.dtype = dtype
self._dimensions = []
self._data = data
# Process dimensions
for dimension in dimensions:
# If dimension is a Dimension instance
if isinstance(dimension, Dimension):
# If it is shared
if dimension.isShared:
# Try to add it to the groups dimension list
if not dimension in
# Replace the local reference by its name
# If its not shared
# If the dimension is a string
elif isinstance(dimension, unicode) or isinstance(dimension, str):
# If a dimension of this name is in the groups dimension list then we're okay
if dimension in map(lambda d:,
def dimensions(self):
result = []
for dimension in self._dimensions:
# If its a string then we need to find the instance in the groups dimension list
if isinstance(dimension, unicode) or isinstance(dimension, str):
# Try to find a dimension of this name
found = False
for group_dimension in
if == dimension:
found = True
# If we don't find it then throw an exception
if not found:
# If its a dimension instance then just append it
elif isinstance(dimension, Dimension):
return result
def shape(self):
shape = tuple()
for dimension in self.dimensions:
shape = shape + (dimension.length, )
return shape
def __repr__(self):
return "<CDM %s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
def get_attribute(self, name):
Return the value of the attribute with given name or None if such an attribute does
not exist
if self.attributes.has_key(name):
return self.attributes[name]
return None
def getAttribute(self, name):
Depreciated: use get_attribute
Return the value of the attribute with given name or None if such an attribute does
not exist
if self.attributes.has_key(name):
return self.attributes[name]
return None
def __getitem__(self, slice):
Returns a slice of the variables data array
if self._data != None:
return self._data[slice]
return None
def getSubset(self, **kwargs):
print kwargs
slices = []
for i in range(0,len(self.shape())):
slices.append(slice(None, None))
print slices
for key in kwargs:
if (key in self.dimensions):
index = self.dimensions.index(key)
if (key in
vals =[key][:]
# For single values
if (type(kwargs[key]) != tuple):
start = end = kwargs[key]
match = True
# for tuples
elif (type(kwargs[key]) == tuple):
start = kwargs[key][0]
end = kwargs[key][1]
# Special case for time slices
if (key == 'time'):
units =['time'].attributes['units']
calendar =['time'].attributes['calendar']
print units
start = netCDF4.date2num(start, units, calendar)
end = netCDF4.date2num(end, units, calendar)
index0 = numpy.searchsorted(vals, start, "left")
index1 = numpy.searchsorted(vals, end, "left")
print vals
print key, start, end, vals[index0], vals[index1]
slices[index] = slice(index0, index1)
print slices
def asField(self):
return Field(self)
def __add__(self, other):
Overloads the addition operator by delegating to the underlying numpy array addition
>>> import handlers.netcdf4 as netcdf4
>>> import handlers.csag2 as csag2
>>> ds = netcdf4.netCDF4Dataset('../testdata/')
>>> tmax = ds.root.variables['TMAX_2maboveground']
>>> tmin = ds.root.variables['TMIN_2maboveground']
>>> t = tmin+tmax
>>> print t
<CDM Variable: (TMIN_2maboveground+TMAX_2maboveground)>
# We can only do this if the two variables have the same shape
if (self.shape == other.shape):
# We need to construct a name for this variable
name = '(%s+%s)' % (,
# Create the new variable
new_variable = Variable(name,, dimensions=self.dimensions, attributes=self.attributes)
# Then we do the operation
new_variable._data = self[:] + other[:]
raise CDMError("Cannot add variables of different shapes")
return new_variable
def __sub__(self, other):
Overloads the subtraction operator by delegating to the underlying numpy array addition
>>> import handlers.netcdf4 as netcdf4
>>> import handlers.csag2 as csag2
>>> ds = netcdf4.netCDF4Dataset('../testdata/')
>>> tmax = ds.root.variables['TMAX_2maboveground']
>>> tmin = ds.root.variables['TMIN_2maboveground']
>>> t = tmax-tmin
>>> print t
<CDM Variable: (TMAX_2maboveground-TMIN_2maboveground)>
>>> print tmin[2,45,60], tmax[2,45,60], t[2,45,60]
285.4 285.7 0.300018
# We can only do this if the two variables have the same shape
if (self.shape == other.shape):
# We need to construct a name for this variable
name = '(%s-%s)' % (,
# Create the new variable
new_variable = Variable(name,, dimensions=self.dimensions, attributes=self.attributes)
# Then we do the operation
new_variable._data = self[:] - other[:]
raise CDMError("Cannot add variables of different shapes")
return new_variable