blob: b45f63147637ee4e118ed373cdfda6d046cddee3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
namespace PortCMIS
/// <summary>
/// Keys for permission mappings.
/// </summary>
public static class PermissionMappingKeys
public const string CanGetDescendentsFolder = "canGetDescendents.Folder";
public const string CanGetChildrenFolder = "canGetChildren.Folder";
public const string CanGetParentsFolder = "canGetParents.Folder";
public const string CanGetFolderParentObject = "canGetFolderParent.Object";
public const string CanCreateDocumentFolder = "canCreateDocument.Folder";
public const string CanCreateFolderFolder = "canCreateFolder.Folder";
public const string CanCreateRelationshipSource = "canCreateRelationship.Source";
public const string CanCreateRelationshipTarget = "canCreateRelationship.Target";
public const string CanGetPropertiesObject = "canGetProperties.Object";
public const string CanViewContentObject = "canViewContent.Object";
public const string CanUpdatePropertiesObject = "canUpdateProperties.Object";
public const string CanMoveObject = "canMove.Object";
public const string CanMoveTarget = "canMove.Target";
public const string CanMoveSource = "canMove.Source";
public const string CanDeleteObject = "canDelete.Object";
public const string CanDeleteTreeFolder = "canDeleteTree.Folder";
public const string CanSetContentDocument = "canSetContent.Document";
public const string CanDeleteContentDocument = "canDeleteContent.Document";
public const string CanAddToFolderObject = "canAddToFolder.Object";
public const string CanAddToFolderFolder = "canAddToFolder.Folder";
public const string CanRemoveFromFolderObject = "canRemoveFromFolder.Object";
public const string CanRemoveFromFolderFolder = "canRemoveFromFolder.Folder";
public const string CanCheckoutDocument = "canCheckout.Document";
public const string CanCancelCheckoutDocument = "canCancelCheckout.Document";
public const string CanCheckinDocument = "canCheckin.Document";
public const string CanGetAllVersionsVersionSeries = "canGetAllVersions.VersionSeries";
public const string CanGetObjectRelationshipSObject = "canGetObjectRelationships.Object";
public const string CanAddPolicyObject = "canAddPolicy.Object";
public const string CanAddPolicyPolicy = "canAddPolicy.Policy";
public const string CanRemovePolicyObject = "canRemovePolicy.Object";
public const string CanRemovePolicyPolicy = "canRemovePolicy.Policy";
public const string CanGetAppliesPoliciesObject = "canGetAppliedPolicies.Object";
public const string CanGetAclObject = "canGetAcl.Object";
public const string CanApplyAclObject = "canApplyAcl.Object";