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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
* CMISQueryStatement.
* Sample code:
* CMISQueryStatement *qs =
* [[CMISQueryStatement alloc] initWithStatement:@"SELECT ?, ? FROM ? WHERE ? > ? AND IN_FOLDER(?) OR ? IN (?)"];
* [qs setPropertyAtIndex:1 property:@"cmis:document"];
* [qs setPropertyAtIndex:2 property:@"cmis:name"];
* [qs setTypeAtIndex:3 type:@"cmis:document"];
* [qs setPropertyAtIndex:4 property:@"cmis:creationDate];
* [qs setDateAtIndex:5 date:creationDate];
* [qs setStringAtIndex:6 string:cmisDocument.identifier];
* [qs setPropertyAtIndex:7 property:@"cmis:createdBy];
* [qs setStringAtIndex:4 string:@"8, bob, tom, lisa"];
* NSString *statement = [qs queryString];
@interface CMISQueryStatement : NSObject
* Initialize Query Statement. Use ? to define placeholders
* @param statement
THe SQL statement
- (id)initWithStatement:(NSString*)statement;
* Sets the designated parameter to the query name of the given type.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param type
* the object type
- (void)setTypeAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex type:(NSString*)type;
* Sets the designated parameter to the query name of the given property.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param propertyId
* the property ID
- (void)setPropertyAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex property:(NSString*)property;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given string.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param string
* the string
- (void)setStringAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex string:(NSString*)string;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given string. It does not escape
* backslashes ('\') in front of '%' and '_'.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param string
* the LIKE string
- (void)setStringLikeAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex string:(NSString*)string;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given string in a CMIS contains
* statement.
* <p>
* Note that the CMIS specification requires two levels of escaping. The
* first level escapes ', ", \ characters to \', \" and \\. The characters
* *, ? and - are interpreted as text search operators and are not escaped
* on first level. If *, ?, - shall be used as literals, they must be passed
* escaped with \*, \? and \- to this method.
* <p>
* For all statements in a CONTAINS() clause it is required to isolate those
* from a query statement. Therefore a second level escaping is performed.
* On the second level grammar ", ', - and \ are escaped with a \. See the
* spec for further details.
* <p>
* Summary (input --> first level escaping --> second level escaping and
* output): * --> * --> * ? --> ? --> ? - --> - --> - \ --> \\ --> \\\\ (for
* any other character following other than * ? -) \* --> \* --> \\* \? -->
* \? --> \\? \- --> \- --> \\- ' --> \' --> \\\' " --> \" --> \\\"
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param string
* the CONTAINS string
- (void)setStringContainsAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex string:(NSString*)string;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given number.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param number
* the number
- (void)setNumberAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex number:(NSNumber*)number;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given URL.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param url
* the URL
- (void)setUrlAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex url:(NSURL*)url;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given boolean.
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param boolean
* the boolean
- (void)setBooleanAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex boolean:(BOOL)boolean;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given DateTime value with the prefix
* @param parameterIndex
* the parameter index (one-based)
* @param date
* the DateTime value as NSDate object
- (void)setDateTimeAtIndex:(NSUInteger)parameterIndex date:(NSDate*)date;
* Returns the query statement.
* @return the query statement
- (NSString*)queryString;