blob: c542709a3912eb8fab8d4d25938b1b2c9df26d8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using DotCMIS.CMISWebServicesReference;
using DotCMIS.Data;
using DotCMIS.Data.Extensions;
using DotCMIS.Data.Impl;
using DotCMIS.Enums;
using DotCMIS.Exceptions;
namespace DotCMIS.Binding
internal class Converter
private const string CMISNamespaceURI = "";
private static object SerializerLock = new object();
private static Dictionary<string, XmlSerializer> SerializerDict = new Dictionary<string, XmlSerializer>(16);
private delegate void ProcessAnyElement(XmlElement element);
/// <summary>
/// Walks through CMIS Any elements.
/// </summary>
private static void ProcessAnyElements(XmlElement[] any, ProcessAnyElement proc)
if (any != null)
foreach (XmlElement element in any)
if (element.NamespaceURI.Equals(CMISNamespaceURI) && element.FirstChild != null)
catch (Exception e)
throw new CmisRuntimeException(e.Message, e);
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a string.
/// </summary>
private static string DeserializeString(XmlElement element)
return element.FirstChild.Value;
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes an integer.
/// </summary>
private static long? DeserializeInteger(XmlElement element)
string s = DeserializeString(element);
return s == null ? (long?)null : Int64.Parse(s);
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a decimal.
/// </summary>
private static decimal? DeserializeDecimal(XmlElement element)
string s = DeserializeString(element);
return s == null ? (decimal?)null : Decimal.Parse(s);
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a boolean.
/// </summary>
private static Boolean DeserializeBoolean(XmlElement element)
return "true".Equals(DeserializeString(element), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes an enum.
/// </summary>
private static T DeserializeEnum<T>(XmlElement element)
return CmisValue.GetCmisEnum<T>(DeserializeString(element));
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a choice or defaultValue elemenet.
/// </summary>
private static T DeserializeElement<T>(XmlElement element)
Type type = typeof(T);
XmlSerializer s;
lock (SerializerLock)
if (!SerializerDict.TryGetValue(type.Name, out s))
// the local name can either be "choice" or "defaultValue"
XmlRootAttribute xmlRoot = new XmlRootAttribute(element.LocalName);
xmlRoot.Namespace = CMISNamespaceURI;
s = new XmlSerializer(type, xmlRoot);
SerializerDict.Add(type.Name, s);
using (XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(element))
return (T)s.Deserialize(reader);
/// <summary>
/// Converts a repository info.
/// </summary>
public static IRepositoryInfo Convert(cmisRepositoryInfoType repositotyInfo)
if (repositotyInfo == null)
return null;
RepositoryInfo result = new RepositoryInfo();
result.Id = repositotyInfo.repositoryId;
result.Name = repositotyInfo.repositoryName;
result.Description = repositotyInfo.repositoryDescription;
result.VendorName = repositotyInfo.vendorName;
result.ProductName = repositotyInfo.productName;
result.ProductVersion = repositotyInfo.productVersion;
result.RootFolderId = repositotyInfo.rootFolderId;
result.Capabilities = Convert(repositotyInfo.capabilities);
result.AclCapabilities = Convert(repositotyInfo.aclCapability);
result.LatestChangeLogToken = repositotyInfo.latestChangeLogToken;
result.CmisVersionSupported = repositotyInfo.cmisVersionSupported;
result.ThinClientUri = repositotyInfo.thinClientURI;
result.ChangesIncomplete = (repositotyInfo.changesIncompleteSpecified ? (bool?)repositotyInfo.changesIncomplete : null);
result.ChangesOnType = new List<BaseTypeId?>();
if (repositotyInfo.changesOnType != null)
foreach (enumBaseObjectTypeIds baseType in repositotyInfo.changesOnType)
result.PrincipalIdAnonymous = repositotyInfo.principalAnonymous;
result.PrincipalIdAnyone = repositotyInfo.principalAnyone;
ConvertExtension(repositotyInfo, result);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Converts repository capabilities.
/// </summary>
public static IRepositoryCapabilities Convert(cmisRepositoryCapabilitiesType capabilities)
if (capabilities == null)
return null;
RepositoryCapabilities result = new RepositoryCapabilities();
result.ContentStreamUpdatesCapability = (CapabilityContentStreamUpdates)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.capabilityContentStreamUpdatability);
result.ChangesCapability = (CapabilityChanges)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.capabilityChanges);
result.RenditionsCapability = (CapabilityRenditions)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.capabilityRenditions);
result.IsGetDescendantsSupported = capabilities.capabilityGetDescendants;
result.IsGetFolderTreeSupported = capabilities.capabilityGetFolderTree;
result.IsMultifilingSupported = capabilities.capabilityMultifiling;
result.IsUnfilingSupported = capabilities.capabilityUnfiling;
result.IsVersionSpecificFilingSupported = capabilities.capabilityVersionSpecificFiling;
result.IsPwcSearchableSupported = capabilities.capabilityPWCSearchable;
result.IsPwcUpdatableSupported = capabilities.capabilityPWCUpdatable;
result.IsAllVersionsSearchableSupported = capabilities.capabilityAllVersionsSearchable;
result.QueryCapability = (CapabilityQuery)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.capabilityQuery);
result.JoinCapability = (CapabilityJoin)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.capabilityJoin);
result.AclCapability = (CapabilityAcl)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.capabilityACL);
ConvertExtension(capabilities, result);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Converts ACL capabilities.
/// </summary>
public static IAclCapabilities Convert(cmisACLCapabilityType capabilities)
if (capabilities == null)
return null;
AclCapabilities result = new AclCapabilities();
result.SupportedPermissions = (SupportedPermissions)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.supportedPermissions);
result.AclPropagation = (AclPropagation)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(capabilities.propagation);
result.Permissions = new List<IPermissionDefinition>();
if (capabilities.permissions != null)
foreach (cmisPermissionDefinition permission in capabilities.permissions)
PermissionDefinition permDef = new PermissionDefinition();
permDef.Id = permission.permission;
permDef.Description = permission.description;
ConvertExtension(permission, permDef);
result.PermissionMapping = new Dictionary<string, IPermissionMapping>();
if (capabilities.mapping != null)
foreach (cmisPermissionMapping mapping in capabilities.mapping)
PermissionMapping permMap = new PermissionMapping();
permMap.Key = GetXmlEnumAttributeValue(mapping.key);
permMap.Permissions = new List<string>();
if (mapping.permission != null)
foreach (string s in mapping.permission)
result.PermissionMapping[permMap.Key] = permMap;
ConvertExtension(mapping, permMap);
ConvertExtension(capabilities, result);
return result;
public static ITypeDefinition Convert(cmisTypeDefinitionType typeDef)
if (typeDef == null)
return null;
AbstractTypeDefinition result = null;
if (typeDef is cmisTypeDocumentDefinitionType)
DocumentTypeDefinition docType = new DocumentTypeDefinition();
cmisTypeDocumentDefinitionType docTypeDef = (cmisTypeDocumentDefinitionType)typeDef;
docType.IsVersionable = docTypeDef.versionable;
docType.ContentStreamAllowed = (ContentStreamAllowed)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(docTypeDef.contentStreamAllowed);
ProcessAnyElements(docTypeDef.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("versionable"))
docType.IsVersionable = DeserializeBoolean(element);
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("contentStreamAllowed"))
docType.ContentStreamAllowed = DeserializeEnum<ContentStreamAllowed>(element);
result = docType;
else if (typeDef is cmisTypeFolderDefinitionType)
result = new FolderTypeDefinition();
else if (typeDef is cmisTypePolicyDefinitionType)
result = new PolicyTypeDefinition();
else if (typeDef is cmisTypeRelationshipDefinitionType)
RelationshipTypeDefinition relType = new RelationshipTypeDefinition();
cmisTypeRelationshipDefinitionType relTypeDef = (cmisTypeRelationshipDefinitionType)typeDef;
if (relTypeDef.allowedSourceTypes != null)
relType.AllowedSourceTypeIds = new List<string>();
foreach (string id in relTypeDef.allowedSourceTypes)
if (relTypeDef.allowedTargetTypes != null)
relType.AllowedTargetTypeIds = new List<string>();
foreach (string id in relTypeDef.allowedTargetTypes)
ProcessAnyElements(relTypeDef.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("allowedSourceTypes"))
if (relType.AllowedSourceTypeIds == null)
relType.AllowedSourceTypeIds = new List<string>();
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("allowedTargetTypes"))
if (relType.AllowedTargetTypeIds == null)
relType.AllowedTargetTypeIds = new List<string>();
result = relType;
result.Id =;
result.LocalName = typeDef.localName;
result.LocalNamespace = typeDef.localNamespace;
result.DisplayName = typeDef.displayName;
result.QueryName = typeDef.queryName;
result.Description = typeDef.description;
result.BaseTypeId = (BaseTypeId)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(typeDef.baseId);
result.ParentTypeId = typeDef.parentId;
result.IsCreatable = typeDef.creatable;
result.IsFileable = typeDef.fileable;
result.IsQueryable = typeDef.queryable;
result.IsFulltextIndexed = typeDef.fulltextIndexed;
result.IsIncludedInSupertypeQuery = typeDef.includedInSupertypeQuery;
result.IsControllablePolicy = typeDef.controllablePolicy;
result.IsControllableAcl = typeDef.controllableACL;
if (typeDef.Items != null)
foreach (cmisPropertyDefinitionType propertyDefinition in typeDef.Items)
ConvertExtension(typeDef, result);
return result;
public static IPropertyDefinition Convert(cmisPropertyDefinitionType propDef)
if (propDef == null) { return null; }
PropertyDefinition result = null;
if (propDef is cmisPropertyBooleanDefinitionType)
PropertyBooleanDefinition pd = new PropertyBooleanDefinition();
cmisPropertyBooleanDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyBooleanDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<bool>();
foreach (bool value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<bool>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceBoolean c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisPropertyBoolean prop = DeserializeElement<cmisPropertyBoolean>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<bool>();
foreach (bool value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceBoolean choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceBoolean>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null) { pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<bool>>(); }
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyDateTimeDefinitionType)
PropertyDateTimeDefinition pd = new PropertyDateTimeDefinition();
cmisPropertyDateTimeDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyDateTimeDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<DateTime>();
foreach (DateTime value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<DateTime>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceDateTime c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
if (cpd.resolutionSpecified)
pd.DateTimeResolution = (DateTimeResolution)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(cpd.resolution);
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisChoiceDateTime prop = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceDateTime>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<DateTime>();
foreach (DateTime value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceDateTime choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceDateTime>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null) { pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<DateTime>>(); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("maxLength"))
pd.DateTimeResolution = DeserializeEnum<DateTimeResolution>(element);
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyDecimalDefinitionType)
PropertyDecimalDefinition pd = new PropertyDecimalDefinition();
cmisPropertyDecimalDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyDecimalDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<decimal>();
foreach (decimal value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<decimal>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceDecimal c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
if (cpd.maxValueSpecified)
pd.MaxValue = cpd.maxValue;
if (cpd.minValueSpecified)
pd.MinValue = cpd.minValue;
if (cpd.precisionSpecified)
pd.Precision = (DecimalPrecision)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(cpd.precision);
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisChoiceDecimal prop = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceDecimal>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<decimal>();
foreach (decimal value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceDecimal choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceDecimal>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null) { pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<decimal>>(); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("maxValue"))
pd.MaxValue = DeserializeDecimal(element);
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("minValue"))
pd.MinValue = DeserializeDecimal(element);
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("precision"))
pd.Precision = DeserializeEnum<DecimalPrecision>(element);
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyHtmlDefinitionType)
PropertyHtmlDefinition pd = new PropertyHtmlDefinition();
cmisPropertyHtmlDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyHtmlDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceHtml c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisPropertyHtml prop = DeserializeElement<cmisPropertyHtml>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceHtml choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceHtml>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null) { pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>(); }
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyIdDefinitionType)
PropertyIdDefinition pd = new PropertyIdDefinition();
cmisPropertyIdDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyIdDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceId c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisPropertyId prop = DeserializeElement<cmisPropertyId>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceId choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceId>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null) { pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>(); }
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyIntegerDefinitionType)
PropertyIntegerDefinition pd = new PropertyIntegerDefinition();
cmisPropertyIntegerDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyIntegerDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<long>();
foreach (string value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(Int64.Parse(value)); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<long>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceInteger c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
if (cpd.maxValue != null)
pd.MaxValue = Int64.Parse(cpd.maxValue);
if (cpd.minValue != null)
pd.MinValue = Int64.Parse(cpd.minValue);
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisPropertyInteger prop = DeserializeElement<cmisPropertyInteger>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<long>();
foreach (string value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(Int64.Parse(value)); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceInteger choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceInteger>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null) { pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<long>>(); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("maxValue"))
pd.MaxValue = DeserializeInteger(element);
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("minValue"))
pd.MinValue = DeserializeInteger(element);
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyStringDefinitionType)
PropertyStringDefinition pd = new PropertyStringDefinition();
cmisPropertyStringDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyStringDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceString c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
if (cpd.maxLength != null)
pd.MaxLength = Int64.Parse(cpd.maxLength);
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisPropertyString prop = DeserializeElement<cmisPropertyString>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceString choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceString>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("maxLength"))
pd.MaxLength = DeserializeInteger(element);
result = pd;
else if (propDef is cmisPropertyUriDefinitionType)
PropertyUriDefinition pd = new PropertyUriDefinition();
cmisPropertyUriDefinitionType cpd = (cmisPropertyUriDefinitionType)propDef;
if (cpd.defaultValue != null && cpd.defaultValue.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in cpd.defaultValue.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
if (cpd.choice != null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceUri c in cpd.choice) { pd.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(c)); }
ProcessAnyElements(cpd.Any, (element) =>
if (element.LocalName.Equals("defaultValue"))
cmisPropertyUri prop = DeserializeElement<cmisPropertyUri>(element);
if (prop != null && prop.value != null)
pd.DefaultValue = new List<string>();
foreach (string value in prop.value) { pd.DefaultValue.Add(value); }
else if (element.LocalName.Equals("choice"))
cmisChoiceUri choice = DeserializeElement<cmisChoiceUri>(element);
if (choice != null)
if (pd.Choices == null)
pd.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
result = pd;
result.Id =;
result.LocalName = propDef.localName;
result.LocalNamespace = propDef.localNamespace;
result.DisplayName = propDef.displayName;
result.QueryName = propDef.queryName;
result.Description = propDef.description;
result.PropertyType = (PropertyType)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(propDef.propertyType);
result.Cardinality = (Cardinality)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(propDef.cardinality);
result.Updatability = (Updatability)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(propDef.updatability);
result.IsInherited = (propDef.inheritedSpecified ? (bool?)propDef.inherited : null);
result.IsRequired = propDef.required;
result.IsQueryable = propDef.queryable;
result.IsOrderable = propDef.orderable;
result.IsOpenChoice = (propDef.openChoiceSpecified ? (bool?)propDef.openChoice : null);
ConvertExtension(propDef, result);
return result;
private static IChoice<bool> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceBoolean choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<bool> result = new Choice<bool>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<bool>();
foreach (bool v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<bool>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceBoolean sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<DateTime> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceDateTime choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<DateTime> result = new Choice<DateTime>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<DateTime>();
foreach (DateTime v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<DateTime>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceDateTime sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<decimal> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceDecimal choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<decimal> result = new Choice<decimal>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<decimal>();
foreach (decimal v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<decimal>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceDecimal sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<string> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceHtml choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<string> result = new Choice<string>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<string>();
foreach (string v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceHtml sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<string> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceId choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<string> result = new Choice<string>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<string>();
foreach (string v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceId sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<long> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceInteger choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<long> result = new Choice<long>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<long>();
foreach (string v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(Int64.Parse(v)); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<long>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceInteger sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<string> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceString choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<string> result = new Choice<string>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<string>();
foreach (string v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceString sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
private static IChoice<string> ConvertChoice(cmisChoiceUri choice)
if (choice == null) { return null; }
Choice<string> result = new Choice<string>();
result.DisplayName = choice.displayName;
if (choice.value != null)
result.Value = new List<string>();
foreach (string v in choice.value) { result.Value.Add(v); }
if (choice.choice != null)
result.Choices = new List<IChoice<string>>();
foreach (cmisChoiceUri sc in choice.choice) { result.Choices.Add(ConvertChoice(sc)); }
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a type defintion list.
/// </summary>
public static ITypeDefinitionList Convert(cmisTypeDefinitionListType typeDefList)
if (typeDefList == null) { return null; }
TypeDefinitionList result = new TypeDefinitionList();
if (typeDefList.types != null)
result.List = new List<ITypeDefinition>();
foreach (cmisTypeDefinitionType type in typeDefList.types)
result.HasMoreItems = typeDefList.hasMoreItems;
result.NumItems = typeDefList.numItems == null ? null : (long?)Int64.Parse(typeDefList.numItems);
ConvertExtension(typeDefList, result);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a type defintion container.
/// </summary>
public static ITypeDefinitionContainer Convert(cmisTypeContainer typeDefCont)
if (typeDefCont == null) { return null; }
TypeDefinitionContainer result = new TypeDefinitionContainer();
result.TypeDefinition = Convert(typeDefCont.type);
if (typeDefCont.children != null)
result.Children = new List<ITypeDefinitionContainer>();
foreach (cmisTypeContainer container in typeDefCont.children)
ConvertExtension(typeDefCont, result);
return result;
public static IObjectData Convert(cmisObjectType cmisObject)
if (cmisObject == null) { return null; }
ObjectData result = new ObjectData();
result.Properties = Convert(;
result.AllowableActions = Convert(cmisObject.allowableActions);
if (cmisObject.relationship != null)
result.Relationships = new List<IObjectData>();
foreach (cmisObjectType co in cmisObject.relationship)
result.ChangeEventInfo = Convert(cmisObject.changeEventInfo);
result.IsExactAcl = cmisObject.exactACLSpecified ? (bool?)cmisObject.exactACL : null;
result.Acl = Convert(cmisObject.acl, result.IsExactAcl);
result.PolicyIds = Convert(cmisObject.policyIds);
if (cmisObject.rendition != null)
result.Renditions = new List<IRenditionData>();
foreach (cmisRenditionType rendition in cmisObject.rendition)
ConvertExtension(cmisObject, result);
return result;
public static IProperties Convert(cmisPropertiesType properties)
if (properties == null) { return null; }
Properties result = new Properties();
if (properties.Items != null)
foreach (cmisProperty property in properties.Items)
ConvertExtension(properties, result);
return result;
public static IPropertyData Convert(cmisProperty property)
if (property == null) { return null; }
PropertyData result = null;
if (property is cmisPropertyString)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.String);
if (((cmisPropertyString)property).value != null)
foreach (string value in ((cmisPropertyString)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyId)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.Id);
if (((cmisPropertyId)property).value != null)
foreach (string value in ((cmisPropertyId)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyInteger)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.Integer);
if (((cmisPropertyInteger)property).value != null)
foreach (string value in ((cmisPropertyInteger)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyBoolean)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.Boolean);
if (((cmisPropertyBoolean)property).value != null)
foreach (bool value in ((cmisPropertyBoolean)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyDateTime)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.DateTime);
if (((cmisPropertyDateTime)property).value != null)
foreach (DateTime value in ((cmisPropertyDateTime)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyDecimal)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.Decimal);
if (((cmisPropertyDecimal)property).value != null)
foreach (decimal value in ((cmisPropertyDecimal)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyHtml)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.Html);
if (((cmisPropertyHtml)property).value != null)
foreach (string value in ((cmisPropertyHtml)property).value)
else if (property is cmisPropertyUri)
result = new PropertyData(PropertyType.Uri);
if (((cmisPropertyUri)property).value != null)
foreach (string value in ((cmisPropertyUri)property).value)
result.Id = property.propertyDefinitionId;
result.LocalName = property.localName;
result.DisplayName = property.displayName;
result.QueryName = property.queryName;
ConvertExtension(property, result);
return result;
public static cmisPropertiesType Convert(IProperties properties)
if (properties == null) { return null; }
cmisPropertiesType result = new cmisPropertiesType();
if (properties.PropertyList != null)
result.Items = new cmisProperty[properties.PropertyList.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < properties.PropertyList.Count; i++)
result.Items[i] = Convert(properties.PropertyList[i]);
ConvertExtension(properties, result);
return result;
public static cmisProperty Convert(IPropertyData property)
if (property == null) { return null; }
cmisProperty result = null;
switch (property.PropertyType)
case PropertyType.String:
result = new cmisPropertyString();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyString)result).value = new string[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
((cmisPropertyString)result).value[i] = property.Values[i] as string;
case PropertyType.Id:
result = new cmisPropertyId();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyId)result).value = new string[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
((cmisPropertyId)result).value[i] = property.Values[i] as string;
case PropertyType.Integer:
result = new cmisPropertyInteger();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyInteger)result).value = new string[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
long? value = property.Values[i] as long?;
if (value.HasValue)
((cmisPropertyInteger)result).value[i] = value.ToString();
case PropertyType.Boolean:
result = new cmisPropertyBoolean();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyBoolean)result).value = new bool[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
bool? value = property.Values[i] as bool?;
if (value.HasValue)
((cmisPropertyBoolean)result).value[i] = value.Value;
case PropertyType.DateTime:
result = new cmisPropertyDateTime();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyDateTime)result).value = new DateTime[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
DateTime? value = property.Values[i] as DateTime?;
if (value.HasValue)
((cmisPropertyDateTime)result).value[i] = value.Value;
case PropertyType.Decimal:
result = new cmisPropertyDecimal();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyDecimal)result).value = new decimal[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
decimal? value = property.Values[i] as decimal?;
if (value.HasValue)
((cmisPropertyDecimal)result).value[i] = value.Value;
case PropertyType.Html:
result = new cmisPropertyHtml();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyHtml)result).value = new string[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
((cmisPropertyHtml)result).value[i] = property.Values[i] as string;
case PropertyType.Uri:
result = new cmisPropertyUri();
if (property.Values != null)
((cmisPropertyUri)result).value = new string[property.Values.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < property.Values.Count; i++)
((cmisPropertyUri)result).value[i] = property.Values[i] as string;
result.propertyDefinitionId = property.Id;
result.localName = property.LocalName;
result.displayName = property.DisplayName;
result.queryName = property.QueryName;
ConvertExtension(property, result);
return result;
public static IAllowableActions Convert(cmisAllowableActionsType allowableActions)
if (allowableActions == null) { return null; }
AllowableActions result = new AllowableActions();
result.Actions = new HashSet<string>();
if (allowableActions.canDeleteObject && allowableActions.canDeleteObjectSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanDeleteObject); }
if (allowableActions.canUpdateProperties && allowableActions.canUpdatePropertiesSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanUpdateProperties); }
if (allowableActions.canGetFolderTree && allowableActions.canGetFolderTreeSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetFolderTree); }
if (allowableActions.canGetProperties && allowableActions.canGetPropertiesSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetProperties); }
if (allowableActions.canGetObjectRelationships && allowableActions.canGetObjectRelationshipsSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetObjectRelationships); }
if (allowableActions.canGetObjectParents && allowableActions.canGetObjectParentsSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetObjectParents); }
if (allowableActions.canGetFolderParent && allowableActions.canGetFolderParentSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetFolderParent); }
if (allowableActions.canGetDescendants && allowableActions.canGetDescendantsSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetDescendants); }
if (allowableActions.canMoveObject && allowableActions.canMoveObjectSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanMoveObject); }
if (allowableActions.canDeleteContentStream && allowableActions.canDeleteContentStreamSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanDeleteContentStream); }
if (allowableActions.canCheckOut && allowableActions.canCheckOutSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanCheckOut); }
if (allowableActions.canCancelCheckOut && allowableActions.canCancelCheckOutSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanCancelCheckOut); }
if (allowableActions.canCheckIn && allowableActions.canCheckInSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanCheckIn); }
if (allowableActions.canSetContentStream && allowableActions.canSetContentStreamSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanSetContentStream); }
if (allowableActions.canGetAllVersions && allowableActions.canGetAllVersionsSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetAllVersions); }
if (allowableActions.canAddObjectToFolder && allowableActions.canAddObjectToFolderSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanAddObjectToFolder); }
if (allowableActions.canRemoveObjectFromFolder && allowableActions.canRemoveObjectFromFolderSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanRemoveObjectFromFolder); }
if (allowableActions.canGetContentStream && allowableActions.canGetContentStreamSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetContentStream); }
if (allowableActions.canApplyPolicy && allowableActions.canApplyPolicySpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanApplyPolicy); }
if (allowableActions.canGetAppliedPolicies && allowableActions.canGetAppliedPoliciesSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetAppliedPolicies); }
if (allowableActions.canRemovePolicy && allowableActions.canRemovePolicySpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanRemovePolicy); }
if (allowableActions.canGetChildren && allowableActions.canGetChildrenSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetChildren); }
if (allowableActions.canCreateDocument && allowableActions.canCreateDocumentSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanCreateDocument); }
if (allowableActions.canCreateFolder && allowableActions.canCreateFolderSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanCreateFolder); }
if (allowableActions.canCreateRelationship && allowableActions.canCreateRelationshipSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanCreateRelationship); }
if (allowableActions.canDeleteTree && allowableActions.canDeleteTreeSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanDeleteTree); }
if (allowableActions.canGetRenditions && allowableActions.canGetRenditionsSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetRenditions); }
if (allowableActions.canGetACL && allowableActions.canGetACLSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanGetAcl); }
if (allowableActions.canApplyACL && allowableActions.canApplyACLSpecified)
{ result.Actions.Add(Actions.CanApplyAcl); }
ConvertExtension(allowableActions, result);
return result;
public static IAcl Convert(cmisAccessControlListType acl, bool? isExact)
if (acl == null) { return null; }
Acl result = new Acl();
if (acl.permission != null)
result.Aces = new List<IAce>();
foreach (cmisAccessControlEntryType ace in acl.permission)
result.IsExact = isExact;
ConvertExtension(acl, result);
return result;
public static IAcl Convert(cmisACLType acl)
if (acl == null) { return null; }
Acl result = new Acl();
if (acl.ACL != null && acl.ACL.permission != null)
result.Aces = new List<IAce>();
foreach (cmisAccessControlEntryType ace in acl.ACL.permission)
result.IsExact = (acl.exactSpecified ? (bool?)acl.exactSpecified : null);
ConvertExtension(acl, result);
return result;
public static IAce Convert(cmisAccessControlEntryType ace)
if (ace == null) { return null; }
Ace result = new Ace();
if (ace.principal != null)
Principal principal = new Principal();
principal.Id = ace.principal.principalId;
result.Principal = principal;
ConvertExtension(ace.principal, principal);
if (ace.permission != null)
result.Permissions = new List<string>();
foreach (string permission in ace.permission)
result.IsDirect =;
ConvertExtension(ace, result);
return result;
public static cmisAccessControlListType Convert(IAcl acl)
if (acl == null) { return null; }
cmisAccessControlListType result = new cmisAccessControlListType();
if (acl.Aces != null)
result.permission = new cmisAccessControlEntryType[acl.Aces.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < acl.Aces.Count; i++)
result.permission[i] = Convert(acl.Aces[i]);
ConvertExtension(acl, result);
return result;
public static cmisAccessControlEntryType Convert(IAce ace)
if (ace == null) { return null; }
cmisAccessControlEntryType result = new cmisAccessControlEntryType();
if (ace.Principal != null)
result.principal = new cmisAccessControlPrincipalType();
result.principal.principalId = ace.Principal.Id;
ConvertExtension(ace.Principal, result.principal);
if (ace.Permissions != null)
result.permission = new string[ace.Permissions.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < ace.Permissions.Count; i++)
result.permission[i] = ace.Permissions[i];
} = ace.IsDirect;
ConvertExtension(ace, result);
return result;
public static IPolicyIdList Convert(cmisListOfIdsType policyIdList)
if (policyIdList == null) { return null; }
PolicyIdList result = new PolicyIdList();
if ( != null)
result.PolicyIds = new List<string>();
foreach (string id in
ConvertExtension(policyIdList, result);
return result;
public static cmisListOfIdsType ConvertPolicies(IList<string> policyIds)
if (policyIds == null) { return null; }
cmisListOfIdsType result = new cmisListOfIdsType(); = new string[policyIds.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < policyIds.Count; i++)
{[i] = policyIds[i];
return result;
public static IRenditionData Convert(cmisRenditionType rendition)
if (rendition == null) { return null; }
RenditionData result = new RenditionData();
result.StreamId = rendition.streamId;
result.MimeType = rendition.mimetype;
result.Length = rendition.length == null ? null : (long?)Int64.Parse(rendition.length);
result.Kind = rendition.kind;
result.Title = rendition.title;
result.Height = rendition.height == null ? null : (long?)Int64.Parse(rendition.height);
result.Width = rendition.width == null ? null : (long?)Int64.Parse(rendition.width);
result.RenditionDocumentId = rendition.renditionDocumentId;
ConvertExtension(rendition, result);
return result;
public static IChangeEventInfo Convert(cmisChangeEventType changeEvent)
if (changeEvent == null) { return null; }
ChangeEventInfo result = new ChangeEventInfo();
result.ChangeType = (ChangeType)CmisValue.SerializerToCmisEnum(changeEvent.changeType);
result.ChangeTime = changeEvent.changeTime;
ConvertExtension(changeEvent, result);
return result;
public static IObjectInFolderList Convert(cmisObjectInFolderListType list)
if (list == null) { return null; }
ObjectInFolderList result = new ObjectInFolderList();
if (list.objects != null)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectInFolderData>();
foreach (cmisObjectInFolderType fo in list.objects)
result.HasMoreItems = list.hasMoreItems;
result.NumItems = list.numItems == null ? null : (long?)Int64.Parse(list.numItems);
ConvertExtension(list, result);
return result;
public static IObjectInFolderData Convert(cmisObjectInFolderType objectInFolder)
if (objectInFolder == null) { return null; }
ObjectInFolderData result = new ObjectInFolderData();
result.Object = Convert(objectInFolder.@object);
result.PathSegment = objectInFolder.pathSegment;
ConvertExtension(objectInFolder, result);
return result;
public static IObjectInFolderContainer Convert(cmisObjectInFolderContainerType container)
if (container == null) { return null; }
ObjectInFolderContainer result = new ObjectInFolderContainer();
result.Object = Convert(container.objectInFolder);
if (container.children != null)
result.Children = new List<IObjectInFolderContainer>();
foreach (cmisObjectInFolderContainerType child in container.children)
ConvertExtension(container, result);
return result;
public static IObjectParentData Convert(cmisObjectParentsType parent)
if (parent == null) { return null; }
ObjectParentData result = new ObjectParentData();
result.Object = Convert(parent.@object);
result.RelativePathSegment = parent.relativePathSegment;
ConvertExtension(parent, result);
return result;
public static IObjectList Convert(cmisObjectListType list)
if (list == null) { return null; }
ObjectList result = new ObjectList();
if (list.objects != null)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectData>();
foreach (cmisObjectType obj in list.objects)
result.HasMoreItems = list.hasMoreItems;
result.NumItems = list.numItems == null ? null : (long?)Int64.Parse(list.numItems);
ConvertExtension(list, result);
return result;
public static IContentStream Convert(cmisContentStreamType contentStream)
if (contentStream == null) { return null; }
ContentStream result = new ContentStream();
if (contentStream.length != null)
result.Length = Int64.Parse(contentStream.length);
result.MimeType = contentStream.mimeType;
result.FileName = contentStream.filename;
// Todo: enable real streaming
result.Stream = new MemoryStream(;
ConvertExtension(contentStream, result);
return result;
public static cmisContentStreamType Convert(IContentStream contentStream)
if (contentStream == null) { return null; }
cmisContentStreamType result = new cmisContentStreamType();
result.length = contentStream.Length.ToString();
result.mimeType = contentStream.MimeType;
result.filename = contentStream.FileName;
if (contentStream.Stream != null)
if (contentStream.Stream is MemoryStream)
{ = ((MemoryStream)contentStream.Stream).ToArray();
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[64 * 1024];
int bytes;
while ((bytes = contentStream.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
memStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytes);
} = memStream.ToArray();
return result;
public static IFailedToDeleteData Convert(deleteTreeResponseFailedToDelete failedToDelete)
if (failedToDelete == null) { return null; }
FailedToDeleteData result = new FailedToDeleteData();
if (failedToDelete.objectIds != null)
result.Ids = new List<string>();
foreach (string id in failedToDelete.objectIds)
ConvertExtension(failedToDelete, result);
return result;
public static T[] ConvertList<T>(IList<T> list)
if (list == null) { return null; }
T[] result = new T[list.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
result[i] = list[i];
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Converts an extension.
/// </summary>
public static void ConvertExtension(object source, IExtensionsData target)
if (source == null || target == null) { return; }
Type type = source.GetType();
PropertyInfo propInfo = type.GetProperty("Any");
if (propInfo == null)
XmlElement[] elements = (XmlElement[])propInfo.GetValue(source, null);
if (elements == null)
target.Extensions = new List<ICmisExtensionElement>();
foreach (XmlElement xmlElement in elements)
ICmisExtensionElement element = CreateCmisExtensionElement(xmlElement);
if (element != null)
private static ICmisExtensionElement CreateCmisExtensionElement(XmlNode xmlElement)
CmisExtensionElement result = new CmisExtensionElement();
result.Name = xmlElement.Name;
result.Namespace = xmlElement.NamespaceURI;
if (xmlElement.Attributes != null && xmlElement.Attributes.Count > 0)
result.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (XmlAttribute attr in xmlElement.Attributes)
result.Attributes[attr.Name] = attr.Value;
if (xmlElement.HasChildNodes)
result.Children = new List<ICmisExtensionElement>();
foreach (XmlNode node in xmlElement.ChildNodes)
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text || node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA || node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace)
result.Value = node.Value;
else if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
ICmisExtensionElement element = CreateCmisExtensionElement(node);
if (element != null)
result.Value = xmlElement.Value;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Converts an extension.
/// </summary>
public static cmisExtensionType ConvertExtension(IExtensionsData extension)
if (extension == null || extension.Extensions == null) { return null; }
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
List<XmlElement> elements = new List<XmlElement>();
foreach (ICmisExtensionElement element in extension.Extensions)
if (element == null) { continue; }
elements.Add(CreateXmlElement(doc, element));
cmisExtensionType result = new cmisExtensionType();
result.Any = elements.ToArray();
return result;
public static void ConvertExtension(IExtensionsData source, object target)
if (source == null || source.Extensions == null || target == null)
Type type = target.GetType();
PropertyInfo propInfo = type.GetProperty("Any");
if (propInfo == null)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
List<XmlElement> elements = new List<XmlElement>();
foreach (ICmisExtensionElement element in source.Extensions)
if (element == null) { continue; }
elements.Add(CreateXmlElement(doc, element));
propInfo.SetValue(target, elements.ToArray(), null);
private static XmlElement CreateXmlElement(XmlDocument doc, ICmisExtensionElement element)
if (element == null)
return null;
XmlElement result = doc.CreateElement(element.Name, element.Namespace);
if (element.Attributes != null)
foreach (string key in element.Attributes.Keys)
XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute(key);
attr.Value = element.Attributes[key];
if (element.Value != null)
result.InnerText = element.Value;
else if (element.Children != null)
foreach (ICmisExtensionElement child in element.Children)
XmlElement xml = CreateXmlElement(doc, child);
if (xml != null)
return result;
public static string GetXmlEnumAttributeValue(Enum xsdEnum)
FieldInfo fieldInfo = xsdEnum.GetType().GetField(xsdEnum.ToString());
XmlEnumAttribute[] xmlAttr = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlEnumAttribute), false) as XmlEnumAttribute[];
if (xmlAttr.Length == 0)
return null;
return xmlAttr[0].Name;