blob: 5eefb04873313a3cda3a5beae94c4a167c304ca9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# NOTE: All param tuning can be done in the SetCassandraEnvironment Function below
Function SetCassandraHome()
if (! $env:CASSANDRA_HOME)
$cwd = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory()
$cwd = Split-Path $cwd -parent
$env:CASSANDRA_HOME = $cwd -replace "\\", "/"
Function SetCassandraMain()
if (! $env:CASSANDRA_MAIN)
Function BuildClassPath
$cp = """$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\conf"""
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\*.jar")
$file = $file -replace "\\", "/"
$cp = $cp + ";" + """$file"""
# Add build/classes/main so it works in development
$cp = $cp + ";" + """$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\build\classes\main"";""$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\build\classes\thrift"""
Function CalculateHeapSizes
# Check if swapping is enabled on the host and warn if so - reference CASSANDRA-7316
$osInfo = Get-WmiObject -class "Win32_computersystem"
$autoPage = $osInfo.AutomaticManagedPageFile
if ($autoPage)
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo ""
echo " WARNING! Automatic page file configuration detected."
echo " It is recommended that you disable swap when running Cassandra"
echo " for performance and stability reasons."
echo ""
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
$pageFileInfo = Get-WmiObject -class "Win32_PageFileSetting" -EnableAllPrivileges
$pageFileCount = $PageFileInfo.Count
if ($pageFileInfo)
$files = @()
$sizes = @()
$hasSizes = $FALSE
# PageFileCount isn't populated and obj comes back as single if there's only 1
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PageFileCount))
$PageFileCount = 1
$files += $PageFileInfo.Name
if ($PageFileInfo.MaximumSize -ne 0)
$hasSizes = $TRUE
$sizes += $PageFileInfo.MaximumSize
for ($i = 0; $i -le $PageFileCount; $i++)
$files += $PageFileInfo[$i].Name
if ($PageFileInfo[$i].MaximumSize -ne 0)
$hasSizes = $TRUE
$sizes += $PageFileInfo[$i].MaximumSize
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo ""
echo " WARNING! $PageFileCount swap file(s) detected"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PageFileCount; $i++)
$toPrint = " Name: " + $files[$i]
if ($hasSizes)
$toPrint = $toPrint + " Size: " + $sizes[$i]
$toPrint = $toPrint -replace [Environment]::NewLine, ""
echo $toPrint
echo " It is recommended that you disable swap when running Cassandra"
echo " for performance and stability reasons."
echo ""
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
# Validate that we need to run this function and that our config is good
if ($env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE -and $env:HEAP_NEWSIZE)
if (($env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE -and !$env:HEAP_NEWSIZE) -or (!$env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE -and $env:HEAP_NEWSIZE))
echo "Please set or unset MAX_HEAP_SIZE and HEAP_NEWSIZE in pairs. Aborting startup."
exit 1
$memObject = Get-WMIObject -class win32_physicalmemory
if ($memObject -eq $null)
echo "WARNING! Could not determine system memory. Defaulting to 2G heap, 512M newgen. Manually override in conf\jvm.options for different heap values."
$env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE = "2048M"
$env:HEAP_NEWSIZE = "512M"
$memory = ($memObject | Measure-Object Capacity -Sum).sum
$memoryMB = [Math]::Truncate($memory / (1024*1024))
$cpu = gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object NumberOfLogicalProcessors
$systemCores = $cpu.NumberOfLogicalProcessors
# set max heap size based on the following
# max(min(1/2 ram, 1024MB), min(1/4 ram, 8GB))
# calculate 1/2 ram and cap to 1024MB
# calculate 1/4 ram and cap to 8192MB
# pick the max
$halfMem = [Math]::Truncate($memoryMB / 2)
$quarterMem = [Math]::Truncate($halfMem / 2)
if ($halfMem -gt 1024)
$halfMem = 1024
if ($quarterMem -gt 8192)
$quarterMem = 8192
$maxHeapMB = ""
if ($halfMem -gt $quarterMem)
$maxHeapMB = $halfMem
$maxHeapMB = $quarterMem
$env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE = [System.Convert]::ToString($maxHeapMB) + "M"
# Young gen: min(max_sensible_per_modern_cpu_core * num_cores, 1/4
$maxYGPerCore = 100
$maxYGTotal = $maxYGPerCore * $systemCores
$desiredYG = [Math]::Truncate($maxHeapMB / 4)
if ($desiredYG -gt $maxYGTotal)
$env:HEAP_NEWSIZE = [System.Convert]::ToString($maxYGTotal) + "M"
$env:HEAP_NEWSIZE = [System.Convert]::ToString($desiredYG) + "M"
Function SetJsr223Env
$cp = $env:CLASSPATH
foreach ($jsrDir in Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223")
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\$jsrDir\*.jar")
$file = $file -replace "\\", "/"
$cp = $cp + ";" + """$file"""
# JSR223/JRuby - set ruby lib directory
if (Test-Path "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\jruby\ruby")
$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS=$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS + " -Djruby.lib=$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\jruby"
# JSR223/JRuby - set ruby JNI libraries root directory
if (Test-Path "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\jruby\jni")
$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS=$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS + " -Djffi.boot.library.path=$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\jruby\jni"
# JSR223/Jython - set python.home system property
if (Test-Path "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\jython\jython.jar")
$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS=$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS + " -Dpython.home=$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\jython"
# JSR223/Scala - necessary system property
if (Test-Path "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jsr223\scala\scala-compiler.jar")
$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS=$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS + " -Dscala.usejavacp=true"
Function ParseJVMInfo
# grab info about the JVM
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = "$env:JAVA_BIN"
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = "-d64 -version"
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
$env:JVM_ARCH = "64-bit"
if ($stderr.Contains("Error"))
# 32-bit JVM. re-run w/out -d64
echo "Failed 64-bit check. Re-running to get version from 32-bit"
$pinfo.Arguments = "-version"
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
$env:JVM_ARCH = "32-bit"
$sa = $stderr.Split("""")
$env:JVM_VERSION = $sa[1]
if ($stderr.Contains("OpenJDK"))
$env:JVM_VENDOR = "OpenJDK"
elseif ($stderr.Contains("Java(TM)"))
$env:JVM_VENDOR = "Oracle"
$JVM_VENDOR = "other"
$pa = $sa[1].Split("_")
Function SetCassandraEnvironment
if (Test-Path Env:\JAVA_HOME)
$env:JAVA_BIN = "$env:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe"
elseif (Get-Command "java.exe")
$env:JAVA_BIN = "java.exe"
echo "ERROR! No JAVA_HOME set and could not find java.exe in the path."
$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS="-Dcassandra -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml"
$logdir = "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\logs"
$storagedir = "$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\data"
$env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS = $env:CASSANDRA_PARAMS + " -Dcassandra.logdir=""$logdir"" -Dcassandra.storagedir=""$storagedir"""
# Override these to set the amount of memory to allocate to the JVM at
# start-up. For production use you may wish to adjust this for your
# environment. MAX_HEAP_SIZE is the total amount of memory dedicated
# to the Java heap. HEAP_NEWSIZE refers to the size of the young
# generation. Both MAX_HEAP_SIZE and HEAP_NEWSIZE should be either set
# or not (if you set one, set the other).
# The main trade-off for the young generation is that the larger it
# is, the longer GC pause times will be. The shorter it is, the more
# expensive GC will be (usually).
# The example HEAP_NEWSIZE assumes a modern 8-core+ machine for decent
# times. If in doubt, and if you do not particularly want to tweak, go
# 100 MB per physical CPU core.
#GC log path has to be defined here since it needs to find CASSANDRA_HOME
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Xloggc:$env:CASSANDRA_HOME/logs/gc.log"
# Read user-defined JVM options from jvm.options file
$content = Get-Content "$env:CASSANDRA_CONF\jvm.options"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $content.Count; $i++)
$line = $content[$i]
if ($line.StartsWith("-"))
$env:JVM_OPTS = "$env:JVM_OPTS $line"
$defined_xmn = $env:JVM_OPTS -like '*Xmn*'
$defined_xmx = $env:JVM_OPTS -like '*Xmx*'
$defined_xms = $env:JVM_OPTS -like '*Xms*'
$using_cms = $env:JVM_OPTS -like '*UseConcMarkSweepGC*'
# We only set -Xms and -Xmx if they were not defined on jvm.options file
# If defined, both Xmx and Xms should be defined together.
if (($defined_xmx -eq $false) -and ($defined_xms -eq $false))
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Xms$env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE"
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Xmx$env:MAX_HEAP_SIZE"
elseif (($defined_xmx -eq $false) -or ($defined_xms -eq $false))
echo "Please set or unset -Xmx and -Xms flags in pairs on jvm.options file."
# We only set -Xmn flag if it was not defined in jvm.options file
# and if the CMS GC is being used
# If defined, both Xmn and Xmx should be defined together.
if (($defined_xmn -eq $true) -and ($defined_xmx -eq $false))
echo "Please set or unset -Xmx and -Xmn flags in pairs on jvm.options file."
elseif (($defined_xmn -eq $false) -and ($using_cms -eq $true))
if (($env:JVM_ARCH -eq "64-Bit") -and ($using_cms -eq $true))
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseCondCardMark"
# Add sigar env - see Cassandra-7838
$env:JVM_OPTS = "$env:JVM_OPTS -Djava.library.path=""$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\sigar-bin"""
# Confirm we're on high performance power plan, warn if not
# Change to $true to suppress this warning
$suppressPowerWarning = $false
if (!$suppressPowerWarning)
$currentProfile = powercfg /GETACTIVESCHEME
if (!$currentProfile.Contains("High performance"))
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo ""
echo " WARNING! Detected a power profile other than High Performance."
echo " Performance of this node will suffer."
echo " Modify conf\cassandra.env.ps1 to suppress this warning."
echo ""
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "*---------------------------------------------------------------------*"
# add the jamm javaagent
if (($env:JVM_VENDOR -ne "OpenJDK") -or ($env:JVM_VERSION.CompareTo("1.6.0") -eq 1) -or
(($env:JVM_VERSION -eq "1.6.0") -and ($env:JVM_PATCH_VERSION.CompareTo("22") -eq 1)))
$env:JVM_OPTS = "$env:JVM_OPTS -javaagent:""$env:CASSANDRA_HOME\lib\jamm-0.3.0.jar"""
if ($env:JVM_VERSION.CompareTo("1.8.0_40") -eq -1)
echo "Cassandra 3.0 and later require Java 8u40 or later."
# enable assertions. disabling this in production will give a modest
# performance benefit (around 5%).
$env:JVM_OPTS = "$env:JVM_OPTS -ea"
# Specifies the default port over which Cassandra will be available for
# JMX connections.
# store in env to check if it's avail in verification
# enable thread priorities, primarily so we can give periodic tasks
# a lower priority to avoid interfering with client workload
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseThreadPriorities"
# allows lowering thread priority without being root on linux - probably
# not necessary on Windows but doesn't harm anything.
# see
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42"
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"
# Per-thread stack size.
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Xss256k"
# Larger interned string table, for gossip's benefit (CASSANDRA-6410)
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:StringTableSize=1000003"
# Make sure all memory is faulted and zeroed on startup.
# This helps prevent soft faults in containers and makes
# transparent hugepage allocation more effective.
#$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch"
# Biased locking does not benefit Cassandra.
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:-UseBiasedLocking"
# Enable thread-local allocation blocks and allow the JVM to automatically
# resize them at runtime.
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:+ResizeTLAB"
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem"
# Configure the following for JEMallocAllocator and if jemalloc is not available in the system
# library path.
# $env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Djava.library.path=<JEMALLOC_HOME>/lib/"
# uncomment to have Cassandra JVM listen for remote debuggers/profilers on port 1414
# $env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1414"
# Prefer binding to IPv4 network intefaces (when net.ipv6.bindv6only=1). See
# (short version:
# comment out this entry to enable IPv6 support).
# jmx: metrics and administration interface
# add this if you're having trouble connecting:
# $env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<public name>"
# see
# for more on configuring JMX through firewalls, etc. (Short version:
# get it working with no firewall first.)
# Due to potential security exploits, Cassandra ships with JMX accessible
# *only* from localhost. To enable remote JMX connections, uncomment lines below
# with authentication and ssl enabled. See
$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.jmx.local.port=$JMX_PORT -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"
#$env:JVM_OPTS="$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder"