blob: c8e597f94cdaed9a9fb35fbedce58b68bd3b4fb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashSet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.Stage;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.StageManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.WrappedRunnable;
public class CommitLogReplayer implements CommitLogReadHandler
public static long MAX_OUTSTANDING_REPLAY_BYTES = Long.getLong("cassandra.commitlog_max_outstanding_replay_bytes", 1024 * 1024 * 64);
public static MutationInitiator mutationInitiator = new MutationInitiator();
static final String IGNORE_REPLAY_ERRORS_PROPERTY = "cassandra.commitlog.ignorereplayerrors";
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommitLogReplayer.class);
private static final int MAX_OUTSTANDING_REPLAY_COUNT = Integer.getInteger("cassandra.commitlog_max_outstanding_replay_count", 1024);
private final Set<Keyspace> keyspacesReplayed;
private final Queue<Future<Integer>> futures;
private final AtomicInteger replayedCount;
private final Map<UUID, ReplayPositionFilter> cfPersisted;
private final CommitLogPosition globalPosition;
// Used to throttle speed of replay of mutations if we pass the max outstanding count
private long pendingMutationBytes = 0;
private final ReplayFilter replayFilter;
private final CommitLogArchiver archiver;
protected CommitLogReader commitLogReader;
CommitLogReplayer(CommitLog commitLog,
CommitLogPosition globalPosition,
Map<UUID, ReplayPositionFilter> cfPersisted,
ReplayFilter replayFilter)
this.keyspacesReplayed = new NonBlockingHashSet<Keyspace>();
this.futures = new ArrayDeque<Future<Integer>>();
// count the number of replayed mutation. We don't really care about atomicity, but we need it to be a reference.
this.replayedCount = new AtomicInteger();
this.cfPersisted = cfPersisted;
this.globalPosition = globalPosition;
this.replayFilter = replayFilter;
this.archiver = commitLog.archiver;
this.commitLogReader = new CommitLogReader();
public static CommitLogReplayer construct(CommitLog commitLog)
// compute per-CF and global commit log segment positions
Map<UUID, ReplayPositionFilter> cfPersisted = new HashMap<>();
ReplayFilter replayFilter = ReplayFilter.create();
CommitLogPosition globalPosition = null;
for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : ColumnFamilyStore.all())
// but, if we've truncated the cf in question, then we need to need to start replay after the truncation
CommitLogPosition truncatedAt = SystemKeyspace.getTruncatedPosition(cfs.metadata.cfId);
if (truncatedAt != null)
// Point in time restore is taken to mean that the tables need to be replayed even if they were
// deleted at a later point in time. Any truncation record after that point must thus be cleared prior
// to replay (CASSANDRA-9195).
long restoreTime = commitLog.archiver.restorePointInTime;
long truncatedTime = SystemKeyspace.getTruncatedAt(cfs.metadata.cfId);
if (truncatedTime > restoreTime)
if (replayFilter.includes(cfs.metadata))
{"Restore point in time is before latest truncation of table {}.{}. Clearing truncation record.",
truncatedAt = null;
ReplayPositionFilter filter = new ReplayPositionFilter(cfs.getSSTables(), truncatedAt);
if (!filter.isEmpty())
cfPersisted.put(cfs.metadata.cfId, filter);
globalPosition = CommitLogPosition.NONE; // if we have no ranges for this CF, we must replay everything and filter
if (globalPosition == null)
globalPosition = firstNotCovered(cfPersisted.values());
logger.trace("Global commit log segment position is {} from columnfamilies {}", globalPosition, FBUtilities.toString(cfPersisted));
return new CommitLogReplayer(commitLog, globalPosition, cfPersisted, replayFilter);
public void replayPath(File file, boolean tolerateTruncation) throws IOException
commitLogReader.readCommitLogSegment(this, file, globalPosition, CommitLogReader.ALL_MUTATIONS, tolerateTruncation);
public void replayFiles(File[] clogs) throws IOException
commitLogReader.readAllFiles(this, clogs, globalPosition);
* Flushes all keyspaces associated with this replayer in parallel, blocking until their flushes are complete.
* @return the number of mutations replayed
public int blockForWrites()
for (Map.Entry<UUID, AtomicInteger> entry : commitLogReader.getInvalidMutations())
logger.warn(String.format("Skipped %d mutations from unknown (probably removed) CF with id %s", entry.getValue().intValue(), entry.getKey()));
// wait for all the writes to finish on the mutation stage
logger.trace("Finished waiting on mutations from recovery");
// flush replayed keyspaces
boolean flushingSystem = false;
List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
for (Keyspace keyspace : keyspacesReplayed)
if (keyspace.getName().equals(SystemKeyspace.NAME))
flushingSystem = true;
// also flush batchlog incase of any MV updates
if (!flushingSystem)
return replayedCount.get();
* Wrapper around initiating mutations read from the log to make it possible
* to spy on initiated mutations for test
public static class MutationInitiator
protected Future<Integer> initiateMutation(final Mutation mutation,
final long segmentId,
final int serializedSize,
final int entryLocation,
final CommitLogReplayer commitLogReplayer)
Runnable runnable = new WrappedRunnable()
public void runMayThrow()
if (Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(mutation.getKeyspaceName()) == null)
if (commitLogReplayer.pointInTimeExceeded(mutation))
final Keyspace keyspace =;
// Rebuild the mutation, omitting column families that
// a) the user has requested that we ignore,
// b) have already been flushed,
// or c) are part of a cf that was dropped.
// Keep in mind that the is suspect. do every thing based on the cfid instead.
Mutation newMutation = null;
for (PartitionUpdate update : commitLogReplayer.replayFilter.filter(mutation))
if (Schema.instance.getCF(update.metadata().cfId) == null)
continue; // dropped
// replay if current segment is newer than last flushed one or,
// if it is the last known segment, if we are after the commit log segment position
if (commitLogReplayer.shouldReplay(update.metadata().cfId, new CommitLogPosition(segmentId, entryLocation)))
if (newMutation == null)
newMutation = new Mutation(mutation.getKeyspaceName(), mutation.key());
if (newMutation != null)
assert !newMutation.isEmpty();
catch (ExecutionException e)
throw Throwables.propagate(e.getCause());
return StageManager.getStage(Stage.MUTATION).submit(runnable, serializedSize);
* A filter of known safe-to-discard commit log replay positions, based on
* the range covered by on disk sstables and those prior to the most recent truncation record
public static class ReplayPositionFilter
final NavigableMap<CommitLogPosition, CommitLogPosition> persisted = new TreeMap<>();
public ReplayPositionFilter(Iterable<SSTableReader> onDisk, CommitLogPosition truncatedAt)
for (SSTableReader reader : onDisk)
CommitLogPosition start = reader.getSSTableMetadata().commitLogLowerBound;
CommitLogPosition end = reader.getSSTableMetadata().commitLogUpperBound;
add(persisted, start, end);
if (truncatedAt != null)
add(persisted, CommitLogPosition.NONE, truncatedAt);
private static void add(NavigableMap<CommitLogPosition, CommitLogPosition> ranges, CommitLogPosition start, CommitLogPosition end)
// extend ourselves to cover any ranges we overlap
// record directly preceding our end may extend past us, so take the max of our end and its
Map.Entry<CommitLogPosition, CommitLogPosition> extend = ranges.floorEntry(end);
if (extend != null && extend.getValue().compareTo(end) > 0)
end = extend.getValue();
// record directly preceding our start may extend into us; if it does, we take it as our start
extend = ranges.lowerEntry(start);
if (extend != null && extend.getValue().compareTo(start) >= 0)
start = extend.getKey();
ranges.subMap(start, end).clear();
ranges.put(start, end);
public boolean shouldReplay(CommitLogPosition position)
// replay ranges are start exclusive, end inclusive
Map.Entry<CommitLogPosition, CommitLogPosition> range = persisted.lowerEntry(position);
return range == null || position.compareTo(range.getValue()) > 0;
public boolean isEmpty()
return persisted.isEmpty();
public static CommitLogPosition firstNotCovered(Iterable<ReplayPositionFilter> ranges)
CommitLogPosition min = null;
for (ReplayPositionFilter map : ranges)
CommitLogPosition first = map.persisted.firstEntry().getValue();
if (min == null)
min = first;
min = Ordering.natural().min(min, first);
if (min == null)
return CommitLogPosition.NONE;
return min;
abstract static class ReplayFilter
public abstract Iterable<PartitionUpdate> filter(Mutation mutation);
public abstract boolean includes(CFMetaData metadata);
public static ReplayFilter create()
// If no replaylist is supplied an empty array of strings is used to replay everything.
if (System.getProperty("cassandra.replayList") == null)
return new AlwaysReplayFilter();
Multimap<String, String> toReplay = HashMultimap.create();
for (String rawPair : System.getProperty("cassandra.replayList").split(","))
String[] pair = StringUtils.split(rawPair.trim(), '.');
if (pair.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Each table to be replayed must be fully qualified with keyspace name, e.g., 'system.peers'");
Keyspace ks = Schema.instance.getKeyspaceInstance(pair[0]);
if (ks == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown keyspace " + pair[0]);
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = ks.getColumnFamilyStore(pair[1]);
if (cfs == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unknown table %s.%s", pair[0], pair[1]));
toReplay.put(pair[0], pair[1]);
return new CustomReplayFilter(toReplay);
private static class AlwaysReplayFilter extends ReplayFilter
public Iterable<PartitionUpdate> filter(Mutation mutation)
return mutation.getPartitionUpdates();
public boolean includes(CFMetaData metadata)
return true;
private static class CustomReplayFilter extends ReplayFilter
private Multimap<String, String> toReplay;
public CustomReplayFilter(Multimap<String, String> toReplay)
this.toReplay = toReplay;
public Iterable<PartitionUpdate> filter(Mutation mutation)
final Collection<String> cfNames = toReplay.get(mutation.getKeyspaceName());
if (cfNames == null)
return Collections.emptySet();
return Iterables.filter(mutation.getPartitionUpdates(), new Predicate<PartitionUpdate>()
public boolean apply(PartitionUpdate upd)
return cfNames.contains(upd.metadata().cfName);
public boolean includes(CFMetaData metadata)
return toReplay.containsEntry(metadata.ksName, metadata.cfName);
* consult the known-persisted ranges for our sstables;
* if the position is covered by one of them it does not need to be replayed
* @return true iff replay is necessary
private boolean shouldReplay(UUID cfId, CommitLogPosition position)
ReplayPositionFilter filter = cfPersisted.get(cfId);
return filter == null || filter.shouldReplay(position);
protected boolean pointInTimeExceeded(Mutation fm)
long restoreTarget = archiver.restorePointInTime;
for (PartitionUpdate upd : fm.getPartitionUpdates())
if (archiver.precision.toMillis(upd.maxTimestamp()) > restoreTarget)
return true;
return false;
public void handleMutation(Mutation m, int size, int entryLocation, CommitLogDescriptor desc)
pendingMutationBytes += size;
// If there are finished mutations, or too many outstanding bytes/mutations
// drain the futures in the queue
while (futures.size() > MAX_OUTSTANDING_REPLAY_COUNT
|| pendingMutationBytes > MAX_OUTSTANDING_REPLAY_BYTES
|| (!futures.isEmpty() && futures.peek().isDone()))
pendingMutationBytes -= FBUtilities.waitOnFuture(futures.poll());
public boolean shouldSkipSegmentOnError(CommitLogReadException exception) throws IOException
if (exception.permissible)
logger.error("Ignoring commit log replay error likely due to incomplete flush to disk", exception);
else if (Boolean.getBoolean(IGNORE_REPLAY_ERRORS_PROPERTY))
logger.error("Ignoring commit log replay error", exception);
else if (!CommitLog.handleCommitError("Failed commit log replay", exception))
logger.error("Replay stopped. If you wish to override this error and continue starting the node ignoring " +
"commit log replay problems, specify -D" + IGNORE_REPLAY_ERRORS_PROPERTY + "=true " +
"on the command line");
throw new CommitLogReplayException(exception.getMessage(), exception);
return false;
* The logic for whether or not we throw on an error is identical for the replayer between recoverable or non.
public void handleUnrecoverableError(CommitLogReadException exception) throws IOException
// Don't care about return value, use this simply to throw exception as appropriate.
public static class CommitLogReplayException extends IOException
public CommitLogReplayException(String message, Throwable cause)
super(message, cause);
public CommitLogReplayException(String message)