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package org.apache.cassandra.spark.bulkwriter.token;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.spark.common.model.CassandraInstance;
import static org.apache.cassandra.spark.bulkwriter.token.ConsistencyLevel.CL;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
class BulkWriterConsistencyLevelTest
private static final ReplicationFactor replicationFactor = new ReplicationFactor(ImmutableMap.of(
"class", "NetworkTopologyStrategy",
"dc1", "3"));
private static List<CassandraInstance> succeededNone = Collections.emptyList();
private static List<CassandraInstance> succeededOne;
private static List<CassandraInstance> succeededTwo;
private static List<CassandraInstance> succeededThree;
private static Set<String> zero = Collections.emptySet();
private static Set<String> one = intToSet(1);
private static Set<String> two = intToSet(2);
private static Set<String> three = intToSet(3);
static void setup()
CassandraInstance i1 = mockInstance("dc1");
CassandraInstance i2 = mockInstance("dc1");
CassandraInstance i3 = mockInstance("dc1");
succeededOne = Arrays.asList(i1);
succeededTwo = Arrays.asList(i1, i2);
succeededThree = Arrays.asList(i1, i2, i3);
void testCanBeSatisfiedReturnsTrue()
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ONE, succeededOne, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ONE, succeededTwo, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ONE, succeededThree, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.TWO, succeededTwo, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.TWO, succeededThree, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_ONE, succeededOne, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_ONE, succeededTwo, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_ONE, succeededThree, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, succeededTwo, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, succeededThree, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.EACH_QUORUM, succeededTwo, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.EACH_QUORUM, succeededThree, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.QUORUM, succeededTwo, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.QUORUM, succeededThree, true);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ALL, succeededThree, true);
void testCanBeSatisfiedReturnsFalse()
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ONE, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.TWO, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.TWO, succeededOne, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_ONE, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, succeededOne, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.EACH_QUORUM, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.EACH_QUORUM, succeededOne, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.QUORUM, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.QUORUM, succeededOne, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ALL, succeededNone, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ALL, succeededOne, false);
testCanBeSatisfied(CL.ALL, succeededTwo, false);
void testCheckConsistencyReturnsTrue()
testCheckConsistency(CL.ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.TWO, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.TWO, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, /* pending */ zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, /* pending */ one, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, /* pending */ two, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, /* pending */ one, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, /* pending */ zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.EACH_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.EACH_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, zero, true);
testCheckConsistency(CL.ALL, /* total */ three, /* failed */ zero, zero, true);
void testCheckConsistencyReturnsFalse()
testCheckConsistency(CL.ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.TWO, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.TWO, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, /* pending */ zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, /* pending */ one, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_ONE, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, /* pending */ two, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.LOCAL_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.EACH_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.EACH_QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.QUORUM, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.ALL, /* total */ three, /* failed */ one, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.ALL, /* total */ three, /* failed */ two, zero, false);
testCheckConsistency(CL.ALL, /* total */ three, /* failed */ three, zero, false);
private void testCanBeSatisfied(ConsistencyLevel cl, List<CassandraInstance> succeeded, boolean expectedResult)
assertThat(cl.canBeSatisfied(succeeded, replicationFactor, "dc1")).isEqualTo(expectedResult);
private void testCheckConsistency(ConsistencyLevel cl, Set<String> total, Set<String> failed, Set<String> pending, boolean expectedResult)
assertThat(cl.checkConsistency(total, pending, zero, // replacement is not used
zero, // include blocking instance set in failed set
failed, "dc1")).isEqualTo(expectedResult);
private static CassandraInstance mockInstance(String dc)
CassandraInstance i = mock(CassandraInstance.class);
return i;
private static Set<String> intToSet(int i)
return IntStream.range(0, i).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toSet());