blob: bc8c22645bacfc9f5da7674ec8b9350b8c90a388 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.burn;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntSupplier;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import accord.burn.random.FrequentLargeRange;
import accord.impl.MessageListener;
import accord.utils.Gen;
import accord.utils.Gens;
import accord.utils.Utils;
import accord.verify.CompositeVerifier;
import accord.verify.ElleVerifier;
import accord.verify.StrictSerializabilityVerifier;
import accord.verify.Verifier;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import accord.api.Key;
import accord.impl.TopologyFactory;
import accord.impl.PrefixedIntHashKey;
import accord.impl.basic.Cluster;
import accord.impl.basic.Cluster.Stats;
import accord.impl.basic.Packet;
import accord.impl.basic.PendingRunnable;
import accord.impl.basic.PropagatingPendingQueue;
import accord.impl.basic.RandomDelayQueue;
import accord.impl.basic.RandomDelayQueue.Factory;
import accord.impl.basic.SimulatedDelayedExecutorService;
import accord.impl.list.ListAgent;
import accord.impl.list.ListQuery;
import accord.impl.list.ListRead;
import accord.impl.list.ListRequest;
import accord.impl.list.ListResult;
import accord.impl.list.ListUpdate;
import accord.local.CommandStore;
import accord.local.Node;
import accord.local.Node.Id;
import accord.messages.MessageType;
import accord.messages.Reply;
import accord.primitives.Keys;
import accord.primitives.Range;
import accord.primitives.Ranges;
import accord.primitives.Timestamp;
import accord.primitives.Txn;
import accord.topology.Shard;
import accord.topology.Topology;
import accord.utils.DefaultRandom;
import accord.utils.RandomSource;
import accord.utils.async.AsyncExecutor;
import org.agrona.collections.Int2ObjectHashMap;
import org.agrona.collections.IntHashSet;
import static accord.impl.PrefixedIntHashKey.forHash;
import static accord.impl.PrefixedIntHashKey.range;
import static accord.impl.PrefixedIntHashKey.ranges;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.EphemeralRead;
import static accord.utils.Utils.toArray;
public class BurnTest
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BurnTest.class);
* Min hash value for the test domain, this value must be respected by the hash function
* @see {@link BurnTest#hash(int)}
public static final int HASH_RANGE_START = 0;
* Max hash value for the test domain, this value must be respected by the hash function
* @see {@link BurnTest#hash(int)}
public static final int HASH_RANGE_END = 1 << 16;
private static final Range[] EMPTY_RANGES = new Range[0];
static List<Packet> generate(RandomSource random, MessageListener listener, Function<? super CommandStore, AsyncExecutor> executor, List<Id> clients, List<Id> nodes, int[] keys, int operations)
List<Packet> packets = new ArrayList<>();
Int2ObjectHashMap<int[]> prefixKeyUpdates = new Int2ObjectHashMap<>();
double readInCommandStore = random.nextDouble();
Function<int[], Range> nextRange = randomRanges(random);
for (int count = 0 ; count < operations ; ++count)
int finalCount = count;
Id client = clients.get(random.nextInt(clients.size()));
Id node = nodes.get(random.nextInt(nodes.size()));
boolean isRangeQuery = random.nextBoolean();
String description;
Function<Node, Txn> txnGenerator;
if (isRangeQuery)
description = "range";
txnGenerator = n -> {
int[] prefixes = prefixes(n.topology().current());
int rangeCount = 1 + random.nextInt(2);
List<Range> requestRanges = new ArrayList<>();
while (--rangeCount >= 0)
Ranges ranges = Ranges.of(requestRanges.toArray(EMPTY_RANGES));
ListRead read = new ListRead(random.decide(readInCommandStore) ? Function.identity() : executor, false, ranges, ranges);
ListQuery query = new ListQuery(client, finalCount);
return new Txn.InMemory(ranges, read, query);
description = "key";
txnGenerator = n -> {
int[] prefixes = prefixes(n.topology().current());
boolean isWrite = random.nextBoolean();
int readCount = 1 + random.nextInt(2);
int writeCount = isWrite ? 1 + random.nextInt(2) : 0;
Txn.Kind kind = isWrite ? Txn.Kind.Write : readCount == 1 ? EphemeralRead : Txn.Kind.Read;
TreeSet<Key> requestKeys = new TreeSet<>();
IntHashSet readValues = new IntHashSet();
while (readCount-- > 0)
requestKeys.add(randomKey(random, prefixes, keys, readValues));
ListUpdate update = isWrite ? new ListUpdate(executor) : null;
IntHashSet writeValues = isWrite ? new IntHashSet() : null;
while (writeCount-- > 0)
PrefixedIntHashKey.Key key = randomKey(random, prefixes, keys, writeValues);
int i = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, key.key);
int[] keyUpdateCounter = prefixKeyUpdates.computeIfAbsent(key.prefix, ignore -> new int[keys.length]);
update.put(key, ++keyUpdateCounter[i]);
Keys readKeys = new Keys(requestKeys);
if (isWrite)
ListRead read = new ListRead(random.decide(readInCommandStore) ? Function.identity() : executor, kind == EphemeralRead, readKeys, new Keys(requestKeys));
ListQuery query = new ListQuery(client, finalCount);
return new Txn.InMemory(kind, new Keys(requestKeys), read, query, update);
packets.add(new Packet(client, node, count, new ListRequest(description, txnGenerator, listener)));
return packets;
private static int[] prefixes(Topology topology)
IntHashSet uniq = new IntHashSet();
for (Shard shard : topology.shards())
uniq.add(((PrefixedIntHashKey) shard.range.start()).prefix);
int[] prefixes = new int[uniq.size()];
IntHashSet.IntIterator it = uniq.iterator();
for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++)
prefixes[i] = it.nextValue();
return prefixes;
private static Function<int[], Range> randomRanges(RandomSource rs)
int selection = rs.nextInt(0, 2);
switch (selection)
case 0: // uniform
return (prefixes) -> randomRange(rs, prefixes, () -> rs.nextInt(0, 1 << 13) + 1);
case 1: // zipf
int splitSize = 100;
int interval = domain / splitSize;
int[] splits = new int[6];
for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++)
splits[i] = i == 0 ? interval : splits[i - 1] * 2;
int[] splitsToPick = splits;
int bias = rs.nextInt(0, 3); // small, large, random
if (bias != 0)
splitsToPick = Arrays.copyOf(splits, splits.length);
if (bias == 1)
else if (bias == 2)
Utils.shuffle(splitsToPick, rs);
Gen.IntGen zipf = Gens.pickZipf(splitsToPick);
return (prefixes) -> randomRange(rs, prefixes, () -> {
int value = zipf.nextInt(rs);
int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(splits, value);
int min = idx == 0 ? 0 : splits[idx - 1];
return rs.nextInt(min, value) + 1;
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected value: " + selection);
private static Range randomRange(RandomSource random, int[] prefixes, IntSupplier rangeSizeFn)
int prefix = random.pickInt(prefixes);
int i = random.nextInt(HASH_RANGE_START, HASH_RANGE_END);
int rangeSize = rangeSizeFn.getAsInt();
int j = i + rangeSize;
int delta = j - HASH_RANGE_END;
i -= delta;
// saftey check, this shouldn't happen unless the configs were changed in an unsafe way
return range(forHash(prefix, i), forHash(prefix, j));
private static PrefixedIntHashKey.Key randomKey(RandomSource random, int[] prefixes, int[] keys, Set<Integer> seen)
int prefix = random.pickInt(prefixes);
int key;
key = random.pickInt(keys);
while (!seen.add(key));
return PrefixedIntHashKey.key(prefix, key, hash(key));
* This class uses a limited range than the default for the following reasons:
* 1) easier to debug smaller numbers
* 2) adds hash collisions (multiple keys map to the same hash)
private static int hash(int key)
CRC32 crc32c = new CRC32();
crc32c.update(key >> 8);
crc32c.update(key >> 16);
crc32c.update(key >> 24);
return (int) crc32c.getValue() & 0xffff;
static void reconcile(long seed, TopologyFactory topologyFactory, List<Id> clients, List<Id> nodes, int keyCount, int operations, int concurrency) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException
ReconcilingLogger logReconciler = new ReconcilingLogger(logger);
RandomSource random1 = new DefaultRandom(), random2 = new DefaultRandom();
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
Future<?> f1;
try (@SuppressWarnings("unused") ReconcilingLogger.Session session = logReconciler.nextSession())
f1 = exec.submit(() -> burn(random1, topologyFactory, clients, nodes, keyCount, operations, concurrency));
Future<?> f2;
try (@SuppressWarnings("unused") ReconcilingLogger.Session session = logReconciler.nextSession())
f2 = exec.submit(() -> burn(random2, topologyFactory, clients, nodes, keyCount, operations, concurrency));
assert logReconciler.reconcile();
static void burn(RandomSource random, TopologyFactory topologyFactory, List<Id> clients, List<Id> nodes, int keyCount, int operations, int concurrency)
List<Throwable> failures = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
RandomDelayQueue delayQueue = new Factory(random).get();
PropagatingPendingQueue queue = new PropagatingPendingQueue(failures, delayQueue);
long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
long startLogicalMillis = queue.nowInMillis();
RandomSource retryRandom = random.fork();
Consumer<Runnable> retryBootstrap = retry -> {
long delay = retryRandom.nextInt(1, 15);
queue.add((PendingRunnable) retry::run, delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Function<BiConsumer<Timestamp, Ranges>, ListAgent> agentSupplier = onStale -> new ListAgent(1000L, failures::add, retryBootstrap, onStale);
Supplier<LongSupplier> nowSupplier = () -> {
RandomSource forked = random.fork();
// TODO (now): meta-randomise scale of clock drift
return FrequentLargeRange.builder(forked)
.ratio(1, 5)
.small(50, 5000, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
.large(1, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.mapAsLong(j -> Math.max(0, queue.nowInMillis() + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(j)))
SimulatedDelayedExecutorService globalExecutor = new SimulatedDelayedExecutorService(queue, new ListAgent(1000L, failures::add, retryBootstrap, (i1, i2) -> {
throw new IllegalAccessError("Global executor should enver get a stale event");
Int2ObjectHashMap<Verifier> validators = new Int2ObjectHashMap<>();
Function<CommandStore, AsyncExecutor> executor = ignore -> globalExecutor;
MessageListener listener = MessageListener.get();
int[] keys = IntStream.range(0, keyCount).toArray();
Packet[] requests = toArray(generate(random, listener, executor, clients, nodes, keys, operations), Packet[]::new);
int[] starts = new int[requests.length];
Packet[] replies = new Packet[requests.length];
AtomicInteger acks = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger nacks = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger lost = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger truncated = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger recovered = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger failedToCheck = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger clock = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger requestIndex = new AtomicInteger();
Queue<Packet> initialRequests = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (int max = Math.min(concurrency, requests.length) ; requestIndex.get() < max ; )
int i = requestIndex.getAndIncrement();
starts[i] = clock.incrementAndGet();
// not used for atomicity, just for encapsulation
AtomicReference<Runnable> onSubmitted = new AtomicReference<>();
Consumer<Packet> responseSink = packet -> {
if (replies[(int)packet.replyId] != null)
if (requestIndex.get() < requests.length)
int i = requestIndex.getAndIncrement();
starts[i] = clock.incrementAndGet();
if (i == requests.length - 1)
if (packet.message instanceof Reply.FailureReply)
failures.add(new AssertionError("Unexpected failure in list reply", ((Reply.FailureReply) packet.message).failure));
ListResult reply = (ListResult) packet.message;
if (!reply.isSuccess() && reply.status() == ListResult.Status.HeartBeat)
return; // interrupted; will fetch our actual reply once rest of simulation is finished (but wanted to send another request to keep correct number in flight)
int start = starts[(int)packet.replyId];
int end = clock.incrementAndGet();
logger.debug("{} at [{}, {}]", reply, start, end);
replies[(int)packet.replyId] = packet;
if (!reply.isSuccess())
switch (reply.status())
case Lost: lost.incrementAndGet(); break;
case Invalidated: nacks.incrementAndGet(); break;
case Failure: failedToCheck.incrementAndGet(); break;
case Truncated: truncated.incrementAndGet(); break;
// txn was applied?, but client saw a timeout, so response isn't known
case Other: break;
default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected fault: " + reply.status());
switch (reply.status())
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled status: " + reply.status());
case Applied: acks.incrementAndGet(); break;
case RecoveryApplied: recovered.incrementAndGet(); // NOTE: technically this might have been applied by the coordinator and it simply timed out
// TODO (correctness): when a keyspace is removed, the history/validator isn't cleaned up...
// the current logic for add keyspace only knows what is there, so a ABA problem exists where keyspaces
// may come back... logically this is a problem as the history doesn't get reset, but practically that
// is fine as the backing map and the validator are consistent
Int2ObjectHashMap<Verifier.Checker> seen = new Int2ObjectHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < ; ++i)
Key key = reply.responseKeys.get(i);
int prefix = prefix(key);
int keyValue = key(key);
int k = Arrays.binarySearch(keys, keyValue);
Verifier verifier = validators.computeIfAbsent(prefix, ignore -> createVerifier(Integer.toString(prefix), keyCount));
Verifier.Checker check = seen.computeIfAbsent(prefix, ignore -> verifier.witness(start, end));
int[] read =[i];
int write = reply.update == null ? -1 : reply.update.getOrDefault(key, -1);
if (read != null), read);
if (write >= 0)
check.write(k, write);
for (Verifier.Checker check : seen.values())
catch (Throwable t)
Map<MessageType, Stats> messageStatsMap;
messageStatsMap =, Id[]::new), listener, () -> queue,
(id, onStale) -> globalExecutor.withAgent(agentSupplier.apply(onStale)),
responseSink, random::fork, nowSupplier,
topologyFactory, initialRequests::poll,
ignore -> {}
for (Verifier verifier : validators.values())
catch (Throwable t)
for (int i = 0 ; i < requests.length ; ++i)
{"{}", requests[i]);"\t\t" + replies[i]);
throw t;
int observedOperations = acks.get() + recovered.get() + nacks.get() + lost.get() + truncated.get();"Received {} acks, {} recovered, {} nacks, {} lost, {} truncated ({} total) to {} operations", acks.get(), recovered.get(), nacks.get(), lost.get(), truncated.get(), observedOperations, operations);"Message counts: {}", messageStatsMap.entrySet());"Took {} and in logical time of {}", Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime() - startNanos), Duration.ofMillis(queue.nowInMillis() - startLogicalMillis));
if (clock.get() != operations * 2 || observedOperations != operations)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0 ; i < requests.length ; ++i)
// since this only happens when operations are lost, only log the ones without a reply to lower the amount of noise
if (replies[i] == null)
if (clock.get() != operations * 2) throw new AssertionError("Incomplete set of responses; clock=" + clock.get() + ", expected operations=" + (operations * 2));
else throw new AssertionError("Incomplete set of responses; ack+recovered+other+nacks+lost+truncated=" + observedOperations + ", expected operations=" + (operations * 2));
private static Verifier createVerifier(String prefix, int keyCount)
if (!ElleVerifier.Support.allowed())
return new StrictSerializabilityVerifier(prefix, keyCount);
return CompositeVerifier.create(new StrictSerializabilityVerifier(prefix, keyCount),
new ElleVerifier());
public static void main(String[] args)
int count = 1;
int operations = 1000;
Long overrideSeed = null;
LongSupplier seedGenerator = ThreadLocalRandom.current()::nextLong;
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i += 2)
switch (args[i])
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid option: " + args[i]);
case "-c":
count = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
overrideSeed = null;
case "-s":
overrideSeed = Long.parseLong(args[i + 1]);
count = 1;
case "-o":
operations = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]);
case "--loop-seed":
seedGenerator = new DefaultRandom(Long.parseLong(args[i + 1]))::nextLong;
while (count-- > 0)
run(overrideSeed != null ? overrideSeed : seedGenerator.getAsLong(), operations);
@Timeout(value = 3, unit = TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public void testOne()
run(System.nanoTime(), 1000);
private static void run(long seed, int operations)
{"Seed: {}", seed);
Cluster.trace.trace("Seed: {}", seed);
RandomSource random = new DefaultRandom(seed);
List<Id> clients = generateIds(true, 1 + random.nextInt(4));
int rf;
float chance = random.nextFloat();
if (chance < 0.2f) { rf = random.nextInt(2, 9); }
else if (chance < 0.4f) { rf = 3; }
else if (chance < 0.7f) { rf = 5; }
else if (chance < 0.8f) { rf = 7; }
else { rf = 9; }
List<Id> nodes = generateIds(false, random.nextInt(rf, rf * 3));
burn(random, new TopologyFactory(rf, ranges(0, HASH_RANGE_START, HASH_RANGE_END, random.nextInt(Math.max(nodes.size() + 1, rf), nodes.size() * 3))),
5 + random.nextInt(15),
10 + random.nextInt(30));
catch (Throwable t)
logger.error("Exception running burn test for seed {}:", seed, t);
throw SimulationException.wrap(seed, t);
private static List<Id> generateIds(boolean clients, int count)
List<Id> ids = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= count ; ++i)
ids.add(new Id(clients ? -i : i));
return ids;
private static int key(Key key)
return ((PrefixedIntHashKey) key).key;
private static int prefix(Key key)
return ((PrefixedIntHashKey) key).prefix;