blob: 1f2c3162a70f6c92e582c7f069c83b96d46624ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package accord.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static accord.utils.Invariants.illegalState;
* Represents a map of ranges where precisely one value is bound to each point in the continuum of ranges,
* and a simple function is sufficient to merge values inserted to overlapping ranges.
* Copied/adapted from Cassandra's PaxosRepairHistory class, however has a major distinction: applies only to the
* covered ranges, i.e. the first start bound is the lower bound, and the last start bound is the upper bound,
* and everything else is considered unknown. This is in contrast to the C* version where every logical range has
* some associated information, with the first and last entries applying to everything either side of the start/end bound.
* A simple sorted array of bounds is sufficient to represent the state and perform efficient lookups.
* TODO (desired): use a mutable b-tree instead
public class ReducingIntervalMap<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V>
private static final Comparable[] NO_OBJECTS = new Comparable[0];
// for simplicity at construction, we permit this to be overridden by the first insertion
final boolean inclusiveEnds;
// starts is 1 longer than values, so that starts[0] == start of values[0]
protected final K[] starts;
protected final V[] values;
public ReducingIntervalMap()
public ReducingIntervalMap(boolean inclusiveEnds)
this.inclusiveEnds = inclusiveEnds;
this.starts = (K[]) NO_OBJECTS;
this.values = (V[]) NO_OBJECTS;
ReducingIntervalMap(boolean inclusiveEnds, K[] starts, V[] values)
Invariants.checkArgument(starts.length == values.length + 1);
this.inclusiveEnds = inclusiveEnds;
this.starts = starts;
this.values = values;
public V foldl(BiFunction<V, V, V> reduce)
V result = values[0];
for (int i = 1; i < values.length; ++i)
if (values[i] != null)
result = reduce.apply(result, values[i]);
return result;
public <V2> V2 foldl(BiFunction<V, V2, V2> reduce, V2 accumulator, Predicate<V2> terminate)
for (V value : values)
if (value != null)
accumulator = reduce.apply(value, accumulator);
if (terminate.test(accumulator))
return accumulator;
public <V2> V2 foldlWithBounds(QuadFunction<V, V2, K, K, V2> fold, V2 accumulator, Predicate<V2> terminate)
for (int i = 0 ; i < values.length ; ++i)
V value = values[i];
if (value != null)
accumulator = fold.apply(value, accumulator, starts[i], starts[i+1]);
if (terminate.test(accumulator))
return accumulator;
public String toString()
return toString(v -> true);
public String toString(Predicate<V> include)
return IntStream.range(0, values.length)
.filter(i -> include.test(values[i]))
.mapToObj(i -> (inclusiveStarts() ? "[" : "(") + starts[i] + "," + starts[i + 1] + (inclusiveEnds ? "]" : ")") + "=" + values[i])
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{", "}"));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ReducingIntervalMap that = (ReducingIntervalMap) o;
return inclusiveEnds == that.inclusiveEnds && Arrays.equals(starts, that.starts) && Arrays.equals(values, that.values);
public int hashCode()
return Arrays.hashCode(values);
public boolean inclusiveEnds()
return inclusiveEnds;
public V get(K key)
int idx = find(key);
if (idx < 0 || idx >= values.length)
return null;
return values[idx];
public K startAt(int idx)
if (idx < 0 || idx > size() + 1)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format("%d < 0 or > %d", idx, size() + 1));
return starts[idx];
public V valueAt(int idx)
if (idx < 0 || idx > size())
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format("%d < 0 or > %d", idx, size()));
return values[idx];
private int find(K key)
int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(starts, key);
if (idx < 0) idx = -2 - idx;
else if (inclusiveEnds) --idx;
return idx;
protected final boolean inclusiveStarts()
return !inclusiveEnds;
public int size()
return values.length;
RangeIterator rangeIterator()
return new RangeIterator();
// append the item to the given list, modifying the underlying list
// if the item makes previoud entries redundant
protected static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M extends ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>> M mergeIntervals(M historyLeft, M historyRight, IntervalBuilderFactory<K, V, M> factory)
if (historyLeft == null || historyLeft.values.length == 0)
return historyRight;
if (historyRight == null || historyRight.values.length == 0)
return historyLeft;
boolean inclusiveEnds = inclusiveEnds(historyLeft.inclusiveEnds, historyLeft.size() > 0, historyRight.inclusiveEnds, historyRight.size() > 0);
IntervalBuilder<K, V, M> builder = factory.create(inclusiveEnds, historyLeft.size() + historyRight.size());
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator left = historyLeft.rangeIterator();
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator right = historyRight.rangeIterator();
K start;
{ // first loop over any range only covered by one of the two
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator first = left.start().compareTo(right.start()) <= 0 ? left : right;
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator second = first == left ? right : left;
while (first.hasCurrent() && first.end().compareTo(second.start()) <= 0)
if (first.value() != null)
builder.append(first.start(), first.end(), first.value());;
start = second.start();
if (first.hasCurrent() && first.start().compareTo(start) < 0 && first.value() != null)
builder.append(first.start(), start, builder.slice(first.start(), start, first.value()));
Invariants.checkState(start.compareTo(second.start()) <= 0);
// loop over any range covered by both
while (left.hasCurrent() && right.hasCurrent())
int cmp = left.end().compareTo(right.end());
K end = (cmp <= 0 ? left : right).end();
V value = sliceAndReduce(start, end, left.value(), right.value(), builder);
if (cmp <= 0);
if (cmp >= 0);
if (value != null)
builder.append(start, end, value);
start = end;
// finally loop over any remaining range covered by only one
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator remaining = left.hasCurrent() ? left : right;
if (remaining.hasCurrent())
{ // only slice the first one
K end = remaining.end();
V value = remaining.value();
if (value != null)
value = builder.slice(start, end, value);
builder.append(start, end, value);
start = end;;
while (remaining.hasCurrent())
K end = remaining.end();
V value = remaining.value();
if (value != null)
builder.append(start, end, value);
start = end;;
protected static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M extends ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>> M merge(M historyLeft, M historyRight, BiFunction<V, V, V> reduce, BuilderFactory<K, V, M> factory)
if (historyLeft == null || historyLeft.values.length == 0)
return historyRight;
if (historyRight == null || historyRight.values.length == 0)
return historyLeft;
boolean inclusiveEnds = inclusiveEnds(historyLeft.inclusiveEnds, historyLeft.size() > 0, historyRight.inclusiveEnds, historyRight.size() > 0);
AbstractBoundariesBuilder<K, V, M> builder = factory.create(inclusiveEnds, historyLeft.size() + historyRight.size());
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator left = historyLeft.rangeIterator();
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator right = historyRight.rangeIterator();
K start;
{ // first loop over any range only covered by one of the two
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator first = left.start().compareTo(right.start()) <= 0 ? left : right;
ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>.RangeIterator second = first == left ? right : left;
K end = null;
while (first.hasCurrent() && first.end().compareTo(second.start()) <= 0)
builder.append(first.start(), first.value(), reduce);
end = first.end();;
start = second.start();
if (first.hasCurrent()) builder.append(first.start(), first.value(), reduce);
else builder.append(end, null, reduce);
Invariants.checkState(start.compareTo(second.start()) <= 0);
// loop over any range covered by both
// TODO (expected): optimise merging of very different sized maps (i.e. for inserts)
while (left.hasCurrent() && right.hasCurrent())
int cmp = left.end().compareTo(right.end());
V value = reduce(left.value(), right.value(), reduce);
if (cmp == 0)
builder.append(start, value, reduce);
start = left.end();;;
else if (cmp < 0)
builder.append(start, value, reduce);
start = left.end();;
builder.append(start, value, reduce);
start = right.end();;
// finally loop over any remaining range covered by only one
while (left.hasCurrent())
builder.append(start, left.value(), reduce);
start = left.end();;
while (right.hasCurrent())
builder.append(start, right.value(), reduce);
start = right.end();;
builder.append(start, null, reduce);
private static <V> V reduce(V left, V right, BiFunction<V, V, V> reduce)
return left == null ? right : right == null ? left : reduce.apply(left, right);
private static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> V sliceAndReduce(K start, K end, V left, V right, IntervalBuilder<K, V, ?> builder)
if (left != null) left = builder.slice(start, end, left);
if (right != null) right = builder.slice(start, end, right);
return left == null ? right : right == null ? left : builder.reduce(left, right);
RangeIterator intersecting(K start, K end)
int from = Arrays.binarySearch(starts, start);
if (from < 0) from = Math.max(0, -2 - from);
else if (!inclusiveStarts()) ++from;
int to = Arrays.binarySearch(starts, end);
if (to < 0) to = -1 - to;
else if (inclusiveStarts()) ++to;
return new RangeIterator(from, to);
class RangeIterator
final int end;
int i;
this.end = values.length;
RangeIterator(int from, int to)
this.i = from;
this.end = to;
boolean hasCurrent()
return i < end;
void next()
K start()
return starts[i];
K end()
return starts[i + 1];
V value()
return values[i];
protected interface BuilderFactory<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M extends ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>>
AbstractBoundariesBuilder<K, V, M> create(boolean inclusiveEnds, int capacity);
protected static abstract class AbstractBoundariesBuilder<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M extends ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>>
protected final boolean inclusiveEnds;
protected final List<K> starts;
protected final List<V> values;
protected AbstractBoundariesBuilder(boolean inclusiveEnds, int capacity)
this.inclusiveEnds = inclusiveEnds;
this.starts = new ArrayList<>(capacity);
this.values = new ArrayList<>(capacity + 1);
* null is a valid value to represent no knowledge, and is the *expected* final value, representing
* the bound of our knowledge (any higher key will find no associated information)
public void append(K start, @Nullable V value, BiFunction<V, V, V> reduce)
int tailIdx = starts.size() - 1;
assert starts.size() == values.size();
assert tailIdx < 0 || start.compareTo(starts.get(tailIdx)) >= 0;
boolean sameAsTailKey, sameAsTailValue;
V tailValue;
if (tailIdx < 0)
sameAsTailKey = sameAsTailValue = false;
tailValue = null;
sameAsTailKey = start.equals(starts.get(tailIdx));
tailValue = values.get(tailIdx);
sameAsTailValue = Objects.equals(value, tailValue);
if (sameAsTailKey || sameAsTailValue)
if (sameAsTailValue)
values.set(tailIdx, value == null ? null : tailValue);
else if (tailValue != null)
values.set(tailIdx, reduce.apply(tailValue, value));
else if (tailIdx >= 1 && value.equals(values.get(tailIdx - 1)))
// just remove the null value and start
values.set(tailIdx, value);
protected abstract M buildInternal();
public final M build()
if (!values.isEmpty())
Invariants.checkState(values.get(values.size() - 1) == null);
values.remove(values.size() - 1);
Invariants.checkState(values.get(0) != null);
Invariants.checkState(starts.size() == values.size() + 1);
return buildInternal();
protected interface IntervalBuilderFactory<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M extends ReducingIntervalMap<K, V>>
IntervalBuilder<K, V, M> create(boolean inclusiveEnds, int capacity);
protected static abstract class IntervalBuilder<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M>
protected abstract V slice(K start, K end, V value);
protected abstract V reduce(V a, V b);
protected V tryMergeEqual(V a, V b)
return a.equals(b) ? a : null;
public abstract void append(K start, K end, @Nonnull V value);
protected abstract M build();
protected static abstract class AbstractIntervalBuilder<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V, M> extends IntervalBuilder<K, V, M>
protected final boolean inclusiveEnds;
protected final List<K> starts;
protected final List<V> values;
private K prevEnd;
protected AbstractIntervalBuilder(boolean inclusiveEnds, int capacity)
this.inclusiveEnds = inclusiveEnds;
this.starts = new ArrayList<>(capacity);
this.values = new ArrayList<>(capacity + 1);
public void append(K start, K end, @Nonnull V value)
if (prevEnd != null)
int c = prevEnd.compareTo(start);
Invariants.checkState(c <= 0);
if (c < 0)
int tailIdx = starts.size() - 1;
assert starts.size() == values.size();
assert tailIdx < 0 || start.compareTo(starts.get(tailIdx)) >= 0;
V tailValue;
if (tailIdx >= 0 && null != (tailValue = values.get(tailIdx)) && null != (tailValue = tryMergeEqual(tailValue, value)))
values.set(tailIdx, tailValue);
prevEnd = end;
protected abstract M buildInternal();
public final M build()
if (prevEnd != null)
prevEnd = null;
return buildInternal();
static boolean inclusiveEnds(boolean leftIsInclusive, boolean leftIsDecisive, boolean rightIsInclusive, boolean rightIsDecisive)
if (leftIsInclusive == rightIsInclusive)
return leftIsInclusive;
else if (leftIsDecisive && rightIsDecisive)
throw illegalState("Mismatching bound inclusivity/exclusivity");
else if (leftIsDecisive)
return leftIsInclusive;
return rightIsInclusive;