blob: 5647ae9c19febb42e8a7ea743d3a78ae428ac402 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* limitations under the License.
package accord.primitives;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import accord.local.Node.Id;
import accord.primitives.Routable.Domain;
import accord.primitives.Txn.Kind;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Read;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Write;
import static accord.utils.Invariants.illegalArgument;
public class TxnId extends Timestamp
public static final TxnId NONE = new TxnId(0, 0, Id.NONE);
public static final TxnId MAX = new TxnId(Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, Id.MAX);
public static TxnId fromBits(long msb, long lsb, Id node)
return new TxnId(msb, lsb, node);
public static TxnId fromValues(long epoch, long hlc, Id node)
return new TxnId(epoch, hlc, 0, node);
public static TxnId fromValues(long epoch, long hlc, int flags, Id node)
return new TxnId(epoch, hlc, flags, node);
public static TxnId fromValues(long epoch, long hlc, int flags, int node)
return new TxnId(epoch, hlc, flags, new Id(node));
public TxnId(Timestamp timestamp, Kind rw, Domain domain)
super(timestamp, flags(rw, domain));
public TxnId(TxnId copy)
super(copy.msb, copy.lsb, copy.node);
public TxnId(long epoch, long hlc, Kind rw, Domain domain, Id node)
this(epoch, hlc, flags(rw, domain), node);
private TxnId(long epoch, long hlc, int flags, Id node)
super(epoch, hlc, flags, node);
private TxnId(long msb, long lsb, Id node)
super(msb, lsb, node);
public boolean isWrite()
return rwOrdinal(flags()) == Write.ordinal();
public boolean isRead()
return rwOrdinal(flags()) == Read.ordinal();
public Kind kind()
return kind(flags());
public Domain domain()
return domain(flags());
public TxnId as(Kind kind)
return new TxnId(epoch(), hlc(), kind, domain(), node);
public TxnId withEpoch(long epoch)
return epoch == epoch() ? this : new TxnId(epoch, hlc(), flags(), node);
public TxnId merge(Timestamp that)
return merge(this, that, TxnId::fromBits);
public String toString()
return "[" + epoch() + ',' + hlc() + ',' + flags() + '(' + domain().shortName() + kind().shortName() + ')' + ',' + node + ']';
private static int flags(Kind rw, Domain domain)
return flags(rw) | flags(domain);
private static int flags(Kind rw)
return rw.ordinal() << 1;
private static int flags(Domain domain)
return domain.ordinal();
private static Kind kind(int flags)
return Kind.ofOrdinal(rwOrdinal(flags));
private static Domain domain(int flags)
return Domain.ofOrdinal(domainOrdinal(flags));
private static int rwOrdinal(int flags)
return (flags >> 1) & 7;
private static int domainOrdinal(int flags)
return flags & 1;
public static TxnId maxForEpoch(long epoch)
return new TxnId(epochMsb(epoch) | 0x7fff, Long.MAX_VALUE, Id.MAX);
public static TxnId minForEpoch(long epoch)
return new TxnId(epochMsb(epoch), 0, Id.NONE);
private static final Pattern PARSE = Pattern.compile("\\[(?<epoch>[0-9]+),(?<hlc>[0-9]+),(?<flags>[0-9]+)\\([KREWNSXL]\\),(?<node>[0-9]+)]");
public static TxnId parse(String txnIdString)
Matcher m = PARSE.matcher(txnIdString);
if (!m.matches())
throw illegalArgument("Invalid TxnId string: " + txnIdString);
return fromValues(Long.parseLong("epoch")), Long.parseLong("hlc")), Integer.parseInt("flags")), new Id(Integer.parseInt("node"))));