blob: c88f47137c2f42daa286ea754fa5128d0c46551d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.primitives;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import accord.api.Data;
import accord.api.Query;
import accord.api.Read;
import accord.api.Result;
import accord.api.Update;
import accord.local.SafeCommandStore;
import accord.utils.Invariants;
import accord.utils.async.AsyncChain;
import accord.utils.async.AsyncChains;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Kinds.AnyGloballyVisible;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Kinds.Nothing;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Kinds.RorWs;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Kinds.SyncPoints;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Kinds.Ws;
import static accord.primitives.Txn.Kind.Kinds.WsOrSyncPoint;
public interface Txn
* NOTE: we keep Read/Write adjacent to make it easier to check for non-standard flags in serialization
enum Kind
* A non-durable read that cannot be recovered and provides only per-key linearizability guarantees.
* This may be used to implement single-partition-key reads with strict serializable isolation OR
* weaker isolation multi-key/range reads for interoperability with weaker isolation systems.
* A pseudo-transaction whose deps represent the complete set of transactions that may execute before it,
* without interfering with their execution.
* A SyncPoint is unique in that it does not agree an executeAt, but instead agrees a precise collection of
* dependencies that represent a superset of the transactions that have reached consensus to execute before
* their txnId. This set of dependencies will be made durable in the Accept round, and re-proposed by recovery
* if the transaction is not fully committed (but was durably accepted).
* This is only safe because the transaction does not really "execute" and does not order itself with respect to
* others, it only orders others with respect to itself, so its executeAt can be declared to be its txnId.
* In effect it represents an inequality relation, rather than a precise point in the transaction log - its
* dependencies permit saying that we are "after" its point in the log, not that we are *at* that point.
* This permits us to use the dependencies from the PreAccept round.
* Note, it would be possible to do a three-round operation that achieved this with a precise "at" position
* in the log, with a second round between PreAccept and Accept to collect deps < executeAt, if executeAt &gt; txnId,
* but we do not need this property here.
* This all ensures the effect of this transaction on invalidation of earlier transactions is durable.
* This is most useful for ExclusiveSyncPoint.
* Invisible to other transactions.
* A {@link #SyncPoint} that invalidates transactions with lower TxnId that it does not witness, i.e. it ensures
* that earlier TxnId that had not reached consensus before it did must be retried with a higher TxnId,
* so that replicas that are bootstrapping may ignore lower TxnId and still be sure they have a complete
* representation of the reified transaction log.
* Other transactions do not typically take a dependency upon an ExclusiveSyncPoint as part of coordination,
* however during execution on a bootstrapping replica the sync point may be inserted as a dependency until
* the bootstrap has progressed far enough to know which transactions will be executed before the bootstrap
* (and therefore should be pruned from dependencies, as their outcome will be included in the bootstrap)
* and those which will be executed after, on the replica (and therefore should be retained as dependencies).
* Invisible to other transactions.
* Used for local book-keeping only, not visible to any other replica or directly to other transactions.
* This is used to create pseudo transactions that take the place of dependencies that will be fulfilled by a bootstrap.
this.shortName = name().charAt(0);
Kind(char shortName)
this.shortName = shortName;
public enum Kinds implements Predicate<Kind>
* Any DURABLE read or write. This does not witness EphemeralReads.
public boolean test(Kind kind)
switch (this)
default: throw new AssertionError();
case AnyGloballyVisible: return kind.isGloballyVisible();
case WsOrSyncPoint: return kind == Write || kind == Kind.SyncPoint || kind == ExclusiveSyncPoint;
case SyncPoints: return kind == Kind.SyncPoint || kind == ExclusiveSyncPoint;
case RorWs: return kind == Read || kind == Write;
case Ws: return kind == Write;
case Nothing: return false; // TODO (expected, consider): throw exception? we shouldn't ever be presented the option to test even.
// in future: BlindWrite, Interactive?
private static final Kind[] VALUES = Kind.values();
Map<Character, Kind> shortNames = new HashMap<>();
for (Kind kind : VALUES)
Invariants.checkState(null == shortNames.putIfAbsent(kind.shortName, kind), "Short name conflict between: " + kind + " and " + shortNames.get(kind.shortName));
private final char shortName;
public boolean isWrite()
return this == Write;
public boolean isRead()
return this == Read;
public boolean isLocal()
return this == LocalOnly;
public boolean isDurable()
return this != EphemeralRead;
public boolean isGloballyVisible()
switch (this)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled Kind: " + this);
case EphemeralRead:
case LocalOnly:
return false;
case Write:
case Read:
case ExclusiveSyncPoint:
case SyncPoint:
return true;
public boolean isSyncPoint()
return this == ExclusiveSyncPoint || this == SyncPoint;
* An ExclusiveSyncPoint and EphemeralRead execute only after all of their dependencies, and have no logical executeAt.
public boolean awaitsOnlyDeps()
return this == ExclusiveSyncPoint || this == EphemeralRead;
public static Kind ofOrdinal(int ordinal)
return VALUES[ordinal];
public Kinds witnesses()
switch (this)
default: throw new AssertionError();
case EphemeralRead:
case Read:
return Ws;
case Write:
return RorWs;
case SyncPoint:
case ExclusiveSyncPoint:
return AnyGloballyVisible;
public Kinds witnessedBy()
switch (this)
default: throw new AssertionError();
case EphemeralRead:
return Nothing;
case Read:
return WsOrSyncPoint;
case Write:
return AnyGloballyVisible;
case SyncPoint:
case ExclusiveSyncPoint:
return SyncPoints;
public char shortName()
return shortName;
class InMemory implements Txn
private final Kind kind;
private final Seekables<?, ?> keys;
private final Read read;
private final Query query;
private final Update update;
public InMemory(@Nonnull Seekables<?, ?> keys, @Nonnull Read read, @Nonnull Query query)
this.kind = Kind.Read;
this.keys = keys; = read;
this.query = query;
this.update = null;
public InMemory(@Nonnull Seekables<?, ?> keys, @Nonnull Read read, @Nonnull Query query, @Nullable Update update)
this.kind = Kind.Write;
this.keys = keys; = read;
this.update = update;
this.query = query;
public InMemory(@Nonnull Kind kind, @Nonnull Seekables<?, ?> keys, @Nonnull Read read, @Nullable Query query, @Nullable Update update)
this.kind = kind;
this.keys = keys; = read;
this.update = update;
this.query = query;
public PartialTxn slice(Ranges ranges, boolean includeQuery)
return new PartialTxn.InMemory(
ranges, kind(), keys().slice(ranges),
read().slice(ranges), includeQuery ? query() : null,
update() == null ? null : update().slice(ranges)
public Kind kind()
return kind;
public Seekables<?, ?> keys()
return keys;
public Read read()
return read;
public Query query()
return query;
public Update update()
return update;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Txn txn = (Txn) o;
return kind() == txn.kind()
&& keys().equals(txn.keys())
&& read().equals(
&& Objects.equals(query(), txn.query())
&& Objects.equals(update(), txn.update());
public int hashCode()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String toString()
return "{read:" + read() + (update() != null ? ", update:" + update() : "") + '}';
@Nonnull Kind kind();
@Nonnull Seekables<?, ?> keys();
@Nonnull Read read();
@Nullable Query query(); // may be null only in PartialTxn
@Nullable Update update();
@Nonnull PartialTxn slice(Ranges ranges, boolean includeQuery);
default boolean isWrite()
return kind().isWrite();
default Result result(TxnId txnId, Timestamp executeAt, @Nullable Data data)
return query().compute(txnId, executeAt, keys(), data, read(), update());
default Writes execute(TxnId txnId, Timestamp executeAt, @Nullable Data data)
Update update = update();
if (update == null)
return new Writes(txnId, executeAt, Keys.EMPTY, null);
return new Writes(txnId, executeAt, update.keys(), update.apply(executeAt, data));
default AsyncChain<Data> read(SafeCommandStore safeStore, Timestamp executeAt, Ranges unavailable)
Ranges ranges = safeStore.ranges().allAt(executeAt).subtract(unavailable);
List<AsyncChain<Data>> chains = Routables.foldlMinimal(keys(), ranges, (key, accumulate, index) -> {
AsyncChain<Data> result = read().read(key, safeStore, executeAt, safeStore.dataStore());
return accumulate;
}, new ArrayList<>());
if (chains.isEmpty())
return AsyncChains.success(null);
return AsyncChains.reduce(chains, Data::merge);