blob: ac293dc5b07c3f33ce67637fadbff0c78114720e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package accord.primitives;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.utils.IndexedFoldToLong;
import accord.utils.IndexedTriFold;
import net.nicoulaj.compilecommand.annotations.Inline;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static accord.primitives.AbstractRanges.UnionMode.MERGE_OVERLAPPING;
import static accord.primitives.Routables.Slice.Overlapping;
public class Ranges extends AbstractRanges implements Iterable<Range>, Seekables<Range, Ranges>, Unseekables<Range>, Participants<Range>
public static final Ranges EMPTY = new Ranges(new Range[0]);
private Ranges(@Nonnull Range[] ranges)
public static Ranges of(Range... ranges)
return AbstractRanges.of(Ranges::ofSortedAndDeoverlappedUnchecked, ranges);
public static Ranges ofSorted(Range... ranges)
return AbstractRanges.deoverlapSorted(Ranges::ofSortedAndDeoverlappedUnchecked, ranges, ranges.length, MERGE_OVERLAPPING);
public static Ranges ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(Range... ranges)
return AbstractRanges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(Ranges::ofSortedAndDeoverlappedUnchecked, ranges);
static Ranges ofSortedAndDeoverlappedUnchecked(Range... ranges)
if (ranges.length == 0)
return EMPTY;
return new Ranges(ranges);
public static Ranges single(Range range)
return new Ranges(new Range[]{range});
public Ranges select(int[] indexes)
Range[] selection = new Range[indexes.length];
for (int i=0; i<indexes.length; i++)
selection[i] = ranges[indexes[i]];
return ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(Ranges::ofSortedAndDeoverlappedUnchecked, selection);
public Stream<Range> stream()
return Stream.of(ranges);
public final Ranges slice(Ranges ranges)
return slice(ranges, Overlapping);
public final Ranges slice(Ranges ranges, Slice slice)
return slice(ranges, slice, this, null, (i1, i2, rs) -> i1.ranges == rs ? i1 : Ranges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(rs));
public Ranges intersecting(Routables<?> keysOrRanges)
return intersecting(this, keysOrRanges, this, (i1, i2, rs) -> i2.ranges == rs ? i2 : new Ranges(rs));
public Ranges with(Unseekables<Range> with)
return with((AbstractRanges) with);
public Participants<Range> with(Participants<Range> with)
return with((AbstractRanges) with);
public Ranges with(Ranges that)
return union(MERGE_OVERLAPPING, that);
public Ranges with(AbstractRanges that)
return union(MERGE_OVERLAPPING, that);
public Unseekables<Range> with(RoutingKey withKey)
if (contains(withKey))
return this;
return with(Ranges.of(withKey.asRange()));
public UnseekablesKind kind()
return UnseekablesKind.RoutingRanges;
public Ranges toParticipants()
return this;
public Ranges toRanges()
return this;
public FullRangeRoute toRoute(RoutingKey homeKey)
if (!contains(homeKey))
Range[] ranges = with(Ranges.of(homeKey.asRange())).ranges;
return new FullRangeRoute(homeKey, false, ranges);
return new FullRangeRoute(homeKey, true, ranges);
public Ranges union(UnionMode mode, Ranges that)
return union(mode, this, that, this, that, (left, right, ranges) -> {
if (ranges == left.ranges) return left;
if (ranges == right.ranges) return right;
return Ranges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(ranges);
public Ranges union(UnionMode mode, AbstractRanges that)
return union(mode, this, that, this, that, (left, right, ranges) -> {
if (ranges == left.ranges) return left;
return Ranges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(ranges);
public Ranges mergeTouching()
return mergeTouching(this, Ranges::ofSortedAndDeoverlapped);
public Map<Boolean, Ranges> partitioningBy(Predicate<? super Range> test)
if (isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyMap();
List<Range> trues = new ArrayList<>();
List<Range> falses = new ArrayList<>();
for (Range range : this)
(test.test(range) ? trues : falses).add(range);
if (trues.isEmpty()) return ImmutableMap.of(Boolean.FALSE, this);
if (falses.isEmpty()) return ImmutableMap.of(Boolean.TRUE, this);
return ImmutableMap.of(Boolean.TRUE, Ranges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(trues.toArray(new Range[0])),
Boolean.FALSE, Ranges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(falses.toArray(new Range[0])));
public final long foldl(Ranges intersect, IndexedFoldToLong<Range> fold, long param, long accumulator, long terminalValue)
return Routables.foldl(this, intersect, fold, param, accumulator, terminalValue);
public final <P1, P2, V> V foldl(Ranges intersect, IndexedTriFold<P1, P2, Range, V> fold, P1 p1, P2 p2, V accumulator)
return Routables.foldl(this, intersect, fold, p1, p2, accumulator, i -> false);