blob: 47cd345f963dd1994593a538140c878ab4480360 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.primitives;
import accord.api.Key;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.utils.ArrayBuffers;
import accord.utils.IndexedBiConsumer;
import accord.utils.IndexedTriConsumer;
import accord.utils.RelationMultiMap;
import accord.utils.SortedArrays.SortedArrayList;
import accord.utils.SymmetricComparator;
import accord.utils.TriFunction;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static accord.utils.ArrayBuffers.*;
import static accord.utils.Invariants.illegalState;
import static accord.utils.RelationMultiMap.*;
import static accord.utils.SortedArrays.Search.FAST;
// TODO (desired, consider): switch to RoutingKey? Would mean adopting execution dependencies less precisely, but saving ser/deser of large keys
// TODO (expected): consider which projection we should default to on de/serialise
* A collection of dependencies for a transaction, organised by the key the dependency is adopted via.
* An inverse map from TxnId to Key may also be constructed and stored in this collection.
public class KeyDeps implements Iterable<Map.Entry<Key, TxnId>>
public static final KeyDeps NONE = new KeyDeps(Keys.EMPTY, NO_TXNIDS, NO_INTS);
public static class SerializerSupport
private SerializerSupport() {}
public static int keysToTxnIdsCount(KeyDeps deps)
return deps.keysToTxnIds.length;
public static int keysToTxnIds(KeyDeps deps, int idx)
return deps.keysToTxnIds[idx];
public static KeyDeps create(Keys keys, TxnId[] txnIds, int[] keyToTxnId)
return new KeyDeps(keys, txnIds, keyToTxnId);
public static KeyDeps none(Keys keys)
int[] keysToTxnId = new int[keys.size()];
Arrays.fill(keysToTxnId, keys.size());
return new KeyDeps(keys, NO_TXNIDS, keysToTxnId);
* Expects Command to be provided in TxnId order
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
public static class Builder extends AbstractBuilder<Key, TxnId, KeyDeps>
public Builder()
protected KeyDeps none()
return KeyDeps.NONE;
protected KeyDeps build(Key[] keys, TxnId[] txnIds, int[] keysToTxnIds)
return new KeyDeps(Keys.ofSortedUnique(keys), txnIds, keysToTxnIds);
public static LinearMerger<Key, TxnId, KeyDeps> newMerger()
return new LinearMerger<>(ADAPTER);
public static <T1, T2> KeyDeps merge(List<T1> merge, Function<T1, T2> getter1, Function<T2, KeyDeps> getter2)
try (LinearMerger<Key, TxnId, KeyDeps> linearMerger = newMerger())
int mergeIndex = 0, mergeSize = merge.size();
while (mergeIndex < mergeSize)
T2 intermediate = getter1.apply(merge.get(mergeIndex++));
if (intermediate == null)
KeyDeps deps = getter2.apply(intermediate);
if (deps == null || deps.isEmpty())
linearMerger.update(deps, deps.keys.keys, deps.txnIds, deps.keysToTxnIds);
return linearMerger.get(KeyDeps::new, NONE);
public static KeyDeps merge(Stream<KeyDeps> merge)
try (LinearMerger<Key, TxnId, KeyDeps> linearMerger = newMerger())
merge.forEach(deps -> {
if (!deps.isEmpty())
linearMerger.update(deps, deps.keys.keys, deps.txnIds, deps.keysToTxnIds);
return linearMerger.get(KeyDeps::new, NONE);
final Keys keys; // unique Keys
final TxnId[] txnIds; // unique TxnId
* This represents a map of {@code Key -> [TxnId] } where each TxnId is actually a pointer into the txnIds array.
* The beginning of the array (the first keys.size() entries) are offsets into this array.
* <p/>
* Example:
* <p/>
* {@code
* int keyIdx = keys.indexOf(key);
* int startOfTxnOffset = keyIdx == 0 ? keys.size() : keyToTxnId[keyIdx - 1];
* int endOfTxnOffset = keyToTxnId[keyIdx];
* for (int i = startOfTxnOffset; i < endOfTxnOffset; i++)
* {
* TxnId id = txnIds[keyToTxnId[i]]
* ...
* }
* }
// TODO (expected): support deserializing to one or the other
int[] keysToTxnIds; // Key -> [TxnId]
int[] txnIdsToKeys; // TxnId -> [Key]
KeyDeps(Key[] keys, TxnId[] txnIds, int[] keysToTxnIds)
this(Keys.ofSortedUnique(keys), txnIds, keysToTxnIds);
KeyDeps(Keys keys, TxnId[] txnIds, int[] keysToTxnIds)
this.keys = keys;
this.txnIds = txnIds;
this.keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds;
if (!(keys.isEmpty() || keysToTxnIds[keys.size() - 1] == keysToTxnIds.length))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Last key (%s) in keyToTxnId does not point (%d) to the end of the array (%d);\nkeyToTxnId=%s", keys.get(keys.size() - 1), keysToTxnIds[keys.size() - 1], keysToTxnIds.length, Arrays.toString(keysToTxnIds)));
checkValid(keys.keys, txnIds, keysToTxnIds);
public KeyDeps slice(Ranges ranges)
if (isEmpty())
return new KeyDeps(keys, txnIds, keysToTxnIds);
// TODO (low priority, efficiency): can slice in parallel with selecting keyToTxnId contents to avoid duplicate merging
Keys select = keys.slice(ranges);
if (select.isEmpty())
return new KeyDeps(Keys.EMPTY, NO_TXNIDS, NO_INTS);
if (select.size() == keys.size())
return this;
int i = 0;
int offset = select.size();
for (int j = 0 ; j < select.size() ; ++j)
int findi = keys.findNext(i, select.get(j), FAST);
if (findi < 0)
i = findi;
offset += keysToTxnIds[i] - (i == 0 ? keys.size() : keysToTxnIds[i - 1]);
int[] src = keysToTxnIds;
int[] trg = new int[offset];
i = 0;
offset = select.size();
for (int j = 0 ; j < select.size() ; ++j)
int findi = keys.findNext(i, select.get(j), FAST);
if (findi >= 0)
i = findi;
int start = i == 0 ? keys.size() : src[i - 1];
int count = src[i] - start;
System.arraycopy(src, start, trg, offset, count);
offset += count;
trg[j] = offset;
TxnId[] txnIds = trimUnusedValues(select.keys, this.txnIds, trg, TxnId[]::new);
return new KeyDeps(select, txnIds, trg);
public KeyDeps with(KeyDeps that)
if (isEmpty() || that.isEmpty())
return isEmpty() ? that : this;
return linearUnion(
this.keys.keys, this.keys.keys.length, this.txnIds, this.txnIds.length, this.keysToTxnIds, this.keysToTxnIds.length,
that.keys.keys, that.keys.keys.length, that.txnIds, that.txnIds.length, that.keysToTxnIds, that.keysToTxnIds.length,
Key::compareTo, TxnId::compareTo,
cachedKeys(), cachedTxnIds(), cachedInts(),
(keys, keysLength, txnIds, txnIdsLength, out, outLength) ->
new KeyDeps(Keys.ofSortedUnchecked(cachedKeys().complete(keys, keysLength)),
cachedTxnIds().complete(txnIds, txnIdsLength),
cachedInts().complete(out, outLength))
public KeyDeps without(Predicate<TxnId> remove)
return remove(this, keys.keys, txnIds, keysToTxnIds, remove,
NONE, TxnId[]::new, keys, KeyDeps::new);
public boolean contains(TxnId txnId)
return Arrays.binarySearch(txnIds, txnId) >= 0;
public boolean intersects(TxnId txnId, Ranges ranges)
int txnIdx = Arrays.binarySearch(txnIds, txnId);
if (txnIdx < 0)
return false;
int[] txnIdsToKeys = txnIdsToKeys();
int start = txnIdx == 0 ? txnIds.length : txnIdsToKeys[txnIdx - 1];
int end = txnIdsToKeys[txnIdx];
if (start == end)
return false;
int li = start, ri = 0;
while (li < end && ri < ranges.size())
ri = ranges.findNext(ri, keys.get(txnIdsToKeys[li]), FAST);
if (ri >= 0) return true;
ri = -1 - ri;
return false;
// return true iff we map any keys to any txnId
// if the mapping is empty we return false, whether or not we have any keys or txnId by themselves
public boolean isEmpty()
return keysToTxnIds.length == keys.size();
public Keys participatingKeys(TxnId txnId)
int txnIdx = Arrays.binarySearch(txnIds, txnId);
if (txnIdx < 0)
return Keys.EMPTY;
return participatingKeys(txnIdx);
public Keys participatingKeys(int txnIdx)
int[] txnIdsToKeys = txnIdsToKeys();
int start = txnIdx == 0 ? txnIds.length : txnIdsToKeys[txnIdx - 1];
int end = txnIdsToKeys[txnIdx];
if (start == end)
return Keys.EMPTY;
Key[] result = new Key[end - start];
for (int i = start ; i < end ; ++i)
result[i - start] = keys.get(txnIdsToKeys[i]);
return Keys.of(result);
// TODO (desired): consider optionally not inverting before answering, as a single txnId may be answered more efficiently without inversion
public RoutingKeys participants(TxnId txnId)
int txnIdIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(txnIds, txnId);
if (txnIdIndex < 0)
throw illegalState("Cannot create a RouteFragment without any keys");
int[] txnIdsToKeys = txnIdsToKeys();
int start = txnIdIndex == 0 ? txnIds.length : txnIdsToKeys[txnIdIndex - 1];
int end = txnIdsToKeys[txnIdIndex];
if (start == end)
throw illegalState("Cannot create a RouteFragment without any keys");
RoutingKey[] result = new RoutingKey[end - start];
result[0] = keys.get(txnIdsToKeys[start]).toUnseekable();
int resultCount = 1;
for (int i = start + 1 ; i < end ; ++i)
RoutingKey next = keys.get(txnIdsToKeys[i]).toUnseekable();
if (!next.equals(result[resultCount - 1]))
result[resultCount++] = next;
if (resultCount < result.length)
result = Arrays.copyOf(result, resultCount);
return new RoutingKeys(result);
int[] txnIdsToKeys()
if (txnIdsToKeys == null)
txnIdsToKeys = invert(keysToTxnIds, keysToTxnIds.length, keys.size(), txnIds.length);
return txnIdsToKeys;
int[] keysToTxnIds()
if (keysToTxnIds == null)
keysToTxnIds = invert(txnIdsToKeys, txnIdsToKeys.length, txnIds.length, keys.size());
return keysToTxnIds;
public void forEach(Ranges ranges, BiConsumer<Key, TxnId> forEach)
int[] keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds();
Routables.foldl(keys, ranges, (key, value, index) -> {
for (int t = startOffset(index), end = endOffset(index); t < end ; ++t)
TxnId txnId = txnIds[keysToTxnIds[t]];
forEach.accept(key, txnId);
return null;
}, null);
* For each {@link TxnId} that references a key within the {@link Ranges}; the {@link TxnId} will be seen exactly once.
* @param ranges to match on
* @param forEach function to call on each unique {@link TxnId}
public void forEachUniqueTxnId(Ranges ranges, Consumer<TxnId> forEach)
if (txnIds.length == 0)
int[] keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds();
if (txnIds.length <= 64)
long bitset = Routables.foldl(keys, ranges, (key, ignore, value, keyIndex) -> {
int index = startOffset(keyIndex);
int end = endOffset(keyIndex);
while (index < end)
long next = keysToTxnIds[index++];
if (next >= 64)
value |= 1L << next;
return value;
}, 0, 0, -1L >>> (64 - txnIds.length));
while (bitset != 0)
int i = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bitset);
TxnId txnId = txnIds[i];
bitset ^= Long.lowestOneBit(bitset);
BitSet bitset = Routables.foldl(keys, ranges, (key, value, keyIndex) -> {
int index = startOffset(keyIndex);
int end = endOffset(keyIndex);
while (index < end)
return value;
}, new BitSet(txnIds.length));
int i = -1;
while ((i = bitset.nextSetBit(i + 1)) >= 0)
public void forEach(Key key, Consumer<TxnId> forEach)
int keyIndex = keys.indexOf(key);
if (keyIndex < 0)
int[] keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds();
int index = startOffset(keyIndex);
int end = endOffset(keyIndex);
while (index < end)
public <P1, P2> void forEach(Ranges ranges, int inclIdx, int exclIdx, P1 p1, P2 p2, IndexedBiConsumer<P1, P2> forEach)
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i)
forEach(ranges.get(i), inclIdx, exclIdx, p1, p2, forEach);
public <P1, P2> void forEach(Range range, P1 p1, P2 p2, IndexedBiConsumer<P1, P2> forEach)
forEach(range, 0, keys.size(), p1, p2, forEach);
public <P1, P2> void forEach(Range range, int inclKeyIdx, int exclKeyIdx, P1 p1, P2 p2, IndexedBiConsumer<P1, P2> forEach)
forEach(range, inclKeyIdx, exclKeyIdx, forEach, p1, p2, IndexedBiConsumer::accept);
public <P1, P2, P3> void forEach(Range range, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, IndexedTriConsumer<P1, P2, P3> forEach)
forEach(range, 0, keys.size(), p1, p2, p3, forEach);
public <P1, P2, P3> void forEach(Range range, int inclKeyIdx, int exclKeyIdx, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, IndexedTriConsumer<P1, P2, P3> forEach)
int[] keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds();
int start = keys.indexOf(range.start());
if (start < 0) start = -1 - start;
else if (!range.startInclusive()) ++start;
start = startOffset(start);
int end = keys.indexOf(range.end());
if (end < 0) end = -1 - end;
else if (range.endInclusive()) ++end;
end = startOffset(end);
while (start < end)
int txnIdx = keysToTxnIds[start++];
if (txnIdx >= inclKeyIdx && txnIdx < exclKeyIdx)
forEach.accept(p1, p2, p3, txnIdx);
public <P1, V> V foldEachKey(int txnIdx, P1 p1, V accumulate, TriFunction<P1, Key, V, V> fold)
int[] txnIdsToKeys = txnIdsToKeys();
int start = txnIdx == 0 ? txnIds.length : txnIdsToKeys[txnIdx - 1];
int end = txnIdsToKeys[txnIdx];
for (int i = start; i < end ; ++i)
accumulate = fold.apply(p1, keys.get(txnIdsToKeys[i]), accumulate);
return accumulate;
public Keys keys()
return keys;
public int txnIdCount()
return txnIds.length;
public int totalCount()
return keysToTxnIds.length - keys.size();
public TxnId txnId(int i)
return txnIds[i];
public SortedArrayList<TxnId> txnIds()
return new SortedArrayList<>(txnIds);
public SortedRelationList<TxnId> txnIds(Key key)
int keyIndex = keys.indexOf(key);
if (keyIndex < 0)
return SortedRelationList.EMPTY;
return txnIdsForKeyIndex(keyIndex);
public SortedRelationList<TxnId> txnIdsForKeyIndex(int keyIndex)
int[] keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds();
int start = startOffset(keyIndex);
int end = endOffset(keyIndex);
return txnIds(keysToTxnIds, start, end);
public SortedRelationList<TxnId> txnIds(Range range)
int startIndex = keys.indexOf(range.start());
if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = -1 - startIndex;
else if (!range.startInclusive()) ++startIndex;
int endIndex = keys.indexOf(range.end());
if (endIndex < 0) endIndex = -1 - endIndex;
else if (range.endInclusive()) ++endIndex;
if (startIndex == endIndex)
return SortedRelationList.EMPTY;
int[] keysToTxnIds = keysToTxnIds();
int maxLength = Math.min(txnIds.length, startOffset(endIndex) - startOffset(startIndex));
int[] scratch = cachedInts().getInts(maxLength);
int count = 0;
for (int i = startIndex ; i < endIndex ; ++i)
int ri = startOffset(i), re = endOffset(i);
if (ri == re)
System.arraycopy(scratch, 0, scratch, maxLength - count, count);
int li = maxLength - count, le = maxLength;
count = 0;
while (li < le && ri < re)
int c = scratch[li] - keysToTxnIds[ri];
if (c <= 0)
scratch[count++] = scratch[li++];
if (c == 0) ++ri;
scratch[count++] = keysToTxnIds[ri++];
while (li < le)
scratch[count++] = scratch[li++];
while (ri < re)
scratch[count++] = keysToTxnIds[ri++];
if (count == maxLength)
int[] ids = cachedInts().completeAndDiscard(scratch, count);
return txnIds(ids, 0, count);
private SortedRelationList<TxnId> txnIds(int[] ids, int start, int end)
if (start == end)
return SortedRelationList.EMPTY;
return new SortedRelationList<>(txnIds, ids, start, end);
private int startOffset(int keyIndex)
return keyIndex == 0 ? keys.size() : keysToTxnIds[keyIndex - 1];
private int endOffset(int keyIndex)
return keysToTxnIds[keyIndex];
public boolean equals(Object that)
return this == that || (that instanceof KeyDeps && equals((KeyDeps)that));
public boolean equals(KeyDeps that)
return testEquality(this.keys.keys, this.txnIds, this.keysToTxnIds, that.keys.keys, that.txnIds, that.keysToTxnIds);
public Iterator<Map.Entry<Key, TxnId>> iterator()
return newIterator(keys.keys, txnIds, keysToTxnIds);
public String toString()
return toSimpleString(keys.keys, txnIds, keysToTxnIds);
public String toBriefString()
return RelationMultiMap.toBriefString(keys.keys, txnIds);
private static final KeyDepsAdapter ADAPTER = new KeyDepsAdapter();
static class KeyDepsAdapter implements Adapter<Key, TxnId>
public final SymmetricComparator<? super Key> keyComparator()
return Key::compareTo;
public final SymmetricComparator<? super TxnId> valueComparator()
return TxnId::compareTo;
public final ObjectBuffers<Key> cachedKeys()
return ArrayBuffers.cachedKeys();
public final ObjectBuffers<TxnId> cachedValues()
return ArrayBuffers.cachedTxnIds();