blob: edb331010145bb6995f5e76d9150d5b973237f01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.local;
import java.util.Objects;
import accord.api.Result;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.api.VisibleForImplementation;
import accord.local.Status.Durability;
import accord.local.Status.Known;
import accord.primitives.Ballot;
import accord.primitives.Deps;
import accord.primitives.FullRoute;
import accord.primitives.Keys;
import accord.primitives.PartialDeps;
import accord.primitives.PartialTxn;
import accord.primitives.Route;
import accord.primitives.Timestamp;
import accord.primitives.Txn;
import accord.primitives.TxnId;
import accord.primitives.Writes;
import accord.utils.ImmutableBitSet;
import accord.utils.IndexedQuadConsumer;
import accord.utils.Invariants;
import accord.utils.SimpleBitSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static accord.local.Command.AbstractCommand.validate;
import static accord.local.Listeners.Immutable.EMPTY;
import static accord.local.SaveStatus.Uninitialised;
import static accord.local.Status.Durability.Local;
import static accord.local.Status.Durability.NotDurable;
import static accord.local.Status.Durability.ShardUniversal;
import static accord.local.Status.Durability.UniversalOrInvalidated;
import static accord.local.Status.Invalidated;
import static accord.local.Status.KnownExecuteAt.ExecuteAtKnown;
import static accord.local.Status.Stable;
import static accord.utils.Invariants.illegalState;
import static accord.utils.SortedArrays.forEachIntersection;
import static accord.utils.Utils.ensureImmutable;
import static accord.utils.Utils.ensureMutable;
import static java.lang.String.format;
public abstract class Command implements CommonAttributes
interface Listener
void onChange(SafeCommandStore safeStore, SafeCommand safeCommand);
* Scope needed to run onChange
PreLoadContext listenerPreLoadContext(TxnId caller);
public interface DurableAndIdempotentListener extends Listener
public interface TransientListener extends Listener
public static class ProxyListener implements DurableAndIdempotentListener
protected final TxnId listenerId;
public ProxyListener(TxnId listenerId)
this.listenerId = listenerId;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ProxyListener that = (ProxyListener) o;
return listenerId.equals(that.listenerId);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(listenerId);
public String toString()
return "ListenerProxy{" + listenerId + '}';
public TxnId txnId()
return listenerId;
public void onChange(SafeCommandStore safeStore, SafeCommand safeCommand)
Commands.listenerUpdate(safeStore, safeStore.get(listenerId), safeCommand);
public PreLoadContext listenerPreLoadContext(TxnId caller)
return PreLoadContext.contextFor(listenerId, caller, Keys.EMPTY);
private static Durability durability(Durability durability, SaveStatus status)
if (status.compareTo(SaveStatus.PreApplied) >= 0 && !status.hasBeen(Invalidated) && durability == NotDurable)
return Local; // not necessary anywhere, but helps for logical consistency
return durability;
public static class SerializerSupport
public static NotDefined notDefined(CommonAttributes attributes, Ballot promised)
return NotDefined.notDefined(attributes, promised);
public static PreAccepted preaccepted(CommonAttributes common, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised)
return PreAccepted.preAccepted(common, executeAt, promised);
public static Accepted accepted(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted)
return Accepted.accepted(common, status, executeAt, promised, accepted);
public static Committed committed(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted, WaitingOn waitingOn)
return Committed.committed(common, status, executeAt, promised, accepted, waitingOn);
public static Executed executed(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted, WaitingOn waitingOn, Writes writes, Result result)
return Executed.executed(common, status, executeAt, promised, accepted, waitingOn, writes, result);
public static Truncated invalidated(TxnId txnId, Listeners.Immutable durableListeners)
return Truncated.invalidated(txnId, durableListeners);
public static Truncated truncatedApply(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus saveStatus, Timestamp executeAt, Writes writes, Result result)
return Truncated.truncatedApply(common, saveStatus, executeAt, writes, result);
public static Truncated truncatedApply(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus saveStatus, Timestamp executeAt, Writes writes, Result result, Timestamp executesAtLeast)
return Truncated.truncatedApply(common, saveStatus, executeAt, writes, result, executesAtLeast);
private static SaveStatus validateCommandClass(SaveStatus status, Class<?> expected, Class<?> actual)
if (actual != expected)
throw illegalState(format("Cannot instantiate %s for status %s. %s expected",
actual.getSimpleName(), status, expected.getSimpleName()));
return status;
private static SaveStatus validateCommandClass(TxnId txnId, SaveStatus status, Class<?> klass)
switch (status)
case Uninitialised:
case NotDefined:
return validateCommandClass(status, NotDefined.class, klass);
case PreAccepted:
return validateCommandClass(status, PreAccepted.class, klass);
case Accepted:
case AcceptedWithDefinition:
case AcceptedInvalidate:
case AcceptedInvalidateWithDefinition:
case PreCommitted:
case PreCommittedWithAcceptedDeps:
case PreCommittedWithDefinition:
case PreCommittedWithDefinitionAndAcceptedDeps:
return validateCommandClass(status, Accepted.class, klass);
case Committed:
case ReadyToExecute:
case Stable:
return validateCommandClass(status, Committed.class, klass);
case PreApplied:
case Applying:
case Applied:
return validateCommandClass(status, Executed.class, klass);
case TruncatedApply:
case TruncatedApplyWithDeps:
case TruncatedApplyWithOutcome:
if (txnId.kind().awaitsOnlyDeps())
return validateCommandClass(status, TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps.class, klass);
case Erased:
case ErasedOrInvalidated:
case Invalidated:
return validateCommandClass(status, Truncated.class, klass);
throw illegalState("Unhandled status " + status);
* @return true if this command is equivalent to {@code other}; it could also be fuller - have some of its
* registers be not sliced, whereas {@code other} may have them sliced
public abstract boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command other);
abstract static class AbstractCommand extends Command
private final TxnId txnId;
private final SaveStatus status;
private final Durability durability;
private final @Nullable Route<?> route;
private final Ballot promised;
private final Listeners.Immutable listeners;
private AbstractCommand(TxnId txnId, SaveStatus status, Durability durability, @Nullable Route<?> route, Ballot promised, Listeners.Immutable listeners)
this.txnId = txnId;
this.status = validateCommandClass(txnId, status, getClass());
this.durability = durability;
this.route = route;
this.promised = promised;
this.listeners = listeners;
private AbstractCommand(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised)
this.txnId = common.txnId();
this.status = validateCommandClass(txnId, status, getClass());
this.durability = common.durability();
this.route = common.route();
this.promised = promised;
this.listeners = common.durableListeners();
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Command command = (Command) o;
return txnId().equals(command.txnId())
&& saveStatus() == command.saveStatus()
&& durability() == command.durability()
&& Objects.equals(route(), command.route())
&& Objects.equals(promised(), command.promised())
&& Objects.equals(durableListeners(), command.durableListeners());
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command command)
if (this == command) return true;
if (command == null || getClass() != command.getClass()) return false;
return txnId().equals(command.txnId())
&& saveStatus() == command.saveStatus()
&& durability() == command.durability()
&& Objects.equals(route(), command.route())
&& Objects.equals(promised(), command.promised())
&& durableListeners().containsAll(command.durableListeners());
public String toString()
return "Command@" + System.identityHashCode(this) + '{' + txnId + ':' + status + '}';
public TxnId txnId()
return txnId;
public final Route<?> route()
return route;
public Ballot promised()
return promised;
public Durability durability()
return Command.durability(durability, saveStatus());
public Listeners.Immutable durableListeners()
return listeners == null ? EMPTY : listeners;
public final SaveStatus saveStatus()
return status;
public static <T extends AbstractCommand> T validate(T validate)
Known known = validate.known();
switch (known.route)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled KnownRoute: " + known.route);
case Maybe: break;
case Full: Invariants.checkState(Route.isFullRoute(validate.route())); break;
case Covering: Invariants.checkState(Route.isRoute(validate.route())); break;
PartialTxn partialTxn = validate.partialTxn();
switch (known.definition)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled Definition: " + known.definition);
case DefinitionErased:
case DefinitionUnknown:
case NoOp:
Invariants.checkState(partialTxn == null);
case DefinitionKnown:
Invariants.checkState(partialTxn != null);
Timestamp executeAt = validate.executeAt();
switch (known.executeAt)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled KnownExecuteAt: " + known.executeAt);
case ExecuteAtErased:
case ExecuteAtUnknown:
case ExecuteAtProposed:
case ExecuteAtKnown:
Invariants.checkState(executeAt != null && !executeAt.equals(Timestamp.NONE));
case NoExecuteAt:
PartialDeps deps = validate.partialDeps();
switch (known.deps)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled KnownDeps: " + known.deps);
case DepsUnknown:
case DepsErased:
case NoDeps:
Invariants.checkState(deps == null);
case DepsProposed:
case DepsCommitted:
case DepsKnown:
Invariants.checkState(deps != null);
Writes writes = validate.writes();
Result result = validate.result();
switch (known.outcome)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled Outcome: " + known.outcome);
case Apply:
Invariants.checkState(writes != null);
Invariants.checkState(result != null);
case Invalidated:
case Unknown:
Invariants.checkState(validate.durability() != Local);
case Erased:
case WasApply:
Invariants.checkState(writes == null);
Invariants.checkState(result == null);
switch (validate.saveStatus().execution)
case NotReady:
case CleaningUp:
case ReadyToExclude:
Invariants.checkState(validate.saveStatus() != SaveStatus.Committed || validate.asCommitted().waitingOn == null);
case WaitingToExecute:
case ReadyToExecute:
case Applied:
case Applying:
case WaitingToApply:
Invariants.checkState(validate.asCommitted().waitingOn != null);
return validate;
public final int hashCode()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* We require that this is a FullRoute for all states where isDefinitionKnown().
* In some cases, the home shard will contain an arbitrary slice of the Route where !isDefinitionKnown(),
* i.e. when a non-home shard informs the home shards of a transaction to ensure forward progress.
* If hasBeen(Committed) this must contain the keys for both txnId.epoch and executeAt.epoch
* TODO (required): audit uses; do not assume non-null means it is a complete route for the shard;
* preferably introduce two variations so callers can declare whether they need the full shard's route
* or any route will do
public abstract Route<?> route();
* The command may have an incomplete route when this is false
public boolean hasFullRoute()
return route() != null && route().kind().isFullRoute();
* homeKey is a global value that defines the home shard - the one tasked with ensuring the transaction is finished.
* progressKey is a local value that defines the local shard responsible for ensuring progress on the transaction.
* This will be homeKey if it is owned by the node, and some other key otherwise. If not the home shard, the progress
* shard has much weaker responsibilities, only ensuring that the home shard has durably witnessed the txnId.
public RoutingKey homeKey()
Route<?> route = route();
return route == null ? null : route.homeKey();
public abstract TxnId txnId();
public abstract Ballot promised();
public abstract Durability durability();
public abstract Listeners.Immutable<DurableAndIdempotentListener> durableListeners();
public abstract SaveStatus saveStatus();
* Only meaningful when txnId.kind().awaitsOnlyDeps()
public Timestamp executesAtLeast() { return executeAt(); }
static boolean isSameClass(Command command, Class<? extends Command> klass)
return command.getClass() == klass;
private static void checkNewBallot(Ballot current, Ballot next, String name)
if (next.compareTo(current) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(format("Cannot update %s ballot from %s to %s. New ballot is less than current", name, current, next));
private static void checkPromised(Command command, Ballot ballot)
checkNewBallot(command.promised(), ballot, "promised");
private static void checkAccepted(Command command, Ballot ballot)
checkNewBallot(command.acceptedOrCommitted(), ballot, "accepted");
private static void checkSameClass(Command command, Class<? extends Command> klass, String errorMsg)
if (!isSameClass(command, klass))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMsg + format(" expected %s got %s", klass.getSimpleName(), command.getClass().getSimpleName()));
public abstract Timestamp executeAt();
public abstract Ballot acceptedOrCommitted();
public abstract PartialTxn partialTxn();
public abstract @Nullable PartialDeps partialDeps();
public @Nullable Writes writes() { return null; }
public @Nullable Result result() { return null; }
public final Timestamp executeAtIfKnownElseTxnId()
if (known().executeAt == ExecuteAtKnown)
return executeAt();
return txnId();
public final Timestamp executeAtIfKnown()
return executeAtIfKnown(null);
public final Timestamp executeAtIfKnown(Timestamp orElse)
if (known().executeAt == ExecuteAtKnown)
return executeAt();
return orElse;
public final boolean executesInFutureEpoch()
return known().executeAt == ExecuteAtKnown && executeAt().epoch() > txnId().epoch();
public final Timestamp executeAtOrTxnId()
Timestamp executeAt = executeAt();
return executeAt == null || executeAt.equals(Timestamp.NONE) ? txnId() : executeAt;
public final Timestamp executeAtIfKnownOrTxnId()
Timestamp executeAt = executeAtIfKnown();
return executeAt == null || executeAt.equals(Timestamp.NONE) ? txnId() : executeAt;
public final Status status()
return saveStatus().status;
public final Known known()
return saveStatus().known;
public final boolean hasBeen(Status status)
return status().compareTo(status) >= 0;
public boolean has(Known known)
return known.isSatisfiedBy(saveStatus().known);
public boolean isAtLeast(SaveStatus.LocalExecution execution)
return saveStatus().execution.compareTo(execution) >= 0;
public boolean is(Status status)
return status() == status;
public final ProxyListener asListener()
return new ProxyListener(txnId());
public final boolean isDefined()
if (status().hasBeen(Status.Truncated))
return false;
return status().hasBeen(Status.PreAccepted);
public final PreAccepted asWitnessed()
return Invariants.cast(this, PreAccepted.class);
public final boolean isAccepted()
return status().hasBeen(Status.AcceptedInvalidate);
public final Accepted asAccepted()
return Invariants.cast(this, Accepted.class);
public final boolean isCommitted()
SaveStatus saveStatus = saveStatus();
return saveStatus.hasBeen(Status.Committed) && !saveStatus.hasBeen(Invalidated);
public final boolean isStable()
SaveStatus saveStatus = saveStatus();
return saveStatus.hasBeen(Status.Stable) && !saveStatus.hasBeen(Invalidated);
public final Committed asCommitted()
return Invariants.cast(this, Committed.class);
public final Executed asExecuted()
return Invariants.cast(this, Executed.class);
public final boolean isTruncated()
return status().hasBeen(Status.Truncated);
public abstract Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised);
public final Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs)
return updateAttributes(attrs, promised());
public final Command updatePromised(Ballot promised)
return updateAttributes(this, promised);
public static final class NotDefined extends AbstractCommand
NotDefined(TxnId txnId, SaveStatus status, Durability durability, @Nullable Route<?> route, Ballot promised, Listeners.Immutable listeners)
super(txnId, status, durability, route, promised, listeners);
NotDefined(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised)
super(common, status, promised);
public Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised)
return validate(new NotDefined(attrs, initialise(saveStatus()), promised));
public static NotDefined notDefined(CommonAttributes common, Ballot promised)
return validate(new NotDefined(common, SaveStatus.NotDefined, promised));
public static NotDefined uninitialised(TxnId txnId)
return validate(new NotDefined(txnId, Uninitialised, NotDurable, null, Ballot.ZERO, null));
public Timestamp executeAt()
return null;
public Ballot promised()
// we can be preacceptedInvalidated, so can be promised even if not witnessed
return super.promised;
public Ballot acceptedOrCommitted()
return Ballot.ZERO;
public PartialTxn partialTxn()
return null;
public @Nullable PartialDeps partialDeps()
return null;
private static SaveStatus initialise(SaveStatus saveStatus)
return saveStatus == Uninitialised ? SaveStatus.NotDefined : saveStatus;
public static class Truncated extends AbstractCommand
@Nullable final Timestamp executeAt;
@Nullable final Writes writes;
@Nullable final Result result;
public Truncated(CommonAttributes commonAttributes, SaveStatus saveStatus, @Nullable Timestamp executeAt, @Nullable Writes writes, @Nullable Result result)
super(commonAttributes, saveStatus, Ballot.MAX);
this.executeAt = executeAt;
this.writes = writes;
this.result = result;
public Truncated(TxnId txnId, SaveStatus saveStatus, Durability durability, @Nullable Route<?> route, @Nullable Timestamp executeAt, Listeners.Immutable listeners, @Nullable Writes writes, @Nullable Result result)
super(txnId, saveStatus, durability, route, Ballot.MAX, listeners);
this.executeAt = executeAt;
this.writes = writes;
this.result = result;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
Truncated that = (Truncated) o;
return Objects.equals(executeAt, that.executeAt)
&& Objects.equals(writes, that.writes)
&& Objects.equals(result, that.result);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command c)
if (this == c) return true;
if (c == null || getClass() != c.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.isEqualOrFuller(c)) return false;
Truncated that = (Truncated) c;
return Objects.equals(executeAt(), that.executeAt())
&& Objects.equals(writes(), that.writes())
&& Objects.equals(result(), that.result());
public static Truncated erased(Command command)
Durability durability = Durability.mergeAtLeast(command.durability(), UniversalOrInvalidated);
return erased(command.txnId(), durability, command.route());
public static Truncated erasedOrInvalidated(TxnId txnId, Status.Durability durability, Route<?> route)
return validate(new Truncated(txnId, SaveStatus.ErasedOrInvalidated, durability, route, null, EMPTY, null, null));
public static Truncated erased(TxnId txnId, Status.Durability durability, Route<?> route)
return validate(new Truncated(txnId, SaveStatus.Erased, durability, route, null, EMPTY, null, null));
public static Truncated truncatedApply(Command command)
return truncatedApply(command, null);
public static Truncated truncatedApply(Command command, @Nullable FullRoute<?> route)
if (route == null) route = Route.castToNonNullFullRoute(command.route());
Durability durability = Durability.mergeAtLeast(command.durability(), ShardUniversal);
if (command.txnId().kind().awaitsOnlyDeps())
Timestamp executesAtLeast = command.hasBeen(Stable) ? command.executesAtLeast() : null;
return validate(new TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps(command.txnId(), SaveStatus.TruncatedApply, durability, route, command.executeAt(), EMPTY, null, null, executesAtLeast));
return validate(new Truncated(command.txnId(), SaveStatus.TruncatedApply, durability, route, command.executeAt(), EMPTY, null, null));
public static Truncated truncatedApplyWithOutcome(Executed command)
Durability durability = Durability.mergeAtLeast(command.durability(), ShardUniversal);
if (command.txnId().kind().awaitsOnlyDeps())
return validate(new TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps(command.txnId(), SaveStatus.TruncatedApplyWithOutcome, durability, command.route(), command.executeAt(), EMPTY, command.writes, command.result, command.executesAtLeast()));
return validate(new Truncated(command.txnId(), SaveStatus.TruncatedApplyWithOutcome, durability, command.route(), command.executeAt(), EMPTY, command.writes, command.result));
public static Truncated truncatedApply(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus saveStatus, Timestamp executeAt, Writes writes, Result result)
Durability durability = checkTruncatedApplyInvariants(common, saveStatus, executeAt);
return validate(new Truncated(common.txnId(), saveStatus, durability, common.route(), executeAt, EMPTY, writes, result));
public static Truncated truncatedApply(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus saveStatus, Timestamp executeAt, Writes writes, Result result, Timestamp dependencyExecutesAt)
Durability durability = checkTruncatedApplyInvariants(common, saveStatus, executeAt);
return validate(new TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps(common.txnId(), saveStatus, durability, common.route(), executeAt, EMPTY, writes, result, dependencyExecutesAt));
private static Durability checkTruncatedApplyInvariants(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus saveStatus, Timestamp executeAt)
Invariants.checkArgument(executeAt != null);
Invariants.checkArgument(saveStatus == SaveStatus.TruncatedApply || saveStatus == SaveStatus.TruncatedApplyWithDeps || saveStatus == SaveStatus.TruncatedApplyWithOutcome);
return Durability.mergeAtLeast(common.durability(), ShardUniversal);
public static Truncated invalidated(Command command)
// TODO (now): we shouldn't need to propagate these
return invalidated(command.txnId(), command.durableListeners());
public static Truncated invalidated(TxnId txnId, Listeners.Immutable durableListeners)
// TODO (expected): migrate to using null for executeAt when invalidated
// TODO (expected): is UniversalOrInvalidated correct here? Should we have a lower implication pure Invalidated?
return validate(new Truncated(txnId, SaveStatus.Invalidated, UniversalOrInvalidated, null, Timestamp.NONE, durableListeners, null, null));
public Timestamp executeAt()
return executeAt;
public @Nullable Writes writes()
return writes;
public @Nullable Result result()
return result;
public Ballot acceptedOrCommitted()
return Ballot.MAX;
public PartialTxn partialTxn()
return null;
public @Nullable PartialDeps partialDeps()
return null;
public Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised)
// TODO (now): invoke listeners precisely once when we adopt this state, then we can simply return `this`
return validate(new Truncated(txnId(), saveStatus(), attrs.durability(), attrs.route(), executeAt, attrs.durableListeners(), writes, result));
public static class TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps extends Truncated
@Nullable final Timestamp executesAtLeast;
public TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps(CommonAttributes commonAttributes, SaveStatus saveStatus, @Nullable Timestamp executeAt, @Nullable Writes writes, @Nullable Result result, @Nullable Timestamp executesAtLeast)
super(commonAttributes, saveStatus, executeAt, writes, result);
this.executesAtLeast = executesAtLeast;
public TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps(TxnId txnId, SaveStatus saveStatus, Durability durability, @Nullable Route<?> route, @Nullable Timestamp executeAt, Listeners.Immutable listeners, @Nullable Writes writes, @Nullable Result result, @Nullable Timestamp executesAtLeast)
super(txnId, saveStatus, durability, route, executeAt, listeners, writes, result);
this.executesAtLeast = executesAtLeast;
public Timestamp executesAtLeast()
return executesAtLeast;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
return Objects.equals(executesAtLeast, ((TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps)o).executesAtLeast);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command command)
if (!super.isEqualOrFuller(command)) return false;
return Objects.equals(executesAtLeast, ((TruncatedAwaitsOnlyDeps)command).executesAtLeast);
public static class PreAccepted extends AbstractCommand
private final Timestamp executeAt;
private final PartialTxn partialTxn;
private final @Nullable PartialDeps partialDeps;
private PreAccepted(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised, Timestamp executeAt)
this(common, status, promised, executeAt, common.partialTxn(), common.partialDeps());
private PreAccepted(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised, Timestamp executeAt, PartialTxn partialTxn, PartialDeps partialDeps)
super(common, status, promised);
this.executeAt = executeAt;
this.partialTxn = partialTxn;
this.partialDeps = partialDeps;
public Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised)
return new PreAccepted(attrs, saveStatus(), promised, executeAt());
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
PreAccepted that = (PreAccepted) o;
return executeAt.equals(that.executeAt)
&& Objects.equals(partialTxn, that.partialTxn)
&& Objects.equals(partialDeps, that.partialDeps);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command c)
if (this == c) return true;
if (c == null || getClass() != c.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.isEqualOrFuller(c)) return false;
PreAccepted that = (PreAccepted) c;
if (!executeAt().equals(that.executeAt()) || !partialTxn().isEqualOrFuller(that.partialTxn()))
return false;
return (partialDeps() == null && that.partialDeps() == null)
|| (partialDeps() != null && that.partialDeps() != null && partialDeps().isEqualOrFuller(that.partialDeps()));
public static PreAccepted preAccepted(CommonAttributes common, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised)
return validate(new PreAccepted(common, SaveStatus.PreAccepted, promised, executeAt));
public static PreAccepted preAccepted(PreAccepted command, CommonAttributes common, Ballot promised)
checkPromised(command, promised);
checkSameClass(command, PreAccepted.class, "Cannot update");
Invariants.checkArgument(command.getClass() == PreAccepted.class);
return preAccepted(common, command.executeAt(), promised);
public Timestamp executeAt()
return executeAt;
public Ballot acceptedOrCommitted()
return Ballot.ZERO;
public PartialTxn partialTxn()
return partialTxn;
public @Nullable PartialDeps partialDeps()
return partialDeps;
public static class Accepted extends PreAccepted
private final Ballot acceptedOrCommitted;
Accepted(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot acceptedOrCommitted)
super(common, status, promised, executeAt);
this.acceptedOrCommitted = acceptedOrCommitted;
Accepted(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised, Timestamp executeAt, PartialTxn partialTxn, PartialDeps partialDeps, Ballot acceptedOrCommitted)
super(common, status, promised, executeAt, partialTxn, partialDeps);
this.acceptedOrCommitted = acceptedOrCommitted;
public Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised)
return validate(new Accepted(attrs, saveStatus(), promised, executeAt(), acceptedOrCommitted()));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
Accepted that = (Accepted) o;
return Objects.equals(acceptedOrCommitted, that.acceptedOrCommitted);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command c)
if (this == c) return true;
if (c == null || getClass() != c.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.isEqualOrFuller(c)) return false;
Accepted that = (Accepted) c;
return Objects.equals(acceptedOrCommitted(), that.acceptedOrCommitted());
static Accepted accepted(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted)
return validate(new Accepted(common, status, promised, executeAt, accepted));
static Accepted accepted(Accepted command, CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised)
checkPromised(command, promised);
checkSameClass(command, Accepted.class, "Cannot update");
return validate(new Accepted(common, status, promised, command.executeAt(), command.acceptedOrCommitted()));
static Accepted accepted(Accepted command, CommonAttributes common, Ballot promised)
return accepted(command, common, command.saveStatus(), promised);
public Ballot acceptedOrCommitted()
return acceptedOrCommitted;
public static class Committed extends Accepted
public final WaitingOn waitingOn;
private Committed(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted, WaitingOn waitingOn)
super(common, status, promised, executeAt, accepted);
this.waitingOn = waitingOn;
Invariants.checkState(common.route().kind().isFullRoute(), "Expected a full route but given %s", common.route().kind());
if (status.hasBeen(Stable)) Invariants.checkState(waitingOn == WaitingOn.EMPTY || waitingOn.deps.equals(common.partialDeps()), "Deps do not match; expected %s == %s", waitingOn.deps, common.partialDeps());
public Timestamp executesAtLeast()
if (!txnId().kind().awaitsOnlyDeps()) return executeAt();
if (status().hasBeen(Stable)) return waitingOn.executeAtLeast(executeAt());
return null;
public Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised)
return validate(new Committed(attrs, saveStatus(), executeAt(), promised, acceptedOrCommitted(), waitingOn()));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
Committed committed = (Committed) o;
return Objects.equals(waitingOn, committed.waitingOn);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command c)
if (this == c) return true;
if (c == null || getClass() != c.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.isEqualOrFuller(c)) return false;
Committed committed = (Committed) c;
return (waitingOn() == null && committed.waitingOn() == null)
|| (waitingOn() != null && committed.waitingOn() != null && waitingOn().isEqualOrFuller(committed.waitingOn()));
private static Committed committed(Committed command, CommonAttributes common, Ballot promised, SaveStatus status, WaitingOn waitingOn)
checkPromised(command, promised);
checkSameClass(command, Committed.class, "Cannot update");
return validate(new Committed(common, status, command.executeAt(), promised, command.acceptedOrCommitted(), waitingOn));
static Committed committed(Committed command, CommonAttributes common, Ballot promised)
return committed(command, common, promised, command.saveStatus(), command.waitingOn());
static Committed committed(Committed command, CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status)
return committed(command, common, command.promised(), status, command.waitingOn());
static Committed committed(Committed command, CommonAttributes common, WaitingOn waitingOn)
return committed(command, common, command.promised(), command.saveStatus(), waitingOn);
static Committed committed(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted, WaitingOn waitingOn)
return validate(new Committed(common, status, executeAt, promised, accepted, waitingOn));
public WaitingOn waitingOn()
return waitingOn;
public boolean isWaitingOnCommit()
return waitingOn.isWaitingOnCommit();
public boolean isWaitingOnApply()
return waitingOn.isWaitingOnApply();
public boolean isWaitingOnDependency()
return isWaitingOnCommit() || isWaitingOnApply();
public static class Executed extends Committed
private final Writes writes;
private final Result result;
public Executed(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted, WaitingOn waitingOn, Writes writes, Result result)
super(common, status, executeAt, promised, accepted, waitingOn);
Invariants.checkState(txnId().kind() != Txn.Kind.Write || writes != null);
this.writes = writes;
this.result = result;
public Command updateAttributes(CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot promised)
return validate(new Executed(attrs, saveStatus(), executeAt(), promised, acceptedOrCommitted(), waitingOn(), writes, result));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
Executed executed = (Executed) o;
return Objects.equals(writes, executed.writes)
&& Objects.equals(result, executed.result);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(Command c)
if (this == c) return true;
if (c == null || getClass() != c.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.isEqualOrFuller(c)) return false;
Executed executed = (Executed) c;
return Objects.equals(writes(), executed.writes())
&& Objects.equals(result(), executed.result());
public static Executed executed(Executed command, CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Ballot promised, WaitingOn waitingOn)
checkSameClass(command, Executed.class, "Cannot update");
return validate(new Executed(common, status, command.executeAt(), promised, command.acceptedOrCommitted(), waitingOn, command.writes(), command.result()));
public static Executed executed(Executed command, CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status)
return executed(command, common, status, command.promised(), command.waitingOn());
public static Executed executed(Executed command, CommonAttributes common, WaitingOn waitingOn)
return executed(command, common, command.saveStatus(), command.promised(), waitingOn);
public static Executed executed(Executed command, CommonAttributes common, Ballot promised)
return executed(command, common, command.saveStatus(), promised, command.waitingOn());
public static Executed executed(CommonAttributes common, SaveStatus status, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot promised, Ballot accepted, WaitingOn waitingOn, Writes writes, Result result)
return validate(new Executed(common, status, executeAt, promised, accepted, waitingOn, writes, result));
public Writes writes()
return writes;
public Result result()
return result;
public static class WaitingOn
public static final WaitingOn EMPTY = new WaitingOn(Deps.NONE, ImmutableBitSet.EMPTY, ImmutableBitSet.EMPTY, ImmutableBitSet.EMPTY);
public final Deps deps;
// note that transactions default to waitingOnCommit, so presence in the set does not mean the transaction is uncommitted
public final ImmutableBitSet waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply, appliedOrInvalidated;
public WaitingOn(WaitingOn copy)
this(copy.deps, copy.waitingOnCommit, copy.waitingOnApply, copy.appliedOrInvalidated);
public WaitingOn(Deps deps, ImmutableBitSet waitingOnCommit, ImmutableBitSet waitingOnApply, ImmutableBitSet appliedOrInvalidated)
this.deps = deps;
this.waitingOnCommit = waitingOnCommit;
this.waitingOnApply = waitingOnApply;
this.appliedOrInvalidated = appliedOrInvalidated;
public Timestamp executeAtLeast()
return null;
public Timestamp executeAtLeast(Timestamp ifNull)
return ifNull;
public static WaitingOn none(Deps deps)
ImmutableBitSet empty = new ImmutableBitSet(deps.txnIdCount());
return new WaitingOn(deps, empty, empty, empty);
public boolean isWaitingOnCommit()
return !waitingOnCommit.isEmpty();
public boolean isWaitingOnApply()
return !waitingOnApply.isEmpty();
public boolean isWaitingOn(TxnId txnId)
int index = deps.indexOf(txnId);
return index >= 0 && (waitingOnCommit.get(index) || waitingOnApply.get(index));
public TxnId nextWaitingOnCommit()
int i = waitingOnCommit.lastSetBit();
return i < 0 ? null : deps.txnId(i);
public TxnId nextWaitingOnApply()
int i = waitingOnApply.lastSetBit();
return i < 0 ? null : deps.txnId(i);
public TxnId nextWaitingOn()
TxnId next = nextWaitingOnApply();
return next != null ? next : nextWaitingOnCommit();
public boolean isAppliedOrInvalidatedRangeIdx(int i)
return appliedOrInvalidated.get(i + deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount());
public TxnId minWaitingOnTxnId()
return minWaitingOnTxnId(deps, waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply);
static TxnId minWaitingOnTxnId(Deps deps, SimpleBitSet waitingOnCommit, SimpleBitSet waitingOnApply)
int keyDepsCount = deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount();
int minWaitingOnKeys = Math.min(waitingOnCommit.firstSetBitBefore(keyDepsCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE), waitingOnApply.nextSetBitBefore(0, keyDepsCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
int minWaitingOnRanges = Math.min(waitingOnCommit.nextSetBit(keyDepsCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE), waitingOnApply.nextSetBit(keyDepsCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
return TxnId.nonNullOrMin(minWaitingOnKeys == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? null : deps.txnId(minWaitingOnKeys),
minWaitingOnRanges == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? null : deps.txnId(minWaitingOnRanges));
static TxnId minWaitingOn(Deps deps, SimpleBitSet waitingOn)
int keyDepsCount = deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount();
int minWaitingOnKeys = waitingOn.firstSetBitBefore(keyDepsCount, -1);
int minWaitingOnRanges = waitingOn.nextSetBit(keyDepsCount, -1);
return TxnId.nonNullOrMin(minWaitingOnKeys < 0 ? null : deps.keyDeps.txnId(minWaitingOnKeys),
minWaitingOnRanges < 0 ? null : deps.rangeDeps.txnId(minWaitingOnRanges - keyDepsCount));
static TxnId maxWaitingOn(Deps deps, SimpleBitSet waitingOn)
int keyDepsCount = deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount();
int maxWaitingOnRanges = waitingOn.lastSetBitNotBefore(keyDepsCount);
int maxWaitingOnKeys = waitingOn.prevSetBit(keyDepsCount);
return TxnId.nonNullOrMax(maxWaitingOnKeys < 0 ? null : deps.keyDeps.txnId(maxWaitingOnKeys),
maxWaitingOnRanges < 0 ? null : deps.rangeDeps.txnId(maxWaitingOnRanges - keyDepsCount));
public ImmutableSortedSet<TxnId> computeWaitingOnCommit()
return computeWaitingOnCommit(deps, waitingOnCommit);
public ImmutableSortedSet<TxnId> computeWaitingOnApply()
return computeWaitingOnApply(deps, waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply);
private static ImmutableSortedSet<TxnId> computeWaitingOnCommit(Deps deps, SimpleBitSet waitingOnCommit)
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<TxnId> builder = new ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<>(TxnId::compareTo);
waitingOnCommit.forEach(builder, deps, (b, d, i) -> b.add(d.txnId(i)));
private static ImmutableSortedSet<TxnId> computeWaitingOnApply(Deps deps, SimpleBitSet waitingOnCommit, SimpleBitSet waitingOnApply)
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<TxnId> builder = new ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<>(TxnId::compareTo);
waitingOnApply.forEach(builder, deps, waitingOnCommit, (b, d, s, i) -> {
if (!s.get(i))
private static String toString(Deps deps, SimpleBitSet waitingOnCommit, SimpleBitSet waitingOnApply)
return "onApply=" + computeWaitingOnApply(deps, waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply).descendingSet() + ", onCommit=" + computeWaitingOnCommit(deps, waitingOnCommit).descendingSet();
public String toString()
return toString(deps, waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply);
public boolean equals(Object other)
return other.getClass() == WaitingOn.class && this.equals((WaitingOn) other);
boolean equals(WaitingOn other)
return this.deps.equals(other.deps)
&& this.waitingOnCommit.equals(other.waitingOnCommit)
&& this.waitingOnApply.equals(other.waitingOnApply)
&& this.appliedOrInvalidated.equals(other.appliedOrInvalidated);
public boolean isEqualOrFuller(WaitingOn other)
return computeWaitingOnCommit().containsAll(other.computeWaitingOnCommit())
&& computeWaitingOnApply().containsAll(other.computeWaitingOnApply());
public static class Update
final Deps deps;
private SimpleBitSet waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply, appliedOrInvalidated;
private Timestamp executeAtLeast;
public Update(WaitingOn waitingOn)
this.deps = waitingOn.deps;
this.waitingOnCommit = waitingOn.waitingOnCommit;
this.waitingOnApply = waitingOn.waitingOnApply;
this.appliedOrInvalidated = waitingOn.appliedOrInvalidated;
if (waitingOn.getClass() == WaitingOnWithExecuteAt.class)
executeAtLeast = ((WaitingOnWithExecuteAt) waitingOn).executeAtLeast;
public Update(Committed committed)
public Update(Deps deps)
this.deps = deps;
this.waitingOnCommit = new SimpleBitSet(deps.txnIdCount(), false);
this.waitingOnApply = new SimpleBitSet(deps.txnIdCount(), false);
this.appliedOrInvalidated = new SimpleBitSet(deps.txnIdCount(), false);
public boolean hasChanges()
return !(waitingOnCommit instanceof ImmutableBitSet)
|| !(waitingOnApply instanceof ImmutableBitSet)
|| !(appliedOrInvalidated instanceof ImmutableBitSet);
public boolean removeWaitingOnCommit(TxnId txnId)
int index = deps.indexOf(txnId);
if (!waitingOnCommit.get(index))
return false;
waitingOnCommit = ensureMutable(waitingOnCommit);
return true;
public boolean isWaitingOnApply(TxnId txnId)
int index = deps.indexOf(txnId);
return waitingOnApply.get(index);
public boolean isWaitingOn(TxnId txnId)
int index = deps.indexOf(txnId);
return waitingOnApply.get(index) || waitingOnCommit.get(index);
public boolean addWaitingOnApply(TxnId txnId)
int index = deps.indexOf(txnId);
if (waitingOnApply.get(index))
return false;
waitingOnApply = ensureMutable(waitingOnApply);
return true;
void initialiseWaitingOnCommit(int index)
public boolean isEmpty()
return waitingOnApply.isEmpty() && waitingOnCommit.isEmpty();
public TxnId minWaitingOnTxnId()
return WaitingOn.minWaitingOnTxnId(deps, waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply);
public boolean isWaitingOn(int txnIdx)
return waitingOnApply.get(txnIdx) || waitingOnCommit.get(txnIdx);
public boolean isWaitingOnRangeIdx(int txnIdx)
txnIdx += deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount();
return waitingOnApply.get(txnIdx) || waitingOnCommit.get(txnIdx);
boolean removeWaitingOn(int i, boolean isAppliedOrInvalidated)
if (!removeWaitingOn(i))
return false;
if (isAppliedOrInvalidated)
appliedOrInvalidated = ensureMutable(appliedOrInvalidated);
return true;
public void updateExecuteAtLeast(Timestamp executeAtLeast)
this.executeAtLeast = Timestamp.nonNullOrMax(executeAtLeast, this.executeAtLeast);
public boolean removeWaitingOn(TxnId txnId)
int index = this.deps.indexOf(txnId);
return removeWaitingOn(index);
boolean removeWaitingOnRangeIdx(int i)
return removeWaitingOn(i + deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount());
boolean removeWaitingOn(int i)
if (waitingOnCommit.get(i))
waitingOnCommit = ensureMutable(waitingOnCommit);
return true;
else if (waitingOnApply.get(i))
waitingOnApply = ensureMutable(waitingOnApply);
return true;
return false;
* Warning: DO NOT invoke this when you really mean removeWaitingOn.
* This propagates the applied/invalidated status to dependent transactions, which may
* adopt a different set of dependency relations on this transaction. If the transaction
* is e.g. partially stale, pre-bootstrap etc this could lead to an erroneous propagation
* unless the transaction is truly (and fully) applied or invalidated locally.
public boolean setAppliedOrInvalidated(TxnId txnId)
int index = this.deps.indexOf(txnId);
return setAppliedOrInvalidated(index);
boolean setAppliedOrInvalidatedRangeIdx(int i)
return setAppliedOrInvalidated(i + deps.keyDeps.txnIdCount());
public boolean setAppliedOrInvalidated(int i)
if (appliedOrInvalidated.get(i))
return false;
if (!removeWaitingOn(i))
return false;
appliedOrInvalidated = ensureMutable(appliedOrInvalidated);
return true;
public boolean setAppliedAndPropagate(TxnId txnId, WaitingOn propagate)
int index = this.deps.indexOf(txnId);
if (!setAppliedOrInvalidated(index))
return false;
if (!propagate.appliedOrInvalidated.isEmpty())
forEachIntersection(propagate.deps.keyDeps.txnIds(), deps.keyDeps.txnIds(),
(from, to, ignore, i1, i2) -> {
if (from.get(i1))
}, propagate.appliedOrInvalidated, this, null);
forEachIntersection(propagate.deps.rangeDeps.txnIds(), deps.rangeDeps.txnIds(),
(from, to, ignore, i1, i2) -> {
if (from.isAppliedOrInvalidatedRangeIdx(i1))
}, propagate, this, null);
return true;
public <P1, P2, P3, P4> void forEachWaitingOnCommit(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, IndexedQuadConsumer<P1, P2, P3, P4> forEach)
waitingOnCommit.reverseForEach(p1, p2, p3, p4, forEach);
public <P1, P2, P3, P4> void forEachWaitingOnApply(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3, P4 p4, IndexedQuadConsumer<P1, P2, P3, P4> forEach)
waitingOnApply.reverseForEach(p1, p2, p3, p4, forEach);
public WaitingOn build()
WaitingOn result = new WaitingOn(deps, ensureImmutable(waitingOnCommit), ensureImmutable(waitingOnApply), ensureImmutable(appliedOrInvalidated));
if (executeAtLeast == null)
return result;
return new WaitingOnWithExecuteAt(result, executeAtLeast);
public String toString()
return WaitingOn.toString(deps, waitingOnCommit, waitingOnApply);
public static final class WaitingOnWithExecuteAt extends WaitingOn
public final Timestamp executeAtLeast;
public WaitingOnWithExecuteAt(WaitingOn waitingOn, Timestamp executeAtLeast)
this.executeAtLeast = executeAtLeast;
public Timestamp executeAtLeast()
return executeAtLeast;
public Timestamp executeAtLeast(Timestamp ifNull)
return executeAtLeast != null ? executeAtLeast : ifNull;
public boolean equals(Object other)
return other.getClass() == WaitingOnWithExecuteAt.class && this.equals((WaitingOnWithExecuteAt) other);
boolean equals(WaitingOnWithExecuteAt other)
return super.equals((WaitingOn) other) && executeAtLeast == other.executeAtLeast;
static Command addListener(Command command, DurableAndIdempotentListener listener)
CommonAttributes attrs = command.mutable().addListener(listener);
return command.updateAttributes(attrs);
static Command removeListener(Command command, Listener listener)
CommonAttributes attrs = command.mutable().removeListener(listener);
return command.updateAttributes(attrs);
static Command.Committed updateWaitingOn(Committed command, WaitingOn.Update waitingOn)
if (!waitingOn.hasChanges())
return command;
return command instanceof Command.Executed ?
Command.Executed.executed(command.asExecuted(), command, :
Command.Committed.committed(command, command,;
static Command.PreAccepted preaccept(Command command, CommonAttributes attrs, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot ballot)
if (command.status() == Status.NotDefined)
return Command.PreAccepted.preAccepted(attrs, executeAt, ballot);
else if (command.status() == Status.AcceptedInvalidate && command.executeAt() == null)
// TODO (now): reconsider this special-casing
Command.Accepted accepted = command.asAccepted();
return Command.Accepted.accepted(attrs, SaveStatus.enrich(accepted.saveStatus(), SaveStatus.PreAccepted.known), executeAt, ballot, accepted.acceptedOrCommitted());
Invariants.checkState(command.status() == Status.Accepted);
return (Command.PreAccepted) command.updateAttributes(attrs, ballot);
static Command.Accepted markDefined(Command command, CommonAttributes attributes, Ballot promised)
if (Command.isSameClass(command, Command.Accepted.class))
return Command.Accepted.accepted(command.asAccepted(), attributes, SaveStatus.enrich(command.saveStatus(), Known.DefinitionOnly), promised);
return (Command.Accepted) command.updateAttributes(attributes, promised);
static Command.Accepted accept(Command command, CommonAttributes attrs, Timestamp executeAt, Ballot ballot)
return validate(new Command.Accepted(attrs, SaveStatus.get(Status.Accepted, command.known()), ballot, executeAt, ballot));
static Command.Accepted acceptInvalidated(Command command, Ballot ballot)
return validate(new Command.Accepted(command, SaveStatus.get(Status.AcceptedInvalidate, command.known()), ballot, command.executeAt(), command.partialTxn(), null, ballot));
static Command.Committed commit(Command command, CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot ballot, Timestamp executeAt)
return validate(Command.Committed.committed(attrs, SaveStatus.get(Status.Committed, command.known()), executeAt, Ballot.max(command.promised(), ballot), ballot, null));
static Command.Committed stable(Command command, CommonAttributes attrs, Ballot ballot, Timestamp executeAt, Command.WaitingOn waitingOn)
return validate(Command.Committed.committed(attrs, SaveStatus.get(Status.Stable, command.known()), executeAt, Ballot.max(command.promised(), ballot), ballot, waitingOn));
static Command precommit(CommonAttributes attrs, Command command, Timestamp executeAt)
return validate(new Command.Accepted(attrs, SaveStatus.get(Status.PreCommitted, command.known()), command.promised(), executeAt, command.acceptedOrCommitted()));
static Command.Committed readyToExecute(Command.Committed command)
return Command.Committed.committed(command, command, SaveStatus.ReadyToExecute);
static Command.Executed preapplied(Command command, CommonAttributes attrs, Timestamp executeAt, Command.WaitingOn waitingOn, Writes writes, Result result)
return Command.Executed.executed(attrs, SaveStatus.get(Status.PreApplied, command.known()), executeAt, command.promised(), command.acceptedOrCommitted(), waitingOn, writes, result);
static Command.Executed applying(Command.Executed command)
return Command.Executed.executed(command, command, SaveStatus.Applying);
static Command.Executed applied(Command.Executed command)
return Command.Executed.executed(command, command, SaveStatus.Applied);