blob: f1b80168f750284a344a007ca6a3ec9e7841b7ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.coordinate;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import accord.local.Cleanup;
import accord.local.Command;
import accord.local.Commands;
import accord.local.Node;
import accord.local.PreLoadContext;
import accord.local.RedundantStatus;
import accord.local.SafeCommand;
import accord.local.SafeCommandStore;
import accord.local.Status;
import accord.local.Status.Known;
import accord.primitives.Participants;
import accord.primitives.Ranges;
import accord.primitives.Route;
import accord.primitives.Timestamp;
import accord.primitives.TxnId;
import accord.primitives.Unseekables;
import accord.utils.Invariants;
import accord.utils.MapReduceConsume;
import static accord.coordinate.Infer.InvalidIf.IfPreempted;
import static accord.coordinate.Infer.InvalidIf.IfQuorum;
import static accord.coordinate.Infer.InvalidIf.NotKnown;
import static accord.coordinate.Infer.InvalidIfNot.IfUndecided;
import static accord.coordinate.Infer.InvalidIfNot.IfUnknown;
import static accord.local.PreLoadContext.contextFor;
import static accord.local.Status.Durability.Majority;
import static accord.local.Status.PreApplied;
import static accord.local.Status.PreCommitted;
import static accord.primitives.Route.castToRoute;
import static accord.primitives.Route.isRoute;
public class Infer
public enum InvalidIfNot
* There is no information to suggest the command is invalid
NotKnownToBeInvalid(NotKnown, NotKnown),
* If the command has not been preaccepted on a majority of any shard and
* the command's original coordinator had been preempted prior to all responses we rely upon
* (so we are not racing with it)
IfUnknownAndPreempted(IfPreempted, NotKnown),
* If the command has not had its execution timestamp agreed on any shard and
* the command's original coordinator had been preempted prior to all responses we rely upon
* (so we are not racing with it)
IfUndecidedAndPreempted(IfPreempted, IfPreempted),
* If the command has not been preaccepted on a majority of any shard
IfUnknown(IfQuorum, NotKnown),
* If the command has not had its execution timestamp agreed on any shard and
* the command's original coordinator had been preempted prior to all responses we rely upon
* (so we are not racing with it)
IfUnknownOrIfUndecidedAndPreempted(IfQuorum, IfPreempted),
* If the command has not had its execution timestamp agreed on any shard
IfUndecided(IfQuorum, IfQuorum);
final InvalidIf unknown, undecided;
private static final InvalidIfNot[] LOOKUP;
private static final int invalidIfs = InvalidIf.values().length;
LOOKUP = new InvalidIfNot[invalidIfs * invalidIfs];
InvalidIfNot[] invalidIfNot = InvalidIfNot.values();
for (InvalidIfNot ifNot : invalidIfNot)
LOOKUP[ifNot.unknown.ordinal() * invalidIfs + ifNot.undecided.ordinal()] = ifNot;
InvalidIfNot(InvalidIf unknown, InvalidIf undecided)
this.unknown = unknown;
this.undecided = undecided;
public static boolean isMax(InvalidIfNot that)
return that == IfUndecided;
public InvalidIfNot atLeast(InvalidIfNot that)
return lookup(atLeast(this.unknown, that.unknown), atLeast(this.undecided, that.undecided));
public InvalidIfNot reduce(InvalidIfNot that)
return lookup(reduce(this.unknown, that.unknown), reduce(this.undecided, that.undecided));
private InvalidIfNot lookup(InvalidIf unknown, InvalidIf undecided)
return LOOKUP[unknown.ordinal() * invalidIfs + undecided.ordinal()];
private static InvalidIf atLeast(InvalidIf a, InvalidIf b)
if (a == b) return a;
return IfPreempted;
private static InvalidIf reduce(InvalidIf a, InvalidIf b)
return a.compareTo(b) <= 0 ? a : b;
public boolean inferInvalidWithQuorum(IsPreempted isPreempted, Known known)
return inferInvalidWithQuorum(undecided, isPreempted, !known.isDecided())
|| inferInvalidWithQuorum(unknown, isPreempted, !known.hasDefinitionBeenKnown());
private static boolean inferInvalidWithQuorum(InvalidIf invalidIf, IsPreempted isPreempted, boolean hasCondition)
if (!hasCondition)
return false;
switch (invalidIf)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled InvalidIf: " + invalidIf);
case NotKnown: break;
case IfQuorum: return true;
case IfPreempted:
if (isPreempted == IsPreempted.Preempted)
return true;
return false;
enum InvalidIf
* We did not have a quorum of responses with the associated lower bound, so we require that the command has been preempted at a quorum
* If we obtain a quorum of responses with the associated lower bound, we can infer the command is invalidated if it has not been witnessed at the lower bound
// only valid with a quorum of responses
public enum IsPreempted
NotPreempted, MaybePreempted, Preempted;
public IsPreempted merge(IsPreempted that)
if (this == that) return this;
return MaybePreempted;
public IsPreempted validForBoth(IsPreempted that)
return this.compareTo(that) <= 0 ? this : that;
private static abstract class CleanupAndCallback<T> implements MapReduceConsume<SafeCommandStore, Void>
final Node node;
final TxnId txnId;
final Unseekables<?> someUnseekables;
final T param;
final BiConsumer<T, Throwable> callback;
private CleanupAndCallback(Node node, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?> someUnseekables, T param, BiConsumer<T, Throwable> callback)
this.node = node;
this.txnId = txnId;
this.someUnseekables = someUnseekables;
this.param = param;
this.callback = callback;
void start()
PreLoadContext loadContext = contextFor(txnId);
Unseekables<?> propagateTo = isRoute(someUnseekables) ? castToRoute(someUnseekables).withHomeKey() : someUnseekables;
node.mapReduceConsumeLocal(loadContext, propagateTo, txnId.epoch(), txnId.epoch(), this);
public Void apply(SafeCommandStore safeStore)
// we're applying an invalidation, so the record will not be cleaned up until the whole range is truncated
return apply(safeStore, safeStore.get(txnId, txnId, someUnseekables));
abstract Void apply(SafeCommandStore safeStore, SafeCommand safeCommand);
public Void reduce(Void o1, Void o2)
return null;
public void accept(Void result, Throwable failure)
callback.accept(param, failure);
static class InvalidateAndCallback<T> extends CleanupAndCallback<T>
private InvalidateAndCallback(Node node, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?> someUnseekables, T param, BiConsumer<T, Throwable> callback)
super(node, txnId, someUnseekables, param, callback);
public static <T> void locallyInvalidateAndCallback(Node node, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?> someUnseekables, T param, BiConsumer<T, Throwable> callback)
new InvalidateAndCallback<T>(node, txnId, someUnseekables, param, callback).start();
Void apply(SafeCommandStore safeStore, SafeCommand safeCommand)
// we're applying an invalidation, so the record will not be cleaned up until the whole range is truncated
Command command = safeCommand.current();
// TODO (required): consider the !command.hasBeen(PreCommitted) condition
Invariants.checkState(!command.hasBeen(PreCommitted) || command.hasBeen(Status.Truncated), "Unexpected status for %s", command);
Commands.commitInvalidate(safeStore, safeCommand, someUnseekables);
return null;
* Erase if it is safe to do so, i.e. if Infer.safeToCleanup permits it.
static class SafeEraseAndCallback<T> extends CleanupAndCallback<T>
private SafeEraseAndCallback(Node node, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?> someUnseekables, T param, BiConsumer<T, Throwable> callback)
super(node, txnId, someUnseekables, param, callback);
public static <T> void safeEraseAndCallback(Node node, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?> someUnseekables, T param, BiConsumer<T, Throwable> callback)
if (!Route.isRoute(someUnseekables)) callback.accept(param, null);
else new SafeEraseAndCallback<>(node, txnId, someUnseekables, param, callback).start();
Void apply(SafeCommandStore safeStore, SafeCommand safeCommand)
Command command = safeCommand.current();
// TODO (required): introduce a special form of Erased where we do not imply the phase is "Cleanup"
if (!command.hasBeen(PreApplied) && safeToCleanup(safeStore, command, Route.castToRoute(someUnseekables), null))
Commands.setErased(safeStore, safeCommand);
return null;
public static InvalidIfNot invalidIfNot(SafeCommandStore safeStore, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?> query)
if (safeStore.commandStore().globalDurability(txnId).compareTo(Majority) >= 0)
Unseekables<?> preacceptsWith = isRoute(query) ? castToRoute(query).withHomeKey() : query;
return safeStore.commandStore().isRejectedIfNotPreAccepted(txnId, preacceptsWith) ? IfUnknown : IfUndecided;
// TODO (expected, consider): should we force this to be a Route or a Participants?
if (isRoute(query))
Participants<?> participants = castToRoute(query).participants();
// TODO (desired): limit to local participants to avoid O(n2) work across cluster
if (safeStore.commandStore().durableBefore().isSomeShardDurable(txnId, participants, Majority))
return IfUndecided;
if (Cleanup.isSafeToCleanup(safeStore.commandStore().durableBefore(), txnId, safeStore.ranges().allAt(txnId.epoch())))
return IfUndecided;
return InvalidIfNot.NotKnownToBeInvalid;
public static boolean safeToCleanup(SafeCommandStore safeStore, Command command, Route<?> fetchedWith, @Nullable Timestamp executeAt)
Invariants.checkArgument(fetchedWith != null || command.route() != null);
TxnId txnId = command.txnId();
if (command.route() == null || !fetchedWith.covers(safeStore.ranges().allAt(txnId.epoch())))
return false;
Route<?> route = command.route();
if (route == null) route = fetchedWith;
// TODO (required): is it safe to cleanup without an executeAt? We don't know for sure which ranges it might participate in.
// We can infer the upper bound of execution by the "execution" of any ExclusiveSyncPoint used to infer the invalidation.
// We should begin evaluating and tracking this.
executeAt = command.executeAtIfKnown(Timestamp.nonNullOrMax(executeAt, txnId));
Ranges coordinateRanges = safeStore.ranges().coordinates(txnId);
Ranges acceptRanges = executeAt.epoch() == txnId.epoch() ? coordinateRanges : safeStore.ranges().allBetween(txnId, executeAt);
if (!route.participatesIn(coordinateRanges) && !route.participatesIn(acceptRanges))
return true;
RedundantStatus status = safeStore.commandStore().redundantBefore().status(txnId, executeAt, route.participants());
switch (status)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled RedundantStatus: " + status);
case LIVE:
return false;
return true;