blob: 7294d90897e86542e507e5217dca98318b0919b3 [file] [log] [blame]
"model": {
"kind": "model",
"name": "rest",
"title": "Rest",
"description": "Defines a rest service using the rest-dsl",
"deprecated": false,
"label": "rest",
"javaType": "",
"input": false,
"output": true
"properties": {
"path": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Path", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Path of the rest service, such as \/foo" },
"tag": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Tag", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "To configure a special tag for the operations within this rest definition." },
"consumes": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Consumes", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "To define the content type what the REST service consumes (accept as input), such as application\/xml or application\/json. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level" },
"produces": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Produces", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "To define the content type what the REST service produces (uses for output), such as application\/xml or application\/json This option will override what may be configured on a parent level" },
"bindingMode": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Binding Mode", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": "auto", "description": "Sets the binding mode to use. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level The default value is auto" },
"skipBindingOnErrorCode": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Skip Binding On Error Code", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header. This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json \/ xml etc, as success messages otherwise will do. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level" },
"clientRequestValidation": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Client Request Validation", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether to enable validation of the client request to check: 1) Content-Type header matches what the Rest DSL consumes; returns HTTP Status 415 if validation error. 2) Accept header matches what the Rest DSL produces; returns HTTP Status 406 if validation error. 3) Missing required data (query parameters, HTTP headers, body); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error. 4) Parsing error of the message body (JSon, XML or Auto binding mode must be enabled); returns HTTP Status 400 if validation error." },
"enableCORS": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Enable CORS", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level The default value is false." },
"apiDocs": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Api Docs", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether to include or exclude the VerbDefinition in API documentation. This option will override what may be configured on a parent level The default value is true." },
"securityDefinitions": { "kind": "element", "displayName": "Security Definitions", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Sets the security definitions such as Basic, OAuth2 etc." },
"securityRequirements": { "kind": "element", "displayName": "Security Requirements", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Sets the security requirement(s) for all endpoints." },
"id": { "kind": "attribute", "displayName": "Id", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Sets the id of this node" },
"description": { "kind": "element", "displayName": "Description", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.model.DescriptionDefinition", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Sets the description of this node" }