blob: 307a280009d7dfad627f1747f5bcafde9c18e451 [file] [log] [blame]
= JSON Jackson DataFormat
:doctitle: JSON Jackson
:shortname: json-jackson
:artifactid: camel-jackson
:description: Marshal POJOs to JSON and back using Jackson
:since: 2.0
:supportlevel: Stable
//Manually maintained attributes
:camel-spring-boot-name: jackson
*Since Camel {since}*
Jackson is a Data Format which uses the[Jackson Library]
== Jackson Options
// dataformat options: START
// dataformat options: END
== Using custom ObjectMapper
You can configure `JacksonDataFormat` to use a custom `ObjectMapper` in case you need more control of the mapping configuration.
If you setup a single `ObjectMapper` in the registry, then Camel will automatic lookup and use this `ObjectMapper`.
For example if you use Spring Boot, then Spring Boot can provide a default `ObjectMapper` for you if you have Spring MVC enabled.
And this would allow Camel to detect that there is one bean of `ObjectMapper` class type in the Spring Boot bean registry
and then use it. When this happens you should set a `INFO` logging from Camel.
== Using Jackson for automatic type conversion
The `camel-jackson` module allows integrating Jackson as a xref:manual::type-converter.adoc[Type Converter].
This works in similar ways that xref:dataformats:jaxb-dataformat.adoc[JAXB] integrates with Camels type converter.
To use this `camel-jackson` must be enabled, which is done by setting the following options
on the `CamelContext` global options, as shown:
// Enable Jackson JSON type converter.
camelContext.getGlobalOptions().put("CamelJacksonEnableTypeConverter", "true");
// Allow Jackson JSON to convert to pojo types also
// (by default Jackson only converts to String and other simple types)
getContext().getGlobalOptions().put("CamelJacksonTypeConverterToPojo", "true");
The `camel-jackson` type converter integrates with xref:dataformats:jaxb-dataformat.adoc[JAXB]
which means you can annotate POJO class with `JAXB` annotations that Jackson can use.
You can also use Jacksons own annotations on your POJO classes.
== Dependencies
To use Jackson in your camel routes you need to add the dependency
on *camel-jackson* which implements this data format.
If you use maven you could just add the following to your pom.xml,
substituting the version number for the latest & greatest release (see
the download page for the latest versions).
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->