BUILDR-486 add to changelog
index 3c92598..4f5eb43 100644
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-454 Definition-level parent-child references-by-name fail in 1.4.0 but not in 1.3.5. Submitted by Rhett Sutphin.
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-620 resources.filter should not run on non-text files
 * Fixed:  BUILDR-489 Java + Scala joint compiler fails if default encoding and source file encoding are not same and special characters have been used in source code
+* Fixed:  BUILDR-486 Buildr-generated poms should include dependencies
 * Change: Update the custom_pom addon to generate poms with exclusions section that excludes
           all transitive dependencies. This is required as buildr dependencies are not
           transitive while Maven's dependencies are transitive by default.