restore old logic (just in case), and treat promises correctly

don't think it was used, nor is it really a promise, but in case there is an edge case we aren't considering...
diff --git a/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js b/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js
index 3db4b0d..6f8c341 100644
--- a/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js
+++ b/ui-modules/utils/quick-launch/quick-launch.js
@@ -376,11 +376,6 @@
             $scope.yamlViewDisplayed = false;
-        function setComposerLink() {
-            $scope.composerLink = getComposerHref({ expanded:false , validateYaml: true });
-            $scope.composerLinkExpanded = getComposerHref({ expanded:true , validateYaml: true });
-        }
         function getPlanObject({expanded, validateYaml=true}) {
             if ($scope.yamlViewDisplayed) {
                 return {format: $scope.editorFormat, yaml: angular.copy($scope.editorYaml)};
@@ -417,6 +412,47 @@
             return result + 'graphical?'+stringifyForQuery(plan);
+        function setComposerLink() {
+            Promise.resolve(getComposerLinkWithFallback(false)).then(href => {
+                $scope.composerLink = href;
+            });
+            Promise.resolve(getComposerLinkWithFallback(true)).then(href => {
+                $scope.composerLinkExpanded = href;
+            });
+        }
+        function openComposer($event, expanded) {
+            $event.preventDefault();
+            Promise.resolve(getComposerLinkWithFallback(expanded)).then(href => {
+                window.location.href = href;
+            });
+        }
+        function getComposerLinkWithFallback(expanded) {
+            if (!brBrandInfo.blueprintComposerBaseUrl) {
+                console.warn("Composer unavailable in this build");
+                return;
+            }
+            return Promise.resolve(quickLaunch.getComposerHref({ expanded, validateYaml: true }))
+                .then(href => {
+                    return href;
+                })
+                .catch((error) => {
+                    console.warn("Will open composer in YAML text editor mode because we cannot generate a model for this configuration:", error);
+                    Promise.resolve(quickLaunch.getComposerHref({
+                        expanded, yamlEditor: true, validateYaml: false,
+                        yamlPrefix:
+                            "# This plan may have items which require attention so is being opened in YAML text editor mode.\n"+
+                            "# The YAML was autogenerated by merging the plan with any values provided in UI, but issues were\n"+
+                            "# detected that mean it might not be correct. Please check the blueprint below carefully.\n"+
+                            "\n" }))
+                        .then(href => {
+                            return href;
+                        })
+                });
+        }
         function convertPlanToPreferredFormat(plan) { return plan; }
         function getOriginalPlanFormat(scope) {