blob: 5fadfe26e5e24c72895d7224c62688177ba6812b [file] [log] [blame]
{% pop site_items item %}
{% if item[page.page_mask] != true %}
{% set_hash_entry item path item_path %}
{% set_hash_entry item url item_url %}
{% set_hash_entry item content item_content %}
{% set_hash_entry item title item_title %}
{% set_hash_entry item id item_id %}
{% if visitedb contains item_title %}
{% comment %} <!-- ignore --> {% endcomment %}
{% elsif item['external'] %}
{% comment %} <!-- ignore --> {% endcomment %}
{% else %}
{% capture pid %}{{ item.title | remove:'/' | replace:' ','-' | downcase }}{% endcapture %}
{% if item_content != null %}
<div id="contentsLink-{{pid}}" class="section-breaker section p-{{item_id}}">
<span style="width: 100%"><h1>{{ item_title }}</h1><a href="#content-top" class="goToTop">^</a></span>
{% comment %}
--This Section re-writes images so the base of their paths is the root docs directory. This allows the PDF to build properly.
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %}<!-- Build the page directory by removing the file name from the item url -->{% endcomment %}
{% capture page_url %}{{ item_url | replace_regex:'[^\/]*$', '' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture new_img %}img src=".{{ page_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% comment %}<!-- Build a regex which replaces the current path with an absolute one but leaves any sub folders such as /images -->{% endcomment %}
{% capture img_regex %}(img(.*?)src="{{ page_url | replace:'/','\/' }})|(img(.*?)src="){% endcapture %}
{% comment %}<!-- Filter the content of the included page -->{% endcomment %}
{% capture content_filtered %}{{ item_content | replace_regex: img_regex, new_img | refactorURL: 'href="(.*?)"', site, site.pages, page.availablePages, page, item }}{% endcapture %}
{{ content_filtered }}
{% endif %}
{% if item['menu'] %}
{% push visitedb item_title %}
{% push site_items item %}
{% assign last_item = site_items[-1] %}
{% for item in last_item['menu'] %}
{% push site_items item %}
{% include singlepage-content.html %}
{% endfor %}
{% pop site_items item %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}