blob: ec3cf1c6fed10ba533594d1998ce044476a1932c [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="list-group side-menu" id="side-menu">
{% comment %}
Case 1) If we're the landing page show nothing.
Case 2) If we're contained in the top (landing page) menu, show our menu if we have one.
Case 3a) Otherwise if we're contained in a menu, show that menu.
Case 3b) And if we have a menu, show our menu nested.
Note the breadcrumbs are offset:1. This is because usually breadcrumbs include the root;
but also if we're overriding breadcrumbs it gives us a way to set a topmenu item (making it breadcrumb[0])
while customizing the side menu (make self breadcrumb[1]).
{% endcomment %}
{% unless page.landing %}
{% if page.menu_parent %}
{% if page.menu_parent.landing %} {% comment %} case 2 {% endcomment %}
{% for item in page.breadcrumb_pages offset:1 %}
<h4 class="{% if forloop.index0 > 0 %} with_preceding{% endif %}{% if forloop.rindex0 > 0 %} with_following{% endif %}">
<a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if item.path == page.menu_path %} active{% endif %} breadcrumb breadcrumb{{ forloop.index0 }}">
{{ item.title_in_menu }}</a></h4>
{% endfor %}
{% for item in %}
<a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if page.breadcrumbs contains item %} active{% endif %}">{{ item.title_in_menu }}
{% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %} {% comment %} case 3a {% endcomment %}
{% for item in page.menu_parent.breadcrumb_pages offset:1 %}
<h4 class="{% if forloop.index0 > 0 %} with_preceding{% endif %}{% if forloop.rindex0 > 0 %} with_following{% endif %}">
<a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if item.path == page.menu_path %}{% unless item.menu_customization.force_inactive %} active{% endunless %}{% endif %} breadcrumb breadcrumb{{ forloop.index0 }}">
{{ item.title_in_menu }}
{% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a></h4>
{% endfor %}
{% for item in %}
{% if page.breadcrumb_paths contains item.menu_path %}{% assign in_menu = true %}{% else %}{% assign in_menu = false %}{% endif %}
{% if in_menu and %}
{% comment %} case 3b {% endcomment %}
<a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item active with-sub-item">{{ item.title_in_menu }}
{% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
<div class="sub-item">
{% for item2 in %}
{% capture item_section_classes %}{% if item2.section %} section{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
<a href="{{item2.url}}" class="list-group-item sub-item {{ item_section_classes }}" {% if item2.section %}section-target="#{{ item2.section }}"{% endif %}>
{{ item2.title_in_menu }}
{% if item2.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% comment %} case 3a side menu item {% endcomment %}
<a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if page.breadcrumb_paths contains item.menu_path %}{% unless item.menu_customization.force_inactive %} active{% endunless %}{% endif %}">{{ item.title_in_menu }}
{% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% elsif %}
<!-- no pages have a menu without being in the top menu, won't come here -->
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
<div id="width_reference"></div>
<script language="JavaScript" type="application/javascript">
{% comment %}
the menu is css position:fixed so won't scroll;
but also it will not obey its parents width.
set the width on load and on resize.
{% endcomment %}
sidemenu_x_sizer=function(){ $('#side-menu').width($('#side-menu').parent().find('#width_reference').outerWidth()); };
{% comment %}
also ensure the screen is big enough, else revert to non-floating menu:
check y-height, and check widths (in case it was moved to after the other column)
{% endcomment %}
if ($('#side-menu').outerHeight(true) + $('#header').outerHeight(true) + $('#footer').outerHeight(true) > window.innerHeight ||
$('#side-menu').width() >= $('#content_container').width()/2) {
$('#side-menu').css('position', 'inherit');
} else {
// restore if screen has grown
$('#side-menu').css('position', 'fixed');
{% comment %}
auto-advance "sections" in menu on scroll
{% endcomment %}
var sideMenu = $("#side-menu"),
sideItems = sideMenu.find("a"),
// Anchors corresponding to menu items
scrollItems ={
var item = $(this).attr("section-target");
if (item && item.length) { return item; }
var highlight_section_last_top = -1;
var highlight_section_completed = false;
var highlight_section = function() {
// Get container scroll position
var highlight_section_new_top = $(this).scrollTop();
if (highlight_section_new_top == highlight_section_last_top) return;
var highlight_section_new_bottom = highlight_section_new_top + $(window).height();
var scroll_advancing = (highlight_section_new_top > highlight_section_last_top);
var last_item = null, active_item = $("#side-menu a.section#active");
var found_top = false;
var displayable_items ={
item = $(scrollItems[itemI]);
if (item && item.length) {
if (highlight_section_last_top == -1 || !highlight_section_completed) {
// just opening page - take item matching hash, or otherwise the first item visible
if (item.selector === window.location.hash || (item.offset().top > highlight_section_new_top - 20 && !found_top)) {
found_top = true;
if (item.selector === window.location.hash && item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top + 60) {
// because of our top header, we need to scroll 64px down from any link
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: item.offset().top - 64}, 0);
return item;
} else if (scroll_advancing) {
// if scrolling advance, pick up a section when title starts before 1/3 height
if (item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top + $(window).height()/3)
return item;
// or if containing div is finished (usu the whole main content)
div_containing_item = item.closest("div");
if (div_containing_item.offset().top + div_containing_item.height() < highlight_section_new_bottom + 15)
return item;
// or when next title is visible
if (last_item && item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_bottom + 15)
return last_item;
} else {
// if scrolling back, pick up a section as soon as the title is visible,
if (item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top)
return item;
// or if title is before the 2/3 point
// (not sure about this, probably want also to have
// "AND the is <=" so we don't jump FORWARD a section
// when scrolling BACK, with lots of tiny sections)
if ((item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top + 2*$(window).height()/3)
&& (!active_item || !active_item.offset() || active_item.offset().top >= item.offset().top))
return item;
last_item = item;
if (!highlight_section_completed && document.readyState === "complete") {
highlight_section_completed = true;
if (!displayable_items.length) {
$("#side-menu a.section").removeClass("active");
} else {
displayable_items = displayable_items[displayable_items.length-1];
var id = displayable_items && displayable_items.length ? displayable_items[0].id : "";
// Set/remove active class
new_active = $("#side-menu a.section").filter("[section-target='#"+id+"']");
if (new_active.hasClass("active")) {
// nothing needed
} else {
$("#side-menu a.section").removeClass("active");
$("#side-menu a.section").filter("[section-target='#"+id+"']").addClass("active");
highlight_section_last_top = highlight_section_new_top;
var highlight_new_section = function() {
highlight_section_completed = false;
highlight_section_last_top = -1;
// detect link change - courtesy
function( $ ){
// Default to the current location.
var strLocation = window.location.href;
var strHash = window.location.hash;
var strPrevLocation = "";
var strPrevHash = "";
// This is how often we will be checkint for
// changes on the location.
var intIntervalTime = 100;
// This method removes the pound from the hash.
var fnCleanHash = function( strHash ){
strHash.substring( 1, strHash.length )
// This will be the method that we use to check
// changes in the window location.
var fnCheckLocation = function(){
// Check to see if the location has changed.
if (strLocation != window.location.href){
// Store the new and previous locations.
strPrevLocation = strLocation;
strPrevHash = strHash;
strLocation = window.location.href;
strHash = window.location.hash;
// The location has changed. Trigger a
// change event on the location object,
// passing in the current and previous
// location values.
$( window.location ).trigger(
currentHref: strLocation,
currentHash: fnCleanHash( strHash ),
previousHref: strPrevLocation,
previousHash: fnCleanHash( strPrevHash )
// Set an interval to check the location changes.
setInterval( fnCheckLocation, intIntervalTime );
)( jQuery );
// and trigger highlight section on link change
$(window.location).bind("change", highlight_new_section);