blob: 747ff3a10d127dfac5e7d73b37211e224f6004ae [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Initial configuration for Bloodhound"""
import os
import pkg_resources
import shutil
import sys
from bhsetup.createdigest import htdigest_create
from getpass import getpass
from optparse import OptionParser
from trac.admin.console import TracAdmin
from trac.config import Configuration
from trac.util import translation
from trac.util.translation import _, get_negotiated_locale, has_babel
except ImportError, e:
print("Requirements must be installed before running "
"You can install them with the following command:\n"
" pip install -r requirements.txt\n")
import psycopg2
except ImportError:
psycopg2 = None
import MySQLdb as mysqldb
except ImportError:
mysqldb = None
LANG = os.environ.get('LANG')
MAXBACKUPNUMBER = 64 # Max attempts to create backup file
SUPPORTED_DBTYPES = ('sqlite', 'postgres', 'mysql')
DEFAULT_DB_USER = 'bloodhound'
DEFAULT_DB_NAME = 'bloodhound'
BASE_CONFIG = {'components': {'bhtheme.*': 'enabled',
'bhdashboard.*': 'enabled',
'multiproduct.*': 'enabled',
'permredirect.*': 'enabled',
'themeengine.api.*': 'enabled',
'themeengine.web_ui.*': 'enabled',
'bhsearch.*': 'enabled',
'bhrelations.*': 'enabled',
'trac.ticket.web_ui.ticketmodule': 'disabled',
'': 'disabled',
'header_logo': {'src': '',},
'mainnav': {'roadmap': 'disabled',
'search': 'disabled',
'timeline': 'disabled',},
'metanav': {'about': 'disabled',},
'theme': {'theme': 'bloodhound',},
'trac': {'mainnav': ','.join(['dashboard', 'wiki', 'browser',
'tickets', 'newticket', 'timeline',
'roadmap', 'search']),
'environment_factory': '',
'request_factory': '',},
'project': {'footer': ('Get involved with '
'<a href="%(site)s">Apache Bloodhound</a>'
% {'site': BH_PROJECT_SITE,}),},
'labels': {'application_short': 'Bloodhound',
'application_full': 'Apache Bloodhound',
'footer_left_prefix': '',
'footer_left_postfix': '',
'footer_right': ''},
'bhsearch': {'is_default': 'true', 'enable_redirect': 'true'},
ACCOUNTS_CONFIG = {'account-manager': {'account_changes_notify_addresses' : '',
'authentication_url' : '',
'db_htdigest_realm' : '',
'force_passwd_change' :'true',
'hash_method' : 'HtDigestHashMethod',
'htdigest_file' : '',
'htdigest_realm' : '',
'htpasswd_file' : '',
'htpasswd_hash_type' : 'crypt',
'password_store' : 'HtDigestStore',
'persistent_sessions' : 'False',
'refresh_passwd' : 'False',
'user_lock_max_time' : '0',
'verify_email' : 'True',
'components': {'acct_mgr.admin.*' : 'enabled',
'acct_mgr.api.accountmanager' : 'enabled',
'acct_mgr.guard.accountguard' : 'enabled',
'acct_mgr.htfile.htdigeststore' : 'enabled',
'acct_mgr.macros.*': 'enabled',
'acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule' : 'enabled',
'acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule' : 'enabled',
'trac.web.auth.loginmodule' : 'disabled',
class BloodhoundSetup(object):
"""Creates a Bloodhound environment"""
def __init__(self, opts):
if isinstance(opts, dict):
options = dict(opts)
options = vars(opts)
self.options = options
if 'project' not in options:
options['project'] = 'main'
if 'envsdir' not in options:
options['envsdir'] = os.path.join('bloodhound',
# Flags used when running the functional test suite
self.apply_bhwiki_upgrades = True
def _generate_db_str(self, options):
"""Builds an appropriate db string for trac-admin for sqlite and
postgres options. Also allows for a user to provide their own db
string to allow database initialisation beyond these."""
dbdata = {'type': options.get('dbtype', 'sqlite'),
'user': options.get('dbuser'),
'pass': options.get('dbpass'),
'host': options.get('dbhost', 'localhost'),
'port': options.get('dbport'),
'name': options.get('dbname', 'bloodhound'),
db = options.get('dbstring')
if db is None:
if dbdata['type'] in ('postgres', 'mysql') \
and dbdata['user'] is not None \
and dbdata['pass'] is not None:
if dbdata['port'] is not None:
db = '%(type)s://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s:%(port)s/%(name)s'
else: # no port specified = default port
db = '%(type)s://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s/%(name)s'
db = '%%(type)s:%s' % os.path.join('db', '%(name)s.db')
return db % dbdata
def setup(self, **kwargs):
"""Do the setup. A kwargs dictionary may be passed to override base
options, potentially allowing for multiple environment creation."""
if has_babel:
import babel
locale = get_negotiated_locale([LANG])
locale = locale or babel.Locale.default()
except babel.UnknownLocaleError:
options = dict(self.options)
if psycopg2 is None and options.get('dbtype') == 'postgres':
print "psycopg2 needs to be installed to initialise a postgresql db"
return False
elif mysqldb is None and options.get('dbtype') == 'mysql':
print "MySQLdb needs to be installed to initialise a mysql db"
return False
environments_path = options['envsdir']
if not os.path.exists(environments_path):
new_env = os.path.join(environments_path, options['project'])
tracini = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(new_env, 'conf', 'trac.ini'))
baseini = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(new_env, 'conf', 'base.ini'))
options['inherit'] = '"' + baseini + '"'
options['db'] = self._generate_db_str(options)
if 'repo_type' not in options or options['repo_type'] is None:
options['repo_type'] = ''
if 'repo_path' not in options or options['repo_path'] is None:
options['repo_path'] = ''
if (len(options['repo_type']) > 0) ^ (len(options['repo_path']) > 0):
print "Error: Specifying a repository requires both the "\
"repository-type and the repository-path options."
return False
custom_prefix = 'default_product_prefix'
if custom_prefix in options and options[custom_prefix]:
default_product_prefix = options[custom_prefix]
default_product_prefix = '@'
digestfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(new_env,
realm = options['realm']
adminuser = options['adminuser']
adminpass = options['adminpass']
# create base options:
accounts_config = dict(ACCOUNTS_CONFIG)
accounts_config['account-manager']['htdigest_file'] = digestfile
accounts_config['account-manager']['htdigest_realm'] = realm
trac = TracAdmin(os.path.abspath(new_env))
if not trac.env_check():
rv = trac.do_initenv('%(project)s %(db)s '
'%(repo_type)s %(repo_path)s '
'--inherit=%(inherit)s '
% options)
if rv == 2:
raise SystemExit
except SystemExit:
print ("Error: Unable to initialise the environment.")
return False
print ("Warning: Environment already exists at %s." % new_env)
self.writeconfig(tracini, [{'inherit': {'file': baseini},},])
base_config = dict(BASE_CONFIG)
base_config['trac']['environment_factory'] = \
base_config['trac']['request_factory'] = \
if default_product_prefix != '@':
base_config['multiproduct'] = dict(
self.writeconfig(baseini, [base_config, accounts_config])
if os.path.exists(digestfile):
htdigest_create(digestfile, adminuser, realm, adminpass)
print "Adding TRAC_ADMIN permissions to the admin user %s" % adminuser
trac.onecmd('permission add %s TRAC_ADMIN' % adminuser)
# get fresh TracAdmin instance (original does not know about base.ini)
bloodhound = TracAdmin(os.path.abspath(new_env))
# final upgrade
print "Running upgrades"
pages = []
bloodhound.onecmd('wiki load %s' % " ".join(pages))
print "Running wiki upgrades"
bloodhound.onecmd('wiki upgrade')
if self.apply_bhwiki_upgrades:
print "Running wiki Bloodhound upgrades"
bloodhound.onecmd('wiki bh-upgrade')
print "Skipping Bloodhound wiki upgrades"
print "Loading default product wiki"
bloodhound.onecmd('product admin %s wiki load %s' %
" ".join(pages)))
print "Running default product wiki upgrades"
bloodhound.onecmd('product admin %s wiki upgrade' %
if self.apply_bhwiki_upgrades:
print "Running default product Bloodhound wiki upgrades"
bloodhound.onecmd('product admin %s wiki bh-upgrade' %
print "Skipping default product Bloodhound wiki upgrades"
print """
You can now start Bloodhound by running:
tracd --port=8000 %s
And point your browser at http://localhost:8000/%s
""" % (os.path.abspath(new_env), options['project'])
return True
def writeconfig(self, filepath, dicts=[]):
"""Writes or updates a config file. A list of dictionaries is used so
that options for different aspects of the configuration can be kept
separate while being able to update the same sections. Note that the
result is order dependent where two dictionaries update the same
config = Configuration(filepath)
file_changed = False
for data in dicts:
for section, options in data.iteritems():
for key, value in options.iteritems():
if config.get(section, key, None) != value:
# This should be expected to generate a false positive
# when two dictionaries update the same option
file_changed = True
config.set(section, key, value)
if file_changed:
if os.path.exists(filepath):
def backupfile(filepath):
"""Very basic backup routine"""
print "Warning: Updating %s." % filepath
backuppath = None
if not os.path.exists(filepath + '_bak'):
backuppath = filepath + '_bak'
backuptemplate = filepath + '_bak_%d'
for i in xrange(MAXBACKUPNUMBER):
if not os.path.exists(backuptemplate % i):
backuppath = backuptemplate % i
if backuppath is not None:
shutil.copyfile(filepath, backuppath)
print "Backup created at %s." % backuppath
print "No backup created (too many other backups found)"
return backuppath
def handle_options():
"""Parses the command line, with basic prompting for choices where options
are not specified."""
parser = OptionParser()
# Base Trac Options
parser.add_option('--project', dest='project',
help='Set the top project name', default='main')
parser.add_option('--source_directory', dest='sourcedir',
help='Specify root source code directory',
default=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../'))),
parser.add_option('--environments_directory', dest='envsdir',
help='Set the directory to contain environments',
default=os.path.join('bloodhound', 'environments'))
parser.add_option('-d', '--database-type', dest='dbtype',
help="Specify as either 'sqlite', 'postgres' or 'mysql'",
parser.add_option('--database-string', dest='dbstring',
help=('Advanced: provide a custom database string, '
'overriding other database options'),
parser.add_option('--database-name', dest='dbname',
help='Specify the database name',
parser.add_option('-u', '--user', dest='dbuser',
help='Specify the db user (required for postgres and mysql)',
parser.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='dbpass',
help='Specify the db password (required for postgres and mysql)')
parser.add_option('--database-host', dest='dbhost',
help='Specify the database host (optional for postgres and mysql)',
parser.add_option('--database-port', dest='dbport',
help='Specify the database port (optional for postgres and mysql)',
# Account Manager Options
parser.add_option('--admin-password', dest='adminpass',
help='create an admin user in an htdigest file')
parser.add_option('--digest-realm', dest='realm', default='bloodhound',
help='authentication realm for htdigest file')
parser.add_option('--admin-user', dest='adminuser', default='',
help='admin user name for htdigest file')
parser.add_option('--digest-file', dest='digestfile',
help='filename for the htdigest file')
# Repository Options
parser.add_option('--repository-type', dest='repo_type',
help='specify the repository type - ')
parser.add_option('--repository-path', dest='repo_path',
help='specify the repository type')
# Multiproduct options
parser.add_option('--default-product-prefix', dest='default_product_prefix',
help='Specify prefix for default product (defaults to @')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if args:
print "Unprocessed options/arguments: ", args
def ask_question(question, default=None):
"""Basic question asking functionality"""
if default:
answer = raw_input(question % default)
answer = raw_input(question)
return answer if answer else default
def ask_password(user):
"""Asks for a password to be provided for setting purposes"""
attempts = 3
for attempt in range(attempts):
if attempt > 0:
print "Passwords empty or did not match. Please try again",
print "(attempt %d/%d)""" % (attempt+1, attempts)
password1 = getpass('Enter a new password for "%s": ' % user)
password2 = getpass('Please reenter the password: ')
if password1 and password1 == password2:
return password1
print "Passwords did not match. Quiting."
if options.dbtype.lower() not in SUPPORTED_DBTYPES:
answer = ask_question("""
This installer is able to install Apache Bloodhound with either SQLite,
PostgreSQL or MySQL databases. SQLite is an easier option for installing
Bloodhound as SQLite support is built into Python and requires no special
permissions to run. However, PostgreSQL and MySQL are generally expected to
be more robust for production use.
What type of database do you want to instant to (%s)?
[%%s]: """ % '/'.join(SUPPORTED_DBTYPES), default='sqlite')
answer = answer.lower()
options.dbtype = answer
print "Unrecognized dbtype \"%s\". Quiting." % answer
options.dbtype = options.dbtype.lower()
if options.dbtype in ('postgres','mysql'):
if not options.dbuser:
options.dbuser = ask_question("""
For PostgreSQL/MySQL you need to have PostgreSQL/MySQL installed and you need
to have created a database user to connect to the database with. Setting this
up may require admin access rights to the server.
DB user name [%s]: """, DEFAULT_DB_USER)
if not options.dbpass:
options.dbpass = ask_password(options.dbuser)
if not options.dbname:
options.dbname = ask_question("""
For PostgreSQL/MySQL setup, you need to specify a database that you have
created for Bloodhound to use. This installer currently assumes that this
database will be empty. DB name [%s]: """, DEFAULT_DB_NAME)
if not options.adminuser:
options.adminuser = ask_question("""
Please supply a username for the admin user [%s]: """, DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER)
if not options.adminpass:
options.adminpass = ask_password(options.adminuser)
return options
def run():
options = handle_options()
bsetup = BloodhoundSetup(options)
if __name__ == '__main__':