blob: 766b23fd2fefc242ea3f83f1950dcdf0386749ce [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import trac.db.util
from trac.util import concurrency
import sqlparse
import sqlparse.tokens as Tokens
import sqlparse.sql as Types
from multiproduct.cache import lru_cache
from multiproduct.util import using_sqlite_backend, using_mysql_backend
__all__ = ['BloodhoundIterableCursor', 'BloodhoundConnectionWrapper', 'ProductEnvContextManager']
SKIP_TABLES = ['auth_cookie',
'session', 'session_attribute',
'repository', 'revision', 'node_change',
'bloodhound_product', 'bloodhound_productresourcemap', 'bloodhound_productconfig',
'sqlite_master', 'bloodhound_relations'
'ticket', 'ticket_change', 'ticket_custom',
'enum', 'component', 'milestone', 'version',
PRODUCT_COLUMN = 'product'
# Singleton used to mark translator as unset
class empty_translator(object):
translator_not_set = empty_translator()
def translate_sql(env, sql):
translator = None
log = None
product_prefix = None
if env is not None:
if trac.db.api.DatabaseManager(env).debug_sql:
log = env.log
product_prefix = env.product.prefix if env.product else GLOBAL_PRODUCT
translator = BloodhoundProductSQLTranslate(SKIP_TABLES,
if log:
log.debug('Original SQl: %s', sql)
realsql = translator.translate(sql) if (translator is not None) else sql
if log:
log.debug('SQL: %s', realsql)
return realsql
class BloodhoundIterableCursor(trac.db.util.IterableCursor):
__slots__ = trac.db.util.IterableCursor.__slots__ + ['_translator']
_tls = concurrency.ThreadLocal(env=None)
def __init__(self, cursor, log=None):
super(BloodhoundIterableCursor, self).__init__(cursor, log=log)
def execute(self, sql, args=None):
return super(BloodhoundIterableCursor, self).execute(translate_sql(self.env, sql), args=args)
def executemany(self, sql, args=None):
return super(BloodhoundIterableCursor, self).executemany(translate_sql(self.env, sql), args=args)
def env(self):
return self._tls.env
def set_env(cls, env):
cls._tls.env = env
def get_env(cls):
return cls._tls.env
def cache_reset(cls):
# replace trac.db.util.IterableCursor with BloodhoundIterableCursor
trac.db.util.IterableCursor = BloodhoundIterableCursor
class BloodhoundConnectionWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, connection, env):
self.connection = connection
self.env = env
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.connection, name)
def execute(self, query, params=None):
return self.connection.execute(query, params=params)
__call__ = execute
def executemany(self, query, params=None):
return self.connection.executemany(query, params=params)
def cursor(self):
return BloodhoundCursorWrapper(self.connection.cursor(), self.env)
class BloodhoundCursorWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, cursor, env):
self.cursor = cursor
self.env = env
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.cursor, name)
def __iter__(self):
return self.cursor.__iter__()
def execute(self, sql, args=None):
return self.cursor.execute(sql, args=args)
def executemany(self, sql, args=None):
return self.cursor.executemany(sql, args=args)
class ProductEnvContextManager(object):
"""Wrap an underlying database context manager so as to keep track
of (nested) product context.
def __init__(self, context, env=None):
"""Initialize product database context.
:param context: Inner database context (e.g. `QueryContextManager`,
`TransactionContextManager` )
:param env: An instance of either `trac.env.Environment` or
`multiproduct.env.ProductEnvironment` used to
reduce the scope of database queries. If set
to `None` then SQL queries will not be translated,
which is equivalent to having direct database access.
self.db_context = context
self.env = env
def __enter__(self):
"""Keep track of previous product context and override it with `env`;
then enter the inner database context.
return BloodhoundConnectionWrapper(self.db_context.__enter__(), self.env)
def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb):
"""Uninstall current product context by restoring the last one;
then leave the inner database context.
return self.db_context.__exit__(et, ev, tb)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Forward attribute access to nested database context on failure.
return self.db_context(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, attrnm):
"""Forward attribute access to nested database context on failure.
return getattr(self.db_context, attrnm)
def execute(self, sql, params=None):
return self.db_context.execute(sql, params=params)
def executemany(self, sql, params=None):
return self.db_context.executemany(sql, params=params)
class BloodhoundProductSQLTranslate(object):
_join_statements = ['LEFT JOIN', 'LEFT OUTER JOIN',
_from_end_words = ['WHERE', 'GROUP', 'HAVING', 'ORDER', 'UNION', 'LIMIT']
def __init__(self, skip_tables, translate_tables, product_column, product_prefix, env=None):
self._skip_tables = skip_tables
self._translate_tables = translate_tables
self._product_column = product_column
self._product_prefix = product_prefix
self._id_calculated = env is None or using_sqlite_backend(env) \
or using_mysql_backend(env)
def _sqlparse_underline_hack(self, token):
underline_token = lambda token: token.ttype == Tokens.Token.Error and token.value == '_'
identifier_token = lambda token: isinstance(token, Types.Identifier) or isinstance(token, Types.Token)
def prefix_token(token, prefix):
if identifier_token(token):
if isinstance(token, Types.IdentifierList):
token = token.tokens[0]
token.value = prefix + token.value
token.normalized = token.value.upper() if token.ttype in Tokens.Keyword \
else token.value
if hasattr(token, 'tokens'):
if len(token.tokens) != 1:
raise Exception("Internal error, invalid token list")
token.tokens[0].value, token.tokens[0].normalized = token.value, token.normalized
if hasattr(token, 'tokens') and token.tokens and len(token.tokens):
current = self._token_first(token)
while current:
leftover = None
if underline_token(current):
prefix = ''
while underline_token(current):
prefix += current.value
prev = current
current = self._token_next(token, current)
self._token_delete(token, prev)
# expression ends with _ ... push the token to parent
if not current:
return prev
prefix_token(current, prefix)
leftover = self._sqlparse_underline_hack(current)
if leftover:
leftover.parent = token
self._token_insert_after(token, current, leftover)
current = leftover if leftover else self._token_next(token, current)
return None
def _select_table_name_alias(self, tokens):
return filter(lambda t: t.upper() != 'AS', [t.value for t in tokens if t.value.strip()])
def _column_expression_name_alias(self, tokens):
return filter(lambda t: t.upper() != 'AS', [t.value for t in tokens if t.value.strip()])
def _select_alias_sql(self, alias):
return ' AS %s' % alias
def _translated_table_view_sql(self, name, alias=None):
sql = "(SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s='%s')" % (name, self._product_column, self._product_prefix)
if alias:
sql += self._select_alias_sql(alias)
return sql
def _prefixed_table_entity_name(self, tablename):
return '"%s_%s"' % (self._product_prefix, tablename) if self._product_prefix else tablename
def _prefixed_table_view_sql(self, name, alias):
return '(SELECT * FROM %s) AS %s' % (self._prefixed_table_entity_name(name),
def _token_first(self, parent):
return parent.token_first()
def _token_next_match(self, parent, start_token, ttype, token):
return parent.token_next_match(self._token_idx(parent, start_token), ttype, token)
def _token_next(self, parent, from_token):
return parent.token_next(self._token_idx(parent, from_token))
def _token_prev(self, parent, from_token):
return parent.token_prev(self._token_idx(parent, from_token))
def _token_next_by_instance(self, parent, start_token, klass):
return parent.token_next_by_instance(self._token_idx(parent, start_token), klass)
def _token_next_by_type(self, parent, start_token, ttype):
return parent.token_next_by_type(self._token_idx(parent, start_token), ttype)
def _token_insert_before(self, parent, where, token):
return parent.insert_before(where, token)
def _token_insert_after(self, parent, where, token):
return parent.insert_after(where, token)
def _token_idx(self, parent, token):
return parent.token_index(token)
def _token_delete(self, parent, token):
idx = self._token_idx(parent, token)
del parent.tokens[idx]
return idx
def _token_insert(self, parent, idx, token):
parent.tokens.insert(idx, token)
def _eval_expression_value(self, parent, token):
if isinstance(token, Types.Parenthesis):
t = self._token_first(token)
if t.match(Tokens.Punctuation, '('):
t = self._token_next(token, t)
if t.match(Tokens.DML, 'SELECT'):
self._select(token, t)
def _expression_token_unwind_hack(self, parent, token, start_token):
# hack to workaround sqlparse bug that wrongly presents list of tokens
# as IdentifierList in certain situations
if isinstance(token, Types.IdentifierList):
idx = self._token_delete(parent, token)
for t in token.tokens:
self._token_insert(parent, idx, t)
idx += 1
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
return token
def _where(self, parent, where_token):
if isinstance(where_token, Types.Where):
token = self._token_first(where_token)
if not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'WHERE'):
raise Exception("Invalid WHERE statement")
while token:
self._eval_expression_value(where_token, token)
token = self._token_next(where_token, token)
def _select_expression_tokens(self, parent, first_token, end_words):
if isinstance(first_token, Types.IdentifierList):
return first_token, [list(first_token.flatten())]
tokens = list()
current_list = list()
current_token = first_token
while current_token and not current_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, end_words):
if current_token.match(Tokens.Punctuation, ','):
if current_list:
current_list = list()
elif current_token.is_whitespace():
current_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
if current_list:
return current_token, tokens
def _select_join(self, parent, start_token, end_words):
current_token = self._select_from(parent, start_token, ['ON'], force_alias=True)
tokens = list()
if current_token:
current_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
while current_token and \
not current_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, end_words) and \
not isinstance(current_token, Types.Where):
current_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
return current_token
def _select_from(self, parent, start_token, end_words, table_name_callback=None, force_alias=False):
def inject_table_view(token, name, alias):
if name in self._skip_tables:
elif name in self._translate_tables:
if force_alias and not alias:
alias = name
parent.tokens[self._token_idx(parent, token)] = sqlparse.parse(self._translated_table_view_sql(name,
if table_name_callback:
if not alias:
alias = name
parent.tokens[self._token_idx(parent, token)] = sqlparse.parse(self._prefixed_table_view_sql(name,
if table_name_callback:
def inject_table_alias(token, alias):
parent.tokens[self._token_idx(parent, token)] = sqlparse.parse(self._select_alias_sql(alias))[0]
def process_table_name_tokens(nametokens):
if nametokens:
l = self._select_table_name_alias(nametokens)
if not l:
raise Exception("Invalid FROM table name")
name, alias = l[0], None
alias = l[1] if len(l) > 1 else name
if not name in self._skip_tables:
token = nametokens[0]
for t in nametokens[1:]:
self._token_delete(parent, t)
inject_table_view(token, name, alias)
return list()
current_token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
prev_token = start_token
table_name_tokens = list()
join_tokens = list()
while current_token and \
not current_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, end_words) and \
not isinstance(current_token, Types.Where):
next_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
if current_token.is_whitespace():
elif isinstance(current_token, Types.IdentifierList):
current_token = self._expression_token_unwind_hack(parent, current_token, prev_token)
elif isinstance(current_token, Types.Identifier):
parenthesis = filter(lambda t: isinstance(t, Types.Parenthesis), current_token.tokens)
if parenthesis:
for p in parenthesis:
t = self._token_next(p, self._token_first(p))
if not t.match(Tokens.DML, 'SELECT'):
raise Exception("Invalid subselect statement")
self._select(p, t)
tablename = current_token.value.strip()
tablealias = current_token.get_name().strip()
if tablename == tablealias:
inject_table_view(current_token, tablename, tablealias)
elif isinstance(current_token, Types.Parenthesis):
t = self._token_next(current_token, self._token_first(current_token))
if t.match(Tokens.DML, 'SELECT'):
identifier_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
as_token = None
if identifier_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'AS'):
as_token = identifier_token
identifier_token = self._token_next(parent, identifier_token)
if not isinstance(identifier_token, Types.Identifier):
raise Exception("Invalid subselect statement")
next_token = self._token_next(parent, identifier_token)
self._select(current_token, t)
if as_token:
self._token_delete(parent, as_token)
inject_table_alias(identifier_token, identifier_token.value)
elif current_token.ttype == Tokens.Punctuation:
if table_name_tokens:
next_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
table_name_tokens = process_table_name_tokens(table_name_tokens)
elif current_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['JOIN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'INNER', 'OUTER'] + self._join_statements):
join = ' '.join(join_tokens)
if join in self._join_statements:
join_tokens = list()
table_name_tokens = process_table_name_tokens(table_name_tokens)
next_token = self._select_join(parent,
+ self._join_statements
+ self._from_end_words)
elif current_token.ttype == Tokens.Keyword or \
current_token.ttype == Tokens.Token.Literal.Number.Integer:
raise Exception("Failed to parse FROM table name")
prev_token = current_token
current_token = next_token
if prev_token:
return current_token
def _select(self, parent, start_token, insert_table=None):
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
fields_token = self._token_next(parent, token) if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['ALL', 'DISTINCT']) else token
current_token, field_lists = self._select_expression_tokens(parent, fields_token, ['FROM'] + self._from_end_words)
def handle_insert_table(table_name):
if insert_table and insert_table in self._translate_tables:
if not field_lists or not field_lists[-1]:
raise Exception("Invalid SELECT field list")
last_token = list(field_lists[-1][-1].flatten())[-1]
for keyword in ["'", self._product_prefix, "'", ' ', ',']:
self._token_insert_after(last_token.parent, last_token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, keyword))
table_name_callback = handle_insert_table if insert_table else None
from_token = self._token_next_match(parent, start_token, Tokens.Keyword, 'FROM')
if not from_token:
# FROM not always required, example would be SELECT CURRVAL('"ticket_id_seq"')
return current_token
current_token = self._select_from(parent,
from_token, self._from_end_words,
if not current_token:
return None
while current_token:
if isinstance(current_token, Types.Where) or \
current_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['GROUP', 'HAVING', 'ORDER', 'LIMIT']):
if isinstance(current_token, Types.Where):
self._where(parent, current_token)
start_token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
next_token = self._token_next_match(parent,
self._from_end_words) if start_token else None
elif current_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['UNION']):
token = self._token_next(parent, current_token)
if not token.match(Tokens.DML, 'SELECT'):
raise Exception("Invalid SELECT UNION statement")
token = self._select(parent, current_token, insert_table=insert_table)
next_token = self._token_next(parent, token) if token else None
raise Exception("Unsupported SQL statement")
current_token = next_token
return current_token
def _replace_table_entity_name(self, parent, token, table_name, entity_name=None):
if not entity_name:
entity_name = table_name
next_token = self._token_next(parent, token)
if not table_name in self._skip_tables + self._translate_tables:
token_to_replace = parent.tokens[self._token_idx(parent, token)]
if isinstance(token_to_replace, Types.Function):
t = self._token_first(token_to_replace)
if isinstance(t, Types.Identifier):
token_to_replace.tokens[self._token_idx(token_to_replace, t)] = Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword,
elif isinstance(token_to_replace, Types.Identifier) or isinstance(token_to_replace, Types.Token):
parent.tokens[self._token_idx(parent, token_to_replace)] = Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword,
raise Exception("Internal error, invalid table entity token type")
return next_token
def _insert(self, parent, start_token):
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
if not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'INTO'):
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement")
def insert_extra_columns(tablename, columns_token):
columns_present = []
if tablename in self._translate_tables and \
isinstance(columns_token, Types.Parenthesis):
ptoken = self._token_first(columns_token)
if not ptoken.match(Tokens.Punctuation, '('):
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement, expected parenthesis around columns")
ptoken = self._token_next(columns_token, ptoken)
last_token = ptoken
while ptoken:
if isinstance(ptoken, Types.IdentifierList):
if not 'product' in columns_present \
and any(i.get_name() == 'product'
for i in ptoken.get_identifiers()
if isinstance(i, Types.Identifier)):
elif not 'id' in columns_present \
and tablename == 'ticket' \
and isinstance(ptoken, Types.IdentifierList) \
and any((t.ttype is None or t.is_keyword)
and t.value == 'id'
for t in ptoken.get_identifiers()):
last_token = ptoken
ptoken = self._token_next(columns_token, ptoken)
if not last_token or \
not last_token.match(Tokens.Punctuation, ')'):
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement, unable to find column parenthesis end")
columns_to_insert = []
if not 'product' in columns_present:
columns_to_insert += [',', ' ', self._product_column]
if self._id_calculated \
and tablename == 'ticket'\
and not 'id' in columns_present:
columns_to_insert += [',', ' ', 'id']
for keyword in columns_to_insert:
self._token_insert_before(columns_token, last_token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, keyword))
return columns_present
def insert_extra_column_values(tablename, ptoken, before_token,
if tablename in self._translate_tables:
values_to_insert = []
if not 'product' in columns_present:
values_to_insert += [',', "'", self._product_prefix, "'"]
if self._id_calculated \
and tablename == 'ticket' \
and not 'id' in columns_present:
values_to_insert += [
(SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE product='%s')
AS subquery), 0)+1""" %
for keyword in values_to_insert:
self._token_insert_before(ptoken, before_token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, keyword))
tablename = None
table_name_token = self._token_next(parent, token)
columns_present = []
if isinstance(table_name_token, Types.Function):
token = self._token_first(table_name_token)
if isinstance(token, Types.Identifier):
tablename = token.get_name()
columns_token = self._replace_table_entity_name(table_name_token, token, tablename)
if columns_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'VALUES'):
token = columns_token
columns_present = insert_extra_columns(tablename, columns_token)
token = self._token_next(parent, table_name_token)
tablename = table_name_token.value
columns_token = self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, table_name_token, tablename)
if columns_token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'VALUES'):
token = columns_token
columns_present = insert_extra_columns(tablename, columns_token)
token = self._token_next(parent, columns_token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'VALUES'):
separators = [',', '(', ')']
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
while token:
if isinstance(token, Types.Parenthesis):
ptoken = self._token_first(token)
if not ptoken.match(Tokens.Punctuation, '('):
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement")
last_token = ptoken
while ptoken:
if not ptoken.match(Tokens.Punctuation, separators) and \
not ptoken.match(Tokens.Keyword, separators) and \
not ptoken.is_whitespace():
ptoken = self._expression_token_unwind_hack(token, ptoken, self._token_prev(token, ptoken))
self._eval_expression_value(token, ptoken)
last_token = ptoken
ptoken = self._token_next(token, ptoken)
if not last_token or \
not last_token.match(Tokens.Punctuation, ')'):
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement, unable to find column value parenthesis end")
insert_extra_column_values(tablename, token, last_token, columns_present)
elif not token.match(Tokens.Punctuation, separators) and\
not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, separators) and\
not token.is_whitespace():
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement, unable to parse VALUES section")
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
elif token.match(Tokens.DML, 'SELECT'):
self._select(parent, token, insert_table=tablename)
raise Exception("Invalid INSERT statement")
def _update_delete_where_limit(self, table_name, parent, start_token):
if not start_token:
where_token = start_token if isinstance(start_token, Types.Where) \
else self._token_next_by_instance(parent, start_token, Types.Where)
if where_token:
self._where(parent, where_token)
if not table_name in self._translate_tables:
if where_token:
keywords = [self._product_column, '=', "'", self._product_prefix, "'", ' ', 'AND', ' ']
token = self._token_first(where_token)
if not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'WHERE'):
token = self._token_next_match(where_token, token, Tokens.Keyword, 'WHERE')
if not token:
raise Exception("Invalid UPDATE statement, failed to parse WHERE")
for keyword in keywords:
self._token_insert_after(where_token, token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, keyword))
keywords = ['WHERE', ' ', self._product_column, '=', "'", self._product_prefix, "'"]
limit_token = self._token_next_match(parent, start_token, Tokens.Keyword, 'LIMIT')
if limit_token:
for keyword in keywords:
self._token_insert_before(parent, limit_token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, keyword))
self._token_insert_before(parent, limit_token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, ' '))
last_token = token = start_token
while token:
last_token = token
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
for keyword in keywords:
self._token_insert_after(parent, last_token, Types.Token(Tokens.Keyword, keyword))
def _get_entity_name_from_token(self, parent, token):
tablename = None
if isinstance(token, Types.Identifier):
tablename = token.get_name()
elif isinstance(token, Types.Function):
token = self._token_first(token)
if isinstance(token, Types.Identifier):
tablename = token.get_name()
elif isinstance(token, Types.Token):
tablename = token.value
return tablename
def _update(self, parent, start_token):
table_name_token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
tablename = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, table_name_token)
if not tablename:
raise Exception("Invalid UPDATE statement, expected table name")
token = self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, table_name_token, tablename)
set_token = self._token_next_match(parent, token, Tokens.Keyword, 'SET')
if set_token:
token = set_token
while token and \
not isinstance(token, Types.Where) and \
not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'LIMIT'):
if not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'SET') and \
not token.match(Tokens.Punctuation, ','):
raise Exception("Invalid UPDATE statement, failed to match separator")
column_token = self._token_next(parent, token)
if isinstance(column_token, Types.Comparison):
token = self._token_next(parent, column_token)
equals_token = self._token_next(parent, column_token)
if not equals_token.match(Tokens.Token.Operator.Comparison, '='):
raise Exception("Invalid UPDATE statement, SET equals token mismatch")
expression_token = self._token_next(parent, equals_token)
expression_token = self._expression_token_unwind_hack(parent, expression_token, equals_token)
self._eval_expression_value(parent, expression_token)
token = self._token_next(parent, expression_token)
start_token = token
self._update_delete_where_limit(tablename, parent, start_token)
def _delete(self, parent, start_token):
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
if not token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'FROM'):
raise Exception("Invalid DELETE statement")
table_name_token = self._token_next(parent, token)
tablename = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, table_name_token)
if not tablename:
raise Exception("Invalid DELETE statement, expected table name")
start_token = self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, table_name_token, tablename)
self._update_delete_where_limit(tablename, parent, start_token)
def _create(self, parent, start_token):
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'TEMPORARY'):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'TABLE'):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
while token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['IF', 'NOT', 'EXIST']) or \
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
table_name = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, token)
if not table_name:
raise Exception("Invalid CREATE TABLE statement, expected table name")
as_token = self._token_next_match(parent, token,
Tokens.Keyword, 'AS')
self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, token, table_name)
if as_token:
select_token = self._token_next_match(parent, as_token,
Tokens.DML, 'SELECT')
if select_token:
return self._select(parent, select_token)
elif token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['UNIQUE', 'INDEX']):
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'UNIQUE'):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'INDEX'):
index_token = self._token_next(parent, token)
index_name = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, index_token)
if not index_name:
raise Exception("Invalid CREATE INDEX statement, expected index name")
on_token = self._token_next_match(parent, index_token, Tokens.Keyword, 'ON')
if not on_token:
raise Exception("Invalid CREATE INDEX statement, expected ON specifier")
table_name_token = self._token_next(parent, on_token)
table_name = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, table_name_token)
if not table_name:
raise Exception("Invalid CREATE INDEX statement, expected table name")
self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, table_name_token, table_name)
self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, index_token, table_name, entity_name=index_name)
def _alter(self, parent, start_token):
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'TABLE'):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
table_name = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, token)
if not table_name:
raise Exception("Invalid CREATE TABLE statement, expected table name")
token = self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, token, table_name)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword.DDL, ['ADD', 'DROP']) or\
token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['ADD', 'DROP']):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'CONSTRAINT'):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
constraint_name = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, token)
if not constraint_name:
raise Exception("Invalid ALTER TABLE statement, expected constraint name")
self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, token, table_name, constraint_name)
def _drop(self, parent, start_token):
token = self._token_next(parent, start_token)
if token.match(Tokens.Keyword, 'TABLE'):
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
while token.match(Tokens.Keyword, ['IF', 'EXIST']) or\
token = self._token_next(parent, token)
table_name = self._get_entity_name_from_token(parent, token)
if not table_name:
raise Exception("Invalid DROP TABLE statement, expected table name")
self._replace_table_entity_name(parent, token, table_name)
def translate(self, sql):
dml_handlers = {'SELECT': self._select,
'INSERT': self._insert,
'UPDATE': self._update,
'DELETE': self._delete,
ddl_handlers = {'CREATE': self._create,
'ALTER': self._alter,
'DROP': self._drop,
formatted_sql = lambda sql: sql.to_unicode()
sql_statement = sqlparse.parse(sql)[0]
if '_' in sql:
t = sql_statement.token_first()
if t.match(Tokens.DML, dml_handlers.keys()):
dml_handlers[t.normalized](sql_statement, t)
sql = formatted_sql(sql_statement)
elif t.match(Tokens.DDL, ddl_handlers.keys()):
ddl_handlers[t.normalized](sql_statement, t)
sql = formatted_sql(sql_statement)
except Exception, ex:
raise Exception("Failed to translate SQL '%s', exception '%s'" % (sql, ex.message))
return sql