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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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r"""Project dashboard for Apache(TM) Bloodhound
Implementing dashboard user interface.
__metaclass__ = type
import copy
import pkg_resources
import re
from uuid import uuid4
from genshi.builder import tag
from genshi.core import Stream
from trac.core import Component, implements
from trac.config import Option, IntOption
from trac.mimeview.api import Context
from trac.ticket.query import QueryModule
from import ReportModule
from trac.util.compat import groupby
from trac.web.api import IRequestHandler, IRequestFilter
from import add_ctxtnav, add_stylesheet, Chrome, \
INavigationContributor, ITemplateProvider
from bhdashboard.api import DashboardSystem, InvalidIdentifier
from bhdashboard import _json
from bhdashboard.util.translation import _, add_domain
from multiproduct.env import ProductEnvironment
class DashboardModule(Component):
"""Web frontend for dashboard infrastructure.
implements(IRequestHandler, IRequestFilter, INavigationContributor,
mainnav_label = Option('mainnav', 'tickets.label', 'Tickets',
"""Dashboard label in mainnav""",
default_widget_height = IntOption('widgets', 'default_height', 320,
"""Default widget height in pixels""",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
locale_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'locale')
add_domain(self.env.path, locale_dir)
super(DashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# IRequestFilter methods
def pre_process_request(self, req, handler):
"""Always returns the request handler unchanged.
return handler
def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
"""Inject dashboard helpers in data.
if data is not None:
data['bhdb'] = DashboardChrome(self.env)
if isinstance(req.perm.env, ProductEnvironment) \
and not 'resourcepath_template' in data \
and 'product_list' in data:
data['resourcepath_template'] = 'bh_path_general.html'
for item in['nav'].get('mainnav', []):
self.log.debug('%s' % (item,))
if item['name'] == 'tickets':
item['label'] = tag.a(_(self.mainnav_label),
if item['active'] and \
not ReportModule(self.env).match_request(req):
add_ctxtnav(req, _('Reports'),
return template, data, content_type
# IRequestHandler methods
def match_request(self, req):
"""Match dashboard prefix"""
return bool(re.match(r'^/dashboard(/.)?', req.path_info))
def process_request(self, req):
# Initially this will render static widgets. With time it will be
# more and more dynamic and flexible.
if self.env[QueryModule] is not None:
add_ctxtnav(req, _('Custom Query'), req.href.query())
if self.env[ReportModule] is not None:
add_ctxtnav(req, _('Reports'),
context = Context.from_request(req)
template, layout_data = self.expand_layout_data(context,
self.DASHBOARD_SCHEMA if isinstance(self.env, ProductEnvironment)
widgets = self.expand_widget_data(context, layout_data)
return template, {
'context': Context.from_request(req),
'layout': layout_data,
'widgets': widgets,
'title': _(self.mainnav_label),
'default': {'height': self.default_widget_height or None}
}, None
# INavigationContributor methods
def get_active_navigation_item(self, req):
"""Highlight dashboard mainnav item.
return 'tickets'
def get_navigation_items(self, req):
"""Skip silently
return None
# ITemplateProvider methods
def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
"""List `htdocs` dirs for dashboard and widgets.
resource_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename
return [('dashboard', resource_filename('bhdashboard', 'htdocs')),
#('widgets', resource_filename('bhdashboard.widgets', 'htdocs'))
('layouts', resource_filename('bhdashboard.layouts', 'htdocs'))]
def get_templates_dirs(self):
"""List `templates` folders for dashboard and widgets.
resource_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename
return [resource_filename('bhdashboard.layouts', 'templates'),
resource_filename('bhdashboard', 'templates'),
resource_filename('bhdashboard.widgets', 'templates')]
# Temp vars
'div': [
'_class': 'row',
'div': [
'_class': 'span8',
'widgets': ['my tickets', 'active tickets',
'products', 'versions',
'milestones', 'components']
'_class': 'span4',
'widgets': ['activity']
'widgets': {
'components': {
'args': [
{'args': {
'field': 'component',
'title': 'Components',
'verbose': True}}]
'milestones': {
'args': [
{'args': {
'field': 'milestone',
'title': 'Milestones',
'verbose': True}}]
'versions': {
'args': [
{'args' : {
'field' : 'version',
'title' : 'Versions',
'verbose' : True}}]
'active tickets': {
'args': [
{'args': {
'max' : 10,
'query': 'status=!closed&group=milestone'
'title': _('Active Tickets')}}],
'altlinks': False
'my tickets': {
'args': [
{'args': {
'max': 10,
'query': 'status=!closed&group=milestone'
'title': _('My Tickets')}
'altlinks': False
'activity': {
'args': ['Timeline', None, {'args': {}}]
'products': {
'args': ['Product', None, {'args': {'max': 3,
'cols': 2}}]
# global dashboard queries: add milestone column, group by product
DASHBOARD_GLOBAL_SCHEMA['widgets']['active tickets']['args'][2]['args']['query'] = (
DASHBOARD_GLOBAL_SCHEMA['widgets']['my tickets']['args'][2]['args']['query'] = (
for widget in ('milestones', 'versions', 'components'):
# Public API
def expand_layout_data(self, context, layout_name, schema, embed=False):
"""Determine the template needed to render a specific layout
and the data needed to place the widgets at expected
layout = DashboardSystem(self.env).resolve_layout(layout_name)
template = layout.expand_layout(layout_name, context, {
'schema': schema,
'embed': embed
return template, schema
def _render_widget(self, wp, name, ctx, options):
"""Render widget without failing.
if wp is None:
data = {'msglabel': _('Warning'),
'msgbody': _('Unknown widget %(name)s', name=name)}
return 'widget_alert.html', {'title': '', 'data': data}, ctx
return wp.render_widget(name, ctx, options)
except Exception, exc:
log_entry = str(uuid4())
exccls = exc.__class__
"- %s - Error rendering widget %s with options %s",
log_entry, name, options)
data = {
'msgtype': 'error',
'msglabel': 'Error',
'msgbody': _('Exception raised while rendering widget. '
'Contact your administrator for further details.'),
'msgdetails': [
('Widget name', name),
('Exception type', tag.code(exccls.__name__)),
('Log entry ID', log_entry),
return 'widget_alert.html', {
'title': _('Widget error'),
'data': data
}, ctx
def expand_widget_data(self, context, schema):
"""Expand raw widget data and format it for use in template
# TODO: Implement dynamic dashboard specification
widgets_spec = schema.get('widgets', {})
widgets_index = dict([wnm, wp]
for wp in DashboardSystem(self.env).widget_providers
for wnm in wp.get_widgets()
self.log.debug("Bloodhound: Widget index %s" % (widgets_index,))
for w in widgets_spec.itervalues():
w['c'] = widgets_index.get(w['args'][0])
w['args'][1] = context
self.log.debug("Bloodhound: Widget specs %s" % (widgets_spec,))
chrome = Chrome(self.env)
render = chrome.render_template
data_strm = ((k, w, self._render_widget(w['c'], *w['args']))
for k, w in widgets_spec.iteritems())
return dict([k, {'title': data['title'],
'content': render(wctx.req, template, data['data'],
'ctxtnav': w.get('ctxtnav', True) and
data.get('ctxtnav') or None,
'altlinks': w.get('altlinks', True) and
data.get('altlinks') or None,
'visible': w['c'] is not None or
not w.get('hide_disabled', False)}
] for k, w, (template, data, wctx) in data_strm)
def alert_disabled(self):
return tag.div(tag.span('Error', class_='label label-important'),
' Could not load dashboard. Is ',
' component disabled ?',
class_='alert alert-error')
# Dashboard Helpers to be used in templates
class DashboardChrome:
"""Helper functions providing access to dashboard infrastructure
in Genshi templates. Useful to reuse layouts and widgets across
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
def embed_layout(self, context, layout, **kwargs):
"""Render layout and widgets
:param context: Rendering context
:param layout: Identifier of target layout
:param schema: Data describing widget positioning
:param widgets: Widgets definition
dbmod = DashboardModule(self.env)
schema = kwargs.get('schema', {})
if isinstance(schema, basestring):
schema = _json.loads(schema)
widgets = kwargs.get('widgets')
if widgets is not None:
# TODO: Use this one once widgets markup parser will be ready
#widgets = parse_widgets_markup(widgets)
if isinstance(widgets, basestring):
widgets = _json.loads(widgets)
widgets = {}
schema['widgets'] = widgets
template, layout_data = dbmod.expand_layout_data(context, layout,
schema, True)
widgets = dbmod.expand_widget_data(context, layout_data)
return Chrome(self.env).render_template(
context.req, template,
dict(context=context, layout=layout_data, widgets=widgets, title='',
default={'height': dbmod.default_widget_height or None}),
def expand_widget(self, context, widget):
"""Render single widget
:param context: Rendering context
:param widget: Widget definition
dbmod = DashboardModule(self.env)
options = widget['args'][2]
argsdef = options.get('args')
if isinstance(argsdef, basestring):
options['args'] = _json.loads(argsdef)
elif isinstance(argsdef, Stream):
options['args'] = parse_args_tag(argsdef)
return dbmod.expand_widget_data(context, {'widgets': {0: widget}})[0]
# Stream processors
def parse_args_tag(stream):
"""Parse Genshi Markup for widget arguments
args = {}
inside = False
argnm = ''
argvalue = ''
for kind, data, _ in stream:
if kind == Stream.START:
qname, attrs = data
if qname.namespace == XMLNS_DASHBOARD_UI \
and qname.localname == 'arg':
if inside:
raise RuntimeError('Nested bh:arg tag')
argnm = attrs.get('name')
argvalue = ''
inside = True
elif kind == Stream.TEXT:
argvalue += data
elif kind == Stream.END:
if qname.namespace == XMLNS_DASHBOARD_UI \
and qname.localname == 'arg':
args[argnm] = argvalue
inside = False
return args