blob: 507dfd917137ef37ad842708976fe9d8d3f5f447 [file] [log] [blame]
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Bigtop Changelog
* Release 0.3.1 (unreleased)
* Release 0.3.0 (2012-03-20)
- BIGTOP-53: Bump version of flume to 0.9.4
- BIGTOP-253: Update the debs for hadoop 0.23
- BIGTOP-317: rename hadoop-zookeeper package into zookeeper
- BIGTOP-327: rename hadoop-hbase package into hbase
- BIGTOP-328: rename hadoop-pig package into pig
- BIGTOP-329: rename hadoop-hive package into hive
- BIGTOP-353: Bump version of Hadoop to 1.0.1
- BIGTOP-354: Bump version of HBase to 0.92
- BIGTOP-360: Bump version of Hive to 0.8.1
- BIGTOP-361: Bump version of Pig to 0.9.2
- BIGTOP-362: Bump version of Whirr to 0.7.0
- BIGTOP-363: Bump version of sqoop to sqoop-1.4.1
- BIGTOP-387: Zookeeper version needs to be updated to 3.4.3
- BIGTOP-388: Let's add Mahout 0.6 to trunk
- BIGTOP-424: Bump version of Oozie to 3.1.3
- BIGTOP-89: mahout examples in package using mahout from /usr/lib/mahout/bin/mahout rather than /usr/bin/mahout
- BIGTOP-191: refactor hadoop::create_hdfs_dirs
- BIGTOP-209: on debian hadoop launcher script has exec debian/tmp/usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop
- BIGTOP-241: hadoop .21+ requires /jobtracker to be available in HDFS
- BIGTOP-247: Typo in error msgs
- BIGTOP-257: HBase test source files are in wrong dir, cause compiler errors within Eclipse
- BIGTOP-258: Compilation Error in sqoop-integration project when using Eclipse
- BIGTOP-259: Most of the mahout tests can't be executed out-of-the box
- BIGTOP-262: Compilation Error in project hadoop-smoke when using Eclipse
- BIGTOP-265: HBase smoke test execution needs to have extra class-path elements to pick up HBase configs
- BIGTOP-278: bigtop-packages/src/common/hadoop/do-component-build contains bash syntax but is executed by dash on Debian/Ubuntu
- BIGTOP-296: puppet code for sqoop module lacks require for sqoop package
- BIGTOP-312: Puppet resource dependency syntax used in hadoop/manifests/init.pp doesn't always work
- BIGTOP-315: Cut-n-paste remains of @HADOOP_DAEMON@ in non-hadoop init.d scripts
- BIGTOP-318: Appliance VM should not have an ephemeral Apache Bigtop (incubating) repository
- BIGTOP-320: hive RPM spec uses missing __rmdir macros
- BIGTOP-325: bump version of Zookeeper to 3.4.2
- BIGTOP-334: Boxgrinder does not support space in repo names
- BIGTOP-339: zookeeper init.d script has a typo in PID file location
- BIGTOP-342: Flume build and install scripts should be executable
- BIGTOP-343: BIGTOP-109 was not applied to debs
- BIGTOP-352: bump versions of the components required for the next quarterly release of Bigtop
- BIGTOP-356: hbase pacakge should not ship jar files provided by zookeeper and hadoop
- BIGTOP-365: Hive metastore hangs on startup on Centos5
- BIGTOP-367: Upgrade sequencing issue
- BIGTOP-370: Hive metastore does not initialize with permissions failure
- BIGTOP-373: bigtop-detect-javahome not customizable
- BIGTOP-374: bigtop-detect-javahome does not pickup new multiarch locations in Debian/Ubuntu
- BIGTOP-376: Remove unused obsolete statement in hadoop packaging
- BIGTOP-379: Package testing for Bigtop 0.3.0 release
- BIGTOP-382: hadoop-conf-pseudo packages contains subversion metada
- BIGTOP-383: bigtop-detect-javahome installed at location unexpected by scripts on SLES
- BIGTOP-384: HBase bundle 2 different versions of hadoop as well as a zookeeper version
- BIGTOP-386: HBase execution script should exclude ZOOKEEPER_CONF
- BIGTOP-390: add Fedora to the list of platforms recongnized by iTest
- BIGTOP-391: update package test manifest
- BIGTOP-392: zookeeper package needs to be updated for 3.4 series
- BIGTOP-393: hadoop packages don't set nproc
- BIGTOP-394: hbase postinst script needs to be renamed
- BIGTOP-396: Missing resource dependencies in puppet for secure clusters
- BIGTOP-397: hbase, sqoop and oozie don't use alternatives for managing configuration
- BIGTOP-401: unable to run hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver
- BIGTOP-402: manifests for package testing contain way too many duplicate data
- BIGTOP-404: flume-ng does not start
- BIGTOP-420: bigtop-detect-javahome installed at location unexpected by scripts on SLES
- BIGTOP-427: Add support to itest-common for Oracle Linux
- BIGTOP-428: sqoop build needs to be forced to depend on HBase 0.92.0 artifacts
- BIGTOP-430: oozie examples are missing
- BIGTOP-431: Last bump to Hadoop 1.0.1 has broken Mageia's build of Apache Hadoop
- BIGTOP-432: BIGTOP-424 broke oozie build
- BIGTOP-437: hadoop 1.0.1 complains about HADOOP_HOME being deprecated
- BIGTOP-440: need to cleanup pom files in bigtop-tests/test-execution
- BIGTOP-442: add Apache license to the puppet code
- BIGTOP-443: deb/oozie/oozie-client.postinst installs an alternative for a path that isn't there
- BIGTOP-446: Typo in hadoop module for puppet
- BIGTOP-459: remove references to cloudera from the packaging files
- BIGTOP-17: HBase has no "alternatives" whereas Hadoop and ZK do
- BIGTOP-210: Organize yum repo by architecture
- BIGTOP-221: Remove hadoop prefix from non-hadoop packages
- BIGTOP-261: pseudo distributed config would benefit from dfs.safemode.extension set to 0 and dfs.safemode.min.datanodes set to 1
- BIGTOP-281: Ivy home for Debian builds should be set to $HOME/.ivy2
- BIGTOP-313: Move puppet configuration out of manifest and into extlookup() CSV
- BIGTOP-322: update .gitignore to ignore backup files and eclipse generated files.
- BIGTOP-371: Update bigtop repository url for the applance
- BIGTOP-255: add tests for Mahout
- BIGTOP-260: Mahout puppet module needs to be implemented
- BIGTOP-303: Rename Bigtop packages to reflect TLP status of packaged projects
- BIGTOP-306: Make a boxgrinder appliance
- BIGTOP-323: Start integrating Flume NG
- BIGTOP-403: RPM Packages should display the GNU/Linux distribution they are supposed to be installed on
- BIGTOP-405: Create a bootable ISO
- BIGTOP-157: add support for ZooKeeper version 3.4.0
- BIGTOP-298: Upgrade to ZooKeeper 3.4.1
- BIGTOP-439: we need to review package test manifest for the Bigtop 0.3.0 release
- BIGTOP-287: Integrating test for HBASE-4570
- BIGTOP-321: Make TestLoadAndVerify parameterizable and runnable from command line
- BIGTOP-411: Add TestRegionMover to HBase system tests
- BIGTOP-412: Add TestMoveRootMetaRegions to HBase system tests
- BIGTOP-414: enable hadoop tests in hadoop-0.23 branch to build and to run
* Release 0.2.0 (2011-11-07)
- BIGTOP-11: Adds Apache Mahout (0.5) to Bigtop. (rvs)
- BIGTOP-25: Add a new bigtop-utils package which provides some java home autodetection (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-34: Add Hive server package (rvs)
- BIGTOP-54: Bump version of oozie to 2.3.2 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-55: Bump version of sqoop to sqoop-1.3.0 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-56: Bump version of hive to hive-0.7.1 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-90: Bump version of Hadoop to (rvs)
- BIGTOP-95: Puppet-based deployment infrastructure needs to be added to bigtop (rvs)
- BIGTOP-120: Bump version of pig to 0.9.1 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-121: Bump version of HBase to 0.90.4 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-27: Add disclaimer to website. (edwardyoon)
- BIGTOP-4: Tweaks POMs to use Apache POM as parent, get rid of obsolete infrastructure info. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-15: Adds build dependency on libssl-dev on Debian. (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-20: hard-coded pid location in Hadoop init.d scripts (rvs)
- BIGTOP-26: Fixing svn properties. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-29: Remove java dependency from all os types (rvs)
- BIGTOP-30: Fixes ownership of /usr/lib/flume/bin/ (abayer)
- BIGTOP-31: Remove /usr/lib/whirr/cli/whirr.log from packaging. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-32: Hadoop fuse package should include a file with defaults (rvs)
- BIGTOP-38: Add link to the mailing list archives to the Bigtop website (rvs)
- BIGTOP-40: iTest package names/groupIds need to be moved to org.apache rather than com.cloudera (rvs)
- BIGTOP-43: HBase and Whirr should now rebuild for Debian packages. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-45: Fix build issue for Mageia and openSUSE (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-46: Switches to libzip1 and libzip-dev for Hadoop Debian dependencies. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-47: Switch Whirr to download from (abayer)
- BIGTOP-48: Fix pig build on Mageia (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-50: Flume init script's dependency on syslog needs to be removed (rvs)
- BIGTOP-51: Reorganizes source repository. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-52: Fold integration/sqoop tests into smokes (rvs)
- BIGTOP-57: Apt repo creation fails due to invalid distributions file (rvs)
- BIGTOP-61: HBase fails to add HADOOP_CONF_DIR to its classpath (rvs)
- BIGTOP-62: /usr/lib/hbase and everything within is owned by hbase:hbase (rvs)
- BIGTOP-63: Hbase leaves some unnecessary directories and symlinks when being uninstalled (rvs)
- BIGTOP-68: Moves test-artifacts/(module)/src/test to .../src/main. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-69: Certain tests in iTest common require extraneous dependencies and should be @Ignored for now (rvs)
- BIGTOP-70: Need to stub Hadoop 0.21+ dependencies for now in test artifacts (rvs)
- BIGTOP-71: If explicit Ant dependency was not specified, unit tests would fail. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-72: Gmaven plugin needs to be explicitly bound to compilation goals (rvs)
- BIGTOP-73: oozie-client can't be safely removed on Debian (rvs)
- BIGTOP-74: Add Mahout to package readiness tests (rvs)
- BIGTOP-75: Mahout package is broken (rvs)
- BIGTOP-76: Package tests need to be refactored in order to provide accurate reporting (rvs)
- BIGTOP-77: All of our config files should be marked %config and (noreplace) (rvs)
- BIGTOP-80: Add package dependencies to Zookeeper RPM for programs invoked from install/uninstall scripts (rvs)
- BIGTOP-81: script fails if Oozie has not been started once (rvs)
- BIGTOP-82: Package testing manifest needs to be updated now that we've enabled more tests (rvs)
- BIGTOP-83: Advanced checks in checkRemoval need to be moved out (rvs)
- BIGTOP-84: Package removal fails in case alternatives are deleted or damaged (rvs)
- BIGTOP-85: hadoop package ships native files (rvs)
- BIGTOP-86: Misc. issues with Oozie package (rvs)
- BIGTOP-87: The following packages don't remove alternatives: flume, hadoop-pig, hadoop-hive, hadoop-hbase (rvs)
- BIGTOP-88: Use Hadoop package's hadoop jar in classpath. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-91: Docs should be in %{_docdir}/<PACKAGE_NAME>-<PACKAGE_VERSION> (rvs)
- BIGTOP-92: Flume's dependency on ZK needs to be the same for DEB as it is for RPM (rvs)
- BIGTOP-93: ZK dependencies can not be satisfied on SUSE (rvs)
- BIGTOP-94: chkconfig startup priorities need to be normalized (rvs)
- BIGTOP-97: default files need to be normalized and moved to common (rvs)
- BIGTOP-99: Fix sqoop build for Mageia (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-100: Whirr packaging build fails if we're not running the tests. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-102: daemons need to be taken care of when packages are installed/upgraded/uninstalled (rvs)
- BIGTOP-104: hadoop daemons can not be started because resets HADOOP_HOME (rvs)
- BIGTOP-105: hadoop services can not be started with the default configs in place (rvs)
- BIGTOP-108: oozie docs are installed at the incorrect location (rvs)
- BIGTOP-109: Hadoop should not format the namenode on installation (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-110: DN can't be started in secure configuration on SLES (rvs)
- BIGTOP-111: Add urpmi support in test framework for Mageia (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-112: Fixes for Mageia * Fix zlib dependency for Mageia * Replace textutils dependency by coreutils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-113: Fix dependency for mageia on lsb init scripts helpers for flume, hadoop, sqoop, zookeeper and hbase (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-119: Create version-less symlinks of hadoop jars (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-122: enable hadoop-sbin package (rvs)
- BIGTOP-123: enable hadoop-fuse package (rvs)
- BIGTOP-124: documentation on SLES is not supposed to have package version embedded in the directory name (rvs)
- BIGTOP-125: whir package is full of build artifacts (rvs)
- BIGTOP-126: zookeeper rpm should require groupadd/useradd (rvs)
- BIGTOP-127: BIGTO-120 broke build on at least Fedora (and Mageia) (rvs)
- BIGTOP-128: Need to call create-c++-configure target so autoreconf is called for native projects (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-129: oozie init.d scripts should transition to using from upstream (rvs)
- BIGTOP-130: Mahout package has an unneeded dependency on chkconfig (rvs)
- BIGTOP-131: RPM dependencies for flume need to be optimized (rvs)
- BIGTOP-132: hadoop datanode on SLES returns an incorrect code on stop/start (rvs)
- BIGTOP-133: hadoop packages should set up nofile limits automatically (rvs)
- BIGTOP-134: hbase packages should set up nofile limits automatically (rvs)
- BIGTOP-136: hadoop package still leaves binary files in /usr/lib/hadoop/lib (rvs)
- BIGTOP-137: task-controller needs to be rebuilt (rvs)
- BIGTOP-138: task-controller binary needs to be root:mapred with 4750 permissions (rvs)
- BIGTOP-139: links to jsvc and task-controller need to be provided in order to make hard-coded values work (rvs)
- BIGTOP-140: need to workaround HDFS-1943 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-141: hadoop now requires an explicit declaration of a HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER in order to run a secure datanode (rvs)
- BIGTOP-142: need to update zookeeper manifest to the state of packages (rvs)
- BIGTOP-143: need to update hadoop manifest to the state of packages (rvs)
- BIGTOP-144: kerberos deployment needs to be made compatible with default JRE crypto setup (rvs)
- BIGTOP-145: make cluster.pp be able to handle secure and unsecure deployments (rvs)
- BIGTOP-148: Hadoop fuse man page does not have the right permission and RPMs should not specify its extension (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-149: HBase now requires commons-configuration jar to be in its classpath (rvs)
- BIGTOP-150: hadoop puppet deployment needs to install hadoop-sbin on datanodes when security is turned on (rvs)
- BIGTOP-151: need to provide more test coverage for HBase testing (rvs)
- BIGTOP-152: TestHadoopExamples needs refactoring into a parameterized test (rvs)
- BIGTOP-155: need to implement a uniform way of versioning dependencies for test artifacts (rvs)
- BIGTOP-156: Only run autoreconf when autotools >= 2.61 is installed (patch by Bruno Mahe) (rvs)
- BIGTOP-158: oozie build pulls into oozie.war incorrect version of hadoop-core jar file (rvs)
- BIGTOP-159: oozie init.d script is not executable (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-160: hadoop has deprecated HADOOP_HOME (rvs)
- BIGTOP-161: the new layout that Pig script adopted needs to be worked around (rvs)
- BIGTOP-163: stock hadoop doesn't support wildcards in proxy users (rvs)
- BIGTOP-164: lzo codecs need to be disabled everywhere in Bigtop (rvs)
- BIGTOP-165: oozie manifest includes functionality (sqoop and hive actions) that is not in oozie (rvs)
- BIGTOP-166: Add the missing examples. (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-167: All of Hadoop wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-169: Hadoop should buildrequire openssl-devel for centos builds (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-170: Add some known openJDK locations (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-171: All of Pig wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-173: we still have references to hadoop-0.20 in our puppet code (rvs)
- BIGTOP-174: Does pig really requires git to build? (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-175: All of HBase wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-176: Cleanup mainteners as well as mentions to Cloudera (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-178: All of Flume wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-179: All of Hive wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-180: All of Mahout wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-181: puppeted hadoop doesn't place PID files into /var/run/hadoop (rvs)
- BIGTOP-182: All of Oozie wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-184: All of Sqoop wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-188: All of Whirr wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-189: hadoop daemons do not run under the dedicated users (hdfs, mapred) (rvs)
- BIGTOP-190: All of Zookeeper wrapper scripts and init.d scripts need to start include find-java code from bigtop-utils (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-191: refactor hadoop::create_hdfs_dirs (rvs)
- BIGTOP-192: oozie package needs to depend on unzip (rvs)
- BIGTOP-192: oozie package needs to depend on zip (rvs)
- BIGTOP-193: zookeeper doesn't generate any logs (rvs)
- BIGTOP-194: source is not a sh(1) command (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-195: Document build requirements for openSUSE 11.4 (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-197: Package testing artifact needs to be refactored (rvs)
- BIGTOP-198: remove is included in too many packages (plinnell)
- BIGTOP-199: whirr docs are installed in the incorrect location (rvs)
- BIGTOP-201: bigtop package has an incorrect dependency on (rvs)
- BIGTOP-202: zookeeper package is missing zoo.cfg (rvs)
- BIGTOP-203: sqoop needs to have access to hadoop .jars in its lib (rvs)
- BIGTOP-205: zookeeper-server doesn't do nohup before launching a damon (rvs)
- BIGTOP-206: during deployment time hdfs/mapred dir creation should be managed by hadoop module (rvs)
- BIGTOP-207: zookeeper doesn't allow for overriding the location of the PID file (rvs)
- BIGTOP-208: Zookeeper does not depend on git or subversion (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-209: on debian hadoop launcher script has exec debian/tmp/usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop (rvs)
- BIGTOP-212: need to disable tests for features missing from Bigtop 0.2.0 (rvs)
- BIGTOP-214: sequencing in puppet module for Hadoop needs to be imporved (rvs)
- BIGTOP-215: make site.pp a bit more friendly to how we start up cluster in Bigtop jenkins (rvs)
- BIGTOP-216: make oozie tests more robust in finding oozie-examples.tar.gz (rvs)
- BIGTOP-217: workaround Hive SQL parser in headers for our tests (rvs)
* Release 0.1.0 (2011-08-19)
- BIGTOP-21: Add support for Mageia. (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-14: Add CHANGES.txt file. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-9: Add Bigtop podling website. (edwardyoon)
- BIGTOP-6: Adding tarball generation to top-level makefile. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-13: Fix Hive compilation issue. (bmahe)
- BIGTOP-10: Fixing NOTICE file. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-8: Debian copyright files needed to be reformatted. (bmahe from James Page)
- BIGTOP-3: Add top-level, real .gitignore file for git-svn. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-2: Adding/updating license headers for ASF. (abayer)
- BIGTOP-1: Initial code import. (abayer)