blob: 41b211575f76620e4b22d869ee9a16334f82c1a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Description : Create a feed dataset with an associated function and verify contents in Metadata
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 24th Dec 2012
drop dataverse feeds if exists;
create dataverse feeds;
use dataverse feeds;
create type TweetType as closed {
id: string,
username : string,
location : string,
text : string,
timestamp : string
create function feed_processor($x) {
create feed dataset TweetFeed(TweetType)
using ""
apply function feed_processor@1
primary key id;
write output to nc1:"rttest/feeds_feeds_03.adm";
for $x in dataset('Metadata.Dataset')
where $x.DataverseName='feeds' and $x.DatasetName='TweetFeed'
return $x
drop dataverse feeds;