blob: 4e96d2ea0114a0d16b5330ea6d04e0e798da345e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009-2012 by The Regents of the University of California
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class LogManager implements ILogManager {
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG_MODE = false;//true
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LogManager.class.getName());
private final TransactionSubsystem provider;
private LogManagerProperties logManagerProperties;
private LogPageFlushThread logPageFlusher;
* the array of log pages. The number of log pages is configurable. Pages
* taken together form an in-memory log buffer.
private IFileBasedBuffer[] logPages;
private ILogRecordHelper logRecordHelper;
* Number of log pages that constitute the in-memory log buffer.
private int numLogPages;
* Initially all pages have an owner count of 1 that is the LogManager. When
* a transaction requests to write in a log page, the owner count is
* incremented. The log manager reserves space in the log page and puts in
* the log header but leaves the space for the content and the checksum
* (covering the whole log record). When the content has been put, the log
* manager computes the checksum and puts it after the content. At this
* point, the ownership count is decremented as the transaction is done with
* using the page. When a page is requested to be flushed, logPageFlusher
* set the count to 0(LOG_FLUSHER: meaning that the page is being flushed)
* only if the count is 1(LOG_WRITER: meaning that there is no other
* transactions who own the page to write logs.) After flushing the page,
* logPageFlusher set this count to 1.
private AtomicInteger[] logPageOwnerCount;
static class PageOwnershipStatus {
public static final int LOG_WRITER = 1;
public static final int LOG_FLUSHER = 0;
* LogPageStatus: A page is either ACTIVE or INACTIVE. The status for each
* page is maintained in logPageStatus. A page is ACTIVE when the LogManager
* can allocate space in the page for writing a log record. Initially all
* pages are ACTIVE. As transactions fill up space by writing log records, a
* page may not have sufficient space left for serving a request by a
* transaction. When this happens, the page is flushed to disk by calling
* logPageFlusher.requestFlush(). In the requestFlush(), after
* groupCommitWaitTime, the page status is set to INACTIVE. Then, there is
* no more writer on the page(meaning the corresponding logPageOwnerCount is
* 1), the page is flushed by the logPageFlusher and the status is reset to
* ACTIVE by the logPageFlusher.
private AtomicInteger[] logPageStatus;
static class PageState {
public static final int INACTIVE = 0;
public static final int ACTIVE = 1;
private AtomicLong lastFlushedLSN = new AtomicLong(-1);
* When the transaction eco-system comes to life, the log manager positions
* itself to the end of the last written log. the startingLsn represent the
* lsn value of the next log record to be written after a system (re)start.
* The value is zero when the system is starting for the first time.
private long startingLSN = 0;
* lsn represents the monotonically increasing long value that can be broken
* down into a file id and an offset within a log file.
private AtomicLong lsn = new AtomicLong(0);
private List<HashMap<TransactionContext, Integer>> activeTxnCountMaps;
public void addFlushRequest(int pageIndex, long lsn, boolean isSynchronous) {
logPageFlusher.requestFlush(pageIndex, lsn, isSynchronous);
public AtomicLong getLastFlushedLsn() {
return lastFlushedLSN;
public AtomicInteger getLogPageStatus(int pageIndex) {
return logPageStatus[pageIndex];
public AtomicLong getCurrentLsn() {
return lsn;
public long incrementLastFlushedLsn(long delta) {
return lastFlushedLSN.addAndGet(delta);
public LogManager(TransactionSubsystem provider) throws ACIDException {
this.provider = provider;
public LogManager(TransactionSubsystem provider, String nodeId) throws ACIDException {
this.provider = provider;
* initialize the log manager properties either from the configuration file
* on disk or with default values
private void initLogManagerProperties(String nodeId) throws ACIDException {
LogManagerProperties logProperties = null;
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = this.getClass().getClassLoader()
Properties p = new Properties();
if (is != null) {
logProperties = new LogManagerProperties(p, nodeId);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ACIDException("unable to close input stream ", e);
logManagerProperties = logProperties;
private void initLogManager() throws ACIDException {
logRecordHelper = new LogRecordHelper(this);
numLogPages = logManagerProperties.getNumLogPages();
logPageOwnerCount = new AtomicInteger[numLogPages];
logPageStatus = new AtomicInteger[numLogPages];
activeTxnCountMaps = new ArrayList<HashMap<TransactionContext, Integer>>(numLogPages);
for (int i = 0; i < numLogPages; i++) {
activeTxnCountMaps.add(new HashMap<TransactionContext, Integer>());
logPages = new FileBasedBuffer[numLogPages];
* place the log anchor at the end of the last log record written.
PhysicalLogLocator nextPhysicalLsn = initLSN();
* initialize meta data for each log page.
for (int i = 0; i < numLogPages; i++) {
logPageOwnerCount[i] = new AtomicInteger(PageOwnershipStatus.LOG_WRITER);
logPageStatus[i] = new AtomicInteger(PageState.ACTIVE);
* initialize the log pages.
* Instantiate and begin the LogFlusher thread. The Log Flusher thread
* is responsible for putting log pages to disk. It is configured as a
* daemon thread so that it does not stop the JVM from exiting when all
* other threads are done with their work.
logPageFlusher = new LogPageFlushThread(this);
public int getLogPageIndex(long lsnValue) {
return (int) ((lsnValue - startingLSN) / logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize()) % numLogPages;
* given a lsn, get the file id where the corresponding log record is
* located.
public int getLogFileId(long lsnValue) {
return (int) ((lsnValue) / logManagerProperties.getLogPartitionSize());
* given a lsn, get the offset within a log page where the corresponding log
* record is (to be) placed.
public int getLogPageOffset(long lsnValue) {
return (int) (lsnValue - startingLSN) % logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize();
* a transaction thread under certain scenarios is required to wait until
* the page where it has to write a log record becomes available for writing
* a log record.
private void waitUntillPageIsAvailableForWritingLog(int pageIndex) throws ACIDException {
if (logPageStatus[pageIndex].get() == PageState.ACTIVE
&& logPageOwnerCount[pageIndex].get() >= PageOwnershipStatus.LOG_WRITER) {
try {
synchronized (logPages[pageIndex]) {
while (!(logPageStatus[pageIndex].get() == PageState.ACTIVE && logPageOwnerCount[pageIndex].get() >= PageOwnershipStatus.LOG_WRITER)) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ACIDException(" thread interrupted while waiting for page " + pageIndex + " to be available ", e);
* The method that reserves the space for a transaction to write log record
* in the log buffer. Note that the method is not synchronized for
* performance reasons as we do not want transactions to be blocked by each
* other when writing log records.
* @param entrySize: the requested space.
* @param logType: the type of log record.
private long getLsn(int entrySize, byte logType) throws ACIDException {
long pageSize = logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize();
while (true) {
boolean forwardPage = false;
long old = lsn.get();
// get the log page corresponding to the current lsn value
int pageIndex = getLogPageIndex(old);
long retVal = old;
// the lsn value for the next request if the current request is
// served.
long next = old + entrySize;
int prevPage = -1;
// check if the log record will cross page boundaries, a case that
// is not allowed.
if ((next - 1) / pageSize != old / pageSize || (next % pageSize == 0)) {
if ((old != 0 && old % pageSize == 0)) {
// On second thought, this shall never be the case as it
// means that the lsn is
// currently at the beginning of a page and we still need to
// forward the page which
// means that the entrySize exceeds a log page size. If this
// is the case, an
// exception is thrown before calling this API. would remove
// this case.
retVal = old;
} else {
// set the lsn to point to the beginning of the next page.
retVal = ((old / pageSize) + 1) * pageSize;
next = retVal;
// as the log record shall cross log page boundary, we must
// re-assign the lsn so
// that the log record begins on a different location.
forwardPage = true;
prevPage = pageIndex;
pageIndex = getNextPageInSequence(pageIndex);
* we do not want to keep allocating LSNs if the corresponding page
* is unavailable. Consider a scenario when the log flusher thread
* is incredibly slow in flushing pages. Transaction threads will
* acquire an lsn each for writing their next log record. When a
* page has been made available, mulltiple transaction threads that
* were waiting can continue to write their log record at the
* assigned LSNs. Two transaction threads may get LSNs that are on
* the same log page but actually differ by the size of the log
* buffer. This would be erroneous. Transaction threads are made to
* wait upfront for avoiding this situation.
if (!lsn.compareAndSet(old, next)) {
// Atomic call -> returns true only when the value represented
// by lsn is same as
// "old". The value is updated to "next".
if (forwardPage) {
addFlushRequest(prevPage, old, false);
// The transaction thread that discovers the need to forward a
// page is made to re-acquire a lsn.
} else {
// the transaction thread has been given a space in a log page,
// but is made to wait until the page is available.
// (Is this needed? when does this wait happen?)
// increment the counter as the transaction thread now holds a
// space in the log page and hence is an owner.
// Before the count is incremented, if the flusher flushed the
// allocated page,
// then retry to get new LSN. Otherwise, the log with allocated
// lsn will be lost.
if (lastFlushedLSN.get() >= retVal) {
return retVal;
public void log(byte logType, TransactionContext txnCtx, int datasetId, int PKHashValue, long resourceId,
byte resourceMgrId, int logContentSize, ReusableLogContentObject reusableLogContentObject, ILogger logger,
LogicalLogLocator logicalLogLocator) throws ACIDException {
HashMap<TransactionContext, Integer> map = null;
int activeTxnCount;
// logLocator is a re-usable object that is appropriately set in each
// invocation.
// If the reference is null, the log manager must throw an exception.
if (logicalLogLocator == null) {
throw new ACIDException(
" you need to pass in a non-null logLocator, if you dont have it, then pass in a dummy so that the +"
+ "log manager can set it approporiately for you");
// compute the total log size including the header and the checksum.
int totalLogSize = logRecordHelper.getLogRecordSize(logType, logContentSize);
// check for the total space requirement to be less than a log page.
if (totalLogSize > logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize()) {
throw new ACIDException(
" Maximum Log Content Size is "
+ (logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize() - logRecordHelper.getLogHeaderSize(LogType.UPDATE) - logRecordHelper
// all constraints checked and we are good to go and acquire a lsn.
long previousLSN = -1;
// the will be set to the location (a long value) where the log record
// needs to be placed.
long currentLSN;
// The logs written by a transaction need to be linked to each other for
// a successful rollback/recovery. However there could be multiple
// threads operating concurrently that are part of a common transaction.
// These threads need to synchronize and record the lsn corresponding to
// the last log record written by (any thread of) the transaction.
synchronized (txnCtx) {
previousLSN = txnCtx.getLastLogLocator().getLsn();
currentLSN = getLsn(totalLogSize, logType);
System.out.println("--------------> LSN(" + currentLSN + ") is allocated");
* At this point, the transaction thread has obtained reserved space for
* writing the log record. In doing so, it has acquired (shared)
* ownership of the log page. All subsequent actions are under a try
* catch block so that if any exception is encountered, a clean can be
* performed correctly that is ownership is released.
// indicates if the transaction thread has release ownership of the
// page.
boolean decremented = false;
int pageIndex = (int) getLogPageIndex(currentLSN);
// the lsn has been obtained for the log record. need to set the
// LogLocator instance accordingly.
try {
int pageOffset = getLogPageOffset(currentLSN);
// write the log header.
logRecordHelper.writeLogHeader(logicalLogLocator, logType, txnCtx, datasetId, PKHashValue, previousLSN,
resourceId, resourceMgrId, logContentSize);
// increment the offset so that the transaction can fill up the
// content in the correct region of the allocated space.
// a COMMIT log record does not have any content and hence
// the logger (responsible for putting the log content) is not
// invoked.
if (logContentSize != 0) {
logger.preLog(txnCtx, reusableLogContentObject);
if (logContentSize != 0) {
// call the logger implementation and ask to fill in the log
// record content at the allocated space.
logger.log(txnCtx, logicalLogLocator, logContentSize, reusableLogContentObject);
logger.postLog(txnCtx, reusableLogContentObject);
- logRecordHelper.getLogHeaderSize(logType));
// The log record has been written. For integrity checks, compute
// the checksum and put it at the end of the log record.
int startPosChecksum = logicalLogLocator.getMemoryOffset() - logRecordHelper.getLogHeaderSize(logType);
int length = totalLogSize - logRecordHelper.getLogChecksumSize();
long checksum = DataUtil.getChecksum(logPages[pageIndex], startPosChecksum, length);
logPages[pageIndex].writeLong(pageOffset + logRecordHelper.getLogHeaderSize(logType) + logContentSize,
System.out.println("--------------> LSN(" + currentLSN + ") is written");
// release the ownership as the log record has been placed in
// created space.
// indicating that the transaction thread has released ownership
decremented = true;
if (logType == LogType.ENTITY_COMMIT) {
map = activeTxnCountMaps.get(pageIndex);
if (map.containsKey(txnCtx)) {
activeTxnCount = (Integer) map.get(txnCtx);
map.put(txnCtx, activeTxnCount);
} else {
map.put(txnCtx, 1);
addFlushRequest(pageIndex, currentLSN, false);
} else if (logType == LogType.COMMIT) {
addFlushRequest(pageIndex, currentLSN, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ACIDException(txnCtx, "Thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName()
+ " logger encountered exception", e);
} finally {
if (!decremented) {
* This method resets the log page and is called by the log flusher thread
* after a page has been flushed to disk.
public void resetLogPage(long nextWritePosition, int pageIndex) throws IOException {
String filePath = LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManagerProperties, getLogFileId(nextWritePosition));
logPages[pageIndex].reset(filePath, LogUtil.getFileOffset(this, nextWritePosition),
public ILogCursor readLog(ILogFilter logFilter) throws ACIDException {
LogCursor cursor = new LogCursor(this, logFilter);
return cursor;
public ILogCursor readLog(PhysicalLogLocator physicalLogLocator, ILogFilter logFilter) throws IOException,
ACIDException {
LogCursor cursor = new LogCursor(this, physicalLogLocator, logFilter);
return cursor;
* Read a log that is residing on the disk.
private void readDiskLog(long lsnValue, LogicalLogLocator logicalLogLocator) throws ACIDException {
String filePath = LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManagerProperties, LogUtil.getFileId(this, lsnValue));
long fileOffset = LogUtil.getFileOffset(this, lsnValue);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize());
RandomAccessFile raf = null;
FileChannel fileChannel = null;
try {
raf = new RandomAccessFile(filePath, "r");
fileChannel = raf.getChannel();
byte logType = buffer.get(4);
int logHeaderSize = logRecordHelper.getLogHeaderSize(logType);
int logBodySize = buffer.getInt(logHeaderSize - 4);
int logRecordSize = logHeaderSize + logBodySize + logRecordHelper.getLogChecksumSize();
MemBasedBuffer memBuffer = new MemBasedBuffer(buffer.slice());
if (logicalLogLocator == null) {
logicalLogLocator = new LogicalLogLocator(lsnValue, memBuffer, 0, this);
} else {
if (!logRecordHelper.validateLogRecord(logicalLogLocator)) {
throw new ACIDException(" invalid log record at lsn " + lsnValue);
} catch (Exception fnfe) {
throw new ACIDException(" unable to retrieve log record with lsn " + lsnValue + " from the file system",
} finally {
try {
if (fileChannel != null) {
} else if (raf != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new ACIDException(" exception in closing a file: " + filePath, ioe);
public void readLog(long lsnValue, LogicalLogLocator logicalLogLocator) throws ACIDException {
byte[] logRecord = null;
if (lsnValue >= lsn.get()) {
throw new ACIDException(" invalid lsn " + lsnValue);
/* check if the log record in the log buffer or has reached the disk. */
if (lsnValue > getLastFlushedLsn().get()) {
int pageIndex = getLogPageIndex(lsnValue);
int pageOffset = getLogPageOffset(lsnValue);
// minimize memory allocation overhead. current code allocates the
// log page size per reading a log record.
byte[] pageContent = new byte[logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize()];
// take a lock on the log page so that the page is not flushed to
// disk interim
synchronized (logPages[pageIndex]) {
// need to check again (this thread may have got de-scheduled
// and must refresh!)
if (lsnValue > getLastFlushedLsn().get()) {
// get the log record length
logPages[pageIndex].getBytes(pageContent, 0, pageContent.length);
byte logType = pageContent[pageOffset + 4];
int logHeaderSize = logRecordHelper.getLogHeaderSize(logType);
int logBodySize = DataUtil.byteArrayToInt(pageContent, pageOffset + logHeaderSize - 4);
int logRecordSize = logHeaderSize + logBodySize + logRecordHelper.getLogChecksumSize();
logRecord = new byte[logRecordSize];
// copy the log record content
System.arraycopy(pageContent, pageOffset, logRecord, 0, logRecordSize);
MemBasedBuffer memBuffer = new MemBasedBuffer(logRecord);
if (logicalLogLocator == null) {
logicalLogLocator = new LogicalLogLocator(lsnValue, memBuffer, 0, this);
} else {
try {
// validate the log record by comparing checksums
if (!logRecordHelper.validateLogRecord(logicalLogLocator)) {
throw new ACIDException(" invalid log record at lsn " + lsnValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ACIDException("exception encoutered in validating log record at lsn " + lsnValue, e);
// the log record is residing on the disk, read it from there.
readDiskLog(lsnValue, logicalLogLocator);
public void renewLogFiles() throws ACIDException {
List<String> logFileNames = LogUtil.getLogFiles(logManagerProperties);
for (String name : logFileNames) {
File file = new File(LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManagerProperties, Long.parseLong(name)));
if (!file.delete()) {
throw new ACIDException("Failed to delete a file: " + name);
private PhysicalLogLocator initLSN() throws ACIDException {
PhysicalLogLocator nextPhysicalLsn = LogUtil.initializeLogAnchor(this);
startingLSN = nextPhysicalLsn.getLsn();
lastFlushedLSN.set(startingLSN - 1);
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {" Starting lsn is : " + startingLSN);
return nextPhysicalLsn;
private void closeLogPages() throws ACIDException {
for (int i = 0; i < numLogPages; i++) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ACIDException(e);
private void openLogPages() throws ACIDException {
try {
String filePath = LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManagerProperties, LogUtil.getFileId(this, startingLSN));
for (int i = 0; i < numLogPages; i++) {
LogUtil.getFileOffset(this, startingLSN) + i * logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize(),
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ACIDException(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " unable to create log buffer", e);
public ILogRecordHelper getLogRecordHelper() {
return logRecordHelper;
* This method shall be called by the Buffer manager when it needs to evict
* a page from the cache. TODO: Change the implementation from a looping
* logic to event based when log manager support is integrated with the
* Buffer Manager.
public synchronized void flushLog(LogicalLogLocator logicalLogLocator) throws ACIDException {
if (logicalLogLocator.getLsn() > lsn.get()) {
throw new ACIDException(" invalid lsn " + logicalLogLocator.getLsn());
while (lastFlushedLSN.get() < logicalLogLocator.getLsn());
* Map each log page to cover a physical byte range over a log file. When a
* page is flushed, the page contents are put to disk in the corresponding
* byte range.
private void initializeLogPages(PhysicalLogLocator physicalLogLocator) throws ACIDException {
try {
String filePath = LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManagerProperties,
LogUtil.getFileId(this, physicalLogLocator.getLsn()));
for (int i = 0; i < numLogPages; i++) {
logPages[i] = FileUtil.getFileBasedBuffer(
LogUtil.getFileOffset(this, physicalLogLocator.getLsn()) + i
* logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize(), logManagerProperties.getLogPageSize());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ACIDException(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " unable to create log buffer", e);
* Pages are sequenced starting with 0 going upto numLogPages-1.
public int getNextPageInSequence(int pageNo) {
return (pageNo + 1) % numLogPages;
public int getPreviousPageInSequence(int pageNo) {
return pageNo == 0 ? numLogPages - 1 : pageNo - 1;
public LogManagerProperties getLogManagerProperties() {
return logManagerProperties;
public IFileBasedBuffer getLogPage(int pageIndex) {
return logPages[pageIndex];
public AtomicInteger getLogPageOwnershipCount(int pageIndex) {
return logPageOwnerCount[pageIndex];
public IFileBasedBuffer[] getLogPages() {
return logPages;
public TransactionSubsystem getTransactionSubsystem() {
return provider;
public void decrementActiveTxnCountOnIndexes(int pageIndex) throws HyracksDataException {
TransactionContext ctx = null;
int count = 0;
int i = 0;
HashMap<TransactionContext, Integer> map = activeTxnCountMaps.get(pageIndex);
Set<Map.Entry<TransactionContext, Integer>> entrySet = map.entrySet();
if (entrySet != null) {
for (Map.Entry<TransactionContext, Integer> entry : entrySet) {
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.getValue() != null) {
count = entry.getValue();
if (count > 0) {
ctx = entry.getKey();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
* The thread responsible for putting log pages to disk in an ordered manner.
* The Log Flusher updates the bookkeeping data internal to the log manager and
* acquires appropriate locks. It also acquires finer level locks on the log
* page when it is in process of flushing the content to disk.
class LogPageFlushThread extends Thread {
private LogManager logManager;
* pendingFlushRequests is a map with key as Integer denoting the page
* index. When a (transaction) thread discovers the need to flush a page, it
* puts its Thread object into the corresponding value that is a
* LinkedBlockingQueue. The LogManager has a LogFlusher thread that scans
* this map in order of page index (and circling around). The flusher thread
* needs to flush pages in order and waits for a thread to deposit an object
* in the blocking queue corresponding to the next page in order. A request
* to flush a page is conveyed to the flush thread by simply depositing an
* object in to corresponding blocking queue. It is blocking in the sense
* that the flusher thread will continue to wait for an object to arrive in
* the queue. The object itself is ignored by the fliusher and just acts as
* a signal/event that a page needs to be flushed.
private final LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>[] flushRequestQueue;
private final Object[] flushRequests;
private int pageToFlush;
private final long groupCommitWaitPeriod;
private boolean isRenewRequest;
public LogPageFlushThread(LogManager logManager) {
this.logManager = logManager;
int numLogPages = logManager.getLogManagerProperties().getNumLogPages();
this.flushRequestQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[numLogPages];
this.flushRequests = new Object[numLogPages];
for (int i = 0; i < numLogPages; i++) {
flushRequestQueue[i] = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>(1);
flushRequests[i] = new Object();
this.pageToFlush = -1;
groupCommitWaitPeriod = logManager.getLogManagerProperties().getGroupCommitWaitPeriod();
isRenewRequest = false;
public void renew() {
isRenewRequest = true;
pageToFlush = -1;
isRenewRequest = false;
public void requestFlush(int pageIndex, long lsn, boolean isSynchronous) {
synchronized (logManager.getLogPage(pageIndex)) {
// return if flushedLSN >= lsn
if (logManager.getLastFlushedLsn().get() >= lsn) {
// put a new request to the queue only if the request on the page is
// not in the queue.
// return if the request is asynchronous
if (!isSynchronous) {
// wait until there is flush.
boolean isNotified = false;
while (!isNotified) {
try {
isNotified = true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
pageToFlush = logManager.getNextPageInSequence(pageToFlush);
// A wait call on the linkedBLockingQueue. The flusher thread is
// notified when an object is added to the queue. Please note
// that each page has an associated blocking queue.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
while (isRenewRequest) {
synchronized (logManager.getLogPage(pageToFlush)) {
// lock the internal state of the log manager and create a
// log file if necessary.
int prevLogFileId = logManager.getLogFileId(logManager.getLastFlushedLsn().get());
int nextLogFileId = logManager.getLogFileId(logManager.getLastFlushedLsn().get()
+ logManager.getLogManagerProperties().getLogPageSize());
if (prevLogFileId != nextLogFileId) {
String filePath = LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManager.getLogManagerProperties(), nextLogFileId);
LogUtil.getLogFilePath(logManager.getLogManagerProperties(), nextLogFileId), 0,
// #. sleep during the groupCommitWaitTime
// #. set the logPageStatus to INACTIVE in order to prevent
// other txns from writing on this page.
// #. need to wait until the logPageOwnerCount reaches 1
// meaning every one has finished writing logs on this page.
while (logManager.getLogPageOwnershipCount(pageToFlush).get() != PageOwnershipStatus.LOG_WRITER) {
// #. set the logPageOwnerCount to 0 (LOG_FLUSHER)
// meaning it is flushing.
// put the content to disk (the thread still has a lock on
// the log page)
// increment the last flushed lsn and lastFlushedPage
// decrement activeTxnCountOnIndexes
// reset the count to 1
// Map the log page to a new region in the log file.
long nextWritePosition = logManager.getLogPages()[pageToFlush].getNextWritePosition()
+ logManager.getLogManagerProperties().getLogBufferSize();
logManager.resetLogPage(nextWritePosition, pageToFlush);
// mark the page as ACTIVE
// #. checks the queue whether there is another flush
// request on the same log buffer
// If there is another request, then simply remove it.
if (flushRequestQueue[pageToFlush].peek() != null) {
// notify all waiting (transaction) threads.
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new Error(" exception in flushing log page", ioe);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {