blob: 68f09ae8426cf98e05eb1512bf39b5fe78f3812f [file] [log] [blame]
* Testcase Name : startwith02.aql
* Description : Positive tests
* Success : Yes
* Date : 19th April 2012
// Create internal dataset, insert string data into string field and pass the string field as first input to start-with function
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as {
create dataset testds(TestType) partitioned by key name;
insert into dataset testds({"name":"John Smith"});
insert into dataset testds({"name":"John Doe"});
insert into dataset testds({"name":"John Wayne"});
insert into dataset testds({"name":"Johnson Ben"});
insert into dataset testds({"name":"Johnny Walker"});
insert into dataset testds({"name":"David Smith"});
insert into dataset testds({"name":"Not a Name"});
write output to nc1:"rttest/string_startwith03.adm;
// Return all names that start with John
for $l in dataset('testds')
order by $
where start-with($,"John")
return $l