blob: 4948b6f37b3ac63b3dc23b403b4b65b20dd2c164 [file] [log] [blame]
* Description : Notice the query hint to use an indexed nested-loops join plan.
* : We expect a plan that broadcasts internal dataset DsTwo, then probes internal dataset DsOne’s primary index.
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 29th November 2012
drop dataverse test1 if exists;
create dataverse test1;
create type test1.TestType as open {
key1: int32,
key2: int32,
fname : string,
lname : string
create dataset test1.DsOne(TestType) partitioned by key key1;
create dataset test1.DsTwo(TestType) partitioned by key key1;
// Please note content enclosed in the comment in the predicate is the HINT to the optimizer
write output to nc1:"rttest/btree-index-join_primary-ge-join_02.adm";
for $x in dataset('test1.DsOne')
for $y in dataset('test1.DsTwo')
where $x.key2 /*+ indexnl */ <= $y.key1
return $x