blob: 8ac631e7e020efea3d58f9237e68370f8337ba58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Description : Fuzzy joins two datasets, Customer and Customer2, based on the similarity-jaccard function of their interest sets.
* Customers2 has a keyword index on interests, and we expect the join to be transformed into an indexed nested-loop join.
* Success : Yes
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
cid: int32,
name: string,
age: int32?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) partitioned by key cid;
create dataset Customers2(CustomerType) partitioned by key cid;
create index interests_index on Customers2(interests) type keyword;
write output to nc1:"rttest/inverted-index-join_ulist-jaccard_02.adm";
for $a in dataset('Customers')
for $b in dataset('Customers2')
where /*+ indexnl */ similarity-jaccard($a.interests, $b.interests) >= 0.7f and $a.cid < $b.cid
return {"arec": $a, "brec": $b }