blob: 6d94bc77baef09829366e188383d1d28a7d89014 [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.uci.ics.hyracks.hadoop.compat.util;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
public class CompatibilityConfig {
@Option(name = "-cluster", required = true, usage = "Defines the path to the configuration file that provides the following info: +"
+ " (1) Address of HyracksClusterController service"
+ " (2) Address of Hadoop namenode service")
public String clusterConf;
@Option(name = "-jobFiles", usage = "Comma separated list of jobFiles. "
+ "Each job file defines the hadoop job + "
+ "The order in the list defines the sequence in which"
+ "the jobs are to be executed")
public String jobFiles;
@Option(name = "-applicationName", usage = " The application as part of which the job executes")
public String applicationName;
@Option(name = "-userLibs", usage = " A comma separated list of jar files that are required to be addedd to classpath when running ")
public String userLibs;