blob: ceae53bbf58cfc015463999bf734154f624f8ca2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<@pp.dropOutputFile />
<#list vv.types as type>
<#list type.minor as minor>
<#assign friendlyType = (minor.friendlyType!minor.boxedType!type.boxedType) />
<#assign fields = minor.fields!type.fields />
<@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/arrow/vector/Repeated${minor.class}" />
<#include "/@includes/license.ftl" />
package org.apache.arrow.vector;
<#include "/@includes/vv_imports.ftl" />
* Repeated${minor.class} implements a vector with multple values per row (e.g. JSON array or
* repeated protobuf field). The implementation uses two additional value vectors; one to convert
* the index offset to the underlying element offset, and another to store the number of values
* in the vector.
* NB: this class is automatically generated from ${.template_name} and ValueVectorTypes.tdd using FreeMarker.
public final class Repeated${minor.class}Vector extends BaseRepeatedValueVector implements Repeated<#if type.major == "VarLen">VariableWidth<#else>FixedWidth</#if>VectorLike {
//private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Repeated${minor.class}Vector.class);
// we maintain local reference to concrete vector type for performance reasons.
${minor.class}Vector values;
private final FieldReader reader = new Repeated${minor.class}ReaderImpl(Repeated${minor.class}Vector.this);
private final Mutator mutator = new Mutator();
private final Accessor accessor = new Accessor();
public Repeated${minor.class}Vector(MaterializedField field, BufferAllocator allocator) {
super(field, allocator);
addOrGetVector(VectorDescriptor.create(new MajorType(field.getType().getMinorType(), DataMode.REQUIRED)));
public Mutator getMutator() {
return mutator;
public Accessor getAccessor() {
return accessor;
public FieldReader getReader() {
return reader;
public ${minor.class}Vector getDataVector() {
return values;
public TransferPair getTransferPair(BufferAllocator allocator) {
return new TransferImpl(getField(), allocator);
public TransferPair getTransferPair(String ref, BufferAllocator allocator){
return new TransferImpl(getField().withPath(ref), allocator);
public TransferPair makeTransferPair(ValueVector to) {
return new TransferImpl((Repeated${minor.class}Vector) to);
public AddOrGetResult<${minor.class}Vector> addOrGetVector(VectorDescriptor descriptor) {
final AddOrGetResult<${minor.class}Vector> result = super.addOrGetVector(descriptor);
if (result.isCreated()) {
values = result.getVector();
return result;
public void transferTo(Repeated${minor.class}Vector target) {
public void splitAndTransferTo(final int startIndex, final int groups, Repeated${minor.class}Vector to) {
final UInt4Vector.Accessor a = offsets.getAccessor();
final UInt4Vector.Mutator m = to.offsets.getMutator();
final int startPos = a.get(startIndex);
final int endPos = a.get(startIndex + groups);
final int valuesToCopy = endPos - startPos;
values.splitAndTransferTo(startPos, valuesToCopy, to.values);
to.offsets.allocateNew(groups + 1);
int normalizedPos = 0;
for (int i=0; i < groups + 1;i++ ) {
normalizedPos = a.get(startIndex+i) - startPos;
m.set(i, normalizedPos);
m.setValueCount(groups == 0 ? 0 : groups + 1);
private class TransferImpl implements TransferPair {
final Repeated${minor.class}Vector to;
public TransferImpl(MaterializedField field, BufferAllocator allocator) { = new Repeated${minor.class}Vector(field, allocator);
public TransferImpl(Repeated${minor.class}Vector to) { = to;
public Repeated${minor.class}Vector getTo() {
return to;
public void transfer() {
public void splitAndTransfer(int startIndex, int length) {
splitAndTransferTo(startIndex, length, to);
public void copyValueSafe(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
to.copyFromSafe(fromIndex, toIndex, Repeated${minor.class}Vector.this);
public void copyFrom(int inIndex, int outIndex, Repeated${minor.class}Vector v) {
final Accessor vAccessor = v.getAccessor();
final int count = vAccessor.getInnerValueCountAt(inIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
mutator.add(outIndex, vAccessor.get(inIndex, i));
public void copyFromSafe(int inIndex, int outIndex, Repeated${minor.class}Vector v) {
final Accessor vAccessor = v.getAccessor();
final int count = vAccessor.getInnerValueCountAt(inIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
mutator.addSafe(outIndex, vAccessor.get(inIndex, i));
public boolean allocateNewSafe() {
/* boolean to keep track if all the memory allocation were successful
* Used in the case of composite vectors when we need to allocate multiple
* buffers for multiple vectors. If one of the allocations failed we need to
* clear all the memory that we allocated
boolean success = false;
try {
if(!offsets.allocateNewSafe()) return false;
if(!values.allocateNewSafe()) return false;
success = true;
} finally {
if (!success) {
return true;
public void allocateNew() {
try {
} catch (OutOfMemoryException e) {
throw e;
<#if type.major == "VarLen">
// @Override
// protected SerializedField.Builder getMetadataBuilder() {
// return super.getMetadataBuilder()
// .setVarByteLength(values.getVarByteLength());
// }
public void allocateNew(int totalBytes, int valueCount, int innerValueCount) {
try {
offsets.allocateNew(valueCount + 1);
values.allocateNew(totalBytes, innerValueCount);
} catch (OutOfMemoryException e) {
throw e;
public int getByteCapacity(){
return values.getByteCapacity();
public void allocateNew(int valueCount, int innerValueCount) {
/* boolean to keep track if all the memory allocation were successful
* Used in the case of composite vectors when we need to allocate multiple
* buffers for multiple vectors. If one of the allocations failed we need to//
* clear all the memory that we allocated
boolean success = false;
try {
offsets.allocateNew(valueCount + 1);
} catch(OutOfMemoryException e){
throw e;
// This is declared a subclass of the accessor declared inside of FixedWidthVector, this is also used for
// variable length vectors, as they should ahve consistent interface as much as possible, if they need to diverge
// in the future, the interface shold be declared in the respective value vector superclasses for fixed and variable
// and we should refer to each in the generation template
public final class Accessor extends BaseRepeatedValueVector.BaseRepeatedAccessor {
public List<${friendlyType}> getObject(int index) {
final List<${friendlyType}> vals = new JsonStringArrayList<>();
final UInt4Vector.Accessor offsetsAccessor = offsets.getAccessor();
final int start = offsetsAccessor.get(index);
final int end = offsetsAccessor.get(index + 1);
final ${minor.class}Vector.Accessor valuesAccessor = values.getAccessor();
for(int i = start; i < end; i++) {
return vals;
public ${friendlyType} getSingleObject(int index, int arrayIndex) {
final int start = offsets.getAccessor().get(index);
return values.getAccessor().getObject(start + arrayIndex);
* Get a value for the given record. Each element in the repeated field is accessed by
* the positionIndex param.
* @param index record containing the repeated field
* @param positionIndex position within the repeated field
* @return element at the given position in the given record
public <#if type.major == "VarLen">byte[]
</#if> get(int index, int positionIndex) {
return values.getAccessor().get(offsets.getAccessor().get(index) + positionIndex);
public void get(int index, Repeated${minor.class}Holder holder) {
holder.start = offsets.getAccessor().get(index);
holder.end = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
holder.vector = values;
public void get(int index, int positionIndex, ${minor.class}Holder holder) {
final int offset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index);
assert offset >= 0;
assert positionIndex < getInnerValueCountAt(index);
values.getAccessor().get(offset + positionIndex, holder);
public void get(int index, int positionIndex, Nullable${minor.class}Holder holder) {
final int offset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index);
assert offset >= 0;
if (positionIndex >= getInnerValueCountAt(index)) {
holder.isSet = 0;
values.getAccessor().get(offset + positionIndex, holder);
public final class Mutator extends BaseRepeatedValueVector.BaseRepeatedMutator implements RepeatedMutator {
private Mutator() {}
* Add an element to the given record index. This is similar to the set() method in other
* value vectors, except that it permits setting multiple values for a single record.
* @param index record of the element to add
* @param value value to add to the given row
public void add(int index, <#if type.major == "VarLen">byte[]<#elseif (type.width < 4)>int<#else>${minor.javaType!type.javaType}</#if> value) {
int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
values.getMutator().set(nextOffset, value);
offsets.getMutator().set(index+1, nextOffset+1);
<#if type.major == "VarLen">
public void addSafe(int index, byte[] bytes) {
addSafe(index, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public void addSafe(int index, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) {
final int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
values.getMutator().setSafe(nextOffset, bytes, start, length);
offsets.getMutator().setSafe(index+1, nextOffset+1);
public void addSafe(int index, ${minor.javaType!type.javaType} srcValue) {
final int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
values.getMutator().setSafe(nextOffset, srcValue);
offsets.getMutator().setSafe(index+1, nextOffset+1);
public void setSafe(int index, Repeated${minor.class}Holder h) {
final ${minor.class}Holder ih = new ${minor.class}Holder();
final ${minor.class}Vector.Accessor hVectorAccessor = h.vector.getAccessor();
for(int i = h.start; i < h.end; i++){
hVectorAccessor.get(i, ih);
mutator.addSafe(index, ih);
public void addSafe(int index, ${minor.class}Holder holder) {
int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
values.getMutator().setSafe(nextOffset, holder);
offsets.getMutator().setSafe(index+1, nextOffset+1);
public void addSafe(int index, Nullable${minor.class}Holder holder) {
final int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
values.getMutator().setSafe(nextOffset, holder);
offsets.getMutator().setSafe(index+1, nextOffset+1);
<#if (fields?size > 1) && !(minor.class == "Decimal9" || minor.class == "Decimal18" || minor.class == "Decimal28Sparse" || minor.class == "Decimal38Sparse" || minor.class == "Decimal28Dense" || minor.class == "Decimal38Dense")>
public void addSafe(int arrayIndex, <#list fields as field>${field.type} ${}<#if field_has_next>, </#if></#list>) {
int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(arrayIndex+1);
values.getMutator().setSafe(nextOffset, <#list fields as field>${}<#if field_has_next>, </#if></#list>);
offsets.getMutator().setSafe(arrayIndex+1, nextOffset+1);
protected void add(int index, ${minor.class}Holder holder) {
int nextOffset = offsets.getAccessor().get(index+1);
values.getMutator().set(nextOffset, holder);
offsets.getMutator().set(index+1, nextOffset+1);
public void add(int index, Repeated${minor.class}Holder holder) {
${minor.class}Vector.Accessor accessor = holder.vector.getAccessor();
${minor.class}Holder innerHolder = new ${minor.class}Holder();
for(int i = holder.start; i < holder.end; i++) {
accessor.get(i, innerHolder);
add(index, innerHolder);
public void generateTestData(final int valCount) {
final int[] sizes = {1, 2, 0, 6};
int size = 0;
int runningOffset = 0;
final UInt4Vector.Mutator offsetsMutator = offsets.getMutator();
for(int i = 1; i < valCount + 1; i++, size++) {
runningOffset += sizes[size % sizes.length];
offsetsMutator.set(i, runningOffset);
values.getMutator().generateTestData(valCount * 9);
public void reset() {