document changed javah default
diff --git a/manual/Tasks/javah.html b/manual/Tasks/javah.html
index 0fdc885..2958a2d 100644
--- a/manual/Tasks/javah.html
+++ b/manual/Tasks/javah.html
@@ -38,15 +38,14 @@
 name="implementationvalues">Here are the choices of the attribute</a>:</p>
   <li>default - the default compiler for the platform.</li>
-  <li>sun (the standard compiler of the JDK) - default when not
-    running on Kaffee or gcj/gij or Java9.</li>
+  <li>sun (the standard compiler of the JDK)</li>
   <li>kaffeh (the native standard compiler of <a href="" target="_top">Kaffe</a>)</li>
   <li>gcjh (the native standard compiler
   of <a href=""
         target="_top">gcj and gij</a>) <em>since Apache Ant 1.8.2</em></li>
   <li>forking - runs the javah executable via its command line
-    interface in a separate process. Default wehn running on
-    Java9. <em>since Ant 1.9.8</em></li>
+    interface in a separate process. Default when not running on
+    Kaffee or gcj/gij <em>since Ant 1.9.8</em></li>
 <p><b>Note:</b> if you are using this task to work on multiple files