blob: 21ca1fc8e15ecca6e2178708578748726799868f [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache IvyDE
== Supported Platforms
IvyDE expects to run in a specific environment, please check the link:doc/src/compatibility{outfilesuffix}[documentation]
== Installation
For most user who have access to the internet it is simpler to install the
latest release from the IvyDE updatesite. So just look out there:
If you want to install the zip distribution manually, see the link:doc/src/install{outfilesuffix}[instructions]
== Getting Started
For an introduction to Apache IvyDE and how to use it, please read the link:doc/src/index{outfilesuffix}[documentation]
located in the `doc` subdirectory
== Licensing
This software is licensed under the terms you may find in the file named link:LICENSE["LICENSE"] in this directory
== Building
To be able to build IvyDE yourself, go read that link:doc/src/dev/build{outfilesuffix}[documentation]