blob: c19d94e5938fa54ab7817f726a1432978e2b1cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Ivy (TM) 2.3.0-rc1
Release Notes
1. What is Apache Ivy?
2. Status of this release
3. How to Get Involved
4. How to Report Issues
5. Committers and Contributors for this release
6. List of Changes in this Release
1. What is Apache Ivy?
Apache Ivy is a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting)
project dependencies.
It is characterized by the following:
1. flexibility and configurability
Apache Ivy is essentially process agnostic and is not tied to any
methodology or structure.
Instead it provides the necessary flexibility and configurability
to be adapted to a broad range of dependency management and build
2. tight integration with Apache Ant
while available as a standalone tool, Apache Ivy works particularly well
with Apache Ant providing a number of powerful Ant tasks ranging
from dependency resolution to dependency reporting and publication.
2. Status of this release
This is the first release candidate of Ivy targetting 2.3.0.
As a release candidate version, we strongly encourage the use of this version for
testing and validation. From now on, features are frozen until final 2.3.0 version,
only bug fixes may be applied before 2.3.0. If no outstanding bugs are reported
with this release candidate, it will promoted to 2.3.0 about three weeks after this
release candidate.
3. How to Get Involved
The Apache Ivy project really needs and appreciates any contributions,
including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are interested
in contributing, please visit
4. How to Report Issues
The Apache Ivy project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any
issues you find at
5. Committers and Contributors for this Release
Here is the list of people who have contributed source code and documentation
to this release. Many thanks to all of them, and also to the whole Ivy community
contributing ideas and feedback, and promoting the use of Ivy. The list would be too
long, but Ivy couldn't be what it is without you!
Matt Benson
Maarten Coene
Xavier Hanin
Nicolas Lalevee
Jon Schneider
Gilles Scokart
Arnold Blaasmo
Jean-Louis Boudart
Joseph Boyd
Payam Hekmat
Stepan Koltsov
Douglas Palmer
Torkild U. Resheim
Jens Rohloff
Ben Schmidt
Nihal Sinha
Sven Zethelius
For the list of people who have contributed since Ivy inception, see CHANGES.txt file.
6. List of Changes in this Release
For a full release history of Ivy see the file CHANGES.txt
For details about the following changes, check our JIRA install at
List of changes since Ivy 2.2.0:
- DOCUMENTATION: remove deprecated defaultCache setting from examples (IVY-1273) (thanks to Joseph Boyd)
- DOCUMENTATION: link to FAQ is incorrect in distribution files (IVY-793) (thanks to Joseph Boyd)
- DOCUMENTATION: The tag version-matchers is missing attribute in documentation (IVY-1292) (thanks to Per Arnold Blaasmo)
- DOCUMENTATION: wrong default resolver documented on the 'How does it work' page (IVY-1265)
- DOCUMENTATION: Correct outdated links to configuration pages (IVY-1266)
- NEW: New Ant datatype ivy:resources, an Ant resource collection like ivy:cachepath or ivy:cachefileset (IVY-334)
- NEW: ivy:resolve and post resole task can now have inlined dependencies declaration.
- NEW: Import Bushel into Ivy core (IVY-1241)
- NEW: An new resolver 'mirroredurl' which can handle a list of mirrored URL repositories (IVY-468)
- NEW: Support for a jar resolver (IVY-1312)
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:install task does not allow specification of conf (IVY-1313) (thanks to Nihal Sinha)
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:makepom ignores the artifact type in generated dependencies (IVY-1229) (thanks to Douglas Palmer)
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:makepom now honors exclusion of artifacts in generated pom files (IVY-1294) (thanks to Jens Rohloff)
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for dynamic revisions in <extends> tag (IVY-1281) (thanks to Jean-Louis Boudart)
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:makepom child element dependency should support the type and classifier attributes (IVY-1262)
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:retrieve can now create a path or fileset containing the retrieved artifacts (IVY-1235)
- IMPROVEMENT: Improve diagnostics in ssh resolver (IVY-1267) (thanks to Stepan Koltsov)
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:retrieve can now convert 'dotted'-organisation names into a directory tree.
- IMPROVEMENT: ivy:retrieve now accepts a nested mapper type.
- FIX: Exclude doesn't work when there is some circular dependencies (IVY-1309)
- FIX: Impossible to get artifacts when data has not been loaded for multiple dynamic revisions (IVY-1333)
- FIX: Ivy didn't properly handle some file: URLs (IVY-1340)
- FIX: fallback mechanism didn't work properly for private configurations
- FIX: /localivy target does not work when building Ivy jar (IVY-1338) (thanks to Ben Schmidt)
- FIX: The showprogress=false attribute of ivy:resolve doesn't do what it should (IVY-1052) (thanks to Joseph Boyd)
- FIX: extends ignores defaultconfmapping/defaultconf/confmappingoverride attributes from parent's configurations and dependencies tags (IVY-1213)
- FIX: NullPointerException when providing empty password to <credentials> (IVY-1335)
- FIX: [originalname] not expanded for source and javadoc types during publish in ivy:install (IVY-1324)
- FIX: cannot resolve from repositories that return HTTP 204 in response to an HTTP HEAD request (IVY-1328)
- FIX: extra attributes lost from info when ivy file is merged with parent (IVY-1206)
- FIX: ivy:report ant task intermittently "cannot compile stylesheet" (IVY-1325)
- FIX: Maven 'eclipse-plugin', 'jbi-component' and 'jbi-shared-library' packaging is now mapped to 'jar' extension (IVY-899)
- FIX: Infinite loop in latest-compatible conflict manager (IVY-1233) (thanks to Payam Hekmat and Sven Zethelius)
- FIX: extends section of ivy.xml info does not replace variable in location tag (IVY-1287) (thanks to Jean-Louis Boudart)
- FIX: Valid Path does not work for Filesystem Resolver (IVY-1268)
- FIX: quiet="true" does not surpress download 'dots' on packager resolver (IVY-1269)
- FIX: Dynamic version resolution result can be incorrect when ivy metadata contains extra attributes (IVY-1236)
- FIX: NullPointerException in FileUtil#forceDelete.
- FIX: XmlModuleDescriptorUpdater is a mess that produces broken xmls in many cases (IVY-1010)
- FIX: ivy.xml that contains UTF-8 encoded umlauts cannot be bigger than 10000 bytes (IVY-1253)
- FIX: Can not use a v[revision] in an artifact pattern of a filesystem resolver (IVY-1238)
- FIX: Cached ivy.xml is invalid if the description contains the ampersand entity (&amp;) (IVY-1237)
- FIX: Couldn't authenticate against sites having the same address as the proxy server (IVY-1234)
- FIX: OutOfMemoryError when uploading large files using commons-httpclient (IVY-1197) (thanks to Torkild U. Resheim)
- FIX: Only the last dependency descriptor is taken into account on the same module (IVY-1240)
- FIX: UseCacheOnly doesn't respect the cache configuration in the ivysettings (IVY-1227)
- FIX: UseCacheOnly is influenced by the TTL on cached metadata (IVY-1243)
- FIX: ConcurrentModificationException on ivy settings loading (IVY-1250)
- FIX: Module inheritance sometimes fails to locate parent descriptor in deliver process (IVY-1248) (thanks to Jean-Louis Boudart)
- FIX: <cachefileset> on an empty configuration produces a very slow-to-evaluate fileset (IVY-1272)
- FIX: Ivy does not apply overridden properties to m2 parent dependency versions specified using properties (IVY-1299)
- FIX: Ivy does not apply overridden properties to m2 parent dependency versions specified using dependencyManagement properties (IVY-1301)